Trouble installing SCIM m17n in Puppy 3.01

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#61 Post by Irihapeti »


You make a good point: all the instructions on this thread could benefit from being sorted out into one coherent whole.

From what I can make of it at the moment, there are slight differences between the requirements for Puppy 2.17, which is what I'm using, and Puppy 3.01. Some of the things that work for me don't seem to have worked for RRK and other Puppy 3.01 users.

Therefore, I would be happy to write up my own instructions into one document, but not as the definitive set for all Puppy users. At the moment, I am downloading the files for m17n, to see if I can compile those successfully for my system. If so, I'll post the results.

Scim-tables, which I have installed, has inputs for Hindi, but they may not be the ones you are used to. They are called Phonetic and Inscript.

When I checked a few minutes ago, the files were available on SourceForge. I think there may have been some confusion with m17n files not being available from one particular source.
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#62 Post by Swarup »

Irihapeti wrote:You make a good point: all the instructions on this thread could benefit from being sorted out into one coherent whole.

From what I can make of it at the moment, there are slight differences between the requirements for Puppy 2.17, which is what I'm using, and Puppy 3.01. Some of the things that work for me don't seem to have worked for RRK and other Puppy 3.01 users.
Yes, and to add to this, I am using 4.0-- which no one else on this thread seems to be using. I do not know what differences if any this new version may present for the SCIM issue. But the idea of having a coherent whole for this guideline is indeed extremely attractive, and very much needed. It could also have subsections to it as needed, to make clear the differences according to Puppy version.
Irihapeti wrote:Therefore, I would be happy to write up my own instructions into one document, but not as the definitive set for all Puppy users. At the moment, I am downloading the files for m17n, to see if I can compile those successfully for my system. If so, I'll post the results.
Sounds great. :)
Irihapeti wrote:Scim-tables, which I have installed, has inputs for Hindi, but they may not be the ones you are used to. They are called Phonetic and Inscript.
That is extremely useful information, as these two--Phonetic and Inscript--are the very two that come default in the SCIM-m17n installation in Ubuntu as well. And I was able to install my table (called hi-baraha as it is based on a Windows program called Baraha) in Ubuntu SCIM, right alongside those two tables which you have. So that is a very encouraging sign, that I'll be able to install my table in the Puppy SCIM configuration. Now, when you talk about the SCIM-tables which you have installed, you mean installed in the SCIM-bridge technique, right? The one with 19 languages in it. That is, as opposed to the m17n technique which Ramesh used, that has 41 languages in it.

I just want to be sure which installation you are referring to here which has the Hindi Phonetic and Inscript tables in it, because--especially if it is the easier-to-install SCIM-bridge technique, then I'll definitely go for that one.
Irihapeti wrote:When I checked a few minutes ago, the files were available on SourceForge. I think there may have been some confusion with m17n files not being available from one particular source.
Which files do you refer to here? Do you mean the files for SCIM installation? I guess, the scim-bridge version? If so-- please let me know which post in this thread best describes the steps for installation, and I'll do it tonight itself.

#63 Post by Irihapeti »


The files I was referring to are the scim-bridge and scim-tables source files.

Scim tables appears to work with scim-bridge. I say "appears" because I don't have the Hindi (or other) fonts installed, so I'm not seeing actual characters but instead the little unicode boxes that appear when a font is missing.

The Phonetic and Inscript inputs are in scim-tables, so it's looking promising for you to be able to use the scim-bridge method. m17n only has hi-itrans.

My reason for pursuing the scim-bridge route is that it's localisation-independent. My son's girlfriend, who is Chinese, can send emails in Mandarin without my having to change the localisation language. I installed scim-pinyin made pinyin input available through scim-bridge.

By the way, I'm chasing my tail somewhat with m17n. If it proves too hard, I'll let it go.

As I recall it, without reading through the whole thread again, the main change I made was compiling scim with prefix=/usr, because scim-bridge didn't like the scim files being in /usr/local. I think that RRK found that this change didn't work on his system. You could try it both ways, and see which one works.

Then there are two lines to add to gtk.immodules, and two lines to .xinitrc. These are in the scripts that I uploaded.

I hope this is of some help.

RR Koothady
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Hindi Phonetic

#64 Post by RR Koothady »

Dear Swarupji,

Baraha uses Phonetic Keyboard for all Indic languages.

So, your requirement is Phonetic Keyboard enabled SCIM.

That Keyboard is available in "SCIM - SCIM.Bridge - SCIM Tables - pack.

These pets are available for download even now. Links: ... - SCIM ... 7&start=15 - SCIM-Bridge ... - SCIM Tables

Before using SCIM, install Hindi font at : /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF

Please follow the installation instructions noted already in this thread.

As Irihapeti has stated in her previous post, placing two scripts in /root/.xinitrc and /etc/Gtk-2/im-modules is a must.

Here comes the hitch for Puppy 4 - Dingo! [Puppy Version you are using now)

I had noted this in another thread. ( ... 1&start=75 )
Tried SCIM in Dingo yesterday. Alas! ROX Filer crashes when the script ""/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/immodules/" "scim" "SCIM Input Method" "" "" "" is placed in "immodules" file located at /etc/gtk-2. (This is an essential script necessary for making SCIM available in all the Gtk apps.)
So, may I suggest that you move to earlier versions of Puppy ( at least for the time being, till this bug is sorted out )?


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Re: Hindi Phonetic

#65 Post by Swarup »

Dear Rameshji,
RR Koothady wrote:Baraha uses Phonetic Keyboard for all Indic languages.

So, your requirement is Phonetic Keyboard enabled SCIM.
It is quite true that Baraha uses phonetic keyboard. But even then, not all phonetic keyboards are the same. And this is the key point. There are huge differences between different phonetic keyboards for the same language.

I have seen perhaps five different phonetic keyboards for Hindi. And the one I liked, and have been using for several years now, is the Baraha phonetic keyboard. Itrans for example, uses a different phonetic keyboard. One big difference between the Baraha phonetic keyboard and the Itrans phonetic keyboard is that in Baraha, there is no need to type an "a" at the end of each word. It is assumed. Whereas in Itrans, typing the "a" is a must otherwise the word will end up with a halant on it. And that is only one of the differences. There are others as well which would make it quite difficult for me to switch to Itrans.

In the same way, the phonetic hindi keyboard that comes with SCIM is quite different from the phonetic hindi keyboard of Baraha. And because this is the focal point of all my daily work (I spend 7-9 hours daily using this keyboard), I really do need it.

As Irihapeti has told,
The Phonetic and Inscript inputs are in scim-tables, so it's looking promising for you to be able to use the scim-bridge method. m17n only has hi-itrans.
I think I didn't express myself properly yesterday when I said that my hi-baraha was sitting alongside the Phonetic and Inscript tables. What I meant was, in the GUI it is sitting alongside. But in the computer's filing system, they are located in different places because, like hi-itrans, my hi-baraha is m17n and so is installed in the m17n folder.

But on the bright side, Irihapeti apparently also has hi-itrans, as she has mentioned it in her note. And this is the reassuring thing for me, because she has the scim-bridge version of SCIM installed. So if she was able to have hi-itrans installed in her SCIM bridge method, then that indicates I should be able to install my hi-baraha (an m17n file) in my SCIM bridge. --Am I correct about this? (Otherwise, how does Irihapeti know that "m17n only has hi-itrans". She must have it, to know this.)

Rameshji, the rest of the points explained in your note are all of extreme interest and utility for me. But they are all resting on this above matter-- will I be able to install my hi-baraha keyboard in the SCIM-bridge style which Irihapeti uses? Or will I instead need to follow the lengthier installation which you have given, in order to use my m17n hi-baraha keyboard?

And one more important point here which you raised:
RR Koothady wrote:I had noted this in another thread. ( ... 1&start=75 )
Tried SCIM in Dingo yesterday. Alas! ROX Filer crashes when the script ""/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/immodules/" "scim" "SCIM Input Method" "" "" "" is placed in "immodules" file located at /etc/gtk-2. (This is an essential script necessary for making SCIM available in all the Gtk apps.)
So, may I suggest that you move to earlier versions of Puppy ( at least for the time being, till this bug is sorted out )?
1. Is the latest version in which SCIM works then, the 3.01?
2. In order to install this version, should I first remove my 4.0 and do a fresh download and install of the 3.01?
3. Will my pup-save.2fs file with its wireless setup etc saved in it, apply to the earlier version?
4. Do you know, has the above bug been officially presented to the developers (ie via bugzilla or whatever medium they use), so it will be fixed?

Thanks so much to both of you Irihapeti and Ramesh, for all your kind help. Because of the two of you, I am feeling hope that I will be able to get this SCIM running on my computer in Puppy. :)

Best Regards,
RR Koothady
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Hindi Phonetic

#66 Post by RR Koothady »


First, about the Puppy version for SCIM usage:

I think, at least for the present, you will have to install Puppy 3.01 or earlier versions to use SCIM.

I have presented this problem in the above said thread, and am not sure whether it would have been noticed by BK, or other developers. I am not sure when it would be sorted out. In my opinion, let us not cram the developers with this issue for now, because we have a few more paces to go in 3.01 itself. I think we can wait and present the issue at a later date, when we are settled with SCIM in 3.01 and other versions in comfort.

You may use Dingo for all other uses, so you can have Dingo2fs. For your daily Hindi work, however, you can have a your.2fs with 3.01 or earlier Puppies.

You are right about the differences in the Hindi Phonetic Key Boards. The same issue is present with the Tamil Phonetic Key Boards also.

Ji...I am not very clear about your exact need....

I want to know whether you need:

1) SCIM Phonetcic Key Board or
2) Inscript Keyboard (these 2 are available with Scim-Bridge) or
3) hi-itrans Keyboard (available with m17n)?

I have all these 3 keyboards installed with me. Please see the screen-shot. From what ever I have tried (I know very little Hindi), Hi-Itrans seems to be better among the three. If that is the case, then you will have to leave the SCIM-Bridge Route, and follow the other m-17n Route. For this, you'll have to install the following dot pets: ... ... ... ... ... ...

I think you are feeling a little tech-phobic about this installation. No need to feel like that. It's actually easy, and you are going to spend may be a couple of days with this whole lifetime relationship - na?

I am testing an easier (short-cut) installation method at present. However, I feel it would be VERY VERY USEFUL to have gone through the above installation methods to understand how this SCIM is related with our Puppy.

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Re: Hindi Phonetic

#67 Post by Swarup »

RR Koothady wrote:First, about the Puppy version for SCIM usage:

I think, at least for the present, you will have to install Puppy 3.01 or earlier versions to use SCIM.

You may use Dingo for all other uses, so you can have Dingo2fs. For your daily Hindi work, however, you can have a your.2fs with 3.01 or earlier Puppies.

I've only just now installed Dingo, and really don't have any attachment to it. I don't even know anything about the other qualitative differences between 4.0 and 3.01. What I'll simply do, at least for the time being, is delete 4.0 and install 3.01. It's just a frugal install anyway, and very easy to do.

Will I need to make a fresh pup_save.2fs, or can the one I've been using the past two days for 4.0 be kept and used with 3.01? I don't have much in it yet really, although I'd like to preserve my SeaMonkey bookmarks and my wireless setup if I could. Even the wireless is only a 2-minute job to do afresh. But could I at least import my SeaMonkey browser bookmarks from the old pup_save.2fs to the new one (if indeed I need to make a fresh one for 3.01)?

As regards the SCIM & Dingo issue, what you have suggested sounds of course fine and very good. Let's get it working well with 3.01 first as you have rightly said.
RR Koothady wrote:You are right about the differences in the Hindi Phonetic Key Boards. The same issue is present with the Tamil Phonetic Key Boards also.

Ji...I am not very clear about your exact need....

I want to know whether you need:

1) SCIM Phonetcic Key Board or
2) Inscript Keyboard (these 2 are available with Scim-Bridge) or
3) hi-itrans Keyboard (available with m17n)?

Actually, none of the above. I need hi-baraha. The actual file is called hi-baraha.mim, and installs in m17n the same way as hi-itrans does. So for practical purposes, you can consider that it is hi-trans I want to work with. Because my file hi-baraha.mim and the hi-itrans file install the same way.

And as you have explained here that to use itrans, one has to go the m17n route, so it looks like for my hi-baraha too, that is what I shall have to do.
RR Koothady wrote:...If that is the case [that hi-itrans/hi-baraha is needed], then you will have to leave the SCIM-Bridge Route, and follow the other m-17n Route. For this, you'll have to install the following dot pets: ... ... ... ... ... ...

I think you are feeling a little tech-phobic about this installation. No need to feel like that. It's actually easy, and you are going to spend may be a couple of days with this whole lifetime relationship - na?

I am testing an easier (short-cut) installation method at present. However, I feel it would be VERY VERY USEFUL to have gone through the above installation methods to understand how this SCIM is related with our Puppy.
Ok. :) With your blessings, I will move ahead and do the install. So the above dot pets I am to download, and then what I have to do with those is there one particular post in this thread I should look to for guidance? If you can just tell me the post# (are they numbered?), then I'll do it. If I have clear instructions, then it's not a problem I can surely do it.


N.B. I tried to attach the hi-baraha.mim file here so you would see what I am talking about, but this site is not permitting the attachment of files having suffix "mim". So I pasted the file's contents into an Abiword document, but that Abiword files are not permitted either.
Last edited by Swarup on Fri 23 May 2008, 17:54, edited 1 time in total.
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#68 Post by Aitch »


There, you see, Swarupji,

I knew you would fit in here with this fine team

Look after him, lads, I've been very gentle with him :D

Good luck my friend :wink:

RR Koothady
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Baraha Bahuth Achchaa Hai

#69 Post by RR Koothady »


Here it is! I downloaded hi-baraha.mim from : ... 01338.html

and placed it at /usr/local/share/m17n folder...

and .... yes .... Baraha is Bahuth Achchaa Hai! - हि - बारहा बह
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#70 Post by Swarup »

Brilliant! Thanks loads for your help, Rameshji. I'm at work right now (until midnight), and will do the install first thing in the morning.

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#71 Post by Swarup »

Hooray! SCIM installed without a hitch, and is working perfectly! Great job, Rameshji. And that wasn't a bit difficult, either. I was expecting to have to do compiling and other such complex tasks. But all I had to do was download the files, and click on install. Quite easy! :) And I've got hi-baraha installed too.

There is one bit of news, and I don't know how much work it is going to require or why it is even going on. Perhaps you may have some insight into what is needed. The problem is this: although hi-baraha is installed, but there are several aspects of it that are not working properly:
1. All the individual letters are proper, but no joint letters will form. If you try to type a joint letter, it just keeps the two letters separate and puts a halant after the first one. HOWEVER-- in the upper left--hand corner of the screen a tiny window opens whenever one types, and it shows the letter as it is being formed. And THERE, the proper joint letter IS formed. But once the letter is complete and ready to appear in the actual text, it is not joint but rather as I described just above--separated, with a halant in between. Examples: क
Last edited by Swarup on Mon 26 May 2008, 01:21, edited 1 time in total.

#72 Post by Irihapeti »


I'm relying on memory here, and it's a few weeks since I did it, but I installed Abiword 2.6.2 (I think it was) in Puppy 2.17 without first removing version 2.4. It seemed to work fine. Subsequently I had to reinstall Puppy (got too overenthusiastic trying to get something else working, I suppose!) and didn't reinstall Abiword because OOo does what I want. Hence my slight vagueness - not only attributable to my age :)
RR Koothady
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This is Not an issue with Puppy

#73 Post by RR Koothady »

Dear Swarupji

This is not an issue with Puppy.

I had noted this elsewhere in this and other threads. The same problem occurs with Tamil and other (I have checked Malayalam) Indic Scripts.

The problem lies with Font rendering in specific applications. Text editors like Geany, Leafpad render them correctly. Notecase also renders them correctly. We are also able to use didi wiki. Osmo personal organiser, GIMP, Inkscape do the job perfectly. However ....

Abiword before 2.6.2, Firefox - before the 3 series give the problem you have noted. Also...

JWM - (Joe's Window Manager) - that comes as a default WM with Puppy, DOES NOT do the job correctly. Instead, I have found Xfce WM and Thunar Filer System - doing the Font Rendering correctly.

The conclusion that I had arrived over the past 45 days is that - for an Indic Puppy - we need Xfce WM, Abi 2.6.2 or higher, and Firefox 3.

You can download abi 2.6.2 and FF 3.05b pets from the following links: ... Foffice%2F ... id=6&lid=4

Yes you can install abi 2.6.2 directly. Removing the older one would be desirable. But you will have to use PizzaGood's PetBeGone - I think that can come later. As for now, no problem if you install 2.6.2 directly.

Here is the screenshot of Hi-Baraha and Hi-itans in Abi 2.6.2.



One other note: Word Wrap is also working OK in Abi 2.6.2!
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#74 Post by Swarup »

Whew! What a relief! You are a real life-saver, Rameshji. I've been thinking about this issue all day-- even thinking I might have to switch my plans over to another distro. But now that is all wiped away with one stroke of your pen.

I'll go ahead and download Abiword 2.2, sure.

And regarding the following:
JWM - (Joe's Window Manager) - that comes as a default WM with Puppy, DOES NOT do the job correctly. Instead, I have found Xfce WM and Thunar Filer System - doing the Font Rendering correctly.
When you say that JWM does not do the job correctly, does it mean I guess that there are certain applications which when running in JWM do not render correctly, but do render correctly in Xfce? What about Abiword 2.2-- will it render correctly running in JWM? What would be the scenarios or applications in which JWM/Rox filer would fail and Xfce/Thunar would succeed? I guess file naming, and things like that? If there is a post or thread that already addressed this, I could read that.

Again, thanks for the info-- you've put my mind at ease!

RR Koothady
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JWM and Xfce

#75 Post by RR Koothady »


About the Window Managers:

When you want to see Puppy completely in Hindi (or Tamil) you will have to change the locale to hi_IN, (or ta_IN) from the default en_US. When you do this, if you have the translated .mo files in /usr/lib/locale for the whole window manager, the whole WM dialogs and Filer Dialogs appear in your own language. When you do this in JWM - it renders them incorrectly. Xfce renders them correctly.

This question arises only when you want to have your Puppy OS in your own language. However, you can continue with en_US locale and use all applications to type your own language provided SCIM is installed.

About Abiword - the Version is not 2.2 but 2.6..2.


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#76 Post by Swarup »

I've just installed Abiword 2.6.2. The situation is certainly far better than it was. But unfortunately, at least in my case, the problem does not appear to be resolved. Because those very problems I described two posts back (#1-3), rear their ugly head any time a word is written following a mark of punctuation such as a comma, full stop, semicolon etc. And also after any word which is written using Roman/Latin (i.e. English) script. So while "लेकिन" appears correct if written in isolation ie as the first word in an Abiword file, it does not appear correct following any punctuation mark or word written with Roman script.

There is something different about punctuation marks which makes the font rendering immediately following them respond differently. What I have noticed over the years is that in most and perhaps virtually all cases, the devanagari fonts borrow their punctuation marks from Roman fonts. And in so doing, something seems to affect rendering. Have you experienced this? Any ideas or solutions? Would the issue resolve by switching to Xfce?
Last edited by Swarup on Tue 27 May 2008, 04:19, edited 1 time in total.
RR Koothady
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#77 Post by RR Koothady »


Xfce will not solve the problem. However, can you be alittle more clear? May be, can you post a screen shot of your problem?

I have noted Abi 2.6.2 behaves a little different from text editors and other apps. For example, when I press , in abi for the first time , appears but on the second time a + sign appears with hi-baraha open. This is not noticed when I type in mousepad or in text editors like Geany. I think this is a bug in abi 2.6.2.

Excepting Abi - even Firefox make the inputs correctly. The same Abi bug is noted for Tamil and other Indic languages also.

So, may I suggest, use the Text Editors as for now for typing, then copy paste to abi for fomating?

If this is a bug in Abi, then this is a problem in all Linux distros, not necessarily Puppy.

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#78 Post by Swarup »

RR Koothady wrote:Xfce will not solve the problem. However, can you be alittle more clear? May be, can you post a screen shot of your problem?
I'm still looking for the screen shot command--as soon as I find it I'll do that. But for now I'll just say that all the words appear properly unless they appear directly after a punctuation mark or English word. Then it occurs with the errors I've described. I just can't use Abiword in this situation.

Add: I found out how to do the screen shot, and will attach it below.
RR Koothady wrote:I have noted Abi 2.6.2 behaves a little different from text editors and other apps. For example, when I press , in abi for the first time , appears but on the second time a + sign appears with hi-baraha open. This is not noticed when I type in mousepad or in text editors like Geany. I think this is a bug in abi 2.6.2.

If this is a bug in Abi, then this is a problem in all Linux distros, not necessarily Puppy.
Yes, I do think Abi 2.6.2 still has bugs, and is not able to manage Indic (and perhaps other) fonts correctly.
RR Koothady wrote:Excepting Abi - even Firefox make the inputs correctly. The same Abi bug is noted for Tamil and other Indic languages also.
I have been trying to get the Firefox download site to work--the one you gave for the latest Firefox pet for Puppy. But I'll have to try later, it's not downloading right now. I am very interested to test it though.

Add: I have tried around 7 or 8 times to start the Firefox download from that site. --Don't know, it doesn't seem to work. Is there perhaps any other site I could try?
RR Koothady wrote:So, may I suggest, use the Text Editors as for now for typing, then copy paste to abi for fomatting?
You are right! The simple Text Editors--Geany and Leafpad--work perfectly. And my problem would have been solved by this but for one point-- I have to be able to increase the font size as I work because I am not doing this Hindi work alone. I work in conjunction with an older colleague who is seeing the work as it goes on via remote desktop. He sits in a different place, and has his own computer and cannot see the small size font of these text editors. I tried in the Seamonkey Composer html editor just now because it has ability to increase font size, but it does not process the fonts at all properly. It is just as Abi 2.4.x was.

So I am hoping that Firefox will work on both counts: (1) it will render the fonts correctly even after English words or punctuation; and (2) it will have capability to increase font size. Given that Abi and Seamonkey editors are not working right, and the Geany/Leaf cannot increase font size, my only hope is that the Firefox will work.

Please see in the below screenshot, the first line I've written is completely proper. In the second line, I've put a full stop "|", and due to that all the words coming after it are completely wrong. And the same in the third line-- I've written the English word "dog", and after that all the Hindi words are wrong. And of course, punctuation and English words are both needed in my documents, I can't do without them.
Hindi in Abi 2.6.2.png
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#79 Post by Aitch »


Hello again, this thread just popped to the top of my list & I find your question about screenshots being unanswered, so; -

Menu/Graphic/mtPaint- snapshot screen capture

I believe this works in most versions though I am using 2.14R today


41 languages with scim-bridge!

#80 Post by Irihapeti »

I've been experimenting further with the scim-bridge approach. I've been able to get the m17n tables working with scim-bridge, thus giving the 41 languages. Also, scim-anthy for Japanese also works.

I still have some experimenting/testing to do before I can write up the steps needed. That's unlikely to be this week, because I have a work task that will need a lot of my time. But watch this space...
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