eXpand v2.15 - BARBIE REVAMPED

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#41 Post by Billwho? »

Hmm I just found the wget log from when I downloaded the iso myself (can't believe that is still kicking around on my hard drive :oops: ) This may be the site I downloaded from myself Everything looks the same as you screenshot .
As an experiment I tried to download it again with Firefox and got the 403 message myself.
403 Forbidden

You are not allowed to access this page. Possible problems:

* Authentication Failure
* Incorrect file or folder permissions

Servage.net Clustered Webhosting running enhanced Apache Webserver
I wonder if this has anything to do with the attacks on some of our websites that are being discussed here
I also found a second wget log using this address.
http://dl.free.fr/S12IncTc/eXpand215b-B ... vamped.iso
Maybe this is where I got the iso before. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to work either.
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#42 Post by Billwho? »

Being on dial up I couldn't realistically upload the file myself but have asked my Brother in law to do so today. Will report back when he has finished.
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#43 Post by cthisbear »


You are in NSW.
PM me and I'll send you a copy...plus other Puppy ISOs.
My treat.

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#44 Post by Billwho? »

Thanks for the offer Chris, but I think you misunderstood. I already have a copy myself and am now trying to help whyme get a copy himself by getting mine uploaded to megaupload. Downloading is not really a problem for me. (true it takes me three or four days to download instead of the three and a half hours it took my Brother in law to upload last night) but wget -c gets it for me eventually.

The uploads are now complete and the file is available at
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7FK9GJ8K for the iso
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=N8276NKX for the md5 text file.

Note for others who come across this post at a later date these files will be automatically removed in one year from now.
Last edited by Billwho? on Wed 16 Apr 2008, 21:52, edited 1 time in total.
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#45 Post by cthisbear »


Roger that.

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#46 Post by whyme »


do i have to be a member of megaupload to get the iso you uploaded?


NEVERmind , i figured it out :D

next time i will finish my coffee before trying to think

Thanks for the help !
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#47 Post by Previously known as Guest »

pkagfiles mirror should be working soon, dns transfer still in progress & am uploading eXpand iso again.
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#48 Post by joopyhellspawn »

I am downloading this right now. I was wondering if there is any plans to make one of these using 3.01 or even 4 when it comes out.

I want to try it out as I am going to set up a laptop for my sister and she might find this more appealing. She is completely computer illiterate.
Bruce B

#49 Post by Bruce B »

alienjeff wrote:@Lilahblossom

Try this link: http://puppyisos.org/isos/2007-01-to-06/ and select "eXpand215b-Barbie_Revamped.iso" from the listing. The md5sum.txt file is directly below it.
Thanks AJ - as of the time of this post - is says bandwidth exceed - account suspended. I'd really, really like to have this distro for a girl. Any one have ideas?
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#50 Post by Previously known as Guest »

dns changes "should" have propagated now. If you have problems, let me know.
http://pkagfiles.net/ > puppy-mirror-isos > eXpand
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#51 Post by joopyhellspawn »

I got this running. Very cute. I tried it first in my main laptop. Wireless didn't work. I didn't spend too much time going through the modules though since I don't expect to run Barbie on that. I now have it running on my backup laptop and since I'm obviously online, the wireless worked very smoothly.

I think my sister is really going to like this as everything she will need is just there.

Thanks people.
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#52 Post by joopyhellspawn »

Ok, so I have test driven Barbie a little bit now and I am impressed. I like it. Puppy in general is a very impressive bit of work but this Barbie really tops what couldn't be topped. You guys and gals who worked on this really put some thought into this. I appreciate it and I am sure that my sister will as well. I intend to replace my niece's Ubuntu with Barbie when I get the chance. Good job.
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#53 Post by Billwho? »

Bruce B wrote:
alienjeff wrote:@Lilahblossom

Try this link: http://puppyisos.org/isos/2007-01-to-06/ and select "eXpand215b-Barbie_Revamped.iso" from the listing. The md5sum.txt file is directly below it.
Thanks AJ - as of the time of this post - is says bandwidth exceed - account suspended. I'd really, really like to have this distro for a girl. Any one have ideas?
Bruce if you are still having trouble try these links

http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7FK9GJ8K for the iso
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=N8276NKX for the md5 text file.
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Bruce B

#54 Post by Bruce B »


The link you provided me tried to set me up with dates from a selection of four young ladies in their twenties.

  • What would my daughters think?

    What would my girlfriend do to me?

    What could I do with women so young? (DON'T ANSWER, I CAN PROBABLY FIGURE IT OUT)

    What would they want with ME? (I think can figure that one out also)
Fortunately Barbie.iso looks like it's downloading right now from:



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#55 Post by Billwho? »

Bruce B wrote:Billwho,

The link you provided me tried to set me up with dates from a selection of four young ladies in their twenties.
It is a free site and the matchmaking is the advertising that pays for the site
What would my daughters think?
Only two possibilities here :shock: or :lol:
What would my girlfriend do to me?
Doesn't bare thinking about
What could I do with women so young? (DON'T ANSWER, I CAN PROBABLY FIGURE IT OUT)
If you are anything like me are you sure you can remember :D

What would they want with ME? (I think can figure that one out also)
Sugar :?: Daddy

To access the download you need to fill in the anti bot box at the top right to move on to the download page.
I have attached a screenshot with the relevant areas circled.
(16.09 KiB) Downloaded 1570 times
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#56 Post by lvds »

Hi Everybody,

Due to the so many requests about a download source for the eXpand
puppy distributions, I have setup a domain name and the files are now
hosted inside the domain webhost so people can download for free.

As the files to download are quite large, I strongly suggest everyone to
use firefox and an extension named DownThemAll. Not only your download
will be faster and stronger, but it will also allow you to restart from where
you left in case your connection breaks, thus ensuring you to always finnish properly.

My bandwidth is not unlimited and will renew every month.
Feel free to store the ISO files wherever you need if you have better
bandwidth. They were stored in some Puppy-linux ftp once, but
i don't know if they are still there. Post in the forum so we know
what's going on and we may be able to help.

I am not visiting the forum a lot recently because I have been very
busy with my work but the eXpand Puppy Linux distributions works fine
and are really strong, in fact many people use them on a daily basis so
there are many chances you can rely on it.

The eXpand Office edition might look a bit large for the olders pc, but this
release is primarily intended to nowadays fasters pc and you will have
no problem at running it. You will find inside everything needed to work
and run a decent computer at huge speed as the operating system is
incredibly powerful. Too many softwares are included inside to name them
all here but you can rest assured everything have been tweaked and
tuned weeks after weeks.

If you are looking for a plug an play Linux operating system, secure,
fun and strong, just try eXpand. All you have to do is boot on a CDROM 8)

You can download the eXpand Barbie edition of my Linux there:


and here is the link for the eXpand Office edition:


and here is the link for the eXpand Dofus edition:


Unfortunately I had no time to update the Dofus release inside,
but that is really very easy to do so everyone should be able to.
Note this also works for Wakfu, the brand new MMORPG game from
Ankama see video introduction here http://www.wakfu.com (many languages availables)

We wish you the very best at using eXpand Puppy Linux editions.
You can give away the CD to your friends or to anyone whom may be
asking for it, but remember:

IT IS FREE. You received it this way, give it this way. :D

Best regards,
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are you kidding me?

#57 Post by uniquegeek »


It's not cute or funny. Of all the distro names you could have chosen, this is one of the most demeaning.

FOSS communities are meant to encourage and bring people together, not polarize them.

Some of you in this thread have demonstrated they have themselves to thank when they wonder why there are so few women in computing professions.

My Dad really likes gardening. Do you think he appreciates being labeled "girly" because he has flowers as wallpaper? And no, he's not about to carry a murse anytime soon.
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#58 Post by lvds »


The internet domain I had bought for distribution of eXpand has only expired
since a few days, and I already have requests for some new download links 8)

Thanks to Mark, the ISO files are mirrored here
except the "large" eXpand office suite which I could not find mirrored anywhere.

All right, due to popular demand here are the new download links for the
original ISO files of eXpand Linux distribution :P
(that was based on Puppy v2 serie) Use these links first before trying
anything else, that will save the bandwidth of the mirrors.

Keep in mind that even some ISO files might seems you quite large for a
Puppy Linux, it is because the ISO archive contains not only the puplet but
also some extensions so they are directly available from your cdrom :!:

IT IS FREE. You received it this way, give it this way. :D

Best regards,

Linux eXpand v2.14 DOFUS special release

screenshots and details on forum thread here:

download link

Linux eXpand v2.15 Barbie edition Revamped
screenshots and details on forum thread here:

download link

Linux eXpand v2.15b Office suite
screenshots and details on forum thread here:

download link

Barbie Revamped 2013 ?

#59 Post by Pelo »

Barbie Revamped 2013 ? It's a try to give youth again to our puppy stuff.
It's for my fun too. Puppy is the best adult game that i Know / Viva Puppy Crush !
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