Ubuntu Hardy Heron

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Ubuntu Hardy Heron

#1 Post by prit1 »

http://lifehacker.com/383769/hardy-hero ... other-look

I liked this:
"just pop an Ubuntu desktop CD in while Windows is running, and you'll get an option to install Ubuntu—inside Windows. Basically, a program called Wubi creates a single file tucked away in Windows and packs a virtual Ubuntu installation inside it"

Tried the Kubuntu KDE 4 - looked good.

Does not work on one of my laptops as X is not functional.

Did anybody else try the hardy heron?

#2 Post by jonyo »

Trying it out & dloading.. Sounds like something good & easy. Hard to beat one click.
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#3 Post by alienjeff »

Hardy Heron or Hardly Hero?
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#4 Post by LuisS »

As a Ubuntu user since 6.10 I can't honestly tell any difference between Hardy Heron and the older versions, except this one: 64 bit Hardy runs on my AMD Athlon as smooth as 32 bit (and I mean Flash as well).

Ubuntu was my "Adios, Bill" distro. Everything works, just like Puppy :wink:

#5 Post by jonyo »

I'm not getting a boot. Have a prior Lin'N'WinNewB setup & ubuntu shows up on the boot option page but that's it. I'm assuming some conflict is going on but Lin'N'WinNewB is still working with the pups.

I've fiddled some with 7.04 in the past.

Edit - Ok, moved the Lin'N'WinNewB grldr & menu list to a folder (hopefully temp for now..) & got a boot. Shoulda read up on it a bit but, ..ubuntu installed fine without any prompts (think ..pretty much automatic). Sweated a bit when I saw formating & ubu's grubloader being installed ..but, all worked out & win still boots. Pretty nifty deal & sure makes linux EZ to install. Hmm.. don't see a linux partition..:? What's the login & password (tried a few..)?

Edit - Found this (bottom 0f the page) & remember the password I entered but forget the (username) login? (think I left it default)

Edit - Hmmm.. bingo.
If you can't login, just boot up the recovery mode (press esc right after selecting the Ubuntu boot option), then do "adduser ubuntu" or whatever username you want, give it a password (passwd ubuntu) and you'll be able to log in afterwards.
Works good, boots up quick, waaay faster than the fresh win install, hauling along all the anti malaware garbage. I'm impressed. HUGE incentive for the win crowd new to linux.

Stumbling along ..UNetbootin looks interestin. :)
UNetbootin allows for the installation of various Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive, so it's no different from a standard install, only it doesn't need a CD. It can create a dual-boot install, or replace the existing OS entirely.
UNetbootin can install to your local hard disk or make a bootable USB drive. It can also load floppy/hard disk images, or kernel/initrds, or (some) ISO (CD image) files, for installing other distributions. The current version has built-in support for the following distributions: ->....UNetbootin
As well as Lubi..
Lubi, the Linux-based Ubuntu Installer, is a graphical user interface and backend that allows installation of Ubuntu Linux-based distros on a loopmounted filesystem (no partitioning required) on modern GNU/Linux distributions, without an installation CD. Lubi functions similarly to Wubi, however, Lubi uses GNU/Linux as the host system instead of Windows.
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