Strange problem with setting up graphics

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Strange problem with setting up graphics

#1 Post by roganty »

I had this really strange problem, in that what ever I tried I just couldn't get the x server up and running, the test screens would work, but it would refuse to load x, and even the "safe" xvesa wouldn't work either, it would keep stopping and starting again.

The solution?
I started Puppy in command line, then I typed xwin, and voila! X started up!

Don't ask what's different, or why it wouldn't start first time, I've tried everything!

I just thought I'd post this in case someone else might have the same problem.

The processor is a Pentium 2 Celeron-MMX 333MHz with 160Mb Memory
ddcprobe wrote:vbe: Vesa 3.0 detected
oem: NVidia
product: Riva TNT Chip Rev B1
edid: 1 2
id: d556
serial: 000c8b11
manufacture: 39 2002
input: sync on green, analog signal
screen size: 28 21
gamma 2.600000
dpms: RGB, active off, no suspend, no standby
timing: 640*480@75Hz (VESA)
timing: 800*600@60Hz (VESA)
timing: 1024*768@87Hz Interlaced (8514a)
ctiming: 640*480@85
ctiming: 800*600@85
ctiming: 800*600@85
monitorname: AOC Spectrum
monitorname: 5E
monitorrange: 30-54, 50-120
If anyone can shed any light on this, please tell!


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#2 Post by roganty »

Ok, I've had a chance to see what was happening...

it seems that it is using xvesa to display the graphics.

If I try "xorgwizard" then I get an "input/output error"

If anyone can help your help will be much appreciated
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