SOLVED - ETH1 Gone; Shutdown error message baffling

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SOLVED - ETH1 Gone; Shutdown error message baffling

#1 Post by pistoi0 »

While running both my Dell Latitude 600m and my Dell inspiron 600m, my wireless net suddenly went down. On shut down I got the message referenced in the subject description above. A variety of puppies, even with pfix=ram, don't solve the problem.The Eth1 in the Latitude is a BCM43xx and in the Inspiron I have IPW2200. Both machines work now with WLAN0 cards. The other bit to note, is that I can not get my Belkin router to connect from a tower. The tower runs on ETH0 with no problem, yet I can't get the router to be recognized with 192.168. 2. 1 in the browser. I get a page not found failure. Any ideas about what is going on?
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#2 Post by Aitch »


Try a hard reset of the router [disconnect all outgoing network cables first]

i.e turn the power off or unplug it; wait 10seconds, then turn it on again,
let all the lights settle, so that it is logged into your [ISP] service before reconnecting any PC to it

reboot any PC after reconnecting it to the router

with puppy pfix=ram at bootup

if it still persists try pfix=purge

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#3 Post by Béèm »

What is the IP of the eth0 of the tower?
Are you sure the router's configuration IP is
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#4 Post by pistoi0 »

Thanks to Aitch and Beem.

@ Beem
Yes, is the browser address that has previously opened my Belkin menu to make the settings for the router. All that gets me at this point is a page connect failure.


I tried your suggestions without success.

I should have mentioned that I can get a useable signal from the router, even though the ETH0 setting does not connect in the tower. However, ETH0 works in the tower, but not when the router is connected

Here is the file from /var/lib/dhcpcd ETH1 info:

CLASSID='dhcpcd 3.1.0'

I don't know what to make of this, so I am now clutching at straws for clues.
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#5 Post by Béèm »

I am confused.
At a certain moment you say eth0 in the tower works, afterwards you say it don't work.
You also say eth1 is in the latitude and it works and yet you say afterwards:
Here is the file from /var/lib/dhcpcd ETH1 info:

and with that IP the latitude can't work.

I think it would be interesting that you report her the ifconfig and iwconfig of your two WiFi PC's and the ifconfig of your tower.
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#6 Post by Aitch »


I'm not sure I understand your setup

Try, with either of the laptops to connect without the router

Go to a console and type

Code: Select all

that should give you your IP address & your gateway & dns server addresses

write them down

now connect the router and the same laptop via the router

do the lights set up OK?

if you type into a browser do you get a password page/setup page for your router?

if not try

I think your router maybe screwed if it won't reset

unless you can sort out settings, you may have a security conflict, apart from an addressing problem

If you use the network wizard, try both dhcp, and manual setup

Failing that...
Do you have a windoze box you could test it with?

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#7 Post by pistoi0 »

First, thank you Aitch and Beem. I am in over my head, so allow me to chunk this down. I directly connected one laptop (Latitude) to my modem, Typed ifconfig in terminal and got the following. Tell me, please, what you make of this before I continue:

Edupup2.00-# ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0F:1F:A3:EF:92
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:2895 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:3038 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:2167155 (2.0 MiB) TX bytes:504886 (493.0 KiB)

lo Link encap:Local Loopback
inet addr: Mask:
RX packets:132 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:132 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:0
RX bytes:6600 (6.4 KiB) TX bytes:6600 (6.4 KiB
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#8 Post by Aitch »


eth0 up
inet addr:
this is your external IP address

you will [hopefully see the same if you type 'whatismyip' into a browser
with any luck it will take to
& show you as your IP address,

now, go to a console and type, netstat

you should see in the first 4or 5 lines, tcp something or other numbers

these are your internal IP address numbers asigned by your EDIT: modem, including the ports

Your ISPs address numbers you are connected to, appear as 'foreign address' followed by www

so, I think what you need to do is, write down the foreign address numbers
[problem is, I can't remember if the top one or the bottom one is the main ISP gateway, so you'll have to try both]
any of the others are dns server addresses

So, if you reconnect your router/this laptop and run the network wizard, test eth0, and select static ip, using the figures you said had worked;
enter ip address [the last number can be any low number except 1]
dns primary
dns secondary any of the 'foreign addresses' from above

click ok to save & then try browsing

IF your router is working this, or a combination of the foreign addresses as dns server SHOULD get you going
You may have to save & reboot to get the router to 'see' the connection, & again, it may be worth trying powering down & reconnecting the router
Failing that, I can only suggest you find the helpline phone number for your router [Belkin/Linksys?], and see if they can help, or, try your ISP helpline directly,
as they will be able to probe your router to see if it is active

Unless anyone else has any other ideas?
- perhaps, borrow a router from a friend just to verify things?

good luck

Edit: PS. Belkin routers have a lifetime guarantee - are you lucky?
Edited: Thanks Beem
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#9 Post by Béèm »

If I connect directly my PC to the router modem, and my modem is configured to connect directly to the ISP, the ethernet port in my PC doesn't get that IP from the ISP, but has an IP like 192.168.1.*
So I don't understand this strange IP.

When I type netstat (being connected through WiFi) I get something like pc4:*****, looks like a port n°.
What can this be?

OK forget the question, my browser was still active.
It's gone now.
But I don't have the local addresses here, they are in the ifconfig.
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#10 Post by Aitch »

PC doesn't get that IP from the ISP, but has an IP like 192.168.1.*
Thanks, see edit
Doh - NAT
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#11 Post by pistoi0 »

@ Aitch and Beem

A good amount of success! Thanks to you both.

Aitch, I followed your latest instructions and got the router connected and functioning. I set up the laptop/router connection and it did the trick. Then, I went back to the tower, using the same instructions, and it connected. Thereafter, the Inspiron fell into place. Both laptops connected using WLAN0

Now, the only problem remains ETH1. Is it possible that ETH1 on both laptop machines was fatally affected when the net went down a few nights ago?
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#12 Post by Aitch »

hi pistoi0
congratulations, and well persevered
that was a tricky one, so 10 points!

now perhaps you should explain the eth1 problem, as you call it, from the start, in a new thread, so's not to confuse things

this thread can always be referred back to, if need be

If you agree, can you edit this post by putting Solved in the subject description, to benefit others in how it was done?

If not, what eth1 problem? :lol:

PS: A useful resource on IP Addressing is:-
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ETH1 Gone; Shutdown error message baffling - SOLVED

#13 Post by pistoi0 »

@ Aitch

Thanks again, indeed.

I have marked this thread SOLVED, and will open a new thread regarding my eth1problem. :D
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