wNOP v0.2

For talk and support relating specifically to Puppy derivatives
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#181 Post by Sage »

This one raises some interesting points.
On the one hand, Opera is more configurable than other browsers, so requires more time spent to configure it!
On the other hand, it would appear that Opera is doing a wonderful job of trying to protect its users from gross exploitation. The problem appears to be with Roadrunner, not Opera. ipso facto, the remedy would seem to be glaringly obvious?
My N. American spies advise that there have been serious changes in ISP ownership, T&C s and service provision, recently, including Adelphia, Cox and the well exposed, continuing scams of AOL. Exploitation is what you get if you live under capitalist tyrannies.

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#182 Post by tombh »

@earlytv: Firefox with Flash 9 should sort out all your woes :)
Thanks to big_bass for putting that little pet together.
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#183 Post by earlytv »

Sage wrote:This one raises some interesting points.
The problem appears to be with Roadrunner, not Opera. ipso facto, the remedy would seem to be glaringly obvious?
Not so, RR is ISP, PHONE, TV no reg phone cables here for years, but AT+T just ran new cable for same thing, ISP, PHONE, TV but not in service yet. I would have 2nd choice?

tombh I will try out firefox package but on another part of fourm firefox gave different problems with RR as used with a MAC like pup at alpha1 so by alpha2 he went with seamonkey?

When RR is all that there is you have to go with what works.
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#184 Post by earlytv »

tombh wrote:@earlytv: Firefox with Flash 9 should sort out all your woes :)
Thanks to big_bass for putting that little pet together.
Works great! :D

Loads 100% of RR home page in a flash, its faster then seamonkey. Will test it more.

Thanks! :D
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#185 Post by Wilsonb »

Like what happened with Puppy.. been using puppy for a while on USB stick..
But always seem to break it when trying to mess with Window Managers
and video drivers..

I have been using Puppy Beta 4 ver.3.99 and love it.
Anyone working on a updated version of Wnop for it? What are your
suggestions to getting it running with that version if I had to do it
by hand. Since it is a portable version Im using, I am trying to think
of a way to select profiles at boot up for specific systems with
different video cards.. Any suggestions?
As it stands now, my puppy wvm windows manager crapped out.. just task
bar and menu.. no background icons or graphics.. always black for some
Kind of weird...


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#186 Post by setecio »

How does wNOP differ from NOP ?

Is it completely different or can add compiz to NOP to get wNOP (or uninstall it from wNOP to get NOP) ?

I use NOP on some older machines (7 year old laptop) and assume that wNOP ain't going to run very well on it, but am just wondering how the 2 derivatives are related.

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#187 Post by tombh »

@Wilsonb: Yeah Puppy 4 is definitely the future, as far as I know no one has compile Compiz-Fusion for it yet though, the person most likely to do that will be forum member wow. The other things we'll need are the video drivers, some of which have been compiled (radeon and intel AFAIK), but some haven't (nVidia and ATI), we'll also need python.

Mmm, I think I see what you mean about the different profiles -- you have your Puppy settings and data saved on your USB stick except that when you want to boot it off a different computer you have to start afresh if you want to change the video settings. You can always rerun xorgwizard, without having to lose your pup_save.sfs file maybe?

@setecio: wNOP is just NOP with Compiz-Fusion. wNOP will actually run in NOP-mode on all the same machines that the original NOP can, except that if the machine doesn't have a new enough video card it won't run all the fancy graphical stuff, but it will still be a completely usable system :)
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#188 Post by magerlab »

does anyone had a sucsess to run wnop on eeepc with compiz runnig?

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#189 Post by Wilsonb »


Thanks for your response and efforts..

Ya, I know there is a dire need for Puppy to have profile choice pick at bootup. Puppy was intended to be portable on different systems and with limitation and difference of Video Card hardware this would prove essential. But it doesn't stop at Video cards. What about time to redetect hardware, Wireless card, Nics, Etc... If there was a profile chooser in the front end, then it would speed up the boot by not needing to re-detect hardware.

Seems like a simple addition but I DEFINITELY do not have the know how to do it.

FYI: (Neat setup.)
Currently, I am running puppy off a MicroSD that I have inside my Treo 700p. That way I have it everywhere I go in case of emergencies with a micro SD creader nicely stashed aways inside my phone case.

Ultimately, I would like to learn how to make a 'Dual linux boot' on a device. Meaning, I would like to add the "REscueCD" on the sd and have a menu to choose at boot.
A "must have" for I.T people..

I tried not to veer to much off topic with this post..

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#190 Post by tombh »

@magerlab: wNOP runs out-of-the-box on the EeePC, forum member was the first person to report this here on the thread.

@Wilsonb: You're right there isn't a good way of saving profiles on Puppy yet, I'm sure something like you describe will be worked on eventually by more experienced minds than ours.

But what about Grub for your dual boot desires?
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remastering SOLVED

#191 Post by kinjeng »

helo tombh long time no see,

at least with your guide i can remastering Wnop.
1. i ran from cd with pfix=ram
2. i install some pet
3. reboot and save to pup_winjrot.2fs
4. i install all the rest program that i need
5. remaster cd
6. walaah its work!

but i can only make 386 MB of personal file, when i make it bigger to 512MB, it can't install to my pc with this requirement:
PII 450 hz
256 MB
vga 32 mb

did the size of personal file is effecting the installation (its hang when boot kernel , seems like kernel panic)

but when i ran to the other pc that hame the requirement like P III and above its work good.

here a scrrenshot from my remastering Wnop, i make it looks like XP, it use for my user to be more familiar with linux.


Btw i make that logo litle different from the original , will uncle bill sue me?? :roll:
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#192 Post by shr1k »

That last post was realy funny I thought someone had done what I did .XP running in VirtualBox on wNOP :shock: on my new laptop.
look at the clocks :)
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#193 Post by Wilsonb »

Anyone get Compiz running on Puppy 4?

If so, please post steps or post iso..

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#194 Post by magerlab »

yes, wnop works on eeepc
i only changed some files as required for best performance of the eeepc display

where to read on compiz tuning ?

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#195 Post by tombh »

@kinjeng: Long time no see :) You did it, well done and it's looking amazing, really professional, you've done a great job.

I'm not sure why the size of the save file should make any difference to the installation. It looks like it could be a hardware limitation seeing as it works fine on the PIII, maybe it's just to do with the the available RAM, but then you should be able to have any size save file regardless of how much RAM there is.

I hope uncle bill doesn't sue you! *lol* If he does then he is a meanie and I will stop sending him Christmas cards :)

@shr1k: I didn't know anyone had done this with wNOP! That's so cool :shock: So do the XP windows wobble too?

@Wilsonb: Don't worry I'll let you know as soon as Compiz-Fusion gets going in Puppy 4.

@magerlab: Great, you got wNOP going on the EeePC :) Definitely the best place for all things Compiz-Fusion is their forum.
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3D Alternatives

#196 Post by Mini-Me »

Tom, I Wunder if U’ve Looked @ Looking Glass 3D or Metisse & what their Hardware Requirements might be, much as I love Compiz-Fusion, I find it frustrating that Many Std Puppies or Mean Puppy ( w/ Opera M’ Browser o’ Choice ) will quite Happily Run on a Pentium 1 or 2, or Lo’ Spec’ Celeron or AMD, But C-F Raises the Bar, I want 2 Bridge / Close that Gap. I’ve Found a lg3d-core_1.0.1_dev_i686.deb File that I’d just Love 2 try w/ Puppy, But I haven’t a Clue where 2 Start. Barry has dpkg-deb in Dingo, which has SMP eNabled in the 2.6.25 Ke*nel, required 4 M’ HyperThreading WorkStation. What do U Reckon? :idea:

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#197 Post by shr1k »

@ tombh
no xp windows dont wobble. Just seeing them on my puppy desktop is cool enough for me.

My shutdown button is borked any sugestions on how to fix it. All I can do is log out and "poweroff"

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#198 Post by Sage »

You see - one can tolerate, even forgive, the odd typo, spelling mistake, vernacular, even mild abuse and moderate profanity, but a well-run board would explain to folks like Mini-Me that there really is no need to use txt-spk beloved of mobile users because a Forum has no such restriction on character count. Good quality English language doesn't so much demonstrate a skillful command of the language as communicate thoughts effectively, efficiently and, hopefully, elicit helpful and appropriate responses of utility to all readers.
What non-native speakers make of this txt*l gibberish defies imagination. Good manners and a little more consideration of others is the quality most lacking in some quarters. Why, even the other day, a contribution of mine was again deleted from this Forum without even the courtesy of a memo.
My shutdown button is borked any sug(g)estions on how to fix it.
First line of defense would be to squirt some switch cleaner fluid into it. Remove the front panel, loosen the clasps on the rear of the switch body by levering them up with a screwdriver and apply said aerosol into the interior with the thin tube extension usually supplied. If this doesn't do the trick, it IS possible to dismantle the switch - carefully, once only. Watch out for flying springs and tiny contact rods. For those with less time and patience, it may be easier to cannibalise another unit from some roadside junk heap. Even an old AT style switch can be modified to an ATX, momentary contact version by removing the cam rod inside! Failing all those options, a trip to RSComponents/Radioshack isn't going to break the bank.

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#199 Post by nic2109 »

Sage wrote:
My shutdown button is borked any sug(g)estions on how to fix it.
First line of defense would be to squirt some switch cleaner fluid into it. Remove the front panel, loosen the clasps on the rear of the switch body by levering them up with a screwdriver and apply said aerosol into the interior with the thin tube extension usually supplied. If this doesn't do the trick, it IS possible to dismantle the switch - carefully, once only. Watch out for flying springs and tiny contact rods. For those with less time and patience, it may be easier to cannibalise another unit from some roadside junk heap. Even an old AT style switch can be modified to an ATX, momentary contact version by removing the cam rod inside! Failing all those options, a trip to RSComponents/Radioshack isn't going to break the bank.
Nice response; it remains to be seen whether such elegant irony hits the spot.
Sage wrote:Good quality English language doesn't so much demonstrate a skillful command of the language as communicate thoughts effectively, efficiently and, hopefully, elicit helpful and appropriate responses of utility to all readers.
The frustrating thing is that correct (or at least better) English would be more widely understood by the many forum members whose native tongue is not 'EN'. Those that have been taught English will be really confused when contributors (who should know better) use "your" when meaning "you're".

Gulp - it looks like I'm turning into Lynn Truss (of "Eats, Shoots and Leaves" fame).

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#200 Post by setecio »

Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

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