either bugs, or i need help. not sure which.

Please post any bugs you have found
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either bugs, or i need help. not sure which.

#1 Post by rover »

Puppy 4 beta1 troubleshooting notes

4 5 2008

booted pfix=ram booted without incident.

As per normal for me, I have to go into wizard wizard and change the mouse to left hand. Worked.

Next change jwm config to show 6 virtual consoles

Next try to mount the usb dongle that boot did not do automatically.
Lsmod shows that everything is loaded, I think ???
Usbcore 127128 6 usblp,usbhid, etc
Ohci_hcd 21252 0
Echi_hcd 31116 0
Usb_storage 83264 0
Need help here. How do I unload a module that the program says is loaded and load it correctly ?

Next try to configure the Ethernet connection
Configure network interface using the network wizard device.
Eth0 shows as loaded
Test shows connected to a network
Auto dhcp runs and comes back showing unsuccessful.
Unload module and reconfigure.
Same thing. Tried every way I can think of, many times.
Lsmod shows sis900 22784 0
Need help here. Do not know what to do. It may be the same as the usb driver. It shows loaded but is not really loaded?

These are the only problems I can see so far with dingo alpha4 beta1.
They are the same problems I have noticed and posted before for the same kernel from 3.01 right straight thru to this version with the exception of dingo alpha6 that used the different kernel. (2.6.24?)

I have been thinking that these problems would work themselves out with time, but I guess that has not happened yet, so right now I am narrowing my troubleshooting down to one of 2 things.
1 I need help in learning how to fix my own problems.
2 There is something that has to be built into the kernel to get this to work and I do not know how to do that. (see problem 1)

(I am writing this in windows as I cannot get on the internet or save a doc to a usb dongle to transfer it to another machine in the program I want to use.)
I will not post this as a bug because my posts before that I listed as bugs evidentally were seen by the people who read them as not bugs and just the ramblings of another guy driven nuts by linux. :)

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#2 Post by Pizzasgood »

I don't use JWM, so can't help there. Not sure what's wrong with your Ethernet either.

For USB, Puppy 2.xx and 3.xx have an icon on the desktop labeled "drives", which runs either MUT or Pmount, depending on version. Both are tools for mounting drives. I don't know if 4.xx uses a different icon or whatnot. At least one should be in the menu though, under "filesystems". Anyways, first try one of those for mounting it. If the drive doesn't show up right away, hit "refresh". If it still doesn't show up, time to open a terminal and fiddle.

The command to mount the drive depends on what designation the kernel assigns it. If all your normal harddrives show up as hda1, hdb5, etc., then it will probably be sda1. If like me you have a SATA drive, it might be sdb1 instead. So for me, the command is this: mount -t vfat /dev/sdb1 /mnt/data

To unload a module, run: rmmod whatever_module
To load a module, run: modprobe whatever_module

I think you've got them all loaded already, so not sure what's going wrong there.
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