Is it Possible to combine Bittorent and download protocols?

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Is it Possible to combine Bittorent and download protocols?

#1 Post by cb88 »

Could say wget code and transmission code be combined to create a "bitloader"? Could ease the load on puppy servers would unifiy scattered torrents and yet still be compatable with wget and transmisson independently but if the special combined version is available the idea is that puppy users can contribute to spreading the latest version of puppy.
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#2 Post by bostonvaulter »

hmm, I don't think that you idea is possible, but I could be wrong. I do know that it is possible to have a torrent that has a dedicated server as a seed, so that there is always at least one seed, but if there are more than the load is shared better. So this is kind of similar to what you're talking about but not exactly the same.

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#3 Post by cb88 »

could a dedicated torrent sever be set up then? Is that possible? I was really hoping for an interoperable system maybe an html file with link to torrent and also to a standard download if the "bitloader" is present then this is interceped and the resources are shared if not then the user can decide by clicking one of the links.
would function like a download manager if the torrent is not available then it is downloaded since it would be a single program there would not be any of the problems with file acess that might be the case with separate programs the the network protocols themselves would esentially remain separate. the download could be viewed as a seed and bittorent code might be usable for optimizing from the server.
It would be a streamlined replacement for wget and transission.
Plus it would allow at least temporarily for sever outtages to go unnoticed by puppy users. that would really be a huge plus.
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#4 Post by mysticmarks »

To the question of a wget/torrent marriage. NO, wouldn't benefit anyone.
Good thought though.

Your question about a dedicated torrent server, YES. there are plenty out there. You can configure any machine to function as a repository that a http torrent tracker(which could be the same box) would always list as an available seed. This is often found in european countries with less stringent bandwidth and copywrite laws. you basically set up a directory to function as main store for the files and torrents, you then setup a web server and page that links to those files. thats it. OR you use a FTP and putthe torrents and files in the same location, but hide the files only from users. when they log in to the ftp, this forces the torrent option, which should help eliviate bandwidth usage if your hosting a very popular file. BUT, if you have the resources, leave them both available, and it would be user preference.

BUT!, a centralized tracker (without decentralized tracking allowed) can severely cripple the availability of a file. If that server bombs, and the http tracker is the only tracker, and people know its always there and choose not to seed properly, then there will be no file available when you try to download from the torrent.

A torrent is basically just a union of the list of given peer ip addresses along with the portion/percentage of the given file chunks possesed at any given interval. Most trackers update every 30 minutes, some are set to update each time a seed completes. If you live in a location with stricter guidlines on files, you really shouldnt plan on doing a central tracker with the initial files on the same box. you never know if your allowing illegal file transfers to go on. :)
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#5 Post by GuestToo »

Dijjer is a similar idea ... requires Java (about 95 megs)

just download the dijjer.jar file (241k), and run it by typing java -jar dijjer.jar
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#6 Post by cb88 »

Interesting but needs java. I also was thinking of compatability with stadard download managers and torrent clients. I still think it would be benficial since there would be no delay for it to start loading and the file server's load would be lessened. plus just one app for torrents and downloads. should use same cli commands as transmission and wget or what ever is best maybe intercep curl too. I have an issue with curl intercepting flashgot downloads. I am just not going to any negative remarks I hope I haven't made any in the past.
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#7 Post by cb88 »

I read that puppy already uses metalink. is that true? if it is why aren't we taking full advantage of it by using the multiple protocols simultaneously.
Is this an advantage on dial up maybe not.
But it could offset some of the load from cable/dsl ect. users.

Aria2 is a command line downloader that can use multiple protocol simultaneously but I am not sure if it manages the resources in a manner that would be helpful. It may be reconfigurable via config file.
aria2 source ... _id=159897

forum topic by klhrevolutionist ... 24&t=10159
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#8 Post by cb88 »

A console based gui for this would be nice something like a cross between the interface of alsamixer(for upload/download speed limit and maybe mp or linx monitoring) just the slider part left right, arrow buttons flip through tasks, maybe press spacebar to promt for location(s) of a the file(mix and match ftp http and torrent). Bandwidth priority should go to the torrent.

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#9 Post by klu9 »

I think Metalinks are great for speeding up downloads AND for spreading the burden. Instead of hitting only one server, you get pieces from all over.

I've made a metalink for Puppy 2.16.1. It contains 5 or 6 different HTTP & FTP locations for the ISO and it downloaded very fast for me, using Orbit Downloader for MS Windows. (I don't yet know how to include torrents, ed2k & magnet URIs in a metalink.)

But this forum won't allow me to attach files with the extension .metalink.

So, to try a metalink yourself for Puppy, copy the MD5 sum and paste it into the Create a Metalink from the file's MD5 hash box at Then save the Metalink to your computer and open it with a metalink-capable client.

Here's the MD5 for 2.16.1

I also added a couple of locations for Puppy 2.16 NOP to the MetaMirrors database. Here's the MD5:

And the openoffice-2.2.0.sfs
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#10 Post by twanj »

klu9 wrote:I think Metalinks are great for speeding up downloads AND for spreading the burden. Instead of hitting only one server, you get pieces from all over.

I've made a metalink for Puppy 2.16.1. It contains 5 or 6 different HTTP & FTP locations for the ISO and it downloaded very fast for me, using Orbit Downloader for MS Windows. (I don't yet know how to include torrents, ed2k & magnet URIs in a metalink.)
klu9, thanks for making those!

the puppy metalinks are also at
these include chunk checksums which let aria2 (and other clients soon) repair any errors in the download.

there are a number of clients, but none support ed2k or magnet yet. it's very simple to include that information, including torrents, and an example is here: ... alink_file

DownThemAll, a Firefox extension that supports metalinks in their nightly builds but it's not super stable yet. the icon/logo, description, publisher, license, OS/arch, & other info are taken from the metalink.

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#11 Post by Gekko »

aria2c is a download utility with resuming and segmented downloading.
Supported protocols are HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/BitTorrent. It also supports Metalink version 3.0. ... 98&t=10159

Originally posted by klhrevolutionist.
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#12 Post by twanj »

right now aria2, GetRight, and Retriever (I believe), can mix FTP/HTTP/BT and I believe KGet will be able to in the next release.
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#13 Post by veronicathecow »

Hi glad some others are thinking along these lines. Here's a thread I started last year and was planning to ask Barry about for 4.1. ... 1aa0eae621

Basically it's about a few scripts to ask people if they want to seed Puppy once they have installed it.

Any thoughts about the thread?
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