Q: How to config window titlebar dbl-click default action?

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Q: How to config window titlebar dbl-click default action?

#1 Post by kace »


Double clicking on the titlebar in Puppy activates the window-shade roll-up...

How & where would I configure this action to toggle Maximize/Minimize instead?

Thanks Much,

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#2 Post by Ian »

What version of Puppy are you using and which Window Manager.

To find the configuration files for fvwm95 and Jwm click on 'rox' on the desktop then 'Show/hide hidden files' in the top bar.

Look for the configuration files: .fvwm95rc and .jwmrc

#3 Post by kace »

Thanks for the reply...

I'm using 1.05 running alternately either jwm or icewm... from your reply I deduce that for either one, I need to look in the <wm>rc file.

I should have figured that out :oops: Anyway, that should be enought to get me on the right track... I'll search those <wm>rc files tonight...

Thanks Much,


#4 Post by kace »


I've now searched all over in jwmrc, jwmrc-personal, xinitrc, in the gtkrc and in all the rc files I could find for icewm, and could find no setting anywhere for configuring the default action when double-clicking on the titlebar...

Does anyone else have any ideas of where I should look next?

... or even what the name of the setting might be so I could text-search for it?

Thanks much,

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#5 Post by GuestToo »

Icewm maximizes a window when the title bar is double-clicked ... also when alt+F10 is pressed ... the window shades when the middle mouse button is double-clicked or when alt+F12 is pressed

look in /root/.icewm/preferences (.icewm is a hidden folder) ... you can search for maximize ... for example,

# TitleBarMaximizeButton=1 # [0-5]

you have to remove the first # character or the line is treated as a comment (a comment doesn't do anything)
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