Minor probs Alpha7

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Minor probs Alpha7

#1 Post by nap44 »

Have just encountered a couple of minor bugs on Alpha7 of Dingo.
Apologies if they have already been reported and fixed.

1. All the icons in Fotox are the same, that is a sheet of paper with a red "X" within.
Also clicking on an image file opens mtpaint as the default. Perhaps better to open Fotox (or another image viewer) instead, as I think most users would be just viewing the image rather than wanting to edit it. I do anyway, but is a question of choice.
Using jpg image as test and clicking "Open with", shows Gview but this only allows 1 image at a time whereas fotox allows index and slide show.
Run action can be set to fotox "$1" to force, but perhaps s/be default.

2. Time is set to Perth local time and needs to be manually changed to ... in my case to Sydney time. Previous versions did this automatically, and catered for daylight saving, although I can't remember which ones.

3. When a web page is open in Seamonkey and File...Print Preview is activated, the web page is closed and Seamonkey is shut down. This also happened in Alpha6.

4. Pmount will not recognise my 4th USB stick (vfat). The hardware check shows that it is there and correctly identifies it, but in pmount it does not show up. Therefore can't mount it. I remember in previous versions of Puppy MUT would always recognise my drives and sticks, but pmount always left one out.
BTW, my 4th usb stick is attached to a 4 port hub into which I also have plugged an external HDD, a voip phone and a logitech camera.
System properties identifies the USB to IDE HDD, the camera and the phone and the USB stick. Pmount also does not show my external HDD so it can't be mounted. This drive has it's own on/off switch so maybe it needs to be switched on before loading Puppy. Clicking refresh makes no difference. The drive is an NTFS partition as is my main drive which I can mount no problem.

5. Feel Gxine is better than xine, for me anyway, but it has a habit of hanging my machine requiring a reboot. Ctrl..Alt..Bspace or Ctrl X failed to recover control. Happened when clicking on a web based TV show in the menu's.

6. When shutting down, no option is available to remove the disc. It just closes. Just irritating that's all particularly when I wish to boot into XP at next startup. Have to be quick to get disc out before too far into the boot.

And lastly, in my case, changing the citrus theme back to the default results in a much snappier machine.

Hope some of the above will be of interest. This latest version is the best so far and is looking to be a excellent substitute for win.

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#2 Post by alienjeff »

Thanks! However, your report belongs here: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=26985, not as a separate post. It would help if you give a rundown of your equipment, as some problems can be hardware-specific.
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Re: Minor probs Alpha7

#3 Post by BarryK »

nap44 wrote:1. All the icons in Fotox are the same, that is a sheet of paper with a red "X" within.
Also clicking on an image file opens mtpaint as the default. Perhaps better to open Fotox (or another image viewer) instead, as I think most users would be just viewing the image rather than wanting to edit it. I do anyway, but is a question of choice.
Using jpg image as test and clicking "Open with", shows Gview but this only allows 1 image at a time whereas fotox allows index and slide show.
Run action can be set to fotox "$1" to force, but perhaps s/be default.
Thanks for the feedback.
Ah, I had put the Fotox images in the wrong place, at /usr/local/fotox whereas they should be at /usr/share/fotox. This is a change from the version 34. Also the /usr/bin/fotox symlink has to be changed.
I've fixed it.

Yes, I was thinkng that when click on an image in Rox, gview should be used. I suppose it does come down to choice. We probably need people to vote on this.
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Re: Minor probs Alpha7

#4 Post by BarryK »

nap44 wrote:2. Time is set to Perth local time and needs to be manually changed to ... in my case to Sydney time. Previous versions did this automatically, and catered for daylight saving, although I can't remember which ones.
I don't recall what version of Puppy that was. It automatically chose the local time based on what keyboard layout you chose. But, there were objections to that, as it often guessed wrong, for example someone using a US keyboard in Germany.
It doesn't take long to select your location, just click on the 'setup' icon on desktop and follow the prompts.

The alternative would be to ask up-front, just as keyboard layout is asked on first boot.

Or, there was another thread on this forum with another solution, that determined your physical location automatically, but you have to be online for that.
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Re: Minor probs Alpha7

#5 Post by BarryK »

nap44 wrote:3. When a web page is open in Seamonkey and File...Print Preview is activated, the web page is closed and Seamonkey is shut down. This also happened in Alpha6.

4. Pmount will not recognise my 4th USB stick (vfat). The hardware check shows that it is there and correctly identifies it, but in pmount it does not show up. Therefore can't mount it. I remember in previous versions of Puppy MUT would always recognise my drives and sticks, but pmount always left one out.
BTW, my 4th usb stick is attached to a 4 port hub into which I also have plugged an external HDD, a voip phone and a logitech camera.
System properties identifies the USB to IDE HDD, the camera and the phone and the USB stick. Pmount also does not show my external HDD so it can't be mounted. This drive has it's own on/off switch so maybe it needs to be switched on before loading Puppy. Clicking refresh makes no difference. The drive is an NTFS partition as is my main drive which I can mount no problem.

5. Feel Gxine is better than xine, for me anyway, but it has a habit of hanging my machine requiring a reboot. Ctrl..Alt..Bspace or Ctrl X failed to recover control. Happened when clicking on a web based TV show in the menu's.

6. When shutting down, no option is available to remove the disc. It just closes. Just irritating that's all particularly when I wish to boot into XP at next startup. Have to be quick to get disc out before too far into the boot.
Regarding point 3, I won't test that right now!

Regarding point 4, what do you get if you type this in a terminal:
# probepart
...it may be useful if you could look into the /usr/sbin/probepart script and see where it is going wrong in your case. probepart and probedisk are the two core scripts that pmount uses.

Dingo beta is expected to have mut2 and Pmount will have a choice of switching between using probepart/probedisk and mut2 as the underlying engine.

Regarding point 5, it is a headache trying to choose the best media player. Xine-ui has problems, Mplayer clashes with JWM window manager. On my laptop and using the kernel, Gxine runs ok.
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Re: Minor probs Alpha7

#6 Post by nap44 »

Hi Barry,
Thanks for the quick reply and fix. Just a further observation though.
Gview opens one image at a time and has limited editing options.
Mtpaint, at least on my machine, opens the image scaled up so that it does not fit the window. Requires a bit of stuffing around to get the display to fit the screen but it does have a lot of editing power.
Fotox has a great slideshow, and an image icon display which makes it very easy to select pics. It's editing is also quite good and very easy to use. IMHO it is the pick of the bunch to link to. Others may differ.

BarryK wrote:
nap44 wrote:1. All the icons in Fotox are the same, that is a sheet of paper with a red "X" within.
Also clicking on an image file opens mtpaint as the default. Perhaps better to open Fotox (or another image viewer) instead, as I think most users would be just viewing the image rather than wanting to edit it. I do anyway, but is a question of choice.
Using jpg image as test and clicking "Open with", shows Gview but this only allows 1 image at a time whereas fotox allows index and slide show.
Run action can be set to fotox "$1" to force, but perhaps s/be default.
Thanks for the feedback.
Ah, I had put the Fotox images in the wrong place, at /usr/local/fotox whereas they should be at /usr/share/fotox. This is a change from the version 34. Also the /usr/bin/fotox symlink has to be changed.
I've fixed it.

Yes, I was thinkng that when click on an image in Rox, gview should be used. I suppose it does come down to choice. We probably need people to vote on this.
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Re: Minor probs Alpha7

#7 Post by nap44 »

Think it is important to have this process as automatic as possible to pick up the users location.

BTW, I'm running from the live CD so expect a full install would only require this once, but it's now a bit frustrating to muck around with this when it was functioning perfectly before.

When resetting time, it's surprising to see the screen go black first THEN the info box is displayed after the event informing the user that quote "your screen might turn black now for several seconds...just wait". Chicken and egg! :o

Also when setting time to local, all my applications closed and I lost everything I was doing. If manual setting is required for each time log in, then the act of resetting should not close any open applications. Suspect something not quite right here.

BarryK wrote:
nap44 wrote:2. Time is set to Perth local time and needs to be manually changed to ... in my case to Sydney time. Previous versions did this automatically, and catered for daylight saving, although I can't remember which ones.
I don't recall what version of Puppy that was. It automatically chose the local time based on what keyboard layout you chose. But, there were objections to that, as it often guessed wrong, for example someone using a US keyboard in Germany.
It doesn't take long to select your location, just click on the 'setup' icon on desktop and follow the prompts.

The alternative would be to ask up-front, just as keyboard layout is asked on first boot.

Or, there was another thread on this forum with another solution, that determined your physical location automatically, but you have to be online for that.
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Re: Minor probs Alpha7

#8 Post by nap44 »

Hi again Barry,
Copy of my probes:-
# probepart
# probedisk
/dev/sda|Direct-Access| USB DISK 2.0
/dev/sdb|Direct-Access|VBTM Store 'n' Go
/dev/sdc|Direct-Access|USB Flash Disk
/dev/sdd|Direct-Access|ICSI IC1210 CF
/dev/sde|Direct-Access|ICSI IC1210 MS
/dev/sdf|Direct-Access|ICSI IC1210 MMC/SD
/dev/sdg|Direct-Access|ICSI IC1210 SM
/dev/sdi|Direct-Access|SAMSUNG SP2514N
/dev/hdc|cdrom|LITE-ON DVDRW SHM-165P6S

In hardware storage, all drives are recognised correctly. H1 and I1 are the drives that don't seem to be picked up.
My machine is a P4 with 1gig mem and the drives as seen above.
Come back if you need further info.

BarryK wrote:
nap44 wrote:3. When a web page is open in Seamonkey and File...Print Preview is activated, the web page is closed and Seamonkey is shut down. This also happened in Alpha6.

4. Pmount will not recognise my 4th USB stick (vfat). The hardware check shows that it is there and correctly identifies it, but in pmount it does not show up. Therefore can't mount it. I remember in previous versions of Puppy MUT would always recognise my drives and sticks, but pmount always left one out.
BTW, my 4th usb stick is attached to a 4 port hub into which I also have plugged an external HDD, a voip phone and a logitech camera.
System properties identifies the USB to IDE HDD, the camera and the phone and the USB stick. Pmount also does not show my external HDD so it can't be mounted. This drive has it's own on/off switch so maybe it needs to be switched on before loading Puppy. Clicking refresh makes no difference. The drive is an NTFS partition as is my main drive which I can mount no problem.

5. Feel Gxine is better than xine, for me anyway, but it has a habit of hanging my machine requiring a reboot. Ctrl..Alt..Bspace or Ctrl X failed to recover control. Happened when clicking on a web based TV show in the menu's.

6. When shutting down, no option is available to remove the disc. It just closes. Just irritating that's all particularly when I wish to boot into XP at next startup. Have to be quick to get disc out before too far into the boot.
Regarding point 3, I won't test that right now!

Regarding point 4, what do you get if you type this in a terminal:
# probepart
...it may be useful if you could look into the /usr/sbin/probepart script and see where it is going wrong in your case. probepart and probedisk are the two core scripts that pmount uses.

Dingo beta is expected to have mut2 and Pmount will have a choice of switching between using probepart/probedisk and mut2 as the underlying engine.

Regarding point 5, it is a headache trying to choose the best media player. Xine-ui has problems, Mplayer clashes with JWM window manager. On my laptop and using the kernel, Gxine runs ok.
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Re: Minor probs Alpha7

#9 Post by nap44 »

Hi Barry,
I'm writing this using Puppy 214R. In this version, the date is set correctly for Sydney including the daylight saving adjustment. Also it seems quicker and snappier than Dingo 4 Alpha7.

Puppy 214R has both MUT and pmount and this is what I get when I run them.
MUT picks up all my drives except my external 250gig Samsung and my Kingston traveler stick. sdh and sdi respectively. It shows them in the MUT window but there is nothing beside them like mount etc. Just the USB connection icon.
On the other hand, pmount only shows my Main HDD and my secondary HDD and my CD rom. Does not display any of my USB sticks or the external HDD.

This is a list of the probes:-
sh-3.00# probepart

sh-3.00# probedisk
/dev/hdc|cdrom|LITE-ON DVDRW SHM-165P6S
/dev/sda|Direct-Access|VBTM Store 'n' Go
/dev/sdb|Direct-Access| USB DISK 2.0
/dev/sdc|Direct-Access|USB Flash Disk
/dev/sdd|Direct-Access|ICSI IC1210 CF
/dev/sde|Direct-Access|ICSI IC1210 MS
/dev/sdf|Direct-Access|ICSI IC1210 MMC/SD
/dev/sdg|Direct-Access|ICSI IC1210 SM
/dev/sdh|Direct-Access|SAMSUNG SP2514N
/dev/sdi|Direct-Access|Kingston DataTraveler2.0

Also in Dingo Alpha7, I can't see the "Take a screen shot" program. I'm not in Alpha7 now, but I'm sure it was missing! Unless my eyes! :)

In 214R, the display on screen of the drives on the desktop is terrific. You can immediately see which ones are mounted and those that are not. Maybe this could be incorporated in Alpha7.

BarryK wrote:
nap44 wrote:2. Time is set to Perth local time and needs to be manually changed to ... in my case to Sydney time. Previous versions did this automatically, and catered for daylight saving, although I can't remember which ones.
I don't recall what version of Puppy that was. It automatically chose the local time based on what keyboard layout you chose. But, there were objections to that, as it often guessed wrong, for example someone using a US keyboard in Germany.
It doesn't take long to select your location, just click on the 'setup' icon on desktop and follow the prompts.

The alternative would be to ask up-front, just as keyboard layout is asked on first boot.

Or, there was another thread on this forum with another solution, that determined your physical location automatically, but you have to be online for that.
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#10 Post by BarryK »

# probepart
The "none" where there should be a filesystem type is due to Jesse's 'guess_fstype' utility, that probepart calls.
If you were to type:
# guess_fstype /dev/sdh1
it will probably return "unknown".

Jesse has recently impoved that utility and it will be in Dingo beta. I have compiled it, attached. This is compiled statically with uClibc so should work in all puppies. In Dingo, it goes into /sbin, in most older puppies it is ...somewhere else.
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#11 Post by BarryK »

Ah, no, I have just realised why sdh1 and sdi1 do not work. It is not because of guess_fstype. No, the devices are missing from the /dev directory, which only goes up to sdf -- I guess that I did not think anyone would want beyond that.
Ok, I ill have to use the 'mknod' utility to create some more, in the initial ramdisk also.

Um, you can do it too:
# mknod /dev/sdg b 8 96
# mknod /dev/sdg1 b 8 97
# mknod /dev/sdh b 8 112
# mknod /dev/sdh1 b 8 113
# mknod /dev/sdi b 8 128
# mknod /dev/sdi1 b 8 129
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#12 Post by nap44 »

Hi Barry,
Thanks for that. The reason I have so many devices is that I have a multi function SD/MMC card reader in one of my drives. Each type is assigned a device in order of boot. So my usb stick and external hard drive are last in line and don't get allocated a position. So your proposed fix will eliminate the problem in the beta.

Just on another topic. When you finally construct the beta, could you include the very latest Cups printer program. It's a constant frustration to me and from past forum posts, to others as well, to download a latest beta or even a distribution, whether Puppy or another linux derivative and find that my printer is not listed. Mainly because the cups is 0.3 version which is about Dec2006 vintage. My printer is a Canon MP160 and drivers are scarce but some of the latest linux distributions include a Gutenprint driver which works fine. The 0.3 version does not include any MP type drivers or indeed any of the latest range of printers and there are a lots out there. Seems always to be stuck in a time warp. It's one of the first things I like to setup so that I can print out instructions and posts etc that I can read them off line. Overall, I think the printing aspect takes a back seat in linux but to attract win users it is vital to be able to set this up seamlessly.

I'm typing this using the latest TeenPup2008 which I downloaded last night and despite it being an excellent Puppy, yet again it has Cups 0.3 which is a dotpup included package but long outdated. So I'm stuck once again. Oddly, it has the latest SeaMonkey 1.1.8 but the old 0.3 cups. And I haven't even thought about the scanner side. What do I do?

Also it has Skype included which works ok but my Logitech quickcam webcamera does not work and I have no idea how to set it up. Additionally I have a dorio web phone which I use in conjunction with my webcam and Skype in my windows box, but haven't a clue how to get it going in Puppy.

These minor irritations keep you attached to windows and I need to keep going back to windows to print and use these facilities.

Anyway, now that I've got that off my chest, it's heartening to see so many dedicated and smart people involved in
Puppy. My comments in no way denigrate the hard work everyone puts in. Puppy is fantastic!

Finally, I believe there exists two types of users involved in Puppy. The developers and tinkerers who like nothing else but to pull it apart, make improvements and constantly develop it.
Others, such as myself are very much amateurs who are looking for a genuine replacement for windows. But until linux (and Puppy is the ideal candidate) allows a painless migration from windows, users will simply get so frustrated they will revert to windows each time a problem is encountered. In a nutshell, (excluding all the dedicated programmers out there), escapee's from windows need these basics already set up or available to be set up easily.
1. Web and email access. (mostly problem free setup).
2. Ability to read/reply and open documents sent to them in windows formats out of the box. (Varies with each distribution. eg receiving a ppt or pps or wmv movies from a friend).
3. Printer function out of the box, which incorporates functionality for modern printers, instead of all the obsolete ones shown in the cups listings. (this drives me crazy)
4. Web cam operation. (works fine in any windows but a real pain in linux).
5. Ability to use vital windows programs in linux. For example, I have many large complicated Excel spreadsheets developed over time which contain much macro code. Try as I have, but not yet succeeded in running within linux using Wine. For me, this is one aspect of linux that will keep me tied to windows. I simply can't redo all that code in another spreadsheet package.
6. Anyway, just one final observation. IMHO there are too many choices and naming conventions in all the linux distributions. Some may find this highly desirable if you want to fiddle with applications. For the dedicated user who just wants a stable easy to use operating system that covers basic aspects of everyday work it is highly confusing. I think this is a basic flaw in the linux concept. It can't be all things to all men.
Why not have just one fully tested package for each application but allow the user to select an option to install another in it's place.
Just look at the latest TeenPup2008. It has two or three applications for each task. Just confuses the hell out of me.

Above all, I don't intend my comments to be bashing any of the authors so please don't take it that way. It's just my lame attempt to try and get some stabilisation into the whole Linux thing and lure users to the wonderful world of linux.


BarryK wrote:Ah, no, I have just realised why sdh1 and sdi1 do not work. It is not because of guess_fstype. No, the devices are missing from the /dev directory, which only goes up to sdf -- I guess that I did not think anyone would want beyond that.
Ok, I ill have to use the 'mknod' utility to create some more, in the initial ramdisk also.

Um, you can do it too:
# mknod /dev/sdg b 8 96
# mknod /dev/sdg1 b 8 97
# mknod /dev/sdh b 8 112
# mknod /dev/sdh1 b 8 113
# mknod /dev/sdi b 8 128
# mknod /dev/sdi1 b 8 129
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#13 Post by nap44 »

Hi Barry,
Thanks for that. The reason I have so many devices is that I have a multi function SD/MMC card reader in one of my drives. Each type is assigned a device in order of boot. So my usb stick and external hard drive are last in line and don't get allocated a position. So your proposed fix will eliminate the problem in the beta.

Just on another topic. When you finally construct the beta, could you include the very latest Cups printer program. It's a constant frustration to me and from past forum posts, to others as well, to download a latest beta or even a distribution, whether Puppy or another linux derivative and find that my printer is not listed. Mainly because the cups is 0.3 version which is about Dec2006 vintage. My printer is a Canon MP160 and drivers are scarce but some of the latest linux distributions include a Gutenprint driver which works fine. The 0.3 version does not include any MP type drivers or indeed any of the latest range of printers and there are a lots out there. Seems always to be stuck in a time warp. It's one of the first things I like to setup so that I can print out instructions and posts etc that I can read them off line. Overall, I think the printing aspect takes a back seat in linux but to attract win users it is vital to be able to set this up seamlessly.

I'm typing this using the latest TeenPup2008 which I downloaded last night and despite it being an excellent Puppy, yet again it has Cups 0.3 which is a dotpup included package but long outdated. So I'm stuck once again. Oddly, it has the latest SeaMonkey 1.1.8 but the old 0.3 cups. And I haven't even thought about the scanner side. What do I do?

Also it has Skype included which works ok but my Logitech quickcam webcamera does not work and I have no idea how to set it up. Additionally I have a dorio web phone which I use in conjunction with my webcam and Skype in my windows box, but haven't a clue how to get it going in Puppy.

These minor irritations keep you attached to windows and I need to keep going back to windows to print and use these facilities.

Anyway, now that I've got that off my chest, it's heartening to see so many dedicated and smart people involved in
Puppy. My comments in no way denigrate the hard work everyone puts in. Puppy is fantastic!

Finally, I believe there exists two types of users involved in Puppy. The developers and tinkerers who like nothing else but to pull it apart, make improvements and constantly develop it.
Others, such as myself are very much amateurs who are looking for a genuine replacement for windows. But until linux (and Puppy is the ideal candidate) allows a painless migration from windows, users will simply get so frustrated they will revert to windows each time a problem is encountered. In a nutshell, (excluding all the dedicated programmers out there), escapee's from windows need these basics already set up or available to be set up easily.
1. Web and email access. (mostly problem free setup).
2. Ability to read/reply and open documents sent to them in windows formats out of the box. (Varies with each distribution. eg receiving a ppt or pps or wmv movies from a friend).
3. Printer function out of the box, which incorporates functionality for modern printers, instead of all the obsolete ones shown in the cups listings. (this drives me crazy)
4. Web cam operation. (works fine in any windows but a real pain in linux).
5. Ability to use vital windows programs in linux. For example, I have many large complicated Excel spreadsheets developed over time which contain much macro code. Try as I have, but not yet succeeded in running within linux using Wine. For me, this is one aspect of linux that will keep me tied to windows. I simply can't redo all that code in another spreadsheet package.
6. Anyway, just one final observation. IMHO there are too many choices and naming conventions in all the linux distributions. Some may find this highly desirable if you want to fiddle with applications. For the dedicated user who just wants a stable easy to use operating system that covers basic aspects of everyday work it is highly confusing. I think this is a basic flaw in the linux concept. It can't be all things to all men.
Why not have just one fully tested package for each application but allow the user to select an option to install another in it's place.
Just look at the latest TeenPup2008. It has two or three applications for each task. Just confuses the hell out of me.

Above all, I don't intend my comments to be bashing any of the authors so please don't take it that way. It's just my lame attempt to try and get some stabilisation into the whole Linux thing and lure users to the wonderful world of linux.


BarryK wrote:Ah, no, I have just realised why sdh1 and sdi1 do not work. It is not because of guess_fstype. No, the devices are missing from the /dev directory, which only goes up to sdf -- I guess that I did not think anyone would want beyond that.
Ok, I ill have to use the 'mknod' utility to create some more, in the initial ramdisk also.

Um, you can do it too:
# mknod /dev/sdg b 8 96
# mknod /dev/sdg1 b 8 97
# mknod /dev/sdh b 8 112
# mknod /dev/sdh1 b 8 113
# mknod /dev/sdi b 8 128
# mknod /dev/sdi1 b 8 129
John Doe
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Re: Minor probs Alpha7

#14 Post by John Doe »

BarryK wrote:
nap44 wrote:3. When a web page is open in Seamonkey and File...Print Preview is activated, the web page is closed and Seamonkey is shut down. This also happened in Alpha6.
Regarding point 3, I won't test that right now!
Barry, i saw your blog post on this.

ran some tests:

# seamonkey
/usr/lib/seamonkey-1.1.6/run-mozilla.sh: line 131: 15072 Segmentation fault "$prog" ${1+"$@"}
# geany /usr/lib/seamonkey-1.1.6/run-mozilla.sh

just after line 131 (or so) there is a var $prog. is seamonkey trying to reopen itself or something? perhaps it's not a seamonkey problem but a script problem with the way it's launched that is buggering up the process somehow? the '1+' in that makes me wonder if a print preview program of some type needs to be set in the seamonkey config.

just lots of guesses. i'll report back if i figure any more out.
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#15 Post by John Doe »

tried to debug it, attached is a compressed txt file of what i got.
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#16 Post by nap44 »

Have duplicated my earlier post. Had a crash whilst uploading. Apologies!
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I vote for a light image viewer as the default action in ROX

#17 Post by jeffrey »

I usually click on images in ROX just to view them. I've added rotate-clockwise, rotate-anticlockwise, and open-directory-for-slideshow extra actions for an image file. Sometimes I want to edit the file, and mtpaint is great for that. My preference would be for the default action to be a fast image viewer that can display an 800x600 image or an original 2560x1620 image at a reasonable size on the screen immediately on opening. mtpaint opens it the high res picture at 100% which is much too big to fit on my screen, so I then have to resize it. I know that's a bit picky, but it would be nice if the image viewer was just that little bit more intuitive than mtpaint.
I'll be quite happy whatever the outcome.
(Having trouble with sound at present using Fedora and wondered if my sound card was broken, so booted Puppy and the sound works fine. What a great distribution this is!)
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Citrus Theme

#18 Post by FuturePerfect »

I vote fof the Citrus Theme as the default in Dingo. Like the bold statement it makes.
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john biles
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#19 Post by john biles »

Hello Barry K,
I guess the first thing you need to do is sit down and think what image do I want Puppy to have, how do you want user's to see Puppy.
The original Puppy was give a Windows 95-98 look and this is how it was referred to in Reviews of Puppy. Was that your original idea for Puppy or did it just turn out that way.
I know if you look at the forum, one big area Puppy user's modify is the look of Puppy.
Sadly in this world looks count big time in the mind of non tech PC users.
If it looks nice they'll try it. I can not remember how many times I've read about users downloading an older version of Puppy, taking a look at its Looks and then putting the CD on the shelf to collect dust. Later when they've tried a later version and took the time and looked past Puppy's looks they where hooked.

I know when I went searching the Web for themes for TEENpup, I found that there was a good number to choose from.

The question I'd be asking is does a few nice desktop icons and themes really add that much to Puppy. Is it worth having a nicer desktop if the iso has to grow a MB or so.

On the current theme, it bright happy, but is it the image you want. To me the puppy 3 series looks more professional. Why not make the ICEWM the default and make a real statement where Puppy is no longer seen as a Windows 95-98 clone in Reviews, but a beautiful fast version of Linux others will want to copy.
Last edited by john biles on Fri 14 Mar 2008, 07:03, edited 1 time in total.
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Viking Sailor
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#20 Post by Viking Sailor »


Please not the Citrus Theme! Maybe something in a nice blue. A sea scrape perhaps. :D


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