NOP 301 now with Hotpup !

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NOP 301 now with Hotpup !

#1 Post by gray »

I wasn't going to release another update as I was waiting for puppy 4, but the gestation period for the latter has been so long....

Anyway, I was playing with Hotpup wondering if it woud work in Xfce. The answer is yes, after a fashion. Hotpup automatically puts device icons on the desktop and double clicking one of these will mount the drive and open the file manager Thunar at the mount point. When a device is mounted the icon has a green dot in the corner. Double clicking on such an icon will open a question dialog with the option to open the file manager or unmount the drive. You can position the device icons by dragging them to a new location which should be remembered next time you boot up (except for removable devices like cdroms - they appear in the first free space on the desktop). I found that on faster machines I had to put a sleep =1 second after the start of the hotpup daemon in the .xinitrc file or the icons would not appear on the desktop. Users of older machines can probably comment this out.

While at it for R6 I updated Opera to 9.26
updated pburn to 1.2.2
updated pfind to 3.4
removed cdrdao
added galculator
replaced ristretto with gpicview

Also added the blue-viesta wm theme and updated the stardust theme to match it.


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Cur Dog
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#2 Post by Cur Dog »

Do you have any plans of a .pet for the modified Hotpup? I would like to add this feature to the 3.02 alpha with xfce that I have been working with. I hope that my request is not inappropriate.
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#3 Post by klu9 »

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#4 Post by gray »

Cur Dog,

No problemo. Dotpet attached. :D
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Hotpup (EDITED), Nopr6 upgrade

#5 Post by Henry »

Welcome back, Gray!

Good to see you're continuing with Nop 3, not waiting for Dingo.
I've been using Nop 3.01 r5 with no problems - great.
EDIT! - Thanks to Cur Dog (see below) Hotpup.get now works in R5, but note that both the original rc.local0 and .xinitrc must be restored, or if the live CD is left in the DVD drive it will keep running and flashing every five seconds or so. Also, the hotpup settings menu item does not seem to work, at least under these conditions
I had written:
When I tried the hotpup.get: (Yes, I know it was not specified for 3.01.), the desktop drive presentation worked beautifully. Very handy and intuitive. But, with two quirks -
1. When the splash screen starts this message appears: "Could not look up internal address for (none). This will prevent XFCE from operating correctly. It may be possible to correct by adding (none) to the file ?etc/hosts. Continue anyway? Try again?" If I "continue anyway" the splash proceeds and everything is fine except that
2. I had to use the network wizard again to have internet access.
But, yes, upgrading an existing Nop 3.01 rev 5 config to rev 6 is of course the goal. I downloaded the full .iso for Nop 3.01 rev 6 (not the delta). It works if I start fresh (pfix=ram and save a new config file) but if I try to upgrade using my regular config file it does not, seems to run with no obvious changes. Sorry if I'm putting the cart before the horse.

Last edited by Henry on Thu 20 Mar 2008, 03:08, edited 9 times in total.
Cur Dog
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#6 Post by Cur Dog »


I really appreciate you sharing the file. I installed and had the same issue that Henry has posted. I simply deleted the new etc/rc.d/rc.local0 that had been created and renamed the backup file that was created and rebooted with no issues. Now everything is working great.

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#7 Post by gray »

Regarding the strange xfce error after installing the Ahem, I , err, well, how do I put it ? Stuffed up! Dobby must now go and iron his hands.

The post install script modifies rc.local0 but in doing so made it non executable - hence the error. I have now corrected this and re-uploaded the file. :oops: :oops:

For upgrading to R6 only the pup_301.sfs file has changed. If you replace your existing sfs file the changes should filter through when you reboot - except for hotpup. The save file is dominant in the unionfs layers I believe and so changes to the .xinitrc file there will not be picked up. In fact the same is true for the /etc directory - so hotpup will not be there at all. You would have to install it using the dotpet!
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#8 Post by Henry »

Still no success on upgrading. Runs just the same whether I use the r5 or r6 live CD. Copied 301.sfs from r6 live CD. I wonder if the rev 6 .iso has the right 301.sfs?
Meanwhile, I used the new hotpupx. It is very nice! No problems whatsoever. I do appreciate how you quietly produce these simple, efficient solutions. I expect to be using Nop 3 for a long time, or until when and if Nop 4 appears.

So I am not in a big hurry to upgrade to ver 6 (I may try xdelta), but I doubt there is that much difference between Opera 9.25 that I'm using and 9.26. I've already updated Zigbert's various small apps., and of course have hotpup already,


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#9 Post by gray »

Henry, yes it is the correct _301.sfs in the iso. Upgrading by replacing this file is very hit and miss - there are so many reasons why it could not work. It seems as though you have made most of the changes from R5 to R6 anyway.

Glad you like hotpupx, but I only made a few changes to hotpup - Dougal is the man to thank. I must confess I dont fully understand all the workings of hotpup - I know just enough to be dangerous. He He. :roll:
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#10 Post by Henry »

OK, I found the problem. Ver 6 is now working.There was a backup copy of the r5 301.sfs close enough that it got picked up and used instead of the r6 301.sfs. I keep both versions on hand for a while, but forgot in this case to put them in their own folders for identification and insulation. It's hard to tell these apart - I suppose they can be renamed like pup_save files?.

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Some thoughts on hotpup

#11 Post by Henry »

Hotpup (thanks to Dougal, and Gray for the Nop adaptation) is very impressive. Having used it for a bit now here are some summary thoughts. It certainly helps newbs relate to their overall computer.

Something like this is attractive. Since day one with puppy I put up a set of drive icons to show with the green dot the mount status. Actual mounting was done with Pmount - still a good way, or automount. Most of my data files are on one drive, so I automount it and rarely need mount the others. See the upper screenshot at

But now that I have used Hotpup for a couple of days, I think you are quite right to keep it as a petget option, since not everyone will need it, and the fact that the daemon keeps checking might be a little distraction. (Of course that can be turned off.) You might like to look at the second screenshot on in Nop. Mostly I use both the upper and lower XFCE panels and avoid the desktop and and double clicking as much as possible. Nop and XFCE are excellent.

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Nop 3.01 r6 bugs?

#12 Post by Henry »


First I checked my current r5 config and all seems very fine using the r5 live cd, and has for a long time.

Then I upgraded this config (after backing up) with the r6 live cd and the new pup_301.sfs. (I know how to do that now ;-) Basically it works except that I noticed these problems -

1. epdfview doesn't run. Terminal says: segmentation fault

2. xine doesn't run. Terminal says: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ invalid ELF header

3. openoffice apps (from sfs, work perfectly in r5) don't work. They start and the splash screen completes and the app immediately disappears. Terminal says, e.g.: swriter: command not found

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#13 Post by Henry »

Here's a question related to hotpup. I was just looking around and saw this. It's way beyond me, but wanted to ask if this was at all realistic for Nop. Never mind if you don't have time. ... -and-media

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#14 Post by Fishy »

Hi, I am having problems with the r6 download from PuppyLinux, either the iso or md5sum is corrupt. I have downloaded twice and both times the md5sum doesn't match. The md5sum is the same in both cases.

Cheers :)
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#15 Post by klu9 »

Hi fishy,

maybe I can troubleshoot the downloads; can you post the exact download links that you used, and the MD5 sums you got?

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Epdfview will not run in r6?

#16 Post by flagman »

I've just completed a "stock" install of release 6 on flash and it's marvelous. However I've not been able to run epdfview. Launching it from a terminal results in an immediate "Segmentation fault".

Can anyone confirm this problem - or the lack of it? Thanks.
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#17 Post by Henry »

Hi, flagman,

Yes, I can confirm the epdfview problem. As I noted earlier:

"I noticed these problems -

1. epdfview doesn't run. Terminal says: segmentation fault

2. xine doesn't run. Terminal says: error while loading shared libraries: /usr/lib/ invalid ELF header

3. openoffice apps (from sfs, work perfectly in r5) don't work. They start and the splash screen completes and the app immediately disappears. Terminal says, e.g.: swriter: command not found"

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#18 Post by gray »

Henry: Regarding management-of-removable-drives-and-media documentation. Yes I am aware of that information. Unfortunately it requires udev and hal to be installed and correctly configured. I had a go at this but it is way beyond me (it looks closer to black magic than anything else :evil: ), and I think udev at least needs to be integrated into the very core of the distro. However, this is a likely future direction as BK has hinted that he will be including udev in Dingo at some stage :) .

As to problems with epdfview, xine , OO after using the pup_301.sfs replacement method of 'upgrade' - as I said this can be hit and miss. I tried it for r5 to r6 several times and it has worked perfectly everytime for me, but I can see a million reasons why it should not work :? .

Have you tried removing configuration files from your root directory, so that the app is forced to recreate them? e.g remove the .config/epdfview directory, and the .xine directory. For OO try unloading the sfs with the bootmanager, reboot, save, reboot and load in the sfs again. Unionfs does some strange things with the various layers and I am convinced there are some nasty bugs within unionfs still. Other than that use a clean start for R6.

Fishy: I would suggest you have some download problems - other people have downloaded and used the iso OK. I am trying to download and check again but the site is appallingly slow at the moment (only 10Kb/sec !! it is usually 15 or 16 times that speed).

flagman: by 'stock' install do you mean with a fresh savefile? If so I dont see why epdfview would not work. I changed nothing in that area going from R5 to R6 and have checked frugal install to HD and install to flash pendrive and they work fine for me. I know it does not help you but it is nigh impossible to fix a problem that I cant reproduce :oops: .
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#19 Post by Henry »

Thanks, Gray.

I'll do some checking probably tomorrow and report back.

Meanwhile I'm quite happy with r5.
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#20 Post by Henry »

OK, I found some time now, and did the three checks you suggested. No change was observed.

However I did find that the md5 check sum was bad. Should have checked that first. But I practically never have a problem with download integrity, and tend not to worry about it when the program basically works. Live and learn.

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