"Sorry, cannot startX" Message in red on boot.

Booting, installing, newbie
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"Sorry, cannot startX" Message in red on boot.

#1 Post by Takilla »

Newbie needs help!
This Message comes up when I did my first boot from hard drive, preventing the boot, Though it seems impossible, really.
Full text:
Sorry, cannot start X. File /usr/X11R6/bin/x missing. If X is supposed to be installed, probably Puppy was unable to mount usr_cram.fs on /usr.
This is a strange condition as I used the 1.0.5 install to HD and followed instructions. Computor is Dell GX110, hda1 is primary FAT16-500MB and hda2 is Primary ex2., 500MB.

I could really use the help on this one. Thanks
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#2 Post by Rich »

I take it that booting as a live CD works fine??
>> Puppy 1.0.4 Moz - LiveCD <<
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#3 Post by Takilla »

Yes, It runs great live and even seems to install correctly up until that message. (by the way RAM is 192 MB).
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#4 Post by kcin »


Please see this thread:

http://www.murga.org/%7Epuppy/viewtopic ... highlight=

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#5 Post by Takilla »

Thanks a bunch!

I'll get to work on this right away!
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#6 Post by Takilla »

Thanks for the help, but no cigar for me. I have tried all the solutions that I could on this post and others but have not been able to bring about a change.

1. There are no files missing, X is where it should be.
2. Puppy will not rename /.usr_cram to /user because there is already a /user, which contains /X11R6/bin/X.
3. Puppy will not copy files, says not enough room.
4. Tried PizzaPuppy but HD install will not let LiveCD engage.

I just may not know enough to make use of this help.

I have 50 Dell GX1s on which to install a stable small linux OS and my next choice Damn Small, which apparently has no install issues, tho' not as friendly as Puppy.

Must I give up Puppy?

Thanks for your help.
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#7 Post by wombat »

Takilla wrote:Thanks for the help, but no cigar for me. I have tried all the solutions that I could on this post and others but have not been able to bring about a change.

1. There are no files missing, X is where it should be.
2. Puppy will not rename /.usr_cram to /user because there is already a /user, which contains /X11R6/bin/X.
3. Puppy will not copy files, says not enough room.
4. Tried PizzaPuppy but HD install will not let LiveCD engage.

I just may not know enough to make use of this help.

I have 50 Dell GX1s on which to install a stable small linux OS and my next choice Damn Small, which apparently has no install issues, tho' not as friendly as Puppy.

Must I give up Puppy?

Thanks for your help.
G'day Takila, I had a similar problem and was really stumped.
I found firstly that downloading anything like this with any of the MS explorer programs seemed to commonly cause problems of one kind or another, then using some ISO burner programs also seemed to cause some problems.
This is over a fair period using different machines.
I also found that Puppy 60Meg ver 1.0.5 seemed to be more susceptable to this problem more than other Puppies, I have no idea why!
I found no problems using Puppy 1.0.4 and using Firefox as a browser, and the isoburner off this site.
I have no idea why, but I experimented with a hard drive all day and if I attempted to load Puppy 1.0.5 as an install to HDD and it failed, Puppy 1.0.4 would not load on that drive until it was re-fdisked and reformatted, otherwise the not enough room thing kept appearing..
I have been setting the drive as EXT-2 (total size)
These are just observations over the past six months and I have made a lot of downloads using different machines and ISP's. Mainly becasue people I reccommended try this system reported problems.
I have also found that some motherboards and processor combo's are prone to hic-cups, the intel stuff is generally much better. (but this is with Linux distros accross the board)
I have also found a couple of cases where changing the CDROM fixed problems. I suspected they were poor reads, although they appeared normal.
I am amazed at this Puppy, I even took files off a crashed W-XP system with it a couple of days ago.
Persistance pays keep trying!
Cheers, Wombat.
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#8 Post by Takilla »

Thanks for the encouragement from down under! I installed Puppy about 3 dozen times now,using just two computors, no others available. I will just have to stick with it. Maybe the 1.0.6 will squash this bug once and for all. Puppy really is the best choice for me and I do not want to go with another, even DSL if I have a choice. I have 50 computors to prepare for people with little money and little computor skill and Puppy is the way to go. Thanks for your suggestions.

Phoenix, Arizona

#9 Post by Guest »

Takilla wrote:Thanks for the encouragement from down under! I installed Puppy about 3 dozen times now,using just two computors, no others available. I will just have to stick with it. Maybe the 1.0.6 will squash this bug once and for all. Puppy really is the best choice for me and I do not want to go with another, even DSL if I have a choice. I have 50 computors to prepare for people with little money and little computor skill and Puppy is the way to go. Thanks for your suggestions.

Phoenix, Arizona
Your comments are most interesting, I was actually loading this for the "Oldies Brigade" myself, older machines, lack of money etc. Most often for a cup of tea!
I actually haven't bothered doing too much about the antivirus aspect although I have it in my own, but the oldies have no problem operating the systems and so far I haven't seen any virus problem, not like previously they had more virus stuff than actual programs.
Cheers, Wombat.
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#10 Post by Takilla »

Yes, the need for something like Puppy, and others, is huge! Limited mostly by Bill Gates highly successful brainwashing on the worlds population who have difficulty imagining anything other than "windiows". If they olny new. I just learned that Microsoft made $80 million just on new sales of Win 98. That's crazy. Here, Microsoft is managing to shut down computor shops that re-install Win 98 (with the original Product Key Code yet) instead of purchasing a new copy from Microsoft. And that leads to us seeling old computors for really cheap(or giving them away for a cup of tea) with Puppy installed!

I have not yet dealt with the virus issue. One thing at a time. But I have heard of a study that suggested a computor with Windows actually increases in weight about a 10th of an once per year due to the accumulation of viruses.javascript:emoticon(':wink:')

Is a Wombat in the same genus as a Quala?sp?
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#11 Post by Auda »

I have a couple of GX1's here and dont have any problems with them.
PII 400 128 meg and 4g HD I have a dos partition and an ext2 for puppy which has a "poor mans" install on it ie coppied the files from the cd. to boot I have used grub as puppy installs it then changed menu.lst to

timeout 0
color light-gray/blue black/light-gray
title Linux (on /dev/hda3)
kernel (hd0,2)/vmlinuz root=/dev/ram0 PHOME=hda3 PFILE=pup001-none-5124288
initrd (hd0,2)/image.gz

so it only boots puppy and doesnt wait and I use Smart Boot Manager to boot either dos or puppy bit convoluted but it works


you can get SMB here
http://btmgr.webframe.org/ the official home page or here
http://btmgr.sourceforge.net/3.7/[url] which is a later version
Last edited by Auda on Thu 03 Nov 2005, 20:51, edited 1 time in total.
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#12 Post by Takilla »

Cool! I wll have two more GX1s later today and I will follow your instructions. Thanks.

I did have one successful install while dual booting with Vector Linux. Although the Puppy boot was supposed to overwrite the Vector Grub it did not, unexplainably, and Vectors Grub is still on the MBR. However, Puppy boots just fine. This is a fluke, maybe not repeatable, that I do not understand and I do not intend to use Vector.

Thanks for you help. I will post the results.

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#13 Post by Alucard_the_dex »

I have been getting this message Also on many occasions. I havent figured out a surefire cure except rebooting until it works.

With this error i also get before puppys bootscreen appears a Cannot find NTLDR message (im sure i got the letters right) which i have been informed is a Windows error not a puppy altho i do not have windows installed.

After a few reboots i also get this message HDC media error (bad sectors) Drive ready seek complete error. I have no clue what any of these mean but they have just showed up. Maybe their is a relationship between them?
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#14 Post by Takilla »

I don't know what those messages mean either but I will keep my eyes open. Hopefully 1.0.6 will resolve this instability.
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