pBurn 4.3.19

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Nathan F
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#241 Post by Nathan F »

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# pburn 
ls: unrecognized option `--group-directories-first' 
Try `ls --help' for more information. 
sh: locate: command not found 
sh: locate: command not found
Older Puppies used busybox for the ls command, which doesn't recognize the "--group-directories-first" option. I've been working on tweaking Pburn for my new Grafpup and that was one of the first things I found.

This could be fixed (with a bit of work) in the Pburn code, or it might just be easier to provide an ls binary for those who don't have the real thing in their version of Puppy. Zigbert's call here.

I do have a suggestion for the way the theming has been implemented. In v1.4.2. As of right now it does this:

Code: Select all

export GTK2_RC_FILES="`cat $HOME/.gtkrc-2.0 | grep -m 1 gtkrc | cut -d'\"' -f2 2> /dev/null`" #get active theme
This grabs the current theme if it is listed in $HOME/.gtkrc-2.0 (which is normal). However, it misses any custom fonts or icon themes. It also misses any includes. For instance, my .gtkrc-2.0 has this:

Code: Select all

include "/root/.config/gtk-2.0/gtkrc.icons"
include "/root/.config/gtk-2.0/gtkrc.widgets"
include "/root/.config/gtk-2.0/gtkrc.fonts"
This is because of how my gtk+ theme manager works in Grafpup (development branch) and Pburn is the only app that doesn't abide my settings, at least not as written. I would suggest this instead:

Code: Select all

export GTK2_RC_FILES="$HOME/.gtkrc-2.0" #get active theme
export GTK2_RC_FILES="$APPDIR/themes/$THEME/gtk/gtkrc:$GTK2_RC_FILES"
Quite simple in comparison and it works. I think you were overthinking this one part. Just by exporting gtkrc-2.0 anything included in it will be used automatically - no need to extract the path to the real theme.

I also have a couple issues with running Pburn in a multi-user environment, basically Grafpup or any other distro besides Puppy would have this particular issue. Pburn uses /tmp, which is fine, but lets say it was run as root, root logged out, and then "nathan" logged in and tried to burn something. Well "nathan" can't overwrite any of those files in /tmp so Pburn fails completely. Two relatively painless solutions:
  • 1) Append the users name to the temp files - /tmp/pburn-burn.`whoami`, or conversely put them into a subdir based on uid or username.
    2)Use a dir in $HOME instead (I use $HOME/.config/tmp a lot).
This is of course not a concern if you're intention is an app that will only run in Puppy, and I'll take the time to port it myself if need be. I already have a customized version going into Grafpup, but it's then a pain to upgrade when you keep releasing new versions with very worthwhile features and upgrades :D

Overall I'm very impressed with Pburn, however, and I want to thank you for all the work that has gone into it. Most of the things I saw as problems at first have either already been corrected or I was wrong in my original assumptions anyway.

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#242 Post by zigbert »

Thanks for input!
It would be very nice getting Pburn running in Grafpup.

1. Yes, I move all files to $USER/tmp/...
2. I'll check the include gtkrc in Puppy and follow your suggestion if no troubles occur.
3. Do you know when 'ls' was introduced into Puppy? I can give a link, but need to know what Puppy version that needs 'ls'.

There is a huge upgrade with version 1.5.0. Will try to release it during the next weekend. (or the one after that. My sparetime is limited at the moment.)

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#243 Post by Nathan F »

I searched through Barry's news pages (harder now that the archives are not in a blog, but separate static html pages) and found that the full "ls" utility was introduced into Puppy in v2.16.

I'll continue to check in from time to time, I've got to get back to work for now.

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#244 Post by zigbert »

Thanks for info. I'll add note in main post.

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#245 Post by disciple »

1. Yes, I move all files to $USER/tmp/...
Please can we make this configurable?
What if I don't have that much free space in ~ ?
What if I want to use a particular partition?
What if I like Puppies with /tmp in a ramdisk, and like temporary files to be there?
Do you know a good gtkdialog program? Please post a link here

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#246 Post by Nathan F »

Please can we make this configurable?
That to me sounds like an excellent idea. It solves my problem and it keeps from interfering with the way Puppy users expect it to work.

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#247 Post by zigbert »

These files are not big at all, so space issues shouldn't exist. It's nice to clean up /tmp/ at boot, and for Pfind and Picker it would be a true hell, since the pid is added to all file. This to be able to run several instances without interfere with each other. But Pburn will max hold one set of temporary files. Remember that all files with weight (wav, iso, mp3...) are stored in the temporary storage defined in preferences. But hey, it really doesn't matter for me. Maybe a parameter could set tmp-config-path.

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#248 Post by disciple »

Remember that all files with weight (wav, iso, mp3...) are stored in the temporary storage defined in preferences.
Oh yes, of course. It doesn't matter then :)
Do you know a good gtkdialog program? Please post a link here

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#249 Post by zigbert »

Version 1.5.0
See main post
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#250 Post by disciple »

1. If I answer "no" to the "Clear storage and Continue?" question, then the initial progress window isn't killed. It used to be, but isn't with 1.5.0

2. A feature suggestion:
Can anyone think of the best way to change the order of files on an audio CD, other than the up down buttons? Because at the moment if you want to change something from track 8 to track 2, you have to click on it and click up, then click on it and click up, then click on it and click up, then click on it and click up, then click on it and click up, then click on it and click up :)

Maybe we could have an extra button to move the position of a track, that pops up a window with a button for each position, so it just takes two clicks to move a track? I thought of a few other ways, but they weren't as good...
Do you know a good gtkdialog program? Please post a link here

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#251 Post by zigbert »

If I answer "no" to the "Clear storage and Continue?"
The new splash must be killed. Thanks.

The UP/DOWN buttons is on my todo-list, and I think we will make them work properly in the end. Haven't you seen....it works in Picker. The difference is that in Pburn, filename changes when moving, so the variable of burnlist also changes. But when writing this I think of a solution. What if we:
TMP=`echo $BURNLIST | sed -e "s/(..)_//"`
BURNLIST=`cat $WORKDIR/pburn-burn | grep "$TMP" | cut -d '|' -f 1`
If we store this info in $WORKDIR/pburn-BURNLIST move UP/DOWN always know what file that was moved last time.

I'll look at it. Thanks to you, disciple. Go on - push the limits.
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#252 Post by zigbert »

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#253 Post by Botanic »

blanking works fine, good work !
but, i shouldn't stop complaining if i want to be useful :):)
the log window is displaying things in a strange way, as shown in the screenshot. why not use rxvt -title /root/.pburn/tmp/pburn-log -e cdrecord etc.
i think the reason is no emergency stop then ?
also, the "old default" look of the preferences window (same as the log window shown below) is on purpose or not? no problem at all, just to know if it's due to incompatibility of Pburn with Puppy 2.16, or if it's intended (with Pburn 1.4.2 it used my gtk-theme)
(50.56 KiB) Downloaded 695 times
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#254 Post by zigbert »

rxvt -e does close rxvt-window after command is executed. I want the user to look at the output to check error messages.

I have tested Pburn on Puppy 3/4. The handling of gtk-themes has changed with Puppys evolution. If you find a way to get it work, please give feedback. From version 1.5.0 it should be compatible with GrafPup.

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#255 Post by zigbert »

Version 1.5.1
See main post
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#256 Post by plinej »

In pcdripper I use the "cddb_query" executable (included in Puppy - at least version 4 not sure about prior) for cddb info. Maybe that can be a solution instead of having to use icedax when Barry wants to stick with cdda2wav.
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#257 Post by zigbert »

Thanks for suggestion.
It's me that troubles here. Dingo comes with icedax, so the problems with cdda2wav will only occur with Puppy 3 and earlier. cddb_query is fine, but icedax -cddb 1 puts all cd-text info into the *.inf files that cdrecord/wodim uses for burning. Simpler for me. (as long as it works, of course.)

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#258 Post by BarryK »

Yes, just to clarify to everyone. Dingo has cdrkit since alpha4. The cdrtools names are there, such as cdda2wav but they are symlinks. I recently posted some links on my blog about the history behind this.
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#259 Post by zigbert »

Version 1.5.2
See main post
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#260 Post by zigbert »

Version 1.6.0
See main post
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