NOP 301 now with Hotpup !

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#21 Post by Fishy » ... md5sum.txt
4d055b80c4d35d959692f4bd167e7d6f puppy-301-NOP-r6.iso

md5sum puppy-301-NOP-r6.iso
fc7e6184afd47f68a983d9861d96b85a puppy-301-NOP-r6.iso

Not sure what is wrong, but didn't feel like mucking up my existing full install.

Help gratefully appreciated :D
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#22 Post by Henry »

That's the same checksum I got, Fishy
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R6 iso checksum

#23 Post by gray »

I finally managed to download the R6 iso and got a bad checksum. Looks like it got corrupted in the upload ?

Anyway I have re-uploaded, re-downloaded and checked the md5sum again and it is all sweet now. :oops:
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#24 Post by Henry »

Looks like a happy Easter morning!

After several tries from a slow and error prone download link it finally sped up and completed. Good md5. R6 looks OK now - previous three faults are gone.

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XFCE Menu Editor

#25 Post by Henry »

Hi, Gray,

I know this is an old question, and it seems no one has an easy answer, but . . .

I know basically how to edit the .desktop files to modify the menu, and I have a good and complete menu. But I would like to move some items around. Am not sure how the categories, etc. work.

How can one (simply, if possible) get the menu editor to actually display the complete menu? It seems this is its purpose, so one could graphically move items up and down, etc.It just seems there ought to be a way to do this. Maybe the menu editor is worthless - you left it out previously.
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#26 Post by richhard »

mistake !
Last edited by richhard on Mon 31 Mar 2008, 05:54, edited 1 time in total.
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#27 Post by richhard »

Hi Gray,

just downloaded r6 with no problems: md5 is ok, epdfview, openoffice
and xine (!!) are working fine, and Hotpup is really nice to have :D

just one question: 8)
what's about Xsane scanner utility?
Up to now I was not able to bring my scanner to work,
eventhough sane-find-scanner ist detecting it.

I have a Brother DCP-130c Printer/Scanner unit. It is easy and smooth to
bring the printer to work, but then... :cry:

Any helpful hint would gratly be appreciated! :!:
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#28 Post by dinky »

Thank you thank you thank you thank you soooo much for hotpup! That is a turly awesome program. Thanks also for fixing that bug on bootup, I was having the same problems. I'll install the latest hotpup you've posted in the next day or so.

I'm really impressed by NOP, and specifically the wNOP pupplet, both of which I've ben basing a new pupplet around, 'TigerPup'. Do we need a new pupplet? Probably not. But I'm having fun with this, which is the point of Puppy. Basically creating something I can hand to my newbie friends who hate computers, say 'Welcome to Linux' and 'have fun'. Am getting there, but there's lots of documentation I'm not inspired to write at the moment...

Anyway, question about NOP rc-6. I've installed it on a friend's v. old 64 Mb 400 Mhz pc, and found the only way to run it properly is as a full install with a swap file. NOP flies very happily on that. What I haven't been able to do is install either abiword or openoffice successfully... keeps complaining about missing libs which seem all but non-existent. Without using a .sfs, how the heck do I get these working? Can I use a .sfs under a full hard drive install? Also, I've been trying to install Pebble, for which I need to edit the initrd.gz file. Doesn't seem there is one with the full install... anyone have any thoughts on this? I'm aware I could remaster the NOP cd to have all these programs on it, but don't really feel like doing this. I could also install puppy 3.01 straight on there instead, but also don't really feel like doing this. Apart from not liking the default windows manager much, it's a bloody hassle. Thanks people!
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Xfce menu et al

#29 Post by gray »

Henry: I set iup the menu so that the .desktop files in /usr/share/applications are picked up automatcally. If you want to move some around you can try editing the category in those files. Because of the way the menu is set up the menu editor is not very useful. You can use it to add your own submenus etc, but it is a very manual process (back up the /root/.config/xfce4/desktop/menu.xml file first - to save inevitable heartache later :wink: ). if you want you can remove the green 'include system' line which is the bit which does the auto menu and redo the whole menu -ouch :twisted: .

richhard: Unfortunately in NOP 301 Xsane is not included to save space. Agonised a while over that. You should be able to install using the package manager. Install sane then xsane. Not tried it myself though. I think just like printers you may be unlucky in that your scanner may not be supported.

dinky: Puppy is about having fun - there is always room in the kennels for more puppies :D . The easiest way to add abiword is by the goffice_301.sfs module. I have put my sfs files on the harddrive at the top level with the rest of the NOP frugal install files in a pup301 subdirectory - there should be initrd.gz in there too. I use the LinNwin boot method to optionally boot win win98. You can install abiword by the package manager also, but it misses some dependencies. It should pick up that it needs fribidi and install that automatically, but you will have to use petget to individually install libgnomecanvas, libgnomeprint, libgnomeprintgui and goffice pet packages. Then you need to edit the abiword.desktop file in /usr/share/applications to change the icon line to Icon=word48.
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#30 Post by dinky »

Thanks for that, sorted out abiword. Also had issues with xine and epdfview not working with rc6 on a full hard-drive install. I'm going to redownload the iso later, and see if this was the issue... I thought the md5sum checked out, but can't remember.

Also, re hotpup, is there a way to tweak it so that the icons line up by default on the right side instead of the left? Xfce will remember them when you restart X, but that means after first boot up of puppy from the live cd all the icons are first on the left. Thanks.
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how to activate Nop

#31 Post by jkurver »


I downloaded the puppy 3.01 NOP r6 but when i burn it to cd and start it up, I get the "normal" puppy dektop
and not the NOP version

Am I doing something wrong?

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#32 Post by gray »

dinky: It is not possible to specify where Xfce4 first puts the device icons - yet. I may be able to figure out how in a future update :? .

jkurver: I dont see how you can have the normal desktop :shock: - jwm and rox have been removed from NOP !! Maybe you have mixed up your iso's when burning the CD ?
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#33 Post by tronkel »


Maybe you are picking up the normal desktop from a pup_save file that already exists in your home partition.

Try booting from live CD with the cheat code:
puppy pfix=ram
Type this in the first screen.

If this works, you'll probably have to either repair or scrap your pup_save file
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#34 Post by jkurver »

Thanks for the reply!
you are right, when I installed to harddisk, I got the xfce desktop.
Great Job by the way!

its very very fast. I tried most distros with xfce desktop, but this one will stay on my (old) laptop for sure

does anyone know how to get virualbox working in puppy NOP?

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#35 Post by dinky »

Hi Gray, I'll likely add hotpup with only hotplugged items active on first boot, rather than local hard disks. While most systems won't have that many partitions, booting on mine makes the screen look a bit All right when organised... Will play around with preconfiguring the settings before remastering, and see what I come up with. Also, is it possible to set the default trash, root, and File System Icons in Xforce to the right instead of the left?

Below is a link to the first pre-release of my pupplet. I'd love feedback if anyone's interested. There's several things I need to complete, fix, and add, so this is very much a pre release. That said, it's designed as a pupplet for complete computer novices, and will come with extensive documentation (yet to be written). It's based on wNOP(compiz-fusion included), encorporates more recent versions of NOP, and includes a customised graphical layout, additional programs, and scripts to make saving to a usb, and rebooting on another computer, easy.
As it's intended for people who won't need to configure anything other than personal preferences at startup, I hvae made it 170Mb, including programs such as Gimp, Abiword, Xine, and additional Xine codecs.

To have a look, go to and grab one of the iso's. tigerpupversion1-3.iso is the first pre-release without a splash screen, and tigerpupversion1-3splash.iso includes pebble, which I am still playing with. All the best!
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#36 Post by richhard »

Hi gray,
I don't want to missuse your expertise, but you made an excellent
product, and (I guess) a scanner is of general interest and has more
to do with home office, than the DVD-player (but it is nice to have :-)
The facts:
- My scanner works well in any deb/rpm distro (with the driver from
- I used gslapt-0.3.19a to install sane and xsane, but no success.
- sane-find-scanner clearly sees the scanner
- scanimage -L let me know:
"device `brother2:bus2;dev1' is a Brother DCP-130C USB scanner"
- but xsane (after some frickling) tell me
"Failed to open device 'brother2:bus2;dev1': wrong argument"

I think, somwere in some Puppy setup files a notification is needed,
thad enables the link from sane to xsane.

What I did:
- create: /etc/sane.d/brother2.conf -->
# Brother DCP-130c
usb 0x04f9 0x01a8

- add line to file: /etc/sane.d/dll.conf -->

try with/without in: /etc/fstab -->
none /proc/bus/usb devices auto,devmode=0666 0 0

added in: /etc/udev/rules.d/80-libsane.rules -->
# Brother DCP-130C
ATTRS{idVendor}=="04f9", ATTRS{idProduct}=="01a8", MODE="0664", GROUP="scanner"

in terminal:
cd bin
addgroup -g scanner root

and still the message:
"Failed to open device 'brother2:bus2;dev1': wrong argument"

But now my knowhow (as semi n00b) is outspent: I have no more ideas!
Does anybody have an hint where the missing link could be found?
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