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#161 Post by ttuuxxx »

I'm still working with dingo and I'll give it a heck of a good chance but when things like a clipboard just doesn't work like its predecessor it just makes things really frustrating.
Last edited by ttuuxxx on Mon 19 May 2008, 14:28, edited 1 time in total.
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#162 Post by jonyo »

No such thing as trailblazing success without major flops along the way.
Can't speak on Dingo myself but doesn't matter one way or another.
When pushing boundaries, some stuff starts as a trainwreck and yet matures (or leads) to new wonders later. :)
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#163 Post by 8-bit »

I just got through trying to do a usb flash drive install of Puppy 4.0
I used the universal installer and all seemed to go fine until I tried to boot the flash drive on my laptop.
I had gone through all the steps starting with 'Begin'.
When I booted, my CD and internal hard drive were being accessed and no boot.
I then ignored the MBR.BIN option I had given and installed GRUB to the drive.
I had to do some modifications as the laptop only boots from usb by changing the boot order in BIOS.
This in turn changes the drive referenced in menu.lst.
so I had to change the line 'root (hd2,0)' to root (hd0,0).
And since the vmlinuz and initrd.gz files were in / and not in /boot, I had to change that too.
But the end result is a bootable usb flash drive.
My Toshiba laptop's BIOS sees the usb drive as another hard drive and
after changing boot order in BIOS, if the laptop is booted without the USB drive, the BIOS setup for it just dissapears.
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Gparted not working for me

#164 Post by thegoldenstrand »

My hard drives are:
WD 800AAJS - 80 GB Sata II
Seagage 7200.10 320 GB Sata II

Read somewhere GParted does not like certain DVD Drives..

I have a Pioneer 112D

Any ideas on why GParted does not see more.. also in this version any parts of drive not formatted are not seen by PMount.

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#165 Post by disciple »

If I click on a .pbn file in Dingo, it tries to open in xarchive. It would be better if it opened with pburn :)
Do you know a good gtkdialog program? Please post a link here

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#166 Post by BarryK »

ttuuxxx wrote:Hi
Just a quick note
puppy 4.0 I've had problems with the clipboard, memory applet, well gtk1 and also qt4, well gtk 1 isn't supported daaa, qt4 looks like a cut down version since qt4 qpaint doesn't work and thats a part of qt4 toolkit, really I do applaud that Barry has made puppy 4.0 and it looks nice and has had great reviews, but lets face it. Its not 3.01 or 2.17.1 not even close. Tons of new networking problems, the newer kernel is just a total flop, where as other Linux distros using that kernel are doing just fine. Maybe its time to close the doors on 4.0 and reopen 3.01
I'm not trying to alter or upset anyone, but what I've been seeing in the forum is way more problems then 2+3 series combined and its only a few weeks old. Sometimes when things works well eg. 3.01 progress should be continued.
Another note qt4 is 40mb compressed so how is puppy 4.0 so small? It has to be a cut down version. It just doesn't work when trying to build new packages, eg. Mplayer on petget. Or how come no new VLC for puppy 4.0 yet. Its too ahead of its time. most Linux distros use qt3 and gtk1. Why does puppy have to be a leader?
I do not want to offend Barry or anyone else who developed this great distro 4.0. But I did want to voice my own personal opinion

Ps I'm still working with dingo and I'll give it a heck of a good chance but when things like a clipboard just doesn't work like its predecessor it just makes things really frustrating.
Tch, tch, quite a few points made here need correcting.

I have responded to the clipboard problem in my blog:

The memory applet has a small problem, disconnects from the tray if JWM is restarted. A small problem that will get fixed.
well gtk 1 isn't supported daaa
-- what on earth do you mean by that comment? In Puppy4 there is no problem running any GTK1 or Tcl/Tk or Qt3 applications. Just last week I wanted to run TkDVD, a Tcl/Tk burner app, and I ran PETget, chose it in the Puppy3 repository, and it downloaded and installed, along with all the dependencies (fully automatically) and five minutes later I was using it.
So why the complaint? because I am no longer supporting compiling with GTK1 or Qt3 libraries?
qt4 looks like a cut down version since qt4 qpaint doesn't work
I have compiled Qt4 apps in Puppy4, so I know it's all there. If some particular Qt4 app dosn't work, well, some library must be missing. Puppy4 is a GTK2-based distro, and that is the focus. Even so, I provided everything to compile Qt4 apps and to run them. If there are any small details missing for one particular package, then it is up to a developer to sort that out. Again, why the complaint?

Regarding the level of bug reports. This Puppy is being used far more than any prior version, and the relative level of bug reports is quite low. Whenever I go to someone's place and they have a computer, I test Puppy, and so far it has always been a great experience.

Regarding networking problems. yes, some people have reported networking working ok in 3.01, not in 4.00. The exact reasons for that are still a bit of a mystery, as it is the same kernel. The Network Wizard has however evolved and maybe an improvement in the Wizard that has fixed a problem for one person has broken something for someone else -- but I'm guessing. But is this any reason to go back to 3.01? No. We just need to work with those people who are having trouble with the Wizard and find out what is going wrong -- which our networking guys are doing.
the newer kernel is just a total flop, where as other Linux distros using that kernel are doing just fine. Maybe its time to close the doors on 4.0 and reopen 3.01
As I say, tch, tch. So you weren't happy with the 2.6.25 kernel, so stay with the main Puppy4 build with kernel (same as 3.01) -- what's wrong with that?

I will be releasing a 4.1alpha with kernel, which again is experimental. If it also turns out to be too troublesome then once again I shall revert to keeping as the main kernel. But that is jumping ahead a bit, we shall see how it turns out.
I'm using the kernel right now on my laptop (the 2.6.25 kernel was fine for me too -- so to call it a total flop just wrong).
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#167 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hello Barry maybe I came across a bit strong, Sorry for that, I'm still using 4.0 on one of my pc's full time. I also deletd most of the post:)
Could of been That the clipboard/wife was really getting on my nerves, I must use it 50+ times a day min.
The new kernel I called it a flop because I couldn't use it at all because of the USB Mouse not working, It just was jumping from one spot to another with a 2 second delay. I've never had that problem with any puppy release. A mouse is really a base item that should always work, I could understand if it was a wireless mouse but its a corded USB made by i-rocks which is a well known quality brand.a corded USB?
Could the problem be my pc? AMD dual core 4400, with 2gigs ddr2 800, 512MB pci-express ati graphics.
Sorry once again about my hasty comments :?
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#168 Post by kirk »

One thing about QT4 in puppy. It was compiled without opengl support, which can cause some problems. I tried to compile Pencil and had problems, ended up re-compiling QT4 first. But since Puppy comes with a cut-down X server, maybe that's the best choice.
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usb dialup modem

#169 Post by russ »

I have a Toshiba M35x-s311 laptop (pentium-m centrino, 768mb memory) using puppy 3.01 liveCD with settings on a usb thumb drive. My modem is a Actiontec EX560LKU external USB/Serial 56k hardware setup.
Pupdial when accessing "modem= /dev/usb/ttyUSB0 will not read more than /dev/usb deep into the directory. The error message gives "cannot access /dev/usb: this is a directory". To get the usb modem to work you have to delete /dev/modem and symlink /dev/usb/ttyUSB0 to /dev/modem Then open up /etc/wvdial.conf and change the modem line to read "Modem= /dev/modem". (instead of "Modem=/dev/usb/ttyUSB0") Then start Pupdial and it should connect if your usb is a ttyUSB0 modem. I have this setup in /etc/rc.d/rc.local
rm /dev/modem
ln -s /dev/usb/ttyUSB0 /dev/modem
When booting it works now
I have the usb modem plugged in at bootup and it properly links the modem to /dev/usb/ttyUSB0 in the wvdial.conf setup but the Pupdial does not read to the /dev/usb/ttyUSB0 file...it will only get to /dev/usb and gives the above error message
Further discussed here:
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 280#199280

Last edited by russ on Wed 21 May 2008, 01:11, edited 3 times in total.
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#170 Post by ttuuxxx »

kirk wrote:One thing about QT4 in puppy. It was compiled without opengl support, which can cause some problems. I tried to compile Pencil and had problems, ended up re-compiling QT4 first. But since Puppy comes with a cut-down X server, maybe that's the best choice.
Yes I had problems with Pencil also, did you manage getting it working properly? If so ummm how about a package? A school teacher in the UK wanted it for his students.
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freeBasic problem in Puppy 4 Dingo

#171 Post by pupmate »

I've just tried FreeBasic in Puppy 4 Dingo with strange results on 2 systems.

System 1 - M61G thin client with Puppy on flash memory stick, no other hdd.

System 2 - desktop m/c with intel board & dual core CPU, sata hdd with Puppy in separate directory within Ubuntu root(/) directory. Appropriate psubdir=xxx in grub.

system 1 (a) Ran Glade and OK except NO icons displayed in palette window. Managed to complete "Hello World" prog as per instructions in howto_glade_freebasic.pdf
(b) Tried to run glade2bas from terminal but only got "libglade WARNING couldn't find glade file /root/glade2bas.glade". Then, "libglade CRITICAL glade_xml_get_widget:assertion 'self!=NULL' failed", twice, then "Segmentation fault".

system2 (a) Having downloaded devx_400.sfs to same directory as other puppy files and restarted m/c, tried running glade but not found, indeed devx_400sfs not found by Boot Manager. Then I realised Boot Manager was saying "These files are at /mnt/home (same as 'pup_save')", which of course they are not, being in a directory inside /mnt/home. Moved devx_400.sfs out of directory, so now in /mnt/home and restarted. Glade now ran happily and even showed all icons unlike in 1(a) above.
(b) Unfortunately, glade2bas gave same result as 1(b) above. So got no further.

Am I doing something wrong or is there a bug in devx_400.sfs?

Noted Barry's comments in Jan 16 2008 blog but icons seem to be in correct directory. Not sure what he meant by "hicolor-icon-theme-0.10" comment though.
In any case, glade worked on one m/c OK.

Any help appreciated
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#172 Post by Botanic »

I didn't have the time to check a lot, but i don't seem to find qiv, that i use as my default image viewer. I tried to install it via PETget, using the Official puppy3 , but there are too many dependencies to be installed after that.
So i've been trying fotox, but i'm not pleased at all with it. First i can't get any help in the command line about how to use it, and i can't make a slideshow with it. in fact, a lot of the icons just don't work (previous, next, exif, kill running function(??), help...) and a zoomed image cannot even be moved around, apparently...
i wonder how it ended in the distro. it looks like it needs a lot of improvements, and users can be really disappointed with it.
qiv for images is like mp for text. it is a perfect tool. why to remove it?
ChmSee hangs with CPU at 100% after a few seconds.
as i reported back last year when i just joined, i'm still amazed with the 4 different calculators - i guess it's personnal :lol:

apart from that a lot of good new stuff, esp. the new PETget manager, Gtkam, the "real" Alsa Mixer, Pburn, HardInfo, the new process manager, ...
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#173 Post by BarryK »

Botanic wrote:I didn't have the time to check a lot, but i don't seem to find qiv, that i use as my default image viewer. I tried to install it via PETget, using the Official puppy3 , but there are too many dependencies to be installed after that.
So i've been trying fotox, but i'm not pleased at all with it. First i can't get any help in the command line about how to use it, and i can't make a slideshow with it. in fact, a lot of the icons just don't work (previous, next, exif, kill running function(??), help...) and a zoomed image cannot even be moved around, apparently...
i wonder how it ended in the distro. it looks like it needs a lot of improvements, and users can be really disappointed with it.
qiv for images is like mp for text. it is a perfect tool. why to remove it?
I don't recall but it may have been because qiv needs 'imlib', which is a library that is no longer in Puppy. Imlib was needed back in the GTK1 days and I now consider it to be a legacy library. Imlib version 1.x anyway.

There is a later version of Fotox, perhaps that is better. You might want to try Gimageview, which is a official PET package.
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#174 Post by nubc »

I just did a Full install of Puppy 4.0 on this ECS 2.0 GHz P4. I tested a DVD and observe that the movie won't go to Full Screen, although it will show in a fully maximized gxine gui. When I click Full Screen, there is a flicker, but the screen remains at original small size. Screen size does not momentarily go to Full Screen, at least not perceptibly.
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#175 Post by John Doe »

nubc wrote:I just did a Full install of Puppy 4.0 on this ECS 2.0 GHz P4. I tested a DVD and observe that the movie won't go to Full Screen, although it will show in a fully maximized browser. When I click Full Screen, there is a flicker, but the screen remains at original small size. Screen size does not momentarily go to Full Screen, at least not perceptibly.
it's buggy for now.

maximize gxine and then click 'full screen'.

if it doesn't work, make sure that the maximize button has two squares and not one. I had one instance when showing a friend and the window appeared maximized but the middle button wasn't in the correct state and it kept flickering and then going small.

it will only go full screen in the maximized state. the volume bar might draw funny after leaving full screen. click the maximize button twice to work around that.
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#176 Post by HairyWill »

Botanic wrote:I didn't have the time to check a lot, but i don't seem to find qiv, that i use as my default image viewer. I tried to install it via PETget, using the Official puppy3 , but there are too many dependencies to be installed after that.
So i've been trying fotox, but i'm not pleased at all with it. First i can't get any help in the command line about how to use it, and i can't make a slideshow with it. in fact, a lot of the icons just don't work (previous, next, exif, kill running function(??), help...) and a zoomed image cannot even be moved around, apparently...
gqview is in the puppy 4 repository and will do the same job.
You need to set the defaults so that it fits the image to the screen and doesn't enlarge small images. The default gap between slides is 15 seconds, you might want to tweak that.
cd into the image directory and start it with
gqview -f -s *
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#177 Post by vanchutr »

I don't have any problems with "pencil" (in Puppy 4.00)
1. Install qt4_lib (unpack qt4_lib.tar.gz)
2. Install pencil (with pencil-0.4.3b.pet)
3. Repair all symlink from /usr/lib/qt4/lib to /usr/lib
4. Add libGLU.so.1.3.070001 to /usr/X11R7/lib and make symlink named
libGLU.so.1 to libGLU.so.1.3.070001.
5. Now you can test pencil. Anything wrong?
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#178 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hi if you want a tiny imageviewer that will be your default image viewer, I compiled Pho yesterday.
it has some keyboard functions also,
I included this how to.txt file in root
How to use pho
Usage: pho *.jpg (or whatever).
It will show the first image, scaled for your screen if needed. Then the following keys work:

Go to next image.
backspace, -
Go to previous image.
r, t, right-arrow
Rotate right (clockwise).
R, T, l, L, left-arrow
Rotate left (counter-clockwise).
Rotate 180 degrees.
Go back to the first image.
Bring up a delete dialog (another d deletes the file)
Show information about the image (includes EXIF info and JPEG comment, if any).
Add this image to the appropriate list.
Toggle in and out of "full screen mode" (make the image as big as it can be and still fit on the screen).
Toggle in and out of "full size mode" (show the image at its native size, even if that's too big to fit on screen)
Toggle in and out of Presentation Mode (full screen, no mouse or window borders)
-, /
Zoom out, to half size
+, =, *
Zoom in, to double size
Run gimp-remote on this image.

pho will remember the correct (last shown) rotation for each image. When it exits (either because the last image was viewed or because the user typed q), it will print out the images that need to be rotated and deleted (it does not actually change the files on disk), and the images which were added to numbered lists. For example, I might press 1 on all the photos I want to save for a web page, 2 on the couple of photos that need additional editing in gimp, and 3 on the photos I want to save as desktop backgrounds.

(54.78 KiB) Downloaded 362 times
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#179 Post by Botanic »

@HairyWill, BarryK: thank you for the advices. i will now consider abandoning 2.16.1 for Dingo :)
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#180 Post by linuxcbon »

Not a bug, DRI works ok with r200_dri.so and glxgears gives 1700 FPS.
With Option "EnablePageFlip" "true", it gives 2500 FPS 8)
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