TEENpup 2008 is ready

For talk and support relating specifically to Puppy derivatives
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TEENpup 2008 is ready

#161 Post by idolguy99 »

Great job with this distro!

I'm running it as a LiveCD version. I was even able to follow your instructions and download Opera and install it as an alternative browser.

I look forward to using TEENpup 2008 and getting my hands "dirty" with all the applications you've installed.

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TEENpup 2008 is ready

#162 Post by idolguy99 »

bosley wrote:Right click in a ROX window and chose "options".
Should be the pinwand menu entry.
Hey, thanks!

That's been bugging me all night. Now I can "single-click" as I'm used to.
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TEENpup 2008 is ready

#163 Post by idolguy99 »

When using the virtual desktops, I can switch back and forth with the mouse.
Is there a keyboard shortcut that allows me to switch back and forth as well?

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Re: TEENpup 2008 is ready

#164 Post by idolguy99 »

[quote="idolguy99"]When using the virtual desktops, I can switch back and forth with the mouse.
Is there a keyboard shortcut that allows me to switch back and forth as well?
Well, I discovered how to do this. I'm sure everyone else knows, but in case anyone else had the same question, you can switch between virtual desktops by pressing Ctrl/Alt/Number, where the Number represents the virtual desktop you want to switch to. You can also switch to the next virtual desktop to the right by pressing Ctrl/Alt/right arrow and the next virtual desktop to the left by pressing Ctrl/Alt/left arrow.
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#165 Post by stranger »

Well, my first post. I'm not native english speaker, so I hope you understand if I write something wrong.

Teenpup2008.... awesome... wonderfull... Fast, simple, efficient. complete, light. I have tried Slackware, Zenwalk, VectorLinux, DCL and wNOP before. Teenpup 2008 is the best I'd tried...

Now my questions:
1. I wish a different wallpaper in each desktop. Is this possible? If it, how?
2. I like programming, mostly in c, html, java, php. I'm thinking install eclipse sdk in Teenpup. How or where I get all libraries to compile and run almost anything whithout problems? Zenwalk is really good for that job.
3. What is the meaning of the colors in cpu load and network interface icons in the taskbar?

Thanks for all. Great job all you do, great forum.
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#166 Post by vg1 »


ok, here goes, but first some background so you can understand how it works.
Tennpup2008 [& all earlier teenpup versions] is based on pup214. Prior to that puppy version [ie series 2: p210 - p213] you could keep the save_file in a [sub]dir and puppy would find it. At that time puppy did not have the 'psubdir=' parameter, but you could specify the subdir in your menu.lst file and it worked.
As each successive puppy was developed the search code in the init file [which is in initrd.gz] was changed, mostly for the better, but sometimes with some side effects [probably unintended]. So in the p214 init there were many improvements, & with precisely this side effect, ie that puppy would no longer find its save_file in a subdir. This applies to p214 & p215 [which uses the same p214 base] and [almost - see 2 below] all their derivatives. Then p216 introduced the 'psubdir' parameter where you could again use a subdir, but again with some other side-effects. This was further refined in the successive series 3 and 4, but all with slightly different side effects.

Contrary to what has been suggested in this and other threads, you can keep several versions of puppy on one partition, even if based on the same puppy version. But of course it depends on the version, on what you want and how far you wish to go to achieve this.
In my case on my 1st partition I keep: w98, p214R, p215ce, p216, p217[tmmxxine shard], teenpup2008, expand215, p301, p302, lhp301a4, dingo4, then slitaz & some other minor distros. Then on other partitions pizzapup3.01, muppy07, muppymini 8.03, pupeez1.0, p216ce etc & other distros. All frugal, and it all works.

Now to solve your problem create a subdir [ie two level deep - eg puppy/teen2008] move your teenpup2008 initrd, vmlinuz & save_file there and do the following:
1a - use the initrd.gz from one of the prior versions, ie p210 - p213, edit it with pizzasgood's edit-initrd [search the forum] & change the puppyversioon to 214. If you wish to keep your original initrd.gz in the same subdir as a backup rename the new initrd to, say, initrd213.gz, then use this name in your menu.lst file.
1b - edit the teenp2008 init file in its initrd.gz & change all the search code to that from the p213 init file. Use tkdiff to find the differences between them and see if you can make out which code to change. A bit more involving but you will learn a lot if you succeed. Then name it, say, initrd213-4.gz & use in menu.lst.
2 - use the initrd.gz from p214R [rename to initrd214R.gz if you wish to keep the original teenp2008 file], move all the teenp2008 files [ie including pup_214 & zdrv 214] to the subdir, & rename the pup_214.sfs to pup_214R.sfs. Use the 'SFSFILE=' and 'ZDRV='params in your menu.lst.
Yes, puppy214R is very different, for me the best of the 2 series [basic versions] & my default puppy.

All the above solutions work. I used all three at different times. 1a is easiest, 1b is probably safest, 2 the most convenient [& elegant?].

This post is rather long so enough for now. Re your other issues [renaming save_file etc] later.
If you need more guidance and help with your menu.lst entries ask. And remember, we are all willing to help but whatever you solve yourself adds to your knowledge base.

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john biles
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#167 Post by john biles »

Hello stranger,
Firstly, I glad you like TEENpup. As for the colors of the cpu load etc etc, I never thought about what the colors represent? so don't know at this time.

As for adding extra packages to TEENpup 2008 I recommend searching for them in the Debian sarge/etch repository first and use the installed package undeb /unrpm while in terminal to convert these files to work in TEENpup.

As I always recommend, experiment while running live and find out what works and what breaks your system if you have TEENpup installed to your Hard Drive.
If you still want to compile packages yourself, you need to install the sfs file with the needed compiling packages.

I don't have the link to the website but a search of this forum will give you the required link. If you can't find it please reply here and I will try and track it down.

Lastly I don't know if its possible to change the wallpaper between different workspaces / desktops. I have never tried to do that, may be someone else could supply an answer for that one?
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Re: Wallpaper

#168 Post by oui »

Hi stranger
stranger wrote:Well, my first post. I'm not native english speaker, so I hope you understand if I write something wrong.

Teenpup2008.... awesome... wonderfull... Fast, simple, efficient. complete, light. I have tried Slackware, Zenwalk, VectorLinux, DCL and wNOP before. Teenpup 2008 is the best I'd tried...

Now my questions:
1. I wish a different wallpaper in each desktop. Is this possible? If it, how?
2. I like programming, mostly in c, html, java, php. I'm thinking install eclipse sdk in Teenpup. How or where I get all libraries to compile and run almost anything whithout problems? Zenwalk is really good for that job.
3. What is the meaning of the colors in cpu load and network interface icons in the taskbar?

Thanks for all. Great job all you do, great forum.
1. you will find a directory named "backgrounds" in your /usr/share or somewhat as that. look in this dir if you find the backgrounds offered by puppy (I can't try it for you: I am using Debian now). then add your new background picture in the directory and upload it using the desktop utility of the system. it is absolute no problem...

2. there are different ways to add software in puppy. a very elegant way is to link a depository file ending in *.sfs, different *.sfs files exist with a development environment for puppy. look in the forum!
the puppy version used for TEENpup, puppy 2.14 is not new. in the past the development of puppy from scratch did also use the OS you did name VectorLinux, version 5.01, a great small linux with good development tools integrated.
The new version of puppy 4. don't need an external development system any more. but I don't know, if it is always full compatible with Slackware 12. packages. You can also find a version 3.01 or an alpha version of Puppy 3.02 here http://distro.ibiblio.org/pub/linux/dis ... inux/test/ . It is the segment of Puppy with Slackware 12 compatibility.

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Thanks for the howto

#169 Post by cat »


thanks for your detailed description. I'll give it a try when I have a few afternoons of leisure :wink:

Much appreciated!
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