NOP Questions

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NOP Questions

#1 Post by smhardesty »

I did a 'Full' install of Puppy NOP 3.01 over the weekend and really like it. I'm having a couple problems and can't seem to locate answers via 'Search' of this forum.

1) Running 'Menu Editor' doesn't seem to bring up my actual menu. How do I get my real menu in the editor? It's showing /root/.config/xfce4/desktop/menu.xml now.

2) How do I get PetBeGone working?
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One solved

#2 Post by smhardesty »

OK, I did a bunch of Internet searching and reading, followed by quite a bit of trial and error. I managed to get the Menu Editor working like I wanted. Here's what I did.

I renamed /root/.config/xfce4/desktop/menu.xml to ,,,menu.old(in case something screwed up) Then copied /root/.cache/xfce4/desktop/menu-cache--root-.config-xfce4-desktop-menu.xml.xml to /root/.config/xfce4/desktop and then renamed it to menu.xml

Now when I select Menu Editor, I get the actual menu. Haven't rebooted the system, but hopefully it will stick and not be overwritten.


Just rebooted and everything is great! Now just need to do the editing.

NOP is sweet! Finally figured out how to get Abiword installed via Puppy Software Installer. It seems the installer ignores a couple dependencies that are needed. I installed,, and via Puppy Software Installer) and Abiword works fine.

If you haven't tried NOP, you owe it to yourself to at least give it a shot!
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#3 Post by smhardesty »

I still can't seem to get PetBeGone working in PuppyNOP 3.01. Any help appreciated.
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OK, Problem Solved

#4 Post by smhardesty »

I really have no idea how or why the problem is resolved, but here is what I did. Maybe one of you guys might enlighten me as to what I did - right or wrong.

I installed BOTH and and then re-installed using Puppy Package manager. Suddenly PetBeGone was working. I was able to uninstall several apps I didn't want/need.

I did have a problem when attempting to uninstall Opera. Again, I'm using NOP 3.01 here. I kept getting a message that maybe 0pkgs_db-3.01wasn't installed. I kept reading over the posts I could find and finally traced the problem to /root/.packages/unleashed/Opera-9.25.files actually being named ,,,,,Opera-9.23.files.

Once I renamed the file, PetBeGone removed it,,,kind of. I still had a few files to track down and delete manually, but they are all gone now and everything is working fine. I did have to reset XFCE's Preferred Applications-Web Browser to Firefox.

I know that I managed to get through the problem, but was there an easier solution to what I did?
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#5 Post by Turpin »

Looks like I'm following in your footsteps. I tried to get used to Opera, but I hate it. But I can't live without some of the nicer touches in Nearly Office that I wouldn't have a clue about how to go about installing myself. I want to replace Opera with Firefox and mtPaint with GIMP. Maybe something in place of PBurn as well, because it doesn't blank discs at all on my Asus dvd writer.
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#6 Post by smhardesty »


Don't panic, at least not yet. I am by no means a Puppy Guru, but at least I might be able to get you started.

Firefox and GIMP can be easily installed via the included Puppy Package Manager. And I'm pretty sure I also used the Package Manager to install tkdvd. Don't be mislead by the name, it burns CDs just fine.

Try getting these installed before trying to remove Opera. I went to all the trouble to remove it, but you can always just leave it installed and use Firefox. I'll have to try and find my notes on uninstalling Opera, but my earlier post kind of explains it.
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#7 Post by Turpin »

Thanks. I used your menu editing trick too and it works! I can't thank you enough. I hope the creator of NOP reads this thread. I really would recommend that menu fix. Maybe I'll check around for a bug fixing thread about nop and put that in.
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#8 Post by smhardesty »

Glad to be of what little assistance I can. :wink:

I'm not sure if the menu thing is really a problem with NOP. I have a PC that I set up to multi boot three different distros. I have PCFluxboxOS and Xubuntu installed so far. I distinctly remember having the same menu problem with Xubuntu. Xubuntu uses XFCE just like NOP. I did basically the same thing with Xubuntu as I did with NOP. The location of the files was slightly different. I just did a search for menu.xml and then did the copy/rename thing. Maybe one of the guys with more knowledge/experience can lend some insight here ? :? :?:

I can't seem to locate the notes I had regarding how I uninstalled Opera, but I'll try and recall what I can while reading back in this post.

You'll definitely need PetBeGone installed to do what I did. If you don't have it yet, read this: ... 68&t=17035

Once you've got that all setup, you'll need to locate /root/.packages/unleashed/Opera-9.23.files and rename them ,,,,9.25 files. Then you can use PetBeGone to uninstall. The final thing I did was search for 'Opera' and then deleted all files and references I could find.

Hope that helps.[/url]
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#9 Post by Turpin »

Thanks. I uninstalled Opera really good. :) First I uninstalled it using Pet-be-gone, using the little renaming trick that you mentioned. Thanks for that too. I would have been pulling my hair out over that one. And then I totally annihilated Opera from my pup_301.sfs file using the that Pizzasgood so coolly made availablefor all us losers (speaking only for myself) and pfinded everything called Opera for convenient surgical removal from the sfs file. Can you tell I hate Opera?
Actually, Opera does run well and it's adequately small compared to FF. And it has the Underdog factor of being every bit as good as the big ones in its core. I just hate it's bulky interface that can't be reduced, toolbars that can't be combined, and shortage of really powerful extensions.
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#10 Post by Sage »

Couple of junior anarchists aboard! Opera is one the most professionally constructed, fastest, most compact and comprehensive browsers ever produced. It has better security and more options than the rest, too. Neophytes often mistake its ability because they haven't explored it adequately nor RTFM!
It's only weaknesses are a mail client that doesn't appeal universally (sylpheed) and earlier difficulties for some with java and video streams. Even these are contentious as there have always been a vast array of adjustable options and add-ons. It can even mimic IE, should you encounter a website written by idiots or those taking the Redmond shilling - fortunately less and less common these days.
If only we could persuade Barry.....................
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#11 Post by smhardesty »

"junior anarchists" ? Wow, never been called that before. :lol:

To be fair, I haven't even tried using Opera lately. I did use it years ago, but got to using Mozilla, then Firefox. I use Firefox now mostly because of the easy to add extensions. The ones I won't be without are Adblock, Flashblock, Fasterfox, DownThemAll, and Deskcut. Another reason I use Firefox is that I use no mail client, instead using only webmail.

Here is what I really like about Firefox:

It has a really clean,compact appearance with no built in mail client to contend with. Via extension, I can simply right click to block a single image or choose to block all images from a given server. Again via extension, all Flash is blocked and is only downloaded if I choose to view it. (This is very important to those of us on dialup) I use 'DownThemAll' to download most larger files because of the many disconnects on dialup and I do kind of like the latest version.

If Opera can offer all that while still being faster and more secure than Firefox, I'd be more than willing to give it another try. I'm not a complete Firefox fanatic. I'm not really into installing a dozen different themes and all the extensions that are offered.

Is what I like in a browser possible with Opera? LMK and I'll sure do a quick install and give it a shot.
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#12 Post by Sage »

Glad to see humour is alive and kicking over in Ill. (!)
Give it a blast - it underwent a radical refit recently and does even more than you'd ever believe. Some newcomers complain about the 'look&feel', but it is more configurable than anything else. Of course, you still have to agree to a pile of verbiage, but unlikely the Norwegian secret police will be tapping on your door anytime soon.
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#13 Post by smhardesty »

OK, Sage. I'm attempting to install Opera now. I kept getting a dependency error. Seems I need to install (or maybe reinstall) QT Libs. I'm downloading them now. Will then install Opera and attempt to tweak it. I'll post my success or failure later after giving it a go.
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#14 Post by Turpin »

I am the King of Anarchy :D
Ok, I need to know one thing to make me try Opera again. I thoroughly looked through all available widgets and skins but may have missed something. Is there a way to shrink Opera's interface so that all things are on one bar, beside the menu bar like I have them in Firefox (or in some other way reduced that maybe I haven't though of)? I'll paste a picture of my Firefox bar in here. I know I'm being picky a bit, but that's me. I like maximal screen space for webpage viewing, with optimal squished-together small buttons. Why waste screen space by restricting that each bar take up additional vertical space? Other than that one primary point, I really liked Opera, enough to make the switch to it even.

Actually, I did have to compromise on the tiny squished together buttons for puppy, because when I tried the minifox theme in firefox, the menu text is nearly the same color as the background. So the screenshot I have is with a less optimal space theme that still outdoes Opera on minimal space usage. I tried Opera's email client and it just doesn't measure up to Thunderbird and its Lightning extension which make it a complete information manager, so that's not a selling feature for me.

And except for the status bar and taskbar at the bottom of the screen, all the rest of my screen is devoted to the pages I'm viewing, as it should be. Look at it as getting the most investment as possible out of whatever size monitor you happen to have.

I think I'll give Opera another try, now that I'm switching to the new shiny Puppy 4. Believe me, I will switch to Opera in a second if I think its gui can be customized beyond what I could do with everything I tried. It's a browser with a good rep for "fighting the system" to give us all a better experience on the internet and keep things standard compliant.

And I can't quite place exactly why, but lately I swear I sense the presence of Big Brother in Firefox. Not that I have any big secrets. I'm no threat to anyone. I just demand my privacy. Corruption happens and I try not to be a victim of it any more than I must be.

Update: Here I go again, answering my own question. I'm hooked on the extra goodness of NOP, so I'm sticking with it. And I think I'll be sticking with Opera, after years of Firefox in Windows. I just found a hack that makes Opera arrange like I had Firefox arranged.
For those who don't know, this is far from the normal toolbar arrangement of Opera. You can find the interface hack here: . Of course, it's not an evil hack. It was designed into Opera for just this kind of purpose. Very cool that Opera is this customizable. So far, Opera does seem less laggy than Firefox. Next, I'll be testing it's ability to pretend to be Firefox, so that I can get on some websites that refuse to work unless they detect FF or IE. I think the also requires you to be using Windows, which makes no sense at all to me.
update: I'm back to Firefox. Whatever it doesn't have that Opera has, I still favor it. I figured out how to tweak it further to be like my Windows install, using userchrome tweaks.
Last edited by Turpin on Thu 17 Apr 2008, 22:04, edited 9 times in total.
[color=darkgreen]Oh dear, another BSOD. That just makes me so angry; so very angry indeed..[/color]
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#15 Post by Turpin »

I removed this because it made me sound like a child. Forunately noone had responded to it. Maybe I can wipe it from history?
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#16 Post by smhardesty »

Might have to give it up. I worked about an hour last night and over an hour this morning. Now I've got Firefox screwed up. Here's what happened.

I decided to try Opera like I said. Got it downloaded and installed. I played around with the ad blocking that is built in. Not what I'm used to with Firefox, but I could live with it. Next was to try and find a way to selectively block Flash. Of course I first needed Flash working. That's where I spent my hour last night. I couldn't get Flash 9 to work. This morning I tried all the Flash 7 tips and tricks I read on this forum. The only thing I've managed to do is get Firefox to crash every time I try and go to a page that has Flash on it.

Looks like I'll spend the next hour trying to get things back to where they were - I hope. Maybe I was just destined to be a 'junior anarchists'. :roll:
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#17 Post by Turpin »

I can't leave this here. Not only was this info inaccurate as I realized, it made it sound like Opera was part of the problem. Removed it.
Last edited by Turpin on Fri 18 Apr 2008, 02:26, edited 3 times in total.
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Java fully working in Opera!

#18 Post by Turpin »

I just figured out Java in Opera. I noticed some sites like weren't able to run their applets, so I went looking and found this: , a totally different Linux distro, but a wise man once told me, Linux is Linux 9 (of course, he never tried Puppy, but for the most part, Linuxes work similarly). The fix is a symlink to /my /usr/java/jre/lib that must be put in the /usr//java/jre/bin/lib folder. These paths vary slightly and add whatever java version numbers after jre, but there's the fix. Now and all java I go to works in Opera. And for the beginners out there, you don't put anything for Java in the Opera's plugins folder like you would for Firefox. You configure it in preferences by giving it the path to your jre/lib/i386 folder. I thought I'd let people know, because Im sure I won't be the only one trying to figure this out. I came [this] close to going back to Firefox before figuring this out.
update: I'm back to Firefox, but for other reasons. Just some obscure functionality I couldn't pull out of Opera, nothing that most people would use. Also, I'm favoring open source.
And the fix mentioned above is inconclusive, because I was geting crashes after that, but it may or may not have been that "fix" that was doing it.
Last edited by Turpin on Fri 18 Apr 2008, 02:31, edited 4 times in total.
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#19 Post by Turpin »

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#20 Post by Turpin »

Sorry again. Would take too long to explain this. Short version: I'm EXTREMELY falable.
Last edited by Turpin on Fri 18 Apr 2008, 02:28, edited 1 time in total.
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