pBurn 4.3.19

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#221 Post by mikeb »

This is truly homemade crap
hey this is not crap

this is a dedicated attempt to make a decent burner application for puppy...at last even though it's a work in progess I no longer have to keep resorting to nero for my burning needs :) ...now thats a breakthrough.


edit...the sweeter version of this post :D
Last edited by mikeb on Wed 09 Apr 2008, 12:37, edited 1 time in total.
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#222 Post by disciple »

this is a dedicated attempt to make a decent burner application for puppy
It's pretty darn good too.

Bug: I get a gtkdialog error if there are files in the burn list and I try to open the preferences dialogue from the menu.

It would be nice if we could more freely resize the windows of your programs zigbert - particularly picker and pburn. It can be quite annoying not really being able to shrink windows.
Do you know a good gtkdialog program? Please post a link here

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#223 Post by Nathan F »

Hey Zigbert, thanks for the speedy reply. I'm in kernel compile mode tonight but wouldn't mind at all taking a look at the code for the file selection sometime. I imagine it shouldn't be too hard to implement a checkbox for show/hide hidden files. A mechanism for entering a path might be nice too.

The version I tried was what is included in Dingo beta, so I will update if need be. I do seem to recall Barry is sometimes slightly behind getting things current, not that I don't have a lot of empathy for the job he does.

As for CD-text I have no idea where to start with cdrecord. But my gut says implement it using cdrdao first, and just disable the function if the user doesn't have the program. Even if you ever get it working with cdrecord I imagine cdrdao would prove more reliable anyway, in which case Pburn could pick which one to use based on what is available. My 2c anyway.

I hadn't realized the part about the auto scaling, sorry. That should work nicely.

And you're 100% correct about diving before we can swim :D

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#224 Post by mikeb »

cdrdao would prove more reliable anyway
I did wonder a while ago if cdrdao could replace cdrecord entirely...or am I being too simplistic?

also in terms of disk space are these binaries from cdrtools actually used in puppy..I deleted them and everything still seems to work and thet represents a 1Mb uncompressed saving...plenty of room for cdrdao.
Or could some of them be useful to pburn?

readcd A program to read CD/DVD/BD media with CD-clone features
isodebug A program to print mkisofs debug information from media
isodump A program to dump ISO-9660 media
isoinfo A program to analyse/verify ISO/9660/Joliet/Rock-Ridge Filesystems
isovfy A program to verify the ISO-9660 structures
rscsi A Remote SCSI enabling daemon

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#225 Post by zigbert »

Here was a lot of input. It seems that we agree on a option to show hidden files. Do not show these files by default. I have always wanted a clean gui, so I'm thinking of putting a checkbox - 'show hidden files' in the preferences dialog. I know that this is far from the browser, but I haven't got any better idea at this moment. Please give feedback of your thoughts.

Good to see you back here. I was afraid you had found better places to waste your time. Now that the great symlink war is over, lets go on.
At the time of your major rewrite for symlink handling (you were obviously busy plus subtantial changes were happening) I had modified tao audio burning to burn direct from the audiofile(s) ... piping the file player output to cdrecord...each track was a separate unfixed track write with a final -fix only track which I have been using for a while to make quite happy audio cds....this eliminates the move and convert delay.
For now, I think we have to stick with the original solution. Encoding first, and then use either cdrecord or cdrdao (for CD-text). I'm not sure how your piping would work on a low powered system. Have you tested it ?
Oh on a minor point does 'nice' work in puppy 3 as there is only 'renice' in older puppies?
If renice does the job, we could change. What about Puppy 4. I'll make a notice in mo todo-list.
I did wonder a while ago if cdrdao could replace cdrecord entirely...or am I being too simplistic?
The reason we use cdrtools is that many apps in Puppy use it. As long as it is Puppy builtin, Pburn should try to use this.
also in terms of disk space are these binaries from cdrtools actually used in puppy..I deleted them and everything still seems to work and thet represents a 1Mb uncompressed saving...plenty of room for cdrdao.
Or could some of them be useful to pburn?
I see isoinfo / isovfy. The word verify comes up, and I ask myself. Isn't this man the Pburn-verify-boss. Hello, Don't ask me :D

Bug: I get a gtkdialog error if there are files in the burn list and I try to open the preferences dialogue from the menu.
What does it say?
It would be nice if we could more freely resize the windows of your programs zigbert - particularly picker and pburn. It can be quite annoying not really being able to shrink windows.
I agree, it would be nice. I have just made the best solution I could manage. Pprocess and Pfind is built with a single <tree> on one side of the window. Like this you don't need to specify any alignment for the tree, and it will scale nice. Maybe there is a solution I don't know about. If so, please let me know. It's a challenge. :)

Nathan F
A mechanism for entering a path might be nice too.
What do you mean by this. You can manually enter a path in the <entry> on top of the browser and press the 'Go' button.

Thanks for input
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#226 Post by mikeb »

I was afraid you had found better places to waste your time.
I exist to annoy...tis not intentional.
Have you tested it ?
Yep...about 30 ok burns so far on a 700mhz machine..with a 16 mb buffer..perhaps larger would be better...I have a 333mhz machine...I will test on that. Processor runs nowhere near max.

As for renice it is awkward because it has to be applied after the process is launced usually in the background...but even if I do something heavy...eg printing, the buffer never drops below 98% so it seems the kernel handles things rather well anyway. In fact I find only the odd app hogs the processor (handbrake is one) and manual priority setting is needed.

I see isoinfo / isovfy. The word verify comes up
yeah I jumped at that too but from what I read its for checking the integrity of an iso file created by mkisofs in the early days when it was still quite buggy.
The reason we use cdrtools is that many apps in Puppy use it
fair enough ...hence my suggestion of swapping unused cdrtool binaries for useful cdrdao..oh I'm so ruthless.

well I've run out of words to quote :)


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#227 Post by disciple »

Bug: I get a gtkdialog error if there are files in the burn list and I try to open the preferences dialogue from the menu.
What does it say?
Sorry - I posted that when I was in at uni.

Code: Select all

** ERROR **: gtkdialog: Error in line 51, near token '</default>': syntax error

Do you know a good gtkdialog program? Please post a link here

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#228 Post by zigbert »

Could it be that /root/.pburnrc misses the value for CHKREC (<checkbox> recursively)

Maybe we could give the same option as for data-burning. 'on-the-fly' or 'use temporary storage'. If you feel comfortable with your testing, could you then send me your code.
hence my suggestion of swapping unused cdrtool binaries for useful cdrdao.
This decision can't be made in the burning-department. :wink:

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#229 Post by mikeb »

Hi Sigmund
This decision can't be made in the burning-department.
I know..that's why I popped in the workers suggestions box :wink:

Well I tested on the pentium 333 and similar results.
I did notice in the log

Code: Select all

 0 seconds. Operation starts.
Waiting for reader process to fill input buffer ... input buffer ready.
It would seem cdrecord sensibly waits until the buffer is filled before recording to avoid underruns...as i said I was using a 16mb buffer which was on the small size to check for performance. In fact compared to using nero in the same mode on the same machine pburn runs very lightly :)

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#230 Post by zigbert »

Version 1.4.2 is uploaded. See main post.
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#231 Post by disciple »

Could it be that /root/.pburnrc misses the value for CHKREC (<checkbox> recursively)
Well it doesn't have that, but I'm not sure exactly what you mean should be there - do you mean `export CHKREC=true`.
Actually, I was wrong anyway. The preferences dialogue never works now (not just when there is something in the burn list). Maybe I broke it somehow, because I just realised that it does work in Dingo, so you probably shouldn't worry about it.

I'm just wondering - why don't we turn on burnfree?
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#232 Post by zigbert »

disciple wrote:I'm just wondering - why don't we turn on burnfree?
I'm just wondering - what exactly is burnfree? It's rather weird. My knowledge about burning is sooo tiny.....I shouldn't be allowed to work here :) Please tell me, disciple. Could it do any harm? Should it be a check to see if burner actually supports burnfree, or will it just be ignored?

What about -shorttrack. Why this default limit of 4 sec track?

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#233 Post by disciple »

I don't really know anything about it myself.
If I understand it correctly, burnfree is the option that all modern burners have had since at least 2001, to somehow prevent buffer underrun errors by stopping and waiting for more data if their buffer is empty.
I think there is no disadvantage to always having it on, but I don't know for sure.
Apparently it doesn't do anything at all if there isn't a buffer under-run, and I think it is just ignored if a burner doesn't support it. But I'm not sure. Maybe someone else knows?

Shorttrack - I have no idea, but I can't imagine wanting a 3 second track :)
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#234 Post by disciple »

OK, I think I found two real bugs:

1. I burned an audio cd, only to find that it was missing two tracks. I did it again, and noticed that the reason is the tracks had ' characters in them.
e.g. this file was created:
But then the log said

Code: Select all

FFmpeg version SVN-rUNKNOWN, Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
  configuration: --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib --mandir=/usr/man --disable-debug --arch=i386 --enable-libmp3lame --enable-libogg --enable-libvorbis --enable-pthreads --enable-gpl --enable-shared --enable-pp
  libavutil version: 49.5.0
  libavcodec version: 51.44.0
  libavformat version: 51.14.0
  built on Oct 18 2007 20:54:01, gcc: 4.2.2
06_06_Pleasin_You_Pleases_Me.mp3 -ac 2 -ar 44100 06_06_Pleasin_You_Pleases_Me.wav: no such file or directory
2. Line 200 of the english locale should say
export LOC313="Checking media...
Do you know a good gtkdialog program? Please post a link here

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#235 Post by zigbert »


1. Already fixed 2 days ago. I'm working through the audio functions, and it's all getting better. :wink:
2. You are right......Fixed. 'Ckecking media' must be something else.
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#236 Post by Botanic »

when blanking a RW disc, there is no possibility to set the drive speed. I set it in File/Preferences, but then the speed seems to be guessed by cdrecord, it doesn't use the speed i set.

my device is an old 32x/8x/4x. cdrecord guesses 4x all right, but actually i always handle RW discs at 2x, not 4x, because it sometimes ruin my discs :)

anyway, a fix should be possible, because i still blank my discs with cdrecord using the following command line :
cdrecord blank=fast -eject -v speed=2 dev=ATAPI:0,1,0
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#237 Post by Botanic »

just now noticed something a bit more serious
The Preferences window doesn't open any longer. And, if i go to the menu Burn/Blank CD/DVD-rw... and that i decide to close the window that just appeared (named Pburn: blank disc) by clicking the cross at the top-right corner, the blanking process starts anyway !

(note, i'm still using Puppy 2.16.1, but i installed pburn-1.4.2 , gtkdialog3-0.7.20 , gtklogviewer-0.1 and pfilesearch-1.1 without errors or warnings - all .pets downloaded from the first post)

here is a kind of log, if it can be useful:
i launch pburn:

Code: Select all

# pburn 
ls: unrecognized option `--group-directories-first'
Try `ls --help' for more information.
sh: locate: command not found
sh: locate: command not found
then goes in File/Preferences (nothing happens)

Code: Select all

** ERROR **: gtkdialog: Error in line 308, near token '</default>': syntax error

then go into Burn/Blank CD/DVD-rw... menu, then close the window

Code: Select all

/usr/local/pburn/func_blank: line 73: [: =: unary operator expected

(gtklogfileviewer:10298): Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text()

(gtklogfileviewer:10298): Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text()

(gtklogfileviewer:10298): Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text()

(gtklogfileviewer:10298): Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text()

(gtklogfileviewer:10299): Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text()

(gtklogfileviewer:10299): Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text()

(gtklogfileviewer:10299): Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text()

(gtklogfileviewer:10299): Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text()

(gtklogfileviewer:10299): Pango-WARNING **: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text()
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#238 Post by zigbert »

I have reorganized the blanking function for Pburn 1.5.0. It now uses the same dialog as normal burn. This gives you the normal 'Device' tab to set speed, and the 'Advanced' tab to manipulate the command. Also your last trouble with cancel process should be solved.

Thank you for reporting bugs. I Hope we'll hear from you if you're not pleased when 1.5.0 becomes available.

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#239 Post by disciple »

That file/preferences bug is the same one I reported, but I thought I must have broken something. There must be something different in older puppies that causes it.

It worked up until a couple of versions ago though. I think it broke with 1.4.0, but I'm not sure.
Do you know a good gtkdialog program? Please post a link here

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#240 Post by zigbert »

For Pburn 1.5.0 I have made a new function: repair-all-variables-if-broken. I hope this will solve your trouble. Maybe I ship it next weekend. There are some coding left...

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