Puppy WiFi Assistant is completed!!!!!

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Puppy WiFi Assistant is completed!!!!!

#1 Post by can8v »

I have been sponging off of Puppy for some time now, mostly because I was a WIn$ refugee and didn't know enough about Linux to really contribute much. I have been trying to help in the forums where possible, but somebody else almost always beats me to the punch when someone ask a question I actually know the answer too. So I have been looking for ways to contribute. I have offered in the past to host some files on my web server, but no takers. Then today I ran across a post that gave me an idea.
Does this super long list seem terribly inefficient to anyone else? This thread has a wealth of information, but it is difficult to access. I was thinking that I could put together a PHP/MySQL application to make this information easier to access and easier for puppy users to consolidate their findings for new WiFi devices.
Since this project would take me several evenings over a period of a few weeks I was wondering how much interest there would be in such a tool. Please reply, as to whether you think it would be useful and if you would use it.
I have been developing this application using what little spare time I have had over the last week or so. Here is what I have come up with so far:
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#2 Post by Lobster »

I have just started using wifi - so would appreciate the effort

You might also get involved in posting tips or starting a blog here
Get right in at the beginning - NEW integrated website

Last edited by Lobster on Thu 15 May 2008, 03:22, edited 1 time in total.
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#3 Post by can8v »

Lobster wrote:I have just started using wifi - so would appreciate the effort

You might also get involved in posting tips or starting a blog here
Get right in at the beginning - NEW integrated website
(Name will change)
Well the idea looks promising only three votes so far, but should the trend continue I will start work on the project. Once completed, I will certainly put up a blog with some WiFi tips and a link to the db application.

Anyone have a clever name for the application. I was thinking the app would do much more than simply list which cards are known to work and, which ones nobody has yet to get working. If a card is known to work their should be a link to specific instructions about how to get it working. I was thinking that every known working card should get a link to a google search on the card (not every card that works is worth having) and a link to an ebay search for the card (a working card is not helpful if it isn't readily available). Where possible and appropriate working drivers should also be just a click away. I am not making any guarantees, but I am open to any other suggestions. I think this could really help some people out.
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#4 Post by alienjeff »


Please note and read this thread, and consider what is mentioned in this post.

Thank you.
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#5 Post by can8v »


Those features would definitely be built into such an application, but instead of having some big table that over the course of a year could grow into a massive table I would have it all in the database, so any interested party could search by WiFi adapter manufacturer, WiFi model name/number, Puppy/Puplet Version, Linux Drivers/NDIS etc. . .
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#6 Post by can8v »

Well this idea didn't receive the amount of interest I thought it would, but it did only receive positive input, so I will commit to the project. Those of you interested can expect something up and running in early June, at which time I may ask for help with some data entry. Any data base application is only as good as the data in the data base. I would like to start right away and release the application in a week or so, but I am a teacher and elementary teachers are really busy this time of year with exams, standardized testing, etc. . . and to make matters worse I am also a student finishing another credential. Summer break is right around the corner so I will complete this project the first or second week of summer break.
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#7 Post by alienjeff »

Thank you for both the reply and the commitment to the project. I believe this will help out a lot of folks like me who aren't well-versed in the world of wifi, chipsets and drivers.
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#8 Post by Aitch »

Hi can8v

Well, I'll join the throng & wish you well
I've commented a couple of times about simple databases, but nothing useful came of it
tempestuous has earned a reputation of being a 'wifi mr fixit' but there are others, but I don't think any of them has catalogued solutions, which would be really useful, as tracking solutions is 1/2 the battle IMHO

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#9 Post by can8v »

Yes Tempestuous has been a fabulous help in the forum when it comes to WiFi. He help me several times about a year and a half ago when I first started using Linux. I would like to acknowlege that I wouldn't even be using puppy if it wasn't for Tempestuous helping me get my WiFi working, which used to be a very difficult proposition.
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Now under development.

#10 Post by can8v »

This database is now under development. If any of you would like to make a detailed feature request, please do so before I get to far into this project.
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#11 Post by Aitch »

My suggestion:-

Maybe a good search 'drop down' box with choice of:-

Wifi card
Setup info
forum member's post 'solved link' ... sorry it's so long
forum member's unsolved post link.....ditto
Known working
Known not working
development tips

+ any that anyone else wants to add

Aitch :D
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#12 Post by can8v »

Aitch wrote:My suggestion:-

Maybe a good search 'drop down' box with choice of:-

Wifi card
Setup info
forum member's post 'solved link' ... sorry it's so long
forum member's unsolved post link.....ditto
Known working
Known not working
development tips

+ any that anyone else wants to add

Aitch :D
I just finished building the db (at least my first version) It includes support for searching by:
Puppy Version
Wifi card
WiFi Card Manufacturer
Linux Driver
Known working
Known not working
Not tested/unknown

The user will likely have a few choices of out to search; for example type the search string and select whether you are searching for model, manufacturer, puppy version, etc. . . or list all cards or wizzard mode (enter in all of your parameters and find out if the db has data for your configuration).

Once the search is completed, all the cards matching the search criteria are displayed. The user will then select the desired card. After the desired card is selected all of the above data is available in addition the following data for the card will also be available:
Poster's notes on setup
links to drivers available for download
google search on the card
ebay search on the card
google puppy search on the card

I am still considering Aitch's suggestions though most are already being implimented, I will consider any other suggestions as well.

Next comes the fun part, writing all the PHP to make this thing www accessible and convenient. After I am relatively sure I have captured most of the reasonable requests, I will get started on the rest of the application and about a week or two after that (barring my life getting in the way too much) I should have something resembling a web db application available for feedback.

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#13 Post by Aitch »

Looking good, can8v

My reason for suggesting a 'peculiarities' category, is that I come across different drivers within one card, sometimes 3/4, each of which cause 'peculiarites' with different PC configuarations, that need resolving, often by script additions

I envisage it being a dynamic category, so as they get updated support, they could be moved to 'solved' or 'known working' etc

Oh, and I forgot :!: security:Passwords/encryption/WEP/WPA/supplicant etc :!:

One of the major drawbacks with this type of project, is lack of dynamic/update capability at the outset, so good luck on getting it done, with minimal headaches later

Nice Job
[like the ebay search, as I do this often]

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#14 Post by can8v »

What I had in mind may cover your "peculiarities" concerns. I envisioned that there would be setup notes for each version of puppy that has been tested with a given WiFi Adapter. Each time a user updates the db with their notes for a given puppy version and WiFi adapter they will be asked to specify the driver used. The options for specifying the driver will include at least the following:
included in the driver sfs file with the specified puppy version.
a link to a specified Linux or Windows driver (instructions for NDIS wrapper can be added to the setup notes by checking a box or by manually adding more specific notes).

If you don't think this will resolve the question of which driver to use with each version of puppy, please clarify your "peculiarities" request, so I better understand what you are asking.

As for being able to update the application after it is in use for a while, you are correct that it can be difficult. I have found however, that if the db is designed well it will allow more flexibility for changed to the PHP functionality later as needed changes become apparent. Since I can't envision all the ways that people will want to use such an application up front I am doing my best to capture all reasonable request possible up front, so I can create the most flexible db possible. With that done I am sure I will be add and tweak various features as the need arises. Without a major technology change to WiFi standards almost all modifications to this application will likely be made during the first six months of its use. Although it can be dangerous making such predictions.

Kind regards,
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#15 Post by can8v »

My next request for input is how should this application be moderated??? I could let anyone submit data, but require moderation, prior to it being available to users (secure, but could turn out to be a good deal of work for moderator(s)). I could limit posting to registered users and only moderate the first few post from each user. I could require registration with e-mail address and only randomly moderate. Any other ideas to put forth?

While I am on the subject would any of you like to moderate?

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#16 Post by Aitch »

can8v wrote:If you don't think this will resolve the question of which driver to use with each version of puppy, please clarify your "peculiarities" request, so I better understand what you are asking.
No, you're cool

I'm content to see your efforts come to fruition, and it may well be covered 'in the round' & it'll soon become clear, if it isn't

dunno, I guess I was maybe expecting it to be included as a wikki page, so the 'wikki mods' would deal with it, the same as all the others - do you think it is deserving of a special case treatment? [Agreed though, that you may need to guide it/update for a while]

But it is your project......I envisage all projects like this, as a 'gift' to the puppy community, or have I got that wrong?

I find it surprising that there aren't more ideas put up

tempestuous, the wifi man?

Give this work some support, please guys!!

Aitch :)
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#17 Post by Lobster »

let anyone submit data
and have some sort of rollback or backup
shows us something as soon as possible so we we can offer feedback

"release soon and often"

good luck 8)
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#18 Post by can8v »

let anyone submit data
and have some sort of rollback or backup
shows us something as soon as possible so we we can offer feedback

"release soon and often"

good luck Cool
I could setup a crontab to back the db up often, but if I don't notice that there is a problem (I hesitate to call it a security breech when there is no security) right away then when I roll back I loose all of the post that occur after the problem. Since I will likely only check in on this every few days that could present a real problem. Folks would be more willing to post, but maybe not after they realize they need to repost something because I lost it rolling the db back to a restore point.

Right now I have built the db populated it with four cards that I personally use and entered basic setup information for each card using several different versions of Puppy. That is basically where the db is at. I have also written about 700 lines of PHP to search and display data from the db. Right now the search by manufacturer and search by date is complete. Both search functions now work perfectly and the appropriate data from the data is displayed in a fairly appealing and easy to read/scan layout. Since the Google search and ebay search is not actually data in the db, but rather links generated using PHP and certain tidbits of data in the db I have not incorporated that just yet otherwise all of the data I have discussed in this thread to this point is being displayed for each WiFi adapter configuration. I have not started on any of the functions related to populating the db from the web only displaying the data already in the db. When I start that (next day or two) there will be many temporary security holes. After these are closed up I will upload the application from my localhost to my webserver and all interested parties will be able to browse the application and upload data and provide feedback. At my current pace I may have this completed a little earlier than anticipated.
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#19 Post by tempestuous »

Sounds like a good idea. I would just add that it's important for a wifi device database to include -

i) the chipset contained in the device, which then reveals which driver is correct.

ii) the driver used. If the driver is ndiswrapper, why ndiswrapper was chosen over a native Linux driver. Was there no Linux driver available (as in the case of Marvell and SiS chipsets)? Or did the native driver not work?

iii) not only the Brand and model of device, but also the model revision. Different revisions commonly have completely different chipsets, and thus they require completely different drivers.
Far too many people assume that devices of the same model number (or even devices of the same brand) will use the same driver. Nothing could be further from the truth.
I even recall seeing a post on the forum where someone couldn't seem to grasp the notion that the D-Link DWL-G122 would use a different driver than the DWL-122 ... even though the model numbers are clearly different!

A good reference for wifi devices / chipsets / Linux drivers is
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#20 Post by can8v »

All good points a one of which I overlooked in designing the db; I will have to go back and add a field for the version number. Orinoco is a very good example of several manufactures and a couple different chipsets. I should have thought of that since one of my own adapters is an Orinoco. Thank you for the input. I should have something up for you all to look at in about a week I have a super busy week coming up and my Internet has been hit and miss lately otherwise I would have it up a little sooner.
Please keep the ideas coming I will as much as is practical and I am able.
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