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el ginko
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#1 Post by el ginko »

I got xwinwrap working on Puppy 3, with compiz-fusion, i dont know if anyones interested in this...I could make a .pet
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#2 Post by olovram »



I have been wanting to test this ine for a very long time:D

please, make a .pet!! :D
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#3 Post by Lobster »

Seems essential for WNOp and Tigerpup

Desktop is a movie - m m m :) yes please . . .
Puppy Raspup 8.2Final 8)
Puppy Links Page http://www.smokey01.com/bruceb/puppy.html :D
el ginko
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#4 Post by el ginko »

I'm running puppy 3 with compiz-fusion, i believe thats all the dep's. I've installed xscreensaver from gslapt, but haven't had much luck getting xwinwrap to work with those, but movies have worked just fine for me,

do i just make the dir a .tgz then tgz2pet? ill rtfm and if so, thats what ill do. ill try and make a separate one with the ani-bg frontend.
el ginko
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#5 Post by el ginko »

Success. I got xwinwrap working, with mplayer, and xscreensaver!!! I haven't been able to have the anibg frontend to compile, i imagine its something to do on my end...

MPlayer -Optional
XScreensaver -Optional

http://irwindigital.com/ginkfist/will/xwinwrap.pet Xwinwrap
http://irwindigital.com/ginkfist/will/x ... r-4.06.tgz - I needed this file for the binarys of the screensavers (i couldnt find them when i installed xscreensaver through gslapt.

I manually installed the xscreensaver tgz above, then installed through Gslapt their version of xscreensaver as well, I couldn't get the binaries from the Gslapt version, and i couldn't get the Daemon running through the tarball version...

other than that is pretty straight forward usage:

xwinwrap with glmatrix screensaver:

Code: Select all

xwinwrap -ni -s -st -fs -sp -nf -b -o 0.4 -- /usr/libexec/xscreensaver/glmatrix -root -window-id WID
xwinwrap with mplayer:

Code: Select all

 xwinwrap -s -st -sp -fs -o 0.4 -b -- mplayer -wid WID -nosound movie/path/for/movie.mpeg

Please try this out and lemme know what works.
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#6 Post by dinky »

Wow! That's really amazing... Will definitely have to include this with TigerPup... I'll try it in the next few days and get back to you, great work! Right now I'm using Xine-Ui (no, not gxine!) for the default media player. It works with compiz-fusion, so does that mean it will work with this? Will try myself in a couple days, but unsure if it's been compiled specifically with mplayer. Cheers!
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#7 Post by tombh »

Excellent :) Thanks for this el ginko.

Yes, like you say, I had to get xscreensaver through gslapt before it would work with that. But mplayer worked fine straight away.
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#8 Post by dinky »

Hmmm... no lick using xine-ui, not sure what else I could try. Mplayer works fine, and no luck either with gslapt, xscreensaver, the tar file, etc. Tried it and got green lines of symbols (screensaver) running down my screen on a black background, over everythying else. Will try again later.
el ginko
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#9 Post by el ginko »


if you want, i could make a .pet of xscreensaver that throws the binarys, and the daemon together, might be a bit bigger than the standard install (i imagine there would be some redundancies in putting the two together)

and xine ui should work with xwinwrap...i searched around a little bit for it, and couldnt find a .pet... if you have one, I'll gladly give it a shot, if not, ill install on my own and let you know how it goes...

EDIT: Now that i think of it, i dont think it would work with xine-ui, but it should work with just xine... ill tinker around and see...

...im still working on a front end for this, with a few presets, its coming along,painfully.
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#10 Post by dinky »

Would LOVE a pet with all the included goodies! Thanks, and let me know when one is available. If it works with xine, it should work with xine-ui, at least on the command line. Xine-ui is just a front end for xine, so all the command line interfaces should be there. My idea anyway is to create some very simple scripts linked to launchers on the panel for some cool effects. This will be fine if I can get it running through the command line, though the front end you described also sounds great. eep up the good work!
el ginko
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#11 Post by el ginko »

Uploading http://irwindigital.com/ginkfist/will/x ... i486-1.pet ~7mb.
right now. type xscreensaver on cli to get the daemon running. not sure on dep's, cant imagine any outta the obvious gl for gl screensavers blah blah blah

anibg and coolbg kinda work on my system yet, i think im just going to continue make my own interface for xwinwrap though. if anyones super interested i could .pet what ive got for coolbg, anibg...but maybe tonight/tomorrow ill have my own xwinwrap launcher.
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#12 Post by dinky »

Yay! Thanks mate! Will give it a try when I get the chance. Cheers!

http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/xwinwrap (kitchenpup)

#13 Post by Pelo »

I am running old kitchenpup in my lapop, and the screen is upside down to allow homewives continue cooking reading the Puppy's desktop :)
I would like to transfer that to our nowadays Puppies like Tahrpup.
Is xwinwrap the solution ?
NDLR : kichenpup-beta.iso (pépites)
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