Minisys-Linux Muppy 008.3 F (July, 12th, 2008)

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Sound trouble

#81 Post by xandas »

Speaking of Muppy Mini 008. Running Impress the powerpoint files shows the slides show correctly but with no sound.
Then, I installed ppview.exe using the w$(wine) entry with same result.
With Gxine, Mplayer, sound is OK
Some idea?
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X race condition

#82 Post by prehistoric »


I've been provoked into going public on a change to 3.02 before I had tested it enough. fix for X race I'm posting from a Muppy 008.3 installation where I've applied this and it seems to work for this case as well. You can find the whole long story of the hunt for this snark in this thread.
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#83 Post by MU »

I uploaded version 008.3d.

- includes gstreamer + exaile (Mediamanager/player) from the former "goodies.sfs".

- includes optional propriatary ATI graficsdrivers for Radeon-cards 7000 - 9250, that must be installed outside X by typing "install-ati" (to remove: "uninstall-ati")

- fixed symlink for smb.conf, so that samba-shares now should work in Minisys

- fixed wrong permissions in /usr using the addons.sfs for the Mini. That prevented Cups to work, now it works.

The buildsystem was updated, too.

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Muppy 008.3

#84 Post by Barburo »

sorry - accidental double post
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Muppy 008.3

#85 Post by Barburo »

Hi Mark,
I'm enjoying your latest Muppy - using Opera browser for the first time seriously and liking it.
When I click on the task bar paw mark and make a selection from the menu - it works. Close that application or window.
Click again on the paw mark and the last selection automatically is restarted!
Close again and task bar menu allows me to select another item. However upon closing that item and reclicking the same thing happens again.
Is it a bug? (I scrolled through this thread but couldn't find any reference to this but I may have missed something).
I also notice via conky the greater use of the swap partition vs RAM on my notebook than for other Puppies based on 3.01 - is there a reason for this?
Thanks for your efforts on this and your tireless attention in responding to us Puppy Muppy-ites.
[i]Laptop[/i]: Acer Aspire 5810TZ
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#86 Post by MU »

I can't reproduce the menu issue on my system, but remember I had something like this on my notebook.
I will use my notebook the whole next week, and then try to find out, why it is so.
Might be a delay-issue in the code.

yes, Puppy is loaded to Ram if you have enough of it. If the swap is very big, the Kernel puts seldom used stuff from Ram to swap.
- I have a desktop with 1 Gb Ram, and a big swap.
Then the system is loaded to Ram, and if I use Standard, 600 MB of swap is used, so almost the whole msy_083.sfs is in swap!
For this reason I use the mini on this system, here swap is 0%, later just 20% running firefox, gimp and more (which are in addons.sfs mounted directly from disk, it is not buffered in Ram).
- On my notebook (256 MB Ram), the standard works better.
It is mounted of the disk, because it does not fit in Ram, that anyway is pretty fast.
So it is not swapped, and Ram stays free completely for applications.
If I use the Mini here, it is loaded to Ram, leaving not much free Ram for applications, so also gets swapped. That seems to be a bit slower.

On the website I wrote, that the Mini is always better.
This seems not to be true in every case, depending on your Ram and swap-settings.
Best will be to try out both versions.

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CUPS permissions in standard ISO?

#87 Post by prehistoric »


Mark, I think I went to the wrong site and picked up an older Muppy standard ISO. I used the links on the Minisys English language page to download. Because the file names don't reflect the letter changes from 008.3c to 008.3d I could easily have confused the two.

I'm reportiing this as a bug anyway, because you said the permission problem with CUPS applied to the mini version and the workaround was to install the printer without the addons.sfs file. The standard ISO has no addons.sfs. So, what to do in that case?

Regarding bandwidth consumed by all the people downloading ISOs, how about easily available pets, sfs or xdeltas for the change from 008.3 to 008.3d? (Make the full download a little harder.)
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#88 Post by MU »

old versions get a version-number, so they still can be downloaded browsing the ftp-folders.
The current version always has the original name, so that the links on the website always will lead to the current version, without modifying them (what could cause cache-problems).

current (version 008.3d):

Concerning deltas: I must have a look how this works, at moment I'm too busy.
The quickest way for me to create upgrades (still using many hours) is to run my buildscripts, then upload. Adding more choices, would cost more time.
Except if I just add small changes, then I release a new goodies.sfs or update-dotpup.

Addons: they are for the Mini-Iso only, to give it the same functionality as Standard.
Addons.sfs is not for theStandard-Iso!
The Cups permission problem was only related to Mini, not to Standard.

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CUPS problem solved

#89 Post by prehistoric »

Mea culpa, Mark, :oops:

The problem was not with CUPS. I picked up the wrong driver twice, for well-known printers: Samsung ML-1710, Canon BJC-210. (The Canon driver has been around since approximately the time programmers first descended from the trees. That's why it is one of my standard fall-back tests.) Getting exactly the right PPD file from made the difference. The way it failed resembled some permission problems I've had on other systems.

I can understand why the BJC-210 driver would not be included in a recent package, the Samsung ML-1710 is another matter; it is only two or three years old and was sold in large numbers.

To err is human, even when you're prehistoric.
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#90 Post by MU »

next week (up to 10 days) we go to companies to install things.
So in that time, I cannot work on 008.4.

I plan for 008.4, to upgrade Gtk to slackware-gnomes version.
Then I also would replace the Gnome related files with those of Gnome 2.22.
As the Standard iso is 690 MB already (with localization), I then must check the size, and what I will drop from it (games?) to get space for more printerdrivers. Or it would no longer fit on a CD, that of course would be inacceptable.

Then I could try to add more printer-drivers from one of the pets, that were posted here (I think there was a pack called "cups-heaven" or so with many recent drivers).

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#91 Post by MU »

Here are pets for TESTING to make Muppy 008.3 french and dutch: (updated version from may, 28, 2008)

I wanted to try it myself, but I am actually too busy with development - no time.
Please backup your msy_save.2fs , then install the pet.
Please report us your experiences.

Here is the private message I received with this pet:
I received it on may, 6th, so sorry for the delay :oops:
As I said, I wanted to test it myself first, but there were those bugs I had to fix first... :roll:
As the next 2 weeks I'm busy, too, I now delegate the testing to all interested users.

Bonsoir Mark,

Tout d'abord un grand merci pour cette nouvelle version de Muppy, j'aime beaucoup.
Je suis occupé à terminer le paquet de localisation et actuellement je le teste sur la version Mini DE. En gros cela fonctionne plutôt bien mais j'ai observé certaines curiosités :
- Je suis systématiquement obligé de télécharger (commande Chooselocale) fr_FR même s'il se trouve déjà dans mon paquet. Si je ne le fais pas, je n'obtiens pas la traduction de toutes les applications en FR.
- Je n'arrive pas à obtenir la traduction en français des entrées de menus. Par contre, si je modifie un seul fichier .desktop situé dans /usr/share/applications/ alors, après enregistrement de la modification, brusquement tout le menu principal se traduit en français.
- Je n'obtiens pas la traduction des textes des icônes sur le bureau, elles restent en allemand. Pourtant j'ai bien un fichier traduit en français. Bon, là c'est moins grave, on peut les traduire en français depuis le bureau.

Voila où j'en suis. J'ai aussi réactualisé mon site et ouvert un espace pour la Muppy afin d' y placer un manuel d'utilisation en Français.
J'ai aussi produit un paquet Muppy-NL et l'ai envoyé à Béèm le 3 Avril pour voir s'il pourrait s'occuper des fichiers .desktop en NL, mais il ne m'a pas donné de nouvelles depuis. S'il n'est pas intéressé, je demanderai à mon frère de me trouver quelqu'un en Belgique.
Les paquets se trouvent ici :

Bonne soirée et à bientôt
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test results

#92 Post by prehistoric »


I just ran a series of tests which could provoke an interesting response on a support line. I used a 1 GHz !GB RAM machine with a DVD drive to install Muppy 008.3d to a refurbished Seagate 500 GB IDE drive. (This was a frugal install to /dev/hda1.) The machine used a GeForce3 video adapter to drive a 21" SGI flatscreen CRT at 1600x1200x24 @ 85 Hz.

I then moved the drive to a machine which has revealed problems in several other distributions - a 500 MHz 128 MB RAM Compaq iPaq (desktop) with neither CD/DVD nor floppy, using the Intel eepro100 network interface.. This machine uses embedded i810 graphics with shared video memory to drive a 17" IBM G78 flat screen CRT at 1024x768x24 @ 85 Hz.

I'm posting from the second machine. After rerunning xorgwizard, I had no serious problems. You don't recommend running the Muppy standard installation on a machine with such limited memory, (and I understand why,) but it works.

Some minor problems:
The message window which asks about installing intel graphics drivers is too small for the title to be read. On a 1600x1200 screen this looks pretty silly. There needs to be a notice in the green body of the window which can be read without enlarging the window. Also, Hotpup calculates screen positions without considering the height of the taskbar. On the 1600x1200 screen this meant the device icon labels were unreadable.

The disk I used has a 2 GB swap partition, (for testing purposes.) Several times on that iPaq I had a hang at "unmounting swap". Suspecting a problem with processes left over from exiting X, I applied the hack I've used on "Chihuahua" alpha 6 to deal with a race condition in X. This seems to have solved the problem, though half a dozen shutdowns and reboots is not a real test.

On slow machines the probability of getting the message about "no pinboard in use" on power up approaches 1. I'm thinking there is a race condition between pinboard startup and wm startup. This could also apply to the problem with icon pileups and the nvidia driver. Adjusting timing isn't a general solution. Could you point me toward documentation about using ROX under other window managers, like Icewm? I'm dealing with similar issues on "Chihuahua".
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#93 Post by MU »

the pinboard is run from /root/.xinitrc

Code: Select all

rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin
you could try a delay:

Code: Select all

sleep 3 && rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin &
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#94 Post by prit1 »

@MU: I was excited when you mentioned about Muppy server on another post regarding sharing files on the network.

I wanted to try it on an old Compaq Ipaq Celeron with an external USB wireless (at76_usb - i guess is the name of the module). This module worked fine on other Puppy systems for the same USB wireless. But on this old machine, the module loads, but there is no connection.

If this worked, I could make some use of this old pc.

If you have time, please do help.
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#95 Post by Barburo »

Hi Mark - some more feedback:
I downloaded mini and all the .sfs files.
addons.sfs may have an incorrect MD5 sum - I downloaded it twice (once via browser, once via wget) and I got identical files - the same MD5 but different from yours.
I have an old PC I tried Standard and Mini on it - a Celeron 634, 320 Mb RAM, and my swap file on disk is 867Mb.
When I loaded Standard I was able via xorg to get a good screen resolution (1280x1024).
I loaded mini as a fresh install and xorg was only successful at very low resolutions (680x840 or something like that).
I ran mini again but picked up the previous .2fs save file from Standard and everything worked - good resolution etc.
Any idea why?
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#96 Post by MU »

md5sum is correct for addons-EN_083.sfs.
So you have a broken download, that might be the reason for your issues.
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#97 Post by Bert »

Muppy in Dutch?! Wow, thank you gw and Mark, some people here will be very happy, even if this release is only for testing.

gw, as-tu encore besoin d'un traducteur? J'habite en Belgique et ma premiere langue est Néerlandais.
En tous cas, un grand merci!

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#98 Post by gw »



Bien sûr! Et bien content de trouver quelqu'un de plus qui soit intéressé, car je ne sais traduire que l'anglais ou l'allemand uniquement en direction du français (mais pas l'inverse, hélas).
Je termine une nouvelle version de mon paquet FR et la posterai demain pour test. J'aurai alors un peu plus de temps pour regarder la version NL et te donner un coup de main si tu as des questions.
Encore merci pour ta proposition, c'est sympa.

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#99 Post by Barburo »

Yes - sorry MD5 is correct - I got confused between the English and German versions.
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pinboard problems

#100 Post by prehistoric »

MU wrote:the pinboard is run from /root/.xinitrc...
you could try a delay:

Code: Select all

sleep 3 && rox -p /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin &
I've read that code. I was asking about recommendations from the people who designed ROX. The Icewm manual says clearly that they do not want concurrency with X processes outside their control.
In all cases, choose the one recommended by your distribution and make sure that there is no concurency between the X startup scripts.
That hack is the kind of thing I've become suspicious about. Fixed delays break down in extreme cases. Sometimes problems with other things, hardware or software, push you past the delay and create another level of confusion when you are trying to debug.

Do you know any reason for not launching ROX-filer under control of the wm? That way, if something delays the wm, we don't get into a race. I can experiment, but when chasing non-deterministic problems, trial and error can take a very long time.
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