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#21 Post by HairyWill »

I thought that places like Wales and Quebec had it tough having to publish stuff in 2 languages. You've got to feel sorry for the Swiss trying to do it it French, German, Italian and sometimes English as well.
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#22 Post by Caneri »


Just to clarify....Quebec has laws(bill 101) stifling languages other than Quebec french...They have the "language police" to make sure french is the dominate language in public. English and most other languages are taboo there. It's the rest of Canada that has to keep up both English and French.

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#23 Post by klu9 »

I wonder... if you go into an office in Montréal with some old desktops, when these boxes boot up, does the splash screen say "Fenêtres Quatre-vingts dix-huit"? :P :P :P
It's "KFC" in every other country in the world. It's "KFC" in Russia and they don't even use the Roman alphabet! It's "KFC" in Saudi Arabia. It's "KFC" in China... It's KFC in France, for God's sake!
David Baddiel's homage to "PFK", a certain rebranded chicken restaurant he saw in Québec.

PS @Hairy Will... I wasn't saying Tartuga's Italian sucked; it's their website that sucks. Just look at their page. You don't have to be literate in any language to see what a goddawful mess it is.
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#24 Post by rarsa »

darrelljon wrote:There is one new DSL derivative called Tartuga.
I have no clue what that means but as a Spanish speaker I can tell you it sounds either as

Tortuga = Turtle (Heavy and slow)
Taruga = feminine for "Tarugo" meaning Dumb.

I hope the end result is not a mix of both.
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#25 Post by jyf1987 »

it's because one thing
the dsl seems dont support i18n
so it's hardly to make it locally
for example ,there're not a perfect chinese dsl version
but so many chinese puppy version
people natruely like those system with their own language interface

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#26 Post by Sage »

The Quebecoise scenario is entirely understandable in the context of the l'Acadie fiasco - another of the interfering Brits CU. However, it is misguided and utterly dumb. Foot-shooting on a grand scale. I speak, in English, as a Celt. Some folks are so stupid they can't read the writing on the wall....

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#27 Post by pierro78 »

It seems like posting in the DSL forums is forbidden for newbies (at least for me, I've just registered yesterday ...)
(I am glad I found this place to talk about DSL eventually ;))

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#28 Post by ttuuxxx »

DSL is like puppy's little runt of a brother. Really why have we've been publishing so much DSL stuff on here lately? Its never been so evident. DSL in a nutshell is nothing like puppy, It uses outdated, unsecure software that has tons of security holes in its browser. Even the old dated firefox browser they use is a cutdown version, which that alone could leave new holes open.
I think DSL is great as long as you don't connect to the internet, And if do make sure never to open email accounts or Online Banking etc. Nothing where private id is being used.
Or DSL people, upgrade your browser and protect your surfing habits.
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#29 Post by nooby »

I want to try out different "competition" to our Puppy. Like
I prefer Austrumi (Slackware based) to DSL

so I want to test DSL, Austrumi, Tarttuga, Wolvix, Mustang, Minix3 etc.

I tested Minix3 last night. What a disappointment. You should already know
things to be able to use that one. For UNIX experts? Uses Lynx as browser
No GUI at all unless you download such. I expected to get a real live CD

Wonder how DSL would treat my extremely nooby questions.

I also tested Antix which was very different. Also used a Lynx like browser
but there all was included even a gui. I managed to use their browser to
log in here. Maybe there are people who prefer the layout Antix used.

I am not so sure me would test it again but who knows. Based on Mepis.

Mustang seems to have given up and I even fail to find a download.

Wolvix homepage seems to be down from my way of accessing links.

Ultima wanted to combine things from wolvix and Ultima even have active forum but the main developer tease us with being bought up by
Microsoft and that that in the long run will make Ultima the better choice.

So much to test. Consider this. I am very new to all this.
For me to get a feel for the difference between Puppy and DSL

Which Live CD DSL should I download and test to give it a fair compare?

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#30 Post by jpeps »

ttuuxxx wrote:DSL is like puppy's little runt of a brother. Really why have we've been publishing so much DSL stuff on here lately? Its never been so evident. DSL in a nutshell is nothing like puppy, It uses outdated, unsecure software that has tons of security holes in its browser. Even the old dated firefox browser they use is a cutdown version, which that alone could leave new holes open.
I think DSL is great as long as you don't connect to the internet, And if do make sure never to open email accounts or Online Banking etc. Nothing where private id is being used.
Or DSL people, upgrade your browser and protect your surfing habits.
Interesting...first I've ever heard of this. I know they're skeptical of running in root; passes all tests in Shields Up, if that means anything. I didn't realize that a distro is responsible for holes in Firefox. BTW, there's no reason to use an outdated version of FF when you can load an updated version of that, Opera, or whatever else just by dropping it in your mydsl folder. DSL is highly customizable...

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#31 Post by Trobin »

I think it's good to discuss other linux distros.

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#32 Post by ttuuxxx »

jpeps wrote:
ttuuxxx wrote:DSL is like puppy's little runt of a brother. Really why have we've been publishing so much DSL stuff on here lately? Its never been so evident. DSL in a nutshell is nothing like puppy, It uses outdated, unsecure software that has tons of security holes in its browser. Even the old dated firefox browser they use is a cutdown version, which that alone could leave new holes open.
I think DSL is great as long as you don't connect to the internet, And if do make sure never to open email accounts or Online Banking etc. Nothing where private id is being used.
Or DSL people, upgrade your browser and protect your surfing habits.
Interesting...first I've ever heard of this. I know they're skeptical of running in root; passes all tests in Shields Up, if that means anything. I didn't realize that a distro is responsible for holes in Firefox. BTW, there's no reason to use an outdated version of FF when you can load an updated version of that, Opera, or whatever else just by dropping it in your mydsl folder. DSL is highly customizable...
Yes it might be highly customizable buttttttt The latest edition comes with a reduced version of firefox 2.0, and how many security holes have been patched in the past 2years? Tons about 15 version updates since the release of 2.0 around 2 years ago.
Plus if you ever notice "Puppy or DSL" gets tons on linux newbeeee's who basically wouldn't know the difference.
Its just poor tast to say DSL is 50MB with things like "Firefox" without stating "please be aware that this version of firefox is extremely old and the only reason why we use it is because its a lot smaller and and doesn't need any gnome libs.
For that you are at risk for tons of securitys risk but yes its still just 50MB distro, LOL
have a look at DSL spec's http://distrowatch.com/table.php?distri ... damnsmall on the left hand side it shows the latest versions, DSL is like a time warp back 2 years ago. Terrible to think such a popular distro has such terrible specs.

Ps is they had any sense of brains they would use Midori or Opera which both can be reduced to about 8-9MB.
its the icu libs which really make midori large.
anyways have fun
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#33 Post by Sage »

Missing the point?
If you're running a P200MMX with 64Mb (or less), DSL is pure luxury. This horse is still out on the course. Tortoise and hare - sometimes the winner comes in last. Frankly. I don't care too much for spoilt brats with too much dosh being hoodwinked by sharp traders selling new lamps for old. Tell Barry that WiFi is a waste of space, a passing fad that doesn't merit his considerable talent.

Recycle something today, install DSL and feel good in your soul.

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#34 Post by ttuuxxx »

Sage wrote:Missing the point?
If you're running a P200MMX with 64Mb (or less), DSL is pure luxury. This horse is still out on the course. Tortoise and hare - sometimes the winner comes in last. Frankly. I don't care too much for spoilt brats with too much dosh being hoodwinked by sharp traders selling new lamps for old. Tell Barry that WiFi is a waste of space, a passing fad that doesn't merit his considerable talent.

Recycle something today, install DSL and feel good in your soul.
Sage if I wanted to run a P200MMX with 64Mb, which I did about 7yrs ago and met my wife on yahoo chat, which at the time we had video, sound and played online games at the same time, All 3 things at once, I wouldn't be using DSL I would be using windows 98se with a new firewall, Antivirus and anti-spyware, How much is windows 98se on ebay these days? Like $20 well worth it for a P200MMX with 64Mb, Atleast I would have the latest browser installed. Plus a secure system to boot.
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#35 Post by ttuuxxx »

Also as an alternative to DSL why not run something better like MINIX 3
Hardware Required
To run MINIX 3, you need a PC driven by a 386, 486, or Pentium CPU or compatible. The standard configuration requires 16 MB of RAM. An 8-MB version is also available, but it is slower due to a smaller buffer cache. Since the distribution comes on a live CD, you can test it without allocating any hard disk space, but for a hard disk installation, 50 MB is needed as a minimum, 600 MB minimum if you want all the sources.

I tried it a few years ago on some old pc's and it ran excellent

Some more info

This new OS is extremely small, with the part that runs in kernel mode under 4000 lines of executable code. The parts that run in user mode are divided into small modules, well insulated from one another. For example, each device driver runs as a separate user-mode process so a bug in a driver (by far the biggest source of bugs in any operating system), cannot bring down the entire OS. In fact, most of the time when a driver crashes it is automatically replaced without requiring any user intervention, without requiring rebooting, and without affecting running programs. These features, the tiny amount of kernel code, and other aspects greatly enhance system reliability.

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#36 Post by jpeps »

ttuuxxx wrote:
Sage if I wanted to run a P200MMX with 64Mb, which I did about 7yrs ago and met my wife on yahoo chat, which at the time we had video, sound and played online games at the same time, All 3 things at once, I wouldn't be using DSL I would be using windows 98se with a new firewall, Antivirus and anti-spyware, How much is windows 98se on ebay these days? Like $20 well worth it for a P200MMX with 64Mb, Atleast I would have the latest browser installed. Plus a secure system to boot.
You can't run 98se in ram; that's the major difference, along with the speed that comes with it. Also, I'm not all that excited about loading anti-virus, anti spy, etc, etc, etc, update, etc, update, ...... .
Last edited by jpeps on Thu 10 Jul 2008, 07:45, edited 1 time in total.

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#37 Post by Sage »

Chacun à son goût!

I cheated. I copied and pasted the accent-laden expression from a French text.

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#38 Post by ttuuxxx »

jpeps wrote:
ttuuxxx wrote:
You can't run 98se in ram; that's the major difference, along with the speed that comes with it. Also, I'm not all that excited about loading anti-virus, anti spy, etc, etc, etc, update, etc, update, ...... .
Ummm if you have only 64mb of ram to start with, would you want to run in ram? Most would say noooooooo.
As for updates go, If you secure a windows product that is functioning perfectly and you installed a high quality firewall, antivirus, antispyware, you would have 0% reason to update anything.
Most the time Windows updates criple a windows system. Or just slow it down, actually does microsoft still support updates for windows 98se? Last I checked no. I could be wrong.
Plus you can can remaster windows 98,xp,vista cd's and make the opertaing system a lot faster and smaller, windows isn't all that bad, but I still perfer Linux. Linux is fun, I really enjoy the control I have over the programs and the Operating system.

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#39 Post by nooby »

Test Minix3?
Just what I did some 12 hours ago and after a good nights sleep me
wrote a grumpy wining about their extreme UNIX approach.

One need to already know command line to get the Lynx browser going and
a lynx compared to Puppy's SeaMonkey is ... I mean come on.

They address a very small sub minority of newbies with that one.

But I agree. It is small and seems to be well thought out.

Linux Thorwald was not agreeing though. Seems to be wild debates
about the differences between Linux and Minix. Let the best version win.
I even tested Solaris and that one seems to demand too much on a naive newbie like me.

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#40 Post by ttuuxxx »

nooby wrote:Test Minix3?
Just what I did some 12 hours ago and after a good nights sleep me
wrote a grumpy wining about their extreme UNIX approach.

One need to already know command line to get the Lynx browser going and
a lynx compared to Puppy's SeaMonkey is ... I mean come on.

They address a very small sub minority of newbies with that one.

But I agree. It is small and seems to be well thought out.

Linux Thorwald was not agreeing though. Seems to be wild debates
about the differences between Linux and Minix. Let the best version win.
I even tested Solaris and that one seems to demand too much on a naive newbie like me.
When it comes to Minix and newbies, one thing comes to mind "Nothing like getting your feet wet" sure you'll have to read a manual, and spend a lot of time learning, but the wealth of knowledge you'll learn is worth its weight in gold.
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