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#61 Post by GuestToo »

JWM 0.23 Joe's Window Manager

source, licence (GPL):

edit: attachment removed
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#62 Post by Alienx »

here is Grip with a "dual phase" installation :)

run first grip-part1.pup and then grip-part2.pup

this is because total size of original grip.pup surpasses the limit to upload files in forum (1Mb)
Sorry, broken english above :-)
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#63 Post by GuestToo »

Fluxbox 0.9.13 for Puppy 1.0.2

[Edit: this is version 2 ... changes:
- the ownership of the files was wrong
- i added some keybindings
- - for example, ctrl+alt+P will take a screenshot
- i added a buttons-on-the-left alternate init file
- i made the taskbar a bit higher
you can install this version over the old version]

installs in my-applications/bin
uses JustGreg's menu

this version still has a problem with rox rename windows appearing in the wrong desktop, so as a workaround, i made those windows sticky (it's really annoying ... the older stable 0.1.14 version doesn't do that)

if you have any problems,
you can kill X by pressing ctrl+alt+backspace
you can restart fvwm95 by typing startx fvwm95
Last edited by GuestToo on Thu 26 May 2005, 06:02, edited 2 times in total.
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#64 Post by GuestToo »

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Flux Poodle Parlour

#65 Post by Lobster »

GuestToo wrote:Fluxbox 0.9.13 for Puppy 1.0.2
if you have any problems, you can kill X by pressing ctrl+alt+backspace
you can restart fvwm95 by typing
startx fvwm95
If you end up in fvwm95 after trying the excellent aqua theme and want flux back - make a note startx fluxbox

Fluxbox makes extensive use of the right mouse click and the menu is bottom right.

Many thanks GuestToo for adding more Puppy tweaking . . .
Gasho [Japanese for "We are not worthy"]
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#66 Post by GuestToo »

the ownership of some of the files in my Fluxbox 0.9.13 dotpup were wrong, so i fixed it and uploaded a new dotpup

i added a few tweaks while i was at it (see the post with the attachment)

if the first version works ok, you probably don't need to reinstall the newer version

you can install over the first version, you don't need to uninstall it first
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Fluxxing Better

#67 Post by Lobster »


Wow - it was good. Now it is better yet . . .
JWM seems stable and so fluxbox (which is somehow tied in with JWM?) really lets us play with that Puppy.

Now we are getting back to the Puppy roots. Superfast windows managers. One of the things I notice with Ice and Flux is Gimp has gone missing (and therefore I assume other progs are not present. Is there a common menu file being accessed?- wait let me try a reboot to see if that fixes it)

It is possible (pardon my enthusiams - I am Puppy Powered) that Fluxxing may be the best thing since the Ice age


Just off for a quick frisk . . .
Last edited by Lobster on Tue 31 May 2005, 07:38, edited 1 time in total.
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#68 Post by GuestToo »

Jwm and Fluxbox are totally independent ... you can have one or the other installed or both

flux doesn't play as well with rox as Icewm does ... which is the reason for the sticky-savebox workaround

and flux is getting a bit bloated ... that latest executable is over a meg (though i did compile just about everything in ... and it does have support for dockapps builtin ... icewm needs icedock for dockapps, which is about 400k)

the older fluxbox stable is about half the size, and doesn't have the problem with rox's rename windows, and probably uses less ram ... not as pretty though

icewm runs plays well with rox, and is more Windows-like

as far as the menus ... icewm has a nice feature ... it automatically checks if a program is installed and only shows the menu item if it is installed ... flux, fvwm95 and jwm do not do that ... so you can put in all possible menu items, and have some items do nothing, or possibly popup a messagebox saying that program is not installed ... or you can leave those items out and the user is responsible for editing the menus and adding the menu items ... or you can have the items in the menus, but commented out, and have PupGet automatically uncomment the line if the package is installed

Icewm and Fluxbox is still mostly unofficial (i haven't even uploaded an Unleashed package) but it could be integrated into the Puppy PupGet system

to add a Gimp item to the fluxbox menu, you would edit /root/.fluxbox/menu, and in the [submenu] (Graphics) section, you would add something like
[exec] (Gimp image editor) {gimp}
you can add icons to the menu if you like
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#69 Post by GuestToo »

Monkey Web Server 0.9.1

this does not run as root ... it runs as nobody

the config files are in /root/monkey
your web files are in /root/monkey/public_html

this puts an icon in my-roxapps
click the icon to start Monkey ... click to stop
right click the icon for help or info
drag the icon to the desktop if you want a shortcut

Edit: Nov 17, 2006 - improved interface
Last edited by GuestToo on Fri 17 Nov 2006, 22:17, edited 4 times in total.
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#70 Post by GuestToo »

OSX-Brushed Theme for Mplayer
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#71 Post by GuestToo »

missing icon for wmxmms

the xmms dotpup has an xmms dock app
it doesn't run because the icon is missing
this installs the icon

Fluxbox has a builtin dock (the slit)
Icewm doesn't , but Icedock can be used for dock apps
of course, dock apps will run anyway, they just won't be neatly arranged in one place

this wmxmms dockapp sometimes crashes, with an error message saying it tried to allocate about 1 gig of ram
i don't know why
missing icon for wmxmms
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#72 Post by GuestToo »

Internet Time

this program sets the clock from the internet ( )
Internet Time
(sets the clock from the internet)
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#73 Post by GuestToo »

gtkFind (searches for files)
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Bruce B

Cool packages GuestToo

#74 Post by Bruce B »

Just wanted to thank you for Internet Time and all the other cool packages you have put together. Believe it or not - I was wanting an Internet time sync utility just today!
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#75 Post by GuestToo »

Mtpaint 0.97

edit: 24/08/2006 attachment deleted
Last edited by GuestToo on Thu 24 Aug 2006, 06:25, edited 1 time in total.
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#76 Post by GuestToo »

i don't know why, but the aterm Home and End keys do not work in Puppy 1.0.2

before, it used the rxvt options

maybe i compiled a different version (i don't remember) or maybe Puppy 1.0.2 works a little differently

anyway, if aterm options are added to .Xdefaults it works properly again

i fixed the aterm dotpup so it works properly ... if you download and install the aterm dotpup again, the Home and End keys should work (after you run aterm at least once by clicking the roxapp icon)
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#77 Post by GuestToo »

Leafpad 0.8.1

edit: 24/08/2006 attachment deleted

this is not registered by PupGet, so it should be automatically uninstalled by a Puppy upgrade
Last edited by GuestToo on Thu 24 Aug 2006, 06:26, edited 1 time in total.
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#78 Post by GuestToo »

DotPup template

this puts a few scripts in /root/tmp/gtkfind
to demonstrate how easy it is to make a dotpup package

the dir can be copied and the scripts edited slightly
to make your own dotpup package
(right click the scripts and click Open As Text)

it's all setup to make a gtkfind dotpup
just click make-tar, then make-pup to make a gtkfind dotpup package

click the dotpup.pup file to install gtkfind in my-roxapps
gtkfind DotPup template
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#79 Post by GuestToo »

Parted 1.6.19

command line (text) partitioning tool

** WARNING *** i have NOT TESTED this in Puppy Linix
it may not work properly with Puppy's library files
you could possibly lose your data
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#80 Post by GuestToo »

Downloader for Puppy Unleashed 1.0.3

this puts a downloader program in my-documents
copy it to the dir you want to download Unleashed to
click it to download Unleashed

downloads all the files automatically
checks the md5sums so you are sure it downloaded ok

(actually, you would be sure that the files you download are identical to the files i have on my drive ... which may not be what Barry has on his drive)

an official md5sum file for the packages would be nice ... and Barry uploaded an md5sum file ... but the md5sums for most of the files i downloaded are not they same as the md5sums in the md5sum file)

the whole idea is to take the md5sums of your files, and if they match the md5sums of the files you downloaded, then you are sure your files are identical byte for byte to the original files, none missing, and no files extra

anyway, i made my own md5sum file, and downloaded unleashed 1.0.3 again, and the files were exact duplicates of the files i downloaded the first time

pic, using the server's md5sum file:
pic, using my md5sum file:

if the files on the server are changed at all in any way, of course the md5sums will not match anymore

basically, just click the program to download Unleashed
Downloader for Puppy Unleashed 1.0.3
(11.28 KiB) Downloaded 1118 times
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