Trouble installing SCIM m17n in Puppy 3.01

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#301 Post by Aitch »

same file but faster ftp d/l ... monkey.iso

MD5 Checksum: 7bce88db3067c3200247ae81d13d4e7f

ISO Size: 88MB, from here ... x-40-dingo

with metalink, here

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#302 Post by Swarup »

muggins wrote:I downloaded this one. AFAIK the 2.6.25 kernel version is still in alpha stage.
Is this p4 you and Aitch are suggesting, different from the "standard p4" available for download from the official Puppy Linux home page? If so, what is the difference?

Also, Aitch: It wasn't clear for me what is the difference between the different sites you have given. Aren't they all .iso downloads?
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#303 Post by Swarup »


I am very interested to hear your thoughts about David's query re P3 vs P4 for the Indic Puppy.

In the days when all of a sudden P4 came back into the discussion and it seemed that SCIM had been figured out for P4, I was not able to follow so clearly as I was involved in some other work. Is it the case that SCIM is now working fully in P4 just as it is in P3?

And are we able to use the range of applications we were going to use in P3, in P4? (I'd have to test Portabase, but I would guess it should work.)

If the answers to both the above are yes, then it seems logical to move forward with P4. In my own informal wonderings I had noted certain improvements in P4 over P3 such as the mounting mechanism. And there are likely other improvements as well about which I am unaware. Also, David has told that many .pet makers are concentrating mainly on P4. So if the above two conditions are indeed met, then how about using P4 instead of P3?
RR Koothady
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Puppy 3 or Puppy 4

#304 Post by RR Koothady »

Dear David,

If you ask me personally whether it is 3 or 4, I shall answer : "Anything is ok provided I receive a sustained support." However your question having been posted in this SCIM thread, I think I may have to answer it a little cautiously.

First: Our scim is being used by Pup 2, 3 and now 4 users. Irihapeti comes from 2, me from 3 and Swarup from 4. Users have their own personal justification to remain attached with each version. So developing SCIM for one single version might exclude many who happen (for logical or illogical reason of their own) to remain attached to versions that are different. Is this 'scim based exclusion' 'morally' correct? I personally think it is not correct. I think they should be allowed to migrate on their own, and till such a time we need to give them also the benefit of using 'our' scim. I think the beauty of this "Puppy Forum" remains in this attitude. While all the important things are decided by "Geeks" and "Experts" in other distros, commoners have a major say here in Puppy.They are free to choose and play with what they like. So developing SCIM support exclusively for Puppy 4, it seems to me, would amount to breaching this long established moral code of this great forum.

Second: To my knowledge there are 4 major groups here in this Forum. One group still clings to Pup 2. The most successful vietnamese Puppy - Hacao - STILL belongs here. John Murga of Mean Puppy still maintains his 50 MB Mean Puppy. Another major Group is around Pup 3. Now there is a great following for Pup 4. Apart from these Groups, we have independent voices like Nathan F of GrafPup.

Pup 3 remains the home of Mark Ulrich, the developer and maintainer of Muppy series. He had been continuously stating that he will be with Pup 3 for a long time for 2 reasons: 1) For its Slackware compatibility, 2) It is quite stable with "aufs"(as apposed to the "unionfs" file system that is standard in Puppy) especially when we plan to have most of our big applications in the 'external' sfs files. [ Even Barry has mentioned in his website that Mark is expected to support Pup 3 for a longtime.]

Now that Gslapt has been made available for Pup 4 by Barry, the first issue raised by Mark becomes non existent. However, Barry has not agreed to Mark's suggestion to move to "aufs", and Mark is not at all happy with the "unionfs" system. [ ... 1&start=15 ] So, what options are there for commoner folks like us? I am of the opinion that we should plan to ride both the boats and experience the beauty of each ride ourselves. Add to this: It is Mark and Nathan F who are talking more and more about Internationalizing and Localizing Puppy than BK himself. It may be remembered that Nathan F has given us his open invitation right in our thread to join him in his Internationalization effort.

We do not know what direction Nathan F would take. After a very long absence John Murga had shown interest in a Puplet - Grey's NOP to be specific - recently. So we do not know what step he would take in the near future.

With all this in mind, like a student of Zen, I shall say: I will have a Pup 3 Indic Puppy. I will have a Pup 4 Indic Puppy. I will also have the option of making a Puppy that may not be Pup 3 or Pup 4 (Keeping Nathan F and John Murga in mind).


#305 Post by Irihapeti »

There are two versions of Puppy 4: one has the same kernel as Puppy 3 and the other has a later kernel which is more prone to misbehaviour. I think that the other links are for the same files but with faster connections. (For a dialup, it makes little difference. :) ) Anyway, I've downloaded the file muggins linked to and I may get a chance to set it up today.

What you say makes good sense to me. A lucid way of talking about the choices that I believe people need to have available to them.

However, there are some technical issues to take into account. I've not been able to get qt scim to work in Puppy 2.17 because of issues with certain libraries being too old. (Well, it may be solvable and I just haven't put in the effort yet.) Puppy 2 may remain a gtk-only scim version, which might suit some and not others. And for those "some", it may be enough.

Only time will tell, I imagine.

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#306 Post by Swarup »

Irihapeti wrote:There are two versions of Puppy 4: one has the same kernel as Puppy 3 and the other has a later kernel which is more prone to misbehaviour.
I see. So which of these has David (and Aitch) provided links to-- the one with the same kernel as P3, or the one with a later kernel which is more prone to misbehaviour?

And which of these two kernels comes with the "standard P4" available for download from the official Puppy website? (That is the one I had originally downloaded and have with me. I want to know whether it would be the same one as what David recommends, or not.)

#307 Post by Irihapeti »

The one muggins linked to is the version with the same kernel as Puppy 3. Ditto for Aitch's links.

If you want to know which one you have, you can open a terminal and type "uname -r"

Alternatively, look at the name of the .iso file you downloaded.

In both cases, you should see something like 2.6.21-7 if you have the older kernel, or 2.6.25, possibly with another number added on, if you have the later kernel.

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#308 Post by muggins »


maybe I'm getting a bit dizzy & inadvertently linking pup4 with qt4 & pup3 with qt3! One thing I find personally frustrating is that I'm using pup2.16 as my day-to-day OS, but I'm finding a lot of library incompatibilities between p3 & p4. I was sure that I tried scim-bridge, (that I'd compiled to use qt4 on p4), on p3.01 & it didn't work. I might have to try again.

Yesterday I tried scribus-1.35, (compiled with qt4), on my pup2.16 partition, and forgot that it also had the qt4 scim-bridge, and it loaded it seamlessly.

Regarding unionfs vs aufs, Mark mentioned, in this thread, that you can add layerfs=aufs to the kernel line of grub's menu.lst. I haven't played with this as yet.

Still haven't tried portabase either!

#309 Post by Irihapeti »

I spoke too soon and made a bit of an ass of myself. (So what's new? :) ) Once I'd untarred a clean copy of the source code, I was able to compile qt4 and scim-bridge-with-qt4 in Puppy 2.17. In fact, it goes more easily there than in 3.01. I couldn't get the qt4 sqlite plugins to compile in 3.01.

So we can indeed offer scim-qt4 support in Puppy 2.17. Thanks to muggins for being so kind and not explicitly pointing out my error :oops: .
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#310 Post by muggins »


I've no idea what you're referring to? But definitely advise caution if anyone offers you a cup of tutu juice! Regarding scim-bridge in pup2.17, I wonder if you try using it in p3.01 if it works OK?

With regard to scim-bridge qt3 immodule, do you find it's performance <pun>patchy</pun>?

#311 Post by Irihapeti »

Yes, I have my moments when I don't express myself very clearly. I had said that qt4 support wasn't available in 2.17, but that was only because I had tried symlinking from a version compiled in 3.01. Meanwhile you had talked about compiling qt4 in Puppy 2.16, so obviously I'd goofed. You could have pointed out my error, but graciously desisted.

Yes, I know about tutu juice. I'd only have that stuff if I was wanting to emulate Socrates and his hemlock! (See here and don't be fooled by the date on it - it's for real.) My uncle once lost a prize ram that decided to browse on the plant. I think I'll stick to trying to get programs to compile - that gives me enough undesirable nervous symptoms as it is.

I still haven't got any version of scim-qt-3 to work. Are you blaming the patch? Frankly, I've given up. If we find that there are some utterly essential apps that just can't be ported to qt4, then I might be persuaded to revisit the situation. Or shall we say that I'll cross that (scim-) bridge when I come to it.

Tonight I shall download devx4. Then I can start doing things in Puppy 4.00. This means I'm quadruple booting: 3 versions of Puppy plus Ubuntu. My PC is having an identity crisis :) or is this all about having choices?
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#312 Post by Aitch »

Swarupji wrote:Is this p4 you and Aitch are suggesting, different from the "standard p4" available for download from the official Puppy Linux home page? If so, what is the difference?
no, sorry my bad, see below
Swarupji wrote: Also, Aitch: It wasn't clear for me what is the difference between the different sites you have given. Aren't they all .iso downloads?
Sorry if I caused confusion

I tried David/muggins link but found it to only give 30Kb d/l rate

my 1st link is the iso via ftp [I got 235Kb d/l speed here]

the 2nd is the community website, including d/l link, I sourced it from
the 3rd is 'with metalink here' & is the same file via metalink,
& my fourth is a metalink d/l if you fancy trying it, especially useful for dialups
if you try it, you'll see it link 1st here, 'downthemall', which I should have said is a firefox add-in

& kget, which is for kde [not recommended]

or aria2, which has some language versions, but not indic [yet? /translaters wanted!! :lol: ]

Although Aria2's intended for debian/ubuntu, I know you know how to convert & it has gui frontends, too [it is also available cross platform Win/Mac & handles bit-torrent]

Puppy4 is still under very active redevelopment and there's a whole new thought process going on here, which has attracted Barry's eye [6pages & running] and also touches on unionfs vs aufs

as for the tutujuice/toxic honey, now I understand this....

:wink: :lol:

and just to show you aren't the only ones having problems with your project

shame... :lol:

Now, I'll leave you to press on, before Barry decides he's going to make puppy browser based ... ndex.html#

[Only joking Barry!!]

Edit - typo correction
Last edited by Aitch on Fri 04 Jul 2008, 18:28, edited 1 time in total.
RR Koothady
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#313 Post by RR Koothady »


66.6% of SCIM work is over now. I mean SCIM is ready as GtK and QT-4 builds both for Pup 2 and 4 now. The only remaining version is pup 3. I am doubly sure that Irihapeti and David will come up with these compilations too in a few days time.

In the meanwhile, Swarup, can interact with Mr.Jeremy Bowman (jmbowman at alum dot mit dot edu), developer of Portabase, and explain him our muti lingual project and our deep interest to include Portabase as one of the applications we would like to use heavily; explain him about our difficulty in compiling qt support for SCIM and scim-bridge with qt-3 toolkit and the ease with which we have succeeded in compiling the same with qt-4 tool kit; hence the absolute necessity to have Portabase compiled with qt-4 (rather than the current qt-3 tool kit). Also Swarup may communicate with Enrico and keep him informed regularly about our consistent progress and the deep interest with which we are waiting for their csc Geany.


So, is it another 8 more days to go for our WIKI?!!

May I put forward 'my' design proto for our WIKI?

1. SCIM, SCIM-BRIDGE, m17n-lib, m-17n-db, scim-tables - given separately for Pup 2, 3 and 4 versions.

2. (i) Under the above heading we give the users separate pets as well as ready to run sfs files.
(ii) For sfs files we shall give 2 combinations:
a) scim/scim-bridge/scim-tables,
b) scim/m17n-lib/m17n-db/scim-tables

3. We may also provide a further option:
Include in the above sfs files - fonts and locale files. Size of these sfs files would be considerably larger but the user would not be required to install his language font and the locale for his language would be available out of the box.
Here in these sfs files, we my include fonts and locales for all the 41 languages currently available in SCIM.
That means, we will be proposing the first truly international skeleton for all the 3 versions of Puppy. With this skeleton in place, each language user can build her/his own language Puppy.

What do you think?


#314 Post by Irihapeti »

Qt4 and scim-bridge-qt4 build and work on Puppy 3.01 as well - it's only the sqlite drivers I can't get to compile, and I'm sure that someone else will be able to solve that particular conundrum.

Scim-bridge can be used with the m17n tables as well as scim-tables, at least in Puppy 2.17, and probably in the other versions also.

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#315 Post by Swarup »


Your idea for the Wiki sounds excellent to me.

One follow-up question: What about the collection of office software we have collected for use in these multilingual pups? Are we going to mention these, or perhaps even include them as options in the build? I refer to the various applications we have been discussing all these weeks, including OOo Writer, Portabase, Recoll, Geany with Aspell, etc.
RR Koothady wrote:In the meanwhile, Swarup, can interact with Mr.Jeremy Bowman...explain him about our difficulty in compiling qt support for SCIM and scim-bridge with qt-3 toolkit and the ease with which we have succeeded in compiling the same with qt-4 tool kit; hence the absolute necessity to have Portabase compiled with qt-4 (rather than the current qt-3 tool kit).
In all the discussion about qt3 and qt4 I have forgotten some of the details now. Is it in fact the case that we never got qt3 to work with SCIM? We only got qt4 to work with SCIM? I just want to be confirmed about this before approaching Jeremy.


#316 Post by Irihapeti »

As I understand it, no one has got scim to work with qt3, but I may be mistaken here.

I'm going to have another go at compiling qt3 and scim-bridge-qt3 in Puppy 2.17. I'll report on my progress in due course.


#317 Post by Irihapeti »

Yes, people, qt3 with immodule patch compiled in Puppy 2.17 (once I'd followed all the instructions :oops: ). Then, scim-bridge compiled the qt3 immodule. Then I tested with some of the qt3 demonstration programs, and I'm delighted to say that scim-bridge works and I could input Chinese characters!! :) :) :) :) :) :)

So, Puppy 2.17 will support all three immodules: gtk2, qt3 and qt4. I'm still not certain how to set things up properly when both qt3 and qt4 are installed, but I'm sure that's only a minor detail.
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#318 Post by muggins »

Well done Irihapeti,

when you say once I'd followed all the instructions, can you give a link? As info seemed to me a bit hard to track down. I was messing around today with trying to recompile portabase for qt4 and. whilst I'm not getting very many errors at the moment, they're proving a bit intractable. But, if you've got a scim-supporting qt3, then no need.

#319 Post by Irihapeti »

All I was referring to was the README.immodule file in the qt3 source directory, which appears once you've applied the patch. There's a file called which I'd forgotten about, and I ws getting a lot of "no such file" errors. Once I'd run that, the compilation proceeded without a hitch.

The patch command I used was:

Code: Select all

patch -p1 -i qt-x11-immodule-unified-qt3.3.8-20071116.diff

I put the patch file in the qt3 directory at top level and ran the command from there.

One big thing I've learned is that it's best to use a freshly untarred source directory rather than one that's been "make distclean"-ed. And Puppy 2.17 is definitely a more friendly compiling environment than 3.01.

By the way, I still can't compile qt3 in Puppy 3.01, and I don't yet know if the qt immodules compiled in 2.17 will work in 3.01. That's my next experiment.


#320 Post by Irihapeti »

I don't yet know if the qt immodules compiled in 2.17 will work in 3.01. That's my next experiment.
They don't. :(
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