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#61 Post by KF6SNJ »

You are right that the guys who created ChurchPup did an excellent job. I find I like BibleDesktop better than I like BibleTime. Perhaps it is because there are some works available for BibleDesktop via the FTP beta site that are not available for BibleTime (though it is not too hard to copy from one the other). Of course this includes one of my favorite works, the Book Of Concord. As a theology student, I'd be lost without it.
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#62 Post by ttuuxxx »

KF6SNJ wrote:You are right that the guys who created ChurchPup did an excellent job. I find I like BibleDesktop better than I like BibleTime. Perhaps it is because there are some works available for BibleDesktop via the FTP beta site that are not available for BibleTime (though it is not too hard to copy from one the other). Of course this includes one of my favorite works, the Book Of Concord. As a theology student, I'd be lost without it.
ok but your the first that I've seen on here that actually chooses BibleDesktop over BibleTime, I've spent well over 40hrs just getting BibleTime working, Also if you like BibleDesktop it could be added, you can download it from the ChurchPup website and all you need is java, Say around 40MB larger, I might include both in a extra larger version around 250MB. But thats when I get to that stone. For now Back to fixing BibleTime. 1 Bug left.

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#63 Post by KF6SNJ »

Don't sweat it. I could add if I wanted to. Also, the java install is a cake walk. These are things I don't mind doing myself. Right now I am working on my "RoboPup" idea. I am reading a book on COBOL. I may also do some reading on c++ (I book marked a few sites). I even may try writing some of my own software for motor control. We will see.
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#64 Post by Subito Piano »

Interesting from here as well...BibleDesktop didn't appeal to me at all; I'm curious what features (besides the Book of Concord) makes it meet your needs/style, KF6SNJ. Cool how we're all wired in different ways and have different and valid perspectives.

Ttuuxxx, I have compared e-sword and BibleTime and prefer BibleTime -- mostly because i can reference to the Strong's lexicon without having to have all the numbers mingled into the text. My buddy (brother in Christ and Linux mentor) prefers e-sword, i think he mentioned it has better maps. Plus he liked Gnome-Sword over BibleTime! What i'm getting at is that these three programs are VERY similar; i think/hope/trust you will find a lot of ppl very happy to see your finished product. Once it's final, i'll make some noise in the ChurchPup website about it and hopefully in some other places as well.
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#65 Post by KF6SNJ »

Subito Piano wrote:Interesting from here as well...BibleDesktop didn't appeal to me at all; I'm curious what features (besides the Book of Concord) makes it meet your needs/style, KF6SNJ. Cool how we're all wired in different ways and have different and valid perspectives.
Besides the BoC, BibleDesktop also has some really good maps available for it and also a few really good lexicons. It also has the NET bible. Also, I find the interface is a little easier to work with than that of BibleTime. Of course I am just a little opinionated at times, so what do I know?
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#66 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hey Guys I just fixed the Cdata thing, It was a missing folder with css stuff, Excellent, now I have 1 last thing , I get a missing mime and that I don't have any installed.
It doesn't change or alter the program , but it does popup when you start it. Other than that its almost finished, I'm getting close. :lol:
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#67 Post by ttuuxxx »

Well Guys the MiMe is fixed, Now thats its for all the display errors/bugs for BibleTime, Tomorrow I'll do a bit of tweaking on it and then start my next application after work.
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#68 Post by ttuuxxx »

Ok Guys I did something I thought was impossible, I just finished another little application, LOL
Have a guess????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

is the suspense killing ya?


ok enough with the fun and games
I managed to get GnomeSword and BibleTime both working together,
I still have a couple of Gnome icons to work but yes it works and both will be included in the next "Living water" Release
If anybody has any tv streams they like to watch please post them asap because I'll be building the next release real soon now.
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#69 Post by Subito Piano »

YOU are absolutely CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!! Image

Superior. Simply superior. Kudos!

I assume that since both are based on the Sword project and share files, the size is only marginally bigger than using one or the other...

Boy you like to keep people happy. :D
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#70 Post by ttuuxxx »

Subito Piano wrote:YOU are absolutely CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!! Image

Superior. Simply superior. Kudos!

I assume that since both are based on the Sword project and share files, the size is only marginally bigger than using one or the other...

Boy you like to keep people happy. :D
well Kind of, I kept them separate when building them, but yes certain files do overlap, The reason why I made them separate is because I wanted to have the option of building the next release with both or either or.
Not sure at this point if I can run any other gnome applications, Since I'm just building a min base.
Just enough to get Gnome Sword working without any missing Libs.
I have 2 things to fix for GnomeSword,
1st fix gnome fonts way too small, even when configure in GnomeSword.
2nd fix missing icons
so I'm 95% there :)
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#71 Post by ttuuxxx »

LoL I was trying to get the fonts and icons working and I managed to get a few applications showing but not really working fully, I won't use any of them but figured why not show them anyways, :)

Ps the funniest thing was monitor resolution, I changed the settings in gnome, and it didn't actually change anything, but the count-down timer was going 15,14,13,12,etc lol before it reverted back to the same setting, LOL it didn't even blink 8)
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#72 Post by ttuuxxx »

I figured out how to make the text font larger

you right click on the bible in question and select
Module Options/Set Module Font

Strange place to put a Font Size Selector but it works anyways :)

1 thing left is to fix the missing icons, plus every time when I press one the missing icon boxes the program closes. So I have to work that out, Other than that this application is ready. Way easier than BibleTime was.
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#73 Post by LOF »

All sounds pretty awesome ttuuxxx!

Can't wait to see it.

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#74 Post by recycler »

Very impressive to read about what you are doing with Living Water. Amazing! Thanks for keeping us informed - it's helpful to a novice like me to pick up some tips...

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#75 Post by ttuuxxx »

Well guys GnomeSword is 100% working now :) It was hard but I managed, I'm really pleased about it, I changed it for the latest version also.
So just a couple more small applications and I should be ready to start putting it all together.
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#76 Post by ttuuxxx »

Well today I managed to get 2 more applications working:)
and now I'm working on my "ttuuxxx TV"
I might try to do this new version in html, The gtk one I did last time worked well, just that it takes a lot of desktop space for the amount of tv stations, I could do better with html. Well I'll try anyways. :)
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#77 Post by ttuuxxx »

Well I started building the latest "ttuuxxxTV" using html, Then I noticed that gxine this time around doesn't support asx videos like it did in 2.17, well there's another issue that I didn't think I would get, So this is one of those rock and a hard places, I could use Mplayer, but most of the of users releases for puppy include propriety codec's. I might download one and strip away all the non-legit codec's that would be the quickest way over that hurdle. Anyways I'll post some images on the newer version vs the older version.

PS as you can see the newer html version can hold 20 stations in the same space as 8 using Gtk plus it will have scroll bars, much simpler.
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#78 Post by Subito Piano »

You've probably already rejected VLC? If there's enough "K" or "Gnome " in this puppy, what about KPlayer or the Gnome equivalent? Too bulky? (or is Gxine the Gnome equivalent? I don't do much Gnome...)
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#79 Post by ttuuxxx »

Subito Piano wrote:You've probably already rejected VLC? If there's enough "K" or "Gnome " in this puppy, what about KPlayer or the Gnome equivalent? Too bulky? (or is Gxine the Gnome equivalent? I don't do much Gnome...)
I like vlc but its way too big, I might rip apart gxine from 2 series and reuse the codeC. well I'll try it, First I have to get ready for a Job interview today. :)
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#80 Post by Subito Piano »

Hope the interview went well. I'll be at Creationwith my boys for the rest of the week -- you probably will be done by the time i return...
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