Wolf Pup Linux 1.00 a 3.01 based barebone puplet

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Wolf Pup Linux 1.00 a 3.01 based barebone puplet

#1 Post by stevenbinion »

Wolf Pup Linux 1.00 Now available for download.


Here are a couple screenshots of Wolf Pup.


Wolf Pup Linux 1.00 is built on the Puppy Unleashed Core 3.01 hosted at Puppy Linux @ ibiblio.org. Using a local set of packages allowing access for changes to be made using pureftpd-1.0.22-3 and the graphpup newleash script written by Jcoder24 and modified by me to allow for the Wolf Pup Distro.

The following packages were removed to allow for a smaller cleaner distrobution. Users from this point will be able to use the puppy package manager to add and remove programs to their liking leaving the core system Wolf Bone intact.

REMOVED: (using the packages.txt supplied with unleashed-core)
"abiword-2.4.5" Image "abiword_PLUGINS-2.4.5" Image "agenda-2.0" Image "axel-1.0a" Image "boehm_gc-6.6" Image "bubbles-1.0.2a" Image "cgtkcalc-2.1.6" Image "countdown-2003.10.27" Image "ctorrent-2.2" Image "dict-1.4.9-1" Image "didiwiki-0.5" Image "dvdauthor-0.6.12patched" Image "e3-2.7.0" Image "epdfview-0.1.6" Image "expensetracker-0.1.0" Image "eznet-1" Image "ffmpeg-20070214" Image "fragger-0.0.5" Image "gaim-1.5.0-2" Image "gcrontab-0.8.0" Image "gdmap-0.7.5" Image "gemgame-2003" Image "gftp-2.0.18-1" Image "gifsicle-1.40" Image "gkdial-1.5.14patched" Image "glipper-0.89-1" Image "gnumeric-1.6.3" Image "gnumeric_PLUGINS-1.6.3" Image "goffice-0.2.1" Image "gpasman-1.3.1" Image "grabc-1.1" Image "grafburn-0.10.1" Image "gtail-0.5a" Image "gtimer-1.1.6" Image "gtkcat-0.1patched" Image "gtkfind-1.0.1" Image "gtkfish-1.0.1" Image "gtksee-0.6.0b-1" Image "gxine-0.5.11" Image "homebank-3.5" Image "ical-2.3.1patched" Image "inkscapelite-0.36.2" Image "isomaster-1.1" Image "kp-2-0.2" Image "lame-3.96.1" Image "leafpad-0.8.1" Image "libdvdplay-1.0.1" Image "libdvdread-0.9.6" Image "libsamplerate-0.1.2" Image "libsndfile-1.0.16" Image "linneighborhood-0.6.5patched" Image "metamail-2.7" Image "mp-3.3.7" Image "mtpaint-3.10" Image "netsurf-20071008" Image "notecase-1.6.9pre7" Image "nullhttpd-0.5.1" Image "pbackup-3.0.0" Image "pbcdripper-2.5" Image "pconvert-2.15-1" Image "prename-0.6" Image "pupctorrent-0.9" Image "pupdvdtool-0.8" Image "pureftpd-1.0.22-3" Image "rdesktop-1.4.1" Image "regexpviewer-0.1" Image "remotedesktopclient-2.15-2" Image "rexgrep-1.2" Image "ripperx-2.6.0" Image "rubix-1.03" Image "samba_client-3.0.25b" Image "seamonkey-1.1.2-1" Image "sockspy-2.5" Image "sox-12.18.1-1" Image "soxgui-0.9" Image "ssh_gui-0.7.1" Image "startup_notification-0.8" Image "superscan-0.8" Image "sweep-0.9.1" Image "tightvnc-1.2.9" Image "tkdiff-4.1.3" Image "tkdvd-4.0.6" Image "tkfont-1.1patched" Image "tkmines-2.15-1" Image "transmission_gtk-0.6.1-r1518" Image "turma-0.1.pup1" Image "vamps-0.99.2" Image "vobcopy-1.0.0" Image "wvdial-1.41-patch1" Image "xine-lib-1.1.7" Image "xrun-0.2.3" Image "xwget-0.5.1" Image "xwhois-0.4.2" Image "ycalc-1.09.1"

"Netsurf" a lightweight webbrowser needed to display the local help files.
"seamonkey_libs_tiny-1.1.2" these libraries are needed because there is no Mozilla browser installed.
"nano-2.0.7" this is the new default console text editor.


ldd: warning: you do not have execution permission for `/usr/lib/libldap-2.3.so.0.2.20'
ldd: warning: you do not have execution permission for `/usr/lib/liblber-2.3.so.0.2.20'

They were corrected by repacking the following package with the correct write permissions: openldap_client-2.3.32

File /mnt/home/unleashed/wolfpup-unleashed/rootfs-complete/usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/gutenprint has these missing library files:
libgimpui-2.0.so.0 libgimpwidgets-2.0.so.0 libgimpmodule-2.0.so.0 libgimp-2.0.so.0 libgimpmath-2.0.so.0 libgimpcolor-2.0.so.0 libgimpbase-2.0.so.0
The missing libs are in these packages: "libgimp-2.4.0" has fixed this, thank you UBUNTU.

File /mnt/home/unleashed/puppy-unleashed/rootfs-complete/usr/sbin/cups-genppd.5.0 has these missing library files:
libcupsimage.so.2 libcups.so.2
The missing libs are in these packages: "cups-1.2.11" has fixed this, the package was a part of the unleashed .pet's but was listed as "cups-1.2.11-1" instead in the packages.txt but has been corrected.

File /mnt/home/unleashed/puppy-unleashed/rootfs-complete/usr/bin/gs has these missing library files:
libcupsimage.so.2 libcups.so.2
The missing libs are in these packages: "cups-1.2.11" has fixed this, the package was a part of the unleashed .pet's but was listed as "cups-1.2.11-1" instead in the packages.txt but has been corrected.

File /mnt/home/unleashed/puppy-unleashed/rootfs-complete/usr/lib/cups/driver/gutenprint.5.0 has these missing library files:
libcupsimage.so.2 libcups.so.2
The missing libs are in these packages: "cups-1.2.11" has fixed this, the package was a part of the unleashed .pet's but was listed as "cups-1.2.11-1" instead in the packages.txt but has been corrected.

File /mnt/home/unleashed/puppy-unleashed/rootfs-complete/usr/lib/cups/backend/epson has these missing library files:
libcupsimage.so.2 libcups.so.2
The missing libs are in these packages: "cups-1.2.11" has fixed this, the package was a part of the unleashed .pet's but was listed as "cups-1.2.11-1" instead in the packages.txt but has been corrected.

File /mnt/home/unleashed/puppy-unleashed/rootfs-complete/usr/lib/cups/backend/canon has these missing library files:
libcupsimage.so.2 libcups.so.2
The missing libs are in these packages: "cups-1.2.11" has fixed this, the package was a part of the unleashed .pet's but was listed as "cups-1.2.11-1" instead in the packages.txt but has been corrected.

File /mnt/home/unleashed/puppy-unleashed/rootfs-complete/usr/lib/cups/filter/rastertogutenprint.5.0 has these missing library files:
libcupsimage.so.2 libcups.so.2
The missing libs are in these packages: "cups-1.2.11" has fixed this, the package was a part of the unleashed .pet's but was listed as "cups-1.2.11-1" instead in the packages.txt but has been corrected.

File /mnt/home/unleashed/puppy-unleashed/rootfs-complete/usr/lib/cups/filter/commandtoepson has these missing library files:
libcupsimage.so.2 libcups.so.2
The missing libs are in these packages: "cups-1.2.11" has fixed this, the package was a part of the unleashed .pet's but was listed as "cups-1.2.11-1" instead in the packages.txt but has been corrected.

File /mnt/home/unleashed/puppy-unleashed/rootfs-complete/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/printbackends/libprintbackend-cups.so has these missing library files:
The missing libs are in these packages: "cups-1.2.11" has fixed this, the package was a part of the unleashed .pet's but was listed as "cups-1.2.11-1" instead in the packages.txt but has been corrected.

File /mnt/home/unleashed/wolfpup-unleashed/rootfs-complete/usr/bin/tiffgt has these missing library files:
The missing libs are in these packages: "freeglut3-2.4.0" Has fixed this, Thank you UBUNTU.

File /mnt/home/unleashed/wolfpup-unleashed/rootfs-complete/usr/lib/ao/plugins-2/libesd.so has these missing library files:
The missing libs are in these packages: "libesd0-2.38" Has fixed this, Thank you UBUNTU.

File /mnt/home/unleashed/wolfpup-unleashed/rootfs-complete/usr/lib/ao/plugins-2/libarts.so has these missing library files:
The missing libs are in these packages: "libartsc-1.5.8" Has fixed this, Thank you UBUNTU.

[FIXED]ldd: warning: you do not have execution permission for `/usr/lib/libldap-2.3.so.0.2.20'
ldd: warning: you do not have execution permission for `/usr/lib/liblber-2.3.so.0.2.20': Repacked the following package with the correct write permissions: openldap_client-2.3.32
[FIXED]Added missing libraries for Gutenprint: libgimp-2.4.0 thank you UBUNTU.
[FIXED]Fixed missing libraries for cups-genppd.5.0, gs, gutenprint.5.0, epson, canon, rastertogutenprint.5.0, cammandtoepson, libprintbackend-cups.so : cups-1.2.11 which was listed in packages as cups-1.2.11-1.
[FIXED] Added missing libraries "freeglut3-2.4.0" Thank you UBUNTU.
[FIXED] Added missing libaries for libartsc.so.0 "libartsc-1.5.8" Thank you UBUNTU.
[FIXED] Added missing libraries for libesd.so.0 "libesd0-2.38" Thank you UBUNTU.


Barry Kauler and friends: for developing puppy.
Wolf Pup: For saying it's alright to use his nick for my puplet, even though I had it named before I knew of Wolf_Pup.
Jcoder24: for the newleash script,
MU: for the help he's been answering my questions when I was stuck with puppy unleashed.
Puppy Linux Discussion Forum: for the networking there in learning about Puppy Linux as a noob and advanced user.
Slackware package search for finding slackware 12 packages.
UBUNTU package search for identifying the packages an unknown library is part of.

Wolf Pup Linux Live CD v1.00
Image 67.93 Mb

Wolf Pup Linux Live CD v1.00r (Kernel Retro
Image 66.63 Mb
Last edited by stevenbinion on Wed 07 May 2008, 13:53, edited 3 times in total.
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#2 Post by stevenbinion »

I just wanted to ask what users would like to see in future releases of Wolf Pup Linux.
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#3 Post by tronkel »


Looks very smart and ideal for older hardware as well.

If you get the time, could you do a version with the kernel?
(known as a retro version). It's an option in Unleashed

Some older hardware works a lot better with this kernel.
My favourite pup is 3.01 Retro. Good with sound apps on this ancient hardware.

Thanks for all the hard effort you put in to this.
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#4 Post by raffy »

could you do a version with the kernel?
Yes, that build would be very useful for many educational institutions.
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#5 Post by KJ »

I could use a retro also .... have wifi setup trouble with most of the newer versions including 301. Thanks,

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#6 Post by stevenbinion »

Sure. I'll try to get a Retro version done today.
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#7 Post by stevenbinion »

I've just released the RETRO version of Wolf Pup Linux over the weekend, was just a delay getting my updates done here as I upgraded my download section over the weekend and accidentally wiped the files database.

Check the original post for the new file.
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#8 Post by Aitch »

Hi Steve

I noticed in your sig you list a 500G sata drive

I've just answered a post for help with sata drive possibly affecting CD/DVD booting

Can you offer any help?


Maybe wolfpup would work?



EDIT: in case you notice, Steve, problem solved, thanks
Last edited by Aitch on Sun 11 May 2008, 13:01, edited 1 time in total.
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#9 Post by stevenbinion »

Aitch wrote:Hi Steve

I noticed in your sig you list a 500G sata drive

I've just answered a post for help with sata drive possibly affecting CD/DVD booting

Can you offer any help?


Maybe wolfpup would work?


Well I know my desktop at home has the SATA 500MB HD, and a SATA DVD Burner, I never experience any problems. I'll take a look at the question later and see if I have any suggestions.
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#10 Post by tronkel »

Hi Steve

Thanks for the retro version. Just downloaded it and it seems OK.

Since this little wolfie is all fur and not many bones at the moment, (only just born), I thought I would make a little present of some meaty treats for him.

I uploaded an sfs add-on module called wolf_bones.sfs, that contains the latest Abiword/Gnumeric, Firefox and Thunderbird (with Enigmail for encryption) - just in case a new user might require a fast method of giving the little chap some fast biting capbility without having to install 4 separate pets. Works with other puplets as well, but I had Wolfpup in mind when I built it.

Unfortunately this module resides in a kennel along with some puppy stuff. The puppies there bark instead of howl, but they can share the same food if necessary. Close relatives I'm told and they're bi-lingual as well.

Get it here:



http://www.puppylinux.ca/tpp/tronkel/wo ... fs.md5.txt
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#11 Post by stevenbinion »

tronkel wrote:Hi Steve

Thanks for the retro version. Just downloaded it and it seems OK.

Since this little wolfie is all fur and not many bones at the moment, (only just born), I thought I would make a little present of some meaty treats for him.

I uploaded an sfs add-on module called wolf_bones.sfs, that contains the latest Abiword/Gnumeric, Firefox and Thunderbird (with Enigmail for encryption) - just in case a new user might require a fast method of giving the little chap some fast biting capbility without having to install 4 separate pets. Works with other puplets as well, but I had Wolfpup in mind when I built it.

Unfortunately this module resides in a kennel along with some puppy stuff. The puppies there bark instead of howl, but they can share the same food if necessary. Close relatives I'm told and they're bi-lingual as well.

Get it here:



http://www.puppylinux.ca/tpp/tronkel/wo ... fs.md5.txt
Thank you very much. you may feel free to post them on my site as well if you wish. You're pretty much on the mark with some of my plans, I have it planned to make sfs's by category. Such as Office, Internet, Graphics etc...
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#12 Post by Jaybekay »

Looks great. I have toyed with doing the same thing. It looks like a lot of work! Way to go!
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#13 Post by stevenbinion »

Jaybekay wrote:Looks great. I have toyed with doing the same thing. It looks like a lot of work! Way to go!
Thank you..
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#14 Post by ArnaudN »

Hi everyone,

Just like KJ, I had wifi problems with most recent puppy releases.
So I was happy to get a retro 3.01 based barebone pupplet.

BTW, I could neither get wifi working with this retro release of Wolfpup.
It seems to be a problem getting an IP through dhcp.
Has anything been changed regarding to the "official" 3.01 retro (which works well concerning that point) ?

Thanks for your answer
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#15 Post by ArnaudN »

Hi everyone,

Some more investigations:

(1) If I launch runtilt at first (I mean without launching network wizard before), I get systematically a popup indicating a problem with opening a channel (Sorry I don't remember the exact wording)

(2) When I launch network wizard, a scan ALWAYS indicates "no network" (which is wrong);

(3) Then if I relaunch runtilt, I do not have the popup anymore.. :? It detects my wifi network correctly and I can choose "Add profile".
In the "Add profile" window, it is needed to add a character (any character) after the SSID because the last SSID character is always truncated => much more difficult to connect :wink:

After all these steps done, I could connect to my wifi network and browse...
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#16 Post by stevenbinion »

I'm not certain this is the best thread to look for help as those reading this thread are looking for information on a barebone distribution. You might get better views on this in the support forum, Since the Official release and all the Puplets use the same wizards.

But you could always provide more information. what driver is installed for your wifi? is it the one that puppy found for you? are you using the official windows driver for your device with the ndiswrapper? You may just need the correct or upto date driver installed.

And having exact error messages always helps a lot. A screenshot or a cut and paste.

But again you may want to start with a search on the topic to see if anyone else has found a fix. if not, starting a new thread for your issue will get more attention then you may find in this current thread.
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Do you plan to make a 4.0x barebone puplet?

#17 Post by mccormick.m.j »

Or do you know of one that already exists that perhaps I haven't seen yet?

Sorry I found WolfPup 2, thanks for all the hard work!

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Wolf Pup and the EeePC

#18 Post by stlchuck »

Just a short note to thank Steve for his hard work putting Wolf Pup together. For my purposes it is an ideal fit with the ASUS EeePC set up to boot from a USB key. For anyone interested in getting Wolf Pup set up and running on an EeePC check out this thread in the Hardware/Networking section.

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 758#210758

While the discussion was primarily for NOPr5 Puppy, the instructions and tweaks also work for Wolf Pup.
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Media Player for Wolf Pup

#19 Post by stlchuck »

One necessity for me in any set up is a good media player - I'm thinking of using XMMS with Wolf Pup and other than the basic .pet package from the Puppy repository are there any other packages, libraries, etc. that would need to be added to make it work? Thanks in advance for any input.
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Re: Media Player for Wolf Pup

#20 Post by stevenbinion »

stlchuck wrote:One necessity for me in any set up is a good media player - I'm thinking of using XMMS with Wolf Pup and other than the basic .pet package from the Puppy repository are there any other packages, libraries, etc. that would need to be added to make it work? Thanks in advance for any input.
I'm not too familiar with XMMS setup, hear it's a great player though, I've always leaned towards using the gxine and mplayer packages from the package manager as it installs the dependencies. I'm not sure what the dependencies are for XMMS.
[b][[url=http://www.tekwolf.net]Home of Wolf Pup Linux[/url]][/b]
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