How to Run Win2K (and others) in NOP with Qemu. SOLVED, EDIT

Booting, installing, newbie
Bruce B

#41 Post by Bruce B »

Henry wrote:Bruce,

The size of the image is 1.4Mb Here's the result:

sh-3.00# qemu -m 256 -boot a -no-kqemu \ -fda /mnt/home/partlogic-0.69.img -hda /mnt/home/windows.img
qemu: could not open disk image -fda
By the time we're done, you'll be a pro.

In the Linux command line the \ character is an 'escape' character. A way of telling the script or command line to 'do something else'.

As I posted it, the backslash (\) was a way of telling Linux to do something else, and in this case it was saying, "Ignore the end of line and treat the next line as if it is on the same line"

The reason I put it in the post, was I presumed you knew it, and because if the posted line did wrap because of small resolution or large fonts, it would be syntactically correct from the readers perspective.

So, if you will execute the same command again, as a one line command without the \, it should work.

And I do appreciate your feedback as it is exactly the type of feedback I need in order to be able to help. I can hardly say how many people don't give us 'forum helpers' enough information to be of any service.

I'll be looking forward to your reply.
Last edited by Bruce B on Tue 15 Apr 2008, 03:48, edited 1 time in total.
Bruce B

#42 Post by Bruce B »

Henry wrote:Hello, Bruce and BigBass,

Now that's exciting. If that petget doesn't work on my system, presumably it will work on some system. I just backed up and tried it. It ran, like the other, but ended with a similar result in the Qemu window:

Boot from Hard Disk 0 failed
Boot from floppy 0 failed
CD-rom boot failure cide 0004
Boot from CD-rom failed
FATAL: Could not read from the boot disk.

I'm going to go back to an earlier version of Nop, before I tried Qemu to test.

Any info on which puppies like this?
I didn't advise you to install the pet file. I didn't install it either. I broke it open to see its contents.

What I noted is it has the SDL files and header files. I got kqemu working on Puppy but I installed a lot of files including the entire kernel source code.

However Puppy got compiled it seems to be missing some kind of header support. I want to narrow it down, so we don't have to install hundreds of megabytes just to know we have the few files we need.

I'm suspecting the SDL library, header are the key ingredients and that all we will need to do is install a simple to run package, but I need time to narrow it down.

To me learning is fun and what's it about in many ways. So if we have to go back a few steps, that's swell.

BTW - When all done W98SE runs swell, really swell. It's worth the trip is you have some win32 software you want easy access to.
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#43 Post by Henry »

So I went back to a pre Qemu afflicted Nop and tried the petget.The result was much the same "could not read boot disk."

Then I remembered Big Bass said:"This is the Linux version," or words to that effect. So I looked for a linux .iso and found puppy 3.98, which I copied to the root folder. Nice to see the familiar puppy screen in a window, but slowed down and stopped at the point of starting xorg. I started it again, pfix=ram and will try xvesa. Very slow to load kernel modules, now slow to set up network interface. Got in running in 800x600 vesa. Looks like lots of it is there, but too deathly slow to even begin to test.

That's enough for today.
Bruce B

#44 Post by Bruce B »

Henry wrote: Then I remembered Big Bass said:"This is the Linux version," or words to that effect. So I looked for a linux .iso and found puppy 3.98, which I copied to the root folder.
Before you did that, you already had qemu (for Linux) installed and working.

It's been working for me using the same proceedure - without 'Big Bass' contribution. I merely looked at what he posted and noted the SDL files which I think will come helpful later when installing the accelerator module, which isn't included with the 'Big Bass' download.
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#45 Post by Henry »


When I said Linux version I thought he might be referring to the petget/guest. OF COURSE I knew I had installed the linux version of Qemu!

I will go back to where it almost worked and check whether it works for a Linux guest, as it did not for a windows guest.

Bruce B

#46 Post by Bruce B »


This is just an FYI post, nothing to do other than read.

Puppy is a dog (no pun intended) in QEMU especially without the KQEMU module. With a powerful computer and the KQEMU accelerator module, Puppy runs fine.

W98SE runs super in QEMU and really good when the KQEMU is installed.


If you or anyone wants to play around with Puppy in QEMU, keeping in mind that Puppy won't run with Xorg only Xvesa, don't use the default Cirrus Video Adapter.

Use the -vga-bios adapter which has twice the video memory and supports up to 1600x1200x24 resolution and color depth. This extra VESA support will help a lot, even when running at lower resolutions.

But we are working on setting up Windows 98SE. When you're done, you'll wonder why it took so long, because next time around it's a simple project.



POSTED with Puppy running in QEMU with Acceleration
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NopQemu status

#47 Post by Henry »

Hi, Bruce,

I am confident that I have a good, solid reference system now, my Nq-4. It does everything I need, excepting those 2 or 3 windows programs I need.

It includes an unsatisfactory Qemu for Linux. Unsatisfactory (to say the least) since it can't run windows programs as guest. Qemu opens and says "could not read the boot disk."

As a matter of technical interest it can run puppies as guest, but unusably slow, and in xvesa only.

When someone finds what's missing, I expect I'll have an excellent business system.

Do you know of or have a 3.01 system that runs win98 as a guest now? Particulars?
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#48 Post by Henry »

More of my meanderings, Bruce, ... dowsOnQemu

Just BTW seems to say Kqemu will not work onWin98. More interesting - has stuff on preparing the disk image? I decided to try:

qemu -L ./bios -cdrom winxp.iso -hda winxp.img -no-acpi -localtime -boot d
changed to
qemu -L ./bios -cdrom /mnt/home/windows.iso -hda windows.img -no-acpi -localtime -boot d -no-kqemu

sh-3.00# qemu -L ./bios -cdrom /mnt/home/windows.iso -hda windows.img -no-acpi -localtime -boot d -no-kqemu
qemu: could not open disk image windows.img

Maybe something is wrong with disk image?. Delete and recreate with qemu, not bochs? (just a thought)

From QuickStartGuide:
qemu-img create -f qcow c.img 3G
changed to
qemu-img create -f qcow /mnt/home/windows.img 5G

sh-3.00# qemu-img create -f qcow /mnt/home/windows.img 5G
Formatting '/mnt/home/windows.img', fmt=qcow, size=5242880 kB

New disk image was created. Try again to prepare:

sh-3.00# qemu -L ./bios -cdrom /mnt/home/windows.iso -hda windows.img -no-acpi -localtime -boot d -no-kqemu
qemu: could not open disk image windows.img

No change observed.
Anyway, i put up a couple of icons in the top panel to run Windows as guest (which tries but doesn't) or Linux as guest (runs but slow).

Also, when I tried to save the config in guest linux it said "no suitable positions to save to." Not that I would to expect to use this, but someone might.
Bruce B

#49 Post by Bruce B »

Henry wrote:More of my meanderings, Bruce, ... dowsOnQemu

Just BTW seems to say Kqemu will not work onWin98. More interesting - has stuff on preparing the disk image?
Not so, I don't want to get offtrack in critique although I do it well.

What it says is this:
If using kqemu add -kernel-kqemu for improved performance - for XP, does NOT work during initial install phase.


Does not work with Win98SE -- guest and host lock when Win98SE reaches the login prompt.
Keyword is -kernel-kqemu which if you look at my examples was never used - neither would I have advised you to do so. kqemu is the default which I would have advised you to use once we got the kqemu module installed

Henry wrote:I decided to try:

qemu -L ./bios -cdrom winxp.iso -hda winxp.img -no-acpi -localtime -boot d
changed to
qemu -L ./bios -cdrom /mnt/home/windows.iso -hda windows.img -no-acpi -localtime -boot d -no-kqemu
Henry wrote:sh-3.00# qemu -L ./bios -cdrom /mnt/home/windows.iso -hda windows.img -no-acpi -localtime -boot d -no-kqemu
qemu: could not open disk image windows.img
The kind wiki author omits some specifics of such importance that what he suggests will never work.

1. Vital Omission: Informing you that the instructions are for running QEMU on Windows not Linux

2. Important Omission: How to mount the hd image for file management with the host OS (Windows or Linux)
Bruce B

#50 Post by Bruce B »


Now for a serious repeat of what I wrote before. IF you will use bximage - THEN I will be able to show you how to mount it in Linux.

IF you use QEMU'S image building tool, I MAY NOT be able to show you how to mount it.


The following command presumes the location of windows.iso is at /mnt/home and the location of window.img is in your current directory, and I don't know if it's what you intended.

-cdrom /mnt/home/windows.iso -hda windows.img



Save yourself excessive typing run these commands to make a script file:

# cd /root/my-documents/bin
# geany editq

where # represents the prompt and green text following are commands to type in.

insert these commands in to geany:

Code: Select all

geany q &
close geany and save changes

# geany q

insert this text on first line:

Code: Select all

close geany and save changes

run this command

# chmod 755 editq q

When done use q as your script file for running qemu, use editq for building and editing the file named q

You will add to q comments and the commands you would otherwise be typing in on the command line.

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mission impossible

#51 Post by bosley »

@ Bruce and Henry

Seriously you look somewhat like mission impossible.

To myself such problems are only a lack of concentration.

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#52 Post by Henry »

Thanks, Bruce,

From my log:
(BACKED UP Nq-5 pup_save and reverted to Nq-4, renamed Nq-6, previous bximage and only 512Mb pup_save.)

Added two icons to upper panel:
1. Qemu-Windows, qemu -cdrom /mnt/home/windows.iso -hda /mnt/home/windows.img -m 256 -boot d -no-kqemu
2. Qemu-Linux, qemu -cdrom /mnt/home/puppy-301-NOP-r6.iso -hda /mnt/home/windows.img -m 256 -boot d -no-kqemu

From Bruce:
-cdrom /mnt/home/windows.iso -hda windows.img
changed to
-cdrom /mnt/home/windows.iso -hda /mnt/home/windows.img
sh-3.00# -cdrom /mnt/home/windows.iso -hda /mnt/home/windows.img
sh: -cdrom: command not found
I have not got the script generator set up yet. It will take me a little time as I have not created scripts before, and I use Mousepad in Xfce, not Geaney.

EDIT: Actually I got down to here, using mousepad instead of geany:
chmod 755 editq q
sh-3.00# chmod 755 editq q
chmod: cannot access `editq': No such file or directory
sh-3.00# chmod 755 editq q

EDIT: But if I enter in the terminal "mousepad q", or "mousepad editq", I get respectively the "q" document (#!/bin/sh) in mousepad or the qedit document (blank) in mousepad.
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#53 Post by Henry »

Here is a screenshot of puppy running as guest. Just to show what the Xfce looks like. The upper and lower panels are normallt autohidden. They were just revealed for the screenshot.
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#54 Post by Henry »


What you suggested at is pretty much what we have except for the qemu menu icon installed by the petget.Yes, linux runs as guest very very slow.

My question: have you got windows, especially win98se, to run? That is the idea, to replace wine, or as I spell it wina (wine is not the answer :-)

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#55 Post by Henry »

[quote="Bruce B"]Henry,

Puppy is a dog (no pun intended) in QEMU especially without the KQEMU module. With a powerful computer and the KQEMU accelerator module, Puppy runs fine.

W98SE runs super in QEMU and really good when the KQEMU is installed.
(Where was this? What version, etc. I would like to see it.)

keeping in mind that Puppy won't run with Xorg only Xvesa, don't use the default Cirrus Video Adapter.

Use the -vga-bios adapter which has twice the video memory and supports up to 1600x1200x24 resolution and color depth. This extra VESA support will help a lot, even when running at lower resolutions.
(where's this -vga-bios adapter?)

But we are working on setting up Windows 98SE. When you're done, you'll wonder why it took so long, because next time around it's a simple project.
(I'm glad you're optimistic - how long is it going to take - I'm not a young man :-)



POSTED with Puppy running in QEMU with Acceleration[/quote]

(Well, that sounds good. Can you describe this system?)

Bruce B

#56 Post by Bruce B »

[quote="Henry"][quote="Bruce B"]Henry,

Puppy is a dog (no pun intended) in QEMU especially without the KQEMU module. With a powerful computer and the KQEMU accelerator module, Puppy runs fine.

W98SE runs super in QEMU and really good when the KQEMU is installed.
(Where was this? What version, etc. I would like to see it.)

keeping in mind that Puppy won't run with Xorg only Xvesa, don't use the default Cirrus Video Adapter.

Use the -vga-bios adapter which has twice the video memory and supports up to 1600x1200x24 resolution and color depth. This extra VESA support will help a lot, even when running at lower resolutions.
(where's this -vga-bios adapter?)

But we are working on setting up Windows 98SE. When you're done, you'll wonder why it took so long, because next time around it's a simple project.
(I'm glad you're optimistic - how long is it going to take - I'm not a young man :-)




The -vga-bios is a QEMU option. We won't be able to use it for Windows 98 because it doesn't support VESA BIOS.

You read that -kenel-kqemu will crash the host and guest. Let's be specific, the hosts was Windows XP and the guest was Windows 98 in that claim, and we aren't using that combination. Also there is a difference between -kernel-kqemu and kqemu. I use Linux host and Windows 98 with kqemu and there is no problem.

Another important consideration that you appear to be missing is - I know what I'm doing.

Another important consideration is - that there are many host/guest variables. We are trying to help you run Windows 98SE guest on a Linux host.

I've not found any specific HOWTO on the Internet with this combination. If you do please let me know. However it is my intention to write and host the HOWTO in the near future.

If you will kindly backup in these threads, I think you will find two things:

1. you didn't do somethings I asked you to do
2. you did things I didn't ask you to do

This makes it harder for me.

Also, success is assured IF patience and persistence endures.

Bruce B

Re: mission impossible

#57 Post by Bruce B »

bosley wrote:@ Bruce and Henry

Seriously you look somewhat like mission impossible.

To myself such problems are only a lack of concentration.


My apparent goal is to help Henry get Windows 98 running in QEMU on Linux.

When that goal is accomplished - the mission is also.

But the mission is TEACHING and LEARNING. I think I've hinted at the importance of learning and such, on occasions throughout these threads.

My criteria for success is: Is Henry learning?

If so, we are succeeding.

When and if the 'goal' is accomplished, I expect Henry will have learned enough that he can see how he could have done it easier and better.

If the deletes his work and starts from scratch to make a better Windows 98 guest, that's swell with me.


PS and yes, this is taking time
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Win98se using Qemu in NOP

#58 Post by gray »

Henry: This looks like fun (He He).

So I thought I would try Qemu to see what it was all about. I got Win98SE up and running from NOP no problem and I am impressed by how well it runs, especially with kqemu active, and at 1280x1024 24 bit colour glory !!. Probably not good for games (no 3D graphics acceleration) but looks like it will run business software really well - a much better solution than Wine.

You have Qemu working fine if you can run a linux guest OS. The problem you are having is to do with your windows iso. The hard disk image file also, from what I have read here. I too tried the cow format and had little success, and I am sure bximage works but all I did was use the raw format which is the default for qemu-img.

qemu-img create windows.img 2G

The windows iso that you are using is not bootable that is why you get the error messages. You created the iso from your hard drive, but it needs a cdrom boot sector to work. Try using an actual windows cdrom iso and install win98 from scratch.

I will play with this more and probably put together a pet package with qemu & kqemu. If you are only using it on i386 machines all the files for exotic cpus (like mips !) are not needed and so the whole pet pack would only be around 1.5 Mb.
Bruce B

Re: Win98se using Qemu in NOP

#59 Post by Bruce B »

gray wrote: You have Qemu working fine if you can run a linux guest OS. The problem you are having is to do with your windows iso. The hard disk image file also, from what I have read here. I too tried the cow format and had little success, and I am sure bximage works but all I did was use the raw format which is the default for qemu-img.

qemu-img create windows.img 2G

The windows iso that you are using is not bootable that is why you get the error messages. You created the iso from your hard drive, but it needs a cdrom boot sector to work. Try using an actual windows cdrom iso and install win98 from scratch.

I will play with this more and probably put together a pet package with qemu & kqemu. If you are only using it on i386 machines all the files for exotic cpus (like mips !) are not needed and so the whole pet pack would only be around 1.5 Mb.
Hi Gray,

Nice to read your success report.

I tried to get Henry to boot from the Windows CD, but for reasons unknown to me, he had successive failures. What to do?

My next step was to get him to partition, format and make bootable the hd image with a Windows setup floppy disk image and they apparently didn't work.

Building a pet package, one would need to consider:
  • 1. that most people are running frugal installs, for one reason the majority of posters recommend frugal installs. these installs not having pup_save files big enough for 1.5GB

    2. that we have reoccurring problems with people being able to expand even small pet packages in version 3.01

    3. last but not least, considerations about passing around the monopoly's OS.

Thanks for the testimonial, I know it W98 works great in Linux and it's good to have that confirmed.

Please answer this question if you can: How to you mount the .cow image in Linux for file management outside QEMU?
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#60 Post by Henry »

Good morning, gray,

"Henry: This looks like fun (He He)."

Well, it hasn't been that much fun so far, but I am vastly relieved to have you picking up on this. I have lobbied for this project as you know, and finally it looks like it may happen !! :-)

Re: the windows.iso, I tried one made from my current windows installation, which you point out is not bootable, and also a windows.iso made from the windows 98 CD, but will try this again.

I think I'm well beyond the i386, but here's a summary of my system. Please don't limit your pet to primitive computers.

Thanks again,
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