The Darke Arte

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The Darke Arte

#1 Post by Lobster »

Many moons ago science was really the ability to work metal. It came from Egypt, a country with rich black Nile soil. This metal working skill was known as the 'Black Arte' or in Arabic Al-Kemi. Later on this name would be applied to programming.

Now some people like to froth at the mouth at the mention of programming or watchcraft or witchcraft (or whoever). For these wikid people need to be roasted for the good of their souls by the pure and virtuous (which leaves me out)

It is the sort of job G W Bush (that good man) would be only to willing to try and fry . . . He is a good man? Stupid maybe, imbecilic - perhaps - but good? Surely good? After all slaughter for oil and prophet - that is a good thing - surely . . .

Which brings us to Linux.

As we all know the penguin is a mark of the devil (a bird that can not fly? - Pah that is about as likely as a dinosaur with feathers!)

It is clear to every right thinking individual that the Church of Redmond and their Pope are only interested in looking out for us sheep - for our mint.

Repent brothers and sisters - follow the light of the Windows. Believe in the True Way of Vista.

I leave you now with the words of the blasphmer "rarsa"
Maybe it's just a matter of labels. If you define soul as a methaphysical entity that define us. I can discount it.

If you define soul as our identity (without the 'methaphysical' label) I cannot discount it.
We are physical entities and are ruled by physical laws. If you call that God, good.

If conservation of matter and energy can be called ethernal life, and that fits your rational needs, great.

So there is a rational need for religion for some people and that's OK.
There is a rational for not believing in supernatural entities and that's OK.
We can preach our own beliefs. We should never try impose them.
That should get some of you going a bit . . . :twisted:
Troll? Moi? (Lobster looks around innocently)
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#2 Post by Ian »

I believe the earth is flat and I can prove it.

If it was curved I would be walking uphill all the time and would be exhausted in a very short period of time.
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#3 Post by Pizzasgood »

Church of Redmond? Bah! They are the heritics, not I. Just because they say they are right doesn't make it so. The Catholics sold "get out of hell free" cards, and Redmond sells "Get out of putting forth effort and loose your freedom free" cards. Gates can bite me! *patiently waits for lightning* Nope, I didn't think so.

I believe the earth is flat
I look out my window, and I see a hill. I look out the back door, and I see a ditch. When I was in Montana, I saw mountains. When I was in somewhere else around there, I saw canyons. In Georgia, I saw a pit called a "Shopping Center." From what I understand, New Orleans is below sea level. To my knowledge, Stone Mountain, Georgia, is above sea level. I have been there, so I know it is above ground. From the top, I saw other variations of height.

So take that! The earth is a turtle shell, not flat! Muahahahahahaaaa!

(Yes, I did eat six jawbreakers, ten packs of sweet tarts, three tootsie rolls, and a roll of smarties. So sue me :P ) (Not to mention that the entire state is out of school for Monday and Tuesday)

EDIT: Incedentally, the end of the world has come and gone: Proof 1 and Proof 2
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#4 Post by Rich »

Incedentally, the end of the world has come and gone:

Damn..........must have slept in and missed that one.
Is it being repeated??
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#5 Post by Pizzasgood »

According to the guy on the curb, it will be re-run tomorrow for anyone who missed it the first time.
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#6 Post by rarsa »

I leave you now with the words of the blasphmer "rarsa"
Agnostic you meant?
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#7 Post by Lobster »

rarsa wrote:
I leave you now with the words of the blasphemer "rarsa"
Agnostic you meant?
Yes I meant agnosticism is a form of blasphemy in some quarters . . . As someone with their own open source diety, for me, the only blasphemy is certainty . . .
Not quite sure about that - it might change . . .

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#8 Post by kcin »

Tossing my hat into this ring, heedless of the risks:

Although this may represent a significant departure from the precise thought-train of this thread, and...

Although I personally am a Devout Eclectic, and Practicing Priapist Monk, I have recently discovered that I am also a fervent FSM Sympathizer.

...Therefore I submit the following items of interest for your perusal and edification:

...perhaps an open-source chapter will arise and evolve, whenceforth the current FSM refererent ("...touched by his noodley appendage...") will, of necessity, be adjusted to "touched by ... his gnu-dley appendage."

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imposing beliefs

#9 Post by mortlocl »

Geez Lobster,
what the heck are you on?

though I guess (as they say) in this 'information age', technology is the new religion.
Guess that makes you some sort of priest? go to your cell, get on your knees and whip yourself with the mouse cable seven times.....and no rubbish about useing wireless.

re. the puppy promotions...there's a web site out there for Linux artists. With the graphic (and sound) abilities of puppy they should know about it...just a thought.
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Re: imposing beliefs

#10 Post by Lobster »

mortlocl wrote:Geez Lobster,
what the heck are you on?
:oops: Fermented Seaweed :oops:
I believe the earth is flat and I can prove it.

If it was curved I would be walking uphill all the time and would be exhausted in a very short period of time.
Thanks Ian for putting us straight.
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#11 Post by Pizzasgood »

Actually, you would be walking downhill.

If you are a believer in the round Earth, here are some interesting tidbits:

Moving eastward makes you lighter and westward makes you heaver.
Reason: Earth spins to the east. The spinning lightens you. If you aremoving east, you are spinning faster, so you are lighter. If you are going west, you spin slower, so you are heavier.

If Earth stopped spinning, you would gain weight.

You weigh less when the moon is overhead.

If you go west fast enough, you can make the sun rise in the west.

If you dug a perfectly straight tunnel to somewhere distant (not just on the other side, think 30 degrees or so also), you could hop on your skate board and you would coast down it, then start slowing down, and wind up going back and forth until you stop in the middle. But the tunnel would be perfectly straight, with no hills.

Another thing I've been thinking about: You know how people like to show gravity as a trampoline/rubber-sheet, and mass as a marble/bowling ball? Well, why not envision it as a shere rather than a plane. Then, the mass would be drawn towards the center. More mass = deeper hole. The hole can only go as deep as the center. It's radius can increase, though. The center is a single point. Other masses could also reach the center. That means that the masses would come togeather at a single point. Those holes that reach the center could be black holes. So, the center of all black holes would be the same point. A black hole is really just a superdense ball of matter, and the amount of matter determines it's strength. So, a bigger black hole would have a bigger radius in the model, but it would be just as deep as the others. It would have it's own matter, but the point in the center would be shared with all sufficiently massive objects.

I'm probably completely wrong, but it's something to think about. After all, if space is supposedly "round," that would mean that gravity would be affecting a round area as well. Not necissarily a sphere, but the concept is similar for other shapes.

EDIT: Yep, I'm wrong. :roll: It was fun though.
Last edited by Pizzasgood on Sat 15 Oct 2005, 17:20, edited 1 time in total.
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#12 Post by Lobster »

Thanks pizza

Have placed your comments here (still developing that wiki page)

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#13 Post by Pizzasgood »

Hmm... Keenerd informed me that my dent theory had a couple dents in it. Oh well.

Space is supposed to be "round" in a four(or more)-dimensional way. Matter warps space. That means that the warps could touch, which is what I was getting at. My sphericle trampoline was an attempt at showing how gravity/matter does it. I could have used the well known (in my experience anyway) example of folding a piece of paper so an ant can get across, but that doesn't show how gravity/matter helps.

Multiple dimensions are fun. Here's what keenerd told me. I never thought about it like this before:
keenerd wrote:Try this: Put yourself in a 2D world, a Flatland or a sheet of paper. Put your arm out, and spin in a circle, pointing in all 360 degrees. Now, the 3D dimension extends in a direction at right angles to ALL of the direction you just pointed in. For a Flatlander, this sort of thing is incomprehesible. So, in the real 3D world, put out your arm and point in all directions. Spin around, and trace out a sphere. The fouth dimension is perpendicular to all of those at once. No one can literally understand it.
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#14 Post by aahhaaa »

this applies to the confusing 'edge of the expanding universe' concept too...

down there in flatland, 'push' a 3D sphere thru the 2D flat plane. All they would see is a suddenly appearing point that becomes an expanding (then contracting) circle for no apparent reason. :shock:
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