Can't connect to internet with Wifi

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Can't connect to internet with Wifi

#1 Post by astrogreek »

Hi all, I just started using Puppy, and I love it! I am almost totally new to Linux, but I have already managed to try out several puplets as well as the new kernel (2.6.25). However, I have been unable to connect to the internet via wireless. I can connect via LAN at work, but at home I have to connect wireless to the modem that is nextdoor in my landlord's flat.

I have been searching this forum for solutions, but most suggestions are over my head, as the total noob I am. Also, the process is really slow since I use Windows to get on the internet, then I have to reboot into Puppy to try the solution, then go back to find another solution etc.

Using the network wizard the scan button finds the network, and I enter the key (for the WEP encryption) and hit "save", and "use this profile", but when I try to open a webpage I immediately get "page not found". I have tried a large number of variations on the various options in the wizard over the last couple of days, with no luck. I tried the same with the new kernel, and with a puplet based on the 3.01 version of Puppy.

I have an HP pavilion zt3000 laptop, 1.6 Ghz, 512 Mb ram, Intel PRO/Wireless 2200/2915 network, Puppy Linux 4.00.

I would like to mention also that I can connect wirelessly without any problems from Xubuntu and Linux mint. But I like Puppy because of the incredible speed, and the ease with which I can remaster my USB-installation to try new versions. Please help me to solve this problem!
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#2 Post by roganty »

I also have this problem, I have managed once to get wireless working, then I turned it off, saving my settings, but next time I booted up, nothing, nada, nil, zip, zero!

In resolv.conf its showing the right name server, and the domain to search, but it just keeps giving me the wrong ip address and not connecting.
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#3 Post by roganty »

I managed to get it networking working again! see here

Is your network ssid hidden?

try un-hiding it and see if you can connect that way!

Re: Can't connect to internet with Wifi

#4 Post by jonyo »

astrogreek wrote:PRO/Wireless 2200/2915 network, Puppy Linux 4.00.
Haven't fiddled with that chip for a bit but have used it plug & play wep 64 hex with many vers of pup.

A search of 2915 (Check off > Display results as: Posts) brings up quite a bit including this..

How to configure wifi from the commandline
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#5 Post by astrogreek »

Is your network ssid hidden?

try un-hiding it and see if you can connect that way!
Is that something you do with the modem? I don't own the modem nor have access to it.
How to configure wifi from the commandline
This morning I quickly tried the guide for manual configuration, but I had a few problems.
rm /etc/dhcpc/*.pid
dhcpcd -t 30 -h puppypc -d eth1
The first line gave me an error along the lines of "directory not found", I'm guessing the * needs to be replaced with something, but as a total beginner I have no idea.

The second command gave an output that seemed to indicate it was not successful. I'll keep trying when I get back home tonight.
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#6 Post by HairyWill »

Puppy 4.00 with the 2.6.25 kernel is distributed from the test area. If you are having problems, it would be sensible to try the earlier kernel version to see if that works.
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#7 Post by astrogreek »

HairyWill wrote:Puppy 4.00 with the 2.6.25 kernel is distributed from the test area. If you are having problems, it would be sensible to try the earlier kernel version to see if that works.
I already tried both the the new kernel and the earlier, as well as the previous version of Puppy, I mentioned that in my first post.
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#8 Post by HairyWill »

so what do you get for
iwlist scan
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#9 Post by astrogreek »

so what do you get for
iwlist scan
How do I copy text from the terminal? I saw somewhere here to use shift+delete, but that did not work. At the moment I don't have the patience to write down the whole output.

Edit: I could give you the results I get from Xubuntu, where I can connect, and I can copy text from the terminal window, if that would be any help.

#10 Post by jonyo »

Highlight the text in the console with the left mouse button, then click the middle mouse button where you'd like to copy to.
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#11 Post by astrogreek »

HairyWill wrote:so what do you get for
iwlist scan
OK here is what I get:

# iwconfig
lo no wireless extensions.

eth0 no wireless extensions.

eth1 unassociated ESSID:"OTE CONNX"
Mode:Managed Frequency=2.437 GHz Access Point: 00:0E:35:64:2D:A5
Bit Rate:0 kb/s Tx-Power=20 dBm Sensitivity=8/0
Retry limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off
Encryption key:0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-0000-00 Security mode:restricted
Power Management:off
Link Quality:0 Signal level:0 Noise level:0
Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0

# iwlist scan
lo Interface doesn't support scanning.

eth0 Interface doesn't support scanning.

eth1 Scan completed :
Cell 01 - Address: 00:13:33:0A:80:9E
Protocol:IEEE 802.11bg
Encryption key:on
Bit Rates:1 Mb/s; 2 Mb/s; 5.5 Mb/s; 6 Mb/s; 9 Mb/s
11 Mb/s; 12 Mb/s; 18 Mb/s; 24 Mb/s; 36 Mb/s
48 Mb/s; 54 Mb/s
Quality=71/100 Signal level=-57 dBm
Extra: Last beacon: 100ms ago

jonyo thanks for the tip!

#12 Post by jonyo »

astrogreek wrote:jonyo thanks for the tip!
I hate you..:wink: took me ~ 3mths to figure it out.. :roll: :x :oops: :oops:..

Sharpened up my pathetic typing skills there for a bit..though..back ina day.. :P fading eyesight, denial et al..

On to wifi.. :)
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possible solution to astrogreek's problem

#13 Post by stefan24 »

Once you boot open the /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf and make it look like this:


ssid="OTE CONNX"
psk="Your Password in Quotes"

save this and close.

After that open the terminal and write:

wpa_supplicant -s -D ipw -i eth1 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -dd

after this write dhcpcd eth1

that's it.
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#14 Post by stefan24 »

i did a mistake on the previous post

wpa_supplicant -w -D ipw -i eth1 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -dd

is the right code
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#15 Post by astrogreek »

stefan24 wrote:i did a mistake on the previous post

wpa_supplicant -w -D ipw -i eth1 -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -dd

is the right code
I tried this (some time ago now); it did not work. But, isn't this for WPA-encryption? I have WEP.
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#16 Post by lluamco »

You could try the following.
1. Check which modules are needed for your card. This can be done in a terminal executing the command

Code: Select all

lsmod | grep ipw
I expect the output would contain something similar to ipw2200.
2. Then, always in a terminal, write the following sequence of six commands (substitute ipw2200 with the output in step 1, and YOUR_WEP_KEY by your key):

Code: Select all

rmmod ipw2200      
modprobe ipw2200
rm /var/run/ 
iwconfig eth1 essid "OTE CONNX" freq  2.437G channel 6 mode managed ap 00:13:33:0A:80:9E key YOUR_WEP_KEY 
ifconfig eth1 up 
dhcpcd -d eth1
NOTE: The command iwconfig ends at YOUR_WEP_KEY and must be entered in a single line
3. You can test if the network works issuing the command

Code: Select all

4. In case the network works, the sequence of commands in step 2 can be written in a script file and executed automatically at every boot.
5. If the network still fails, you can try to repeat the sequence of commands in step 2 by BUT interchanging the order of the iwconfig and ifconfig commands.
Hope that helps
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#17 Post by astrogreek »

No luck... here is what I get:

# lsmod | grep ipw
ipw2200 134576 0
ieee80211 33864 1 ipw2200
firmware_class 9600 1 ipw2200

# rmmod ipw2200
# modprobe ipw2200
# rm /var/run/
# iwconfig eth1 essid "OTE CONNX" freq 2.437G channel 6 mode managed ap 00:13:33:0A:80:9E key 1234567890xxx
# ifconfig eth1 up
# dhcpcd -d eth1
Info, eth1: dhcpcd 3.1.8 starting
Info, eth1: hardware address = 00:0e:35:64:2d:a5
Info, eth1: DUID = 00:01:00:01:0f:d9:1f:ab:00:0e:35:64:2d:a5
Info, eth1: broadcasting for a lease
Debug, eth1: sending DHCP_DISCOVER with xid 0x66906f1e
Debug, eth1: waiting on select for 20 seconds
Debug, eth1: sending DHCP_DISCOVER with xid 0x66906f1e
Debug, eth1: sending DHCP_DISCOVER with xid 0x66906f1e
Debug, eth1: sending DHCP_DISCOVER with xid 0x66906f1e
Debug, eth1: sending DHCP_DISCOVER with xid 0x66906f1e
Debug, eth1: sending DHCP_DISCOVER with xid 0x66906f1e
Debug, eth1: sending DHCP_DISCOVER with xid 0x66906f1e
Error, eth1: timed out
Info, eth1: trying to use old lease in `/var/lib/dhcpcd/'
Debug, eth1: sending ARP probe #1
Debug, eth1: sending ARP probe #2
Debug, eth1: sending ARP probe #3
Debug, eth1: sending ARP claim #1
Debug, eth1: sending ARP claim #2
Warning, eth1: using IPV4LL address
Info, eth1: adding IP address
Debug, eth1: no dns information to write
Debug, eth1: exec "/etc/" "/var/lib/dhcpcd/" "new"
Debug, eth1: forking to background

# ping
ping: bad address ''
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#18 Post by lluamco »

Hi astrogreek.
In some forum, someone claimed having solved the problem adding a -T flag to the dhcpcd command:

Code: Select all

dhcpcd -d -T eth1
It may be worth giving it a try...
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#19 Post by HairyWill »

searching for
man dhcpcd
Test case, when dhcpcd goes through the DHCP negotiation sequence but doesn't actually configure the interface. It does however write the <ConfigDir>/dhcpcd-<interface>.info and <ConfigDir>/dhcpcd-<interface>.cache files and it does attempt to execute <ConfigDir>/dhcpcd.exe script. The pathname of dhcpcd.exe executable script can be changed with -c <ExecFilePath> option. -T option is used primarily for testing DHCP servers, for obtaining multiple IP addresses for the same dummy interface, and/or configuring virtual interfaces in conjunction with -L <ConfigDir> and -I <ClientID> options.
so I would be surprised if the -T parameter helps
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#20 Post by astrogreek »

I have followed the steps in this guide:, including the troubleshooting part further down, with no luck.

from same thread:
or to obtain a static IP address,
modify /etc/resolv.conf to include your nameservers, then Code:
ifconfig eth1 192.168.0.xx broadcast netmask
route add default gw eth1
I need a bit help to understand this part. I have found an resolv.conf, that contains (from memory) info related to the LAN network at my workplace (I can connect easily from Puppy to that network). I also have a bunch of files named resolv.conf.xxxx where x is some number. I am not sure how to modify this file or what exactly my nameserver is. Is it the same as DNS server?
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