Transitions Linux

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Transitions Linux

#1 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello :D
A while back my Father, an older retired man, asked me about Linux. He had heard about
it on the net, but knew very little. I told him that, actually, I had been using it for about 5
months, and was sure it was "The Future". I told him about Puppy, and that I had even built
my own Puppies. He asked if I could build a Puppy for "Windows" refugees with absolutely
no knowledge of Linux, for him to use. ( He`s sick of "the doze" too, and was interested in
the FOSS too.) The result is Transitions... :D

Transitions is built on Fat Free 301 (thx to Big Bass and Ttuuxxx)
Default WM is JWM, but IceWm is included, with the LookXP and
TrueVista themes included...(as shown in screenshot
Default Browser is Ttuuxxx`s FireFox+Flash+Java, Dillo is default HTML
Transitions Includes:
OpenOffice 2.2
Xara Xtreme
MTPaint 3.1
Gaim 1.5
Transitions is 269mb but needs 512mb ram (or a swap file) to run right..
I could use some testers b4 I send it too Dad, so if you have any feedback
I would greatly appreciate it... :D
@For the "windows" look, hit ctrl-alt-bkspce / then type xwin icewm and pick a theme.

Until I finish my Website at :
Transitions is available at:

@Update: Been using Transitions for a month now, and it has become my main desktop. I originally built it for my Dad, but it just works soo good!! Ttuuxxx`s Firefox is the bomb!!! Everything I install works great..(Except XPenguins).. This is one stable Pup!!!..FF301 Rocks!! Best platform to build on for sure!! :D ..Makes one solid Pup.. :D
"Pats self on back...LOL"
Last edited by puppyluvr on Thu 22 Jan 2009, 05:34, edited 13 times in total.
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#2 Post by ttuuxxx »

If your using mu's gtk theme chooser you might want to this xp theme I came across
plus it has more xp type icons
(12.35 KiB) Downloaded 7066 times <-- excellent site <-- Codec Test Files <-- excellent HTML5 games :)
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#3 Post by Lobster »

Excellent choice of packages and source/starter 8)
I hope your dad uses and enjoys it.
To get more testers placed an item here: :)
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Icons and such

#4 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello :D

Thanks, I`ll add them to my collection. :D
Actually, I have a folder full of XP and Vista icons, and at first I used them in this Puppy..
But then I realized the point is to help them adjust to the change (gradually). :D
Plus, M$ has lawyers. LOL

Sweet. :D .. I followed the link and it was already posted! :D I didnt find that thread
before, Thanks. 8)
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#5 Post by Lobster »

you could also set up a transitions blog for you and your dad . . . :)
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#6 Post by ttuuxxx »

you also might want this firefox theme <--- looks very close to Explorer 7
(4.65 KiB) Downloaded 7132 times <-- excellent site <-- Codec Test Files <-- excellent HTML5 games :)
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useful additions

#7 Post by dmoore »

A WUBI (a program that integrates ubuntu linux into the windows boot list seamlessly) like add on and the most recent WINE would be nice additions for "the rest of us."
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Is this a Bug ?

#8 Post by Tui »

I did a D/L of this version from
using wget also D/L the md5 checksum, and when completed D/L
did the checksum before the cd burn. Checksum checked ok! with the
D/L value.

After the burn, tried to load into ram with the usual instruction.

The result :- loading the "pup_301.sfs main file copying to ram, kernel
panic not syncing: out of memory and no killable process.

I got heaps of memory in the machine I am using at the moment.

Whats my problem ? How do I get the problem fixed

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#9 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello :D

@ I dont know yet, but will D/L and check ASAP and will post soon...Thx
@Well, I D/L the ISO from, burned it (Twice), and am using it to send this post..Checked the MD5 with this ISO, with the MD5 on Caneri`s site, generated a new MD5 off this D/L`d ISO, compared to the MD5 on my PC, and the others....The ISO is ok... I checked it out on 3 machines, including my P3 600/256ram tester...Are you on a 128mb ram machine??I have not pulled the ram to test at 128 yet :oops: but I will if you are...
How did you burn it? Slower is better...I burn at 4...Are you in "Windoze"?? if so, did you use BurnCDCC???... That or BurnISO2CD in Puppy is the way to go...Tested it both ways...Both worked....Wireless, everything...
@ :oops: Sorry, checked your profile :oops: , you know this stuff, but will leave for those who dont.. Gotta be a bad burn though.....
This is the MD5sum I up/down loaded to/from
8572d9a3b0101b49aedafe60732b7c5d Transitions.iso
Have you tried the Pfix=noram cheat, IDK if it works on 301 but worth a try....
Best of luck, I hope I can help...

@ Update(again) (not quite everything..LOL)
Am posting from P3 600 box, and discovered that BurnISO2CD doesnt work right in Transitions..will burn to DVD but not to CD..just get an XDialog page...Will investigate..
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#10 Post by Tui »

Hi Puppyluvr,
Well I followed you checking thro' my problem, and I re-made the
ISO Live CD.

With checking again, I found the same problem, to get to the bottom
of this, I loaded the CD into a machine that has 512Mb of hard ram,
well surprise surprise it loaded !

Checked the first made CD and it worked also! Now checking mem useage
with window - " terminal console " free this gave 382Mb without
any swap being used.

Back to the first trial machine, this has 256Mb hard ram and 512Mb
swap on H/D.

This machine has an onboard GRAPHICS chipset, I don't know
how much ram is taken off the main ram - (shared with graphics)

This machine has three other versions of puppy and a 512Mb swap
partition. So it looks like 256Mb is not enough to run in ram only.

Why is this version taking such a large amount of ram ? Could
you not put it together with Dingo-beta2 (97Mb) plus your extras
open office etc.

Well I hope this little bit of info helps things along.

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#11 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello :D
First off, Im an idiot.. :D I tested it on a 256mb machine all right, with SWAP...I forgot about the swapfile when I tested it..
As to why so much...IDK... its not that big a Puppy...Maybe OOffice and the GIMP...My tests show it uses about 500mb, but the Puppy ISO is only 269mb itself..??
Ill figure it out..Meanwhile, I will edit the thread to say 512mb till I do...
Sorry about the confusion and trouble....
?? Also, did you like it otherwise, Any problems?? Would it be noobie friendly??

@ Anyone got any idea how a 269mb Pup would need 500mb ram to run???
Someone smarter than me???? :D :D :D Compressed files maybe???


@ As for Dingo, I love it so far, but cant get icewm to work on it yet, and I like icewm
for my Puppies if they arent Enlightenment based....(Which Im also trying on Dingo)
Plus, this Pup is based on FatFree 301, which is smaller than Dingo anyhow....
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#12 Post by iscraigh »

can't download off link is there a new one?


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#13 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello :D

As my site at okielinux is unfinished as of now, (Can you believe they wouldnt let me work on it in the Hospital!!!LOL) you can D/L Transitions at:
I misspelled it in the original post, fixed now...Thx 4 making me aware of that!!! I guess u r the 1st to try to D/L else said anything....
Thanks again to Caneri for mirroring it... :D
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#14 Post by Tui »

Hi Puppyluvr,
Well it's me again, I have just got back to try your version of
puppy, I can't get the VISTA look that you show in your screeshots. What have
I missed as I said before the d/l and checksum was ok!

I can't get the iceWM to action ! It just stays in the JWM mode.

Help help! --- Please

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#15 Post by iscraigh »

log out to prompt type
xwin icewm

should work for you.

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Vista look

#16 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello tui :D

Yes, just as iscraigh said, hit ctrl/alt/bkspce to drop out of X, then type xwin icewm
When it restarts, the taskbar will be in spanish...dont worry, its just the default.
Click Inicio (start) and go to themes and choose UltraRealVista..(Or one of the
XP themes if you prefer..) then youre good to go..

Thanks for trying this Puppy, and let me know how it goes, I need the feedback!!!
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#17 Post by Tui »

Hi Guys,
Yes Guys that trick worked, but if I work from the JWM screen and
move thro' MENU - select Desktop then - LookXP LookXP IceWM nothing
happens ! I had a hope that it would produce the same thing without
going through the commandline actions.

Also what about the MENU -Shutdown/ Change Window Manager (is this for
a change to IceWM ?) Does it only come into action with a full h/d install ?


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#18 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello :D
@ Tui,
Yes, when JWM the change window manager button does nothing..
Never has on any of my Puppies.
When I installed the XP themes it created the Look XP entry in the
IceWM menu which also does nothing, and which I forgot to edit out. :
Unfortunately, you must drop out of Xwindows to change Window
Thx for trying my Pup.. :D Let me know how it works for you.. :D
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#19 Post by runtt21 »

Hello, I tried your Transitions puppy, After I crtl-alt-backspace to restart in icewm I could no longer change the background. Firefox ran ok , Flash worked at youtube, but FF dosen't have the java plugin .I know it has Java installed, I saw the file folder but the plugin didn't work.
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Re: Download

#20 Post by rodrigt »

puppyluvr wrote::D
... you can D/L Transitions at: :D
Your dad beat me to the punch in wishing for a simple way to transition from Windows to Linux - Thanks!

I'm looking forward to trying Transitions but don't see it at the URL above, the latest file is BrowserDingo.iso (Jun 28, 2008). Is that what I should download?
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