Can someone explain GRUB and MBR for Frugal install? Solved

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#21 Post by paulh »

Glad to hear you got your bootup back.

I've never heard of either wubi or the lin'n'win project. So I can't help much except generally. If there is a choice between windows and wubi when booting, I'd look around in wubi to find its equivalent of menu.lst. Ubuntu uses menu.lst, so maybe wubi does, too. Then I'd put the information from the win'n'lin project in instead of using mine. I copied the win'n'lin entry below with its note about the changes needed for SATA drives. As to whether you have a SATA drive, you can always boot up the Puppy LiveCD and see what it says in Pmount.

Good luck.

For Windows XP with Service Pack 2

title Puppy Linux 4.00
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz PMEDIA=idehd PDEV1=hda1 psubdir=puppy400
initrd (hd0,0)/initrd.gz

1) If you have a SATA hard drive, instead of an IDE drive, then idehd is replaced by satahd and hda1 is replaced by sda1.
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#22 Post by nooby »

Paul I am stuck on this one.
I booted from the Dingo LiveCD and started the universal installer. I chose a frugal install on sd2 in the Ubuntu partition

I am booted in puppy CD now and I did as you say. As I get it.

but that seems to not mention frugal isntall at all,.

It list Superfloppy isntall further down.

Is that an older name for frugal install?

The first option isn't that one a full install and not a frugal install.

I dont' dare to click there then it wipe out my whole disk doesn't it.

I see no place it mention frugal. Are you sure that choice comes
after one chose the first choice install on HD?
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#23 Post by nooby »

Here is what I ahve in my menulist now

# GvR Sept 30th 2004

color black/cyan yellow/cyan



title Default Boot on HD 0

rootnoverify (hd0,0)

chainloader +1


title Puppy Linux 4.00

kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz PMEDIA=idehd PDEV1=sda1 psubdir=puppy400

initrd (hd0,0)/initrd.gz


I have tested to have hda1 there too I'm not sure what on earth goes wrong.

My windows C: disk is named H: so could that make things complicated? The reason that this is so was that when they built
in in the shop its a barebone they chosed to do it that way.

bcdef are cf cards and sd and such memory cared. DVD is G:

The DVD when I mount it is named hdc 9660 something.
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#24 Post by nooby »

You didn't mention this one which is in my menu.lst
title Default Boot on HD 0
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1
I wonder about this one cause now we have too boot in same text.

That seems not logical to me. Should there not be just one?

Compare to these two. first the one your frugal intaller made
title Puppy Linux 400 frugal
rootnoverify (hd1,0)
kernel /puppy400/vmlinuz pmedia=satahd psubdir=puppy400
initrd /puppy400/initrd.gz
here is how the step for linnwin seems to recommend
title Puppy Linux 4.00
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz PMEDIA=idehd PDEV1=hda1 psubdir=puppy400
initrd (hd0,0)/initrd.gz
It is 01.33 AM now so I go to bed and get back in 12 hours. Need to buy food next morning.

I would love to be able to do a frugal install and even more to be able
to have wubi at same time. tripple boot
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#25 Post by paulh »

Do NOT use my big post above. Do not use Puppy's installer.

That post was done before I understood what wubi is. I thought it was some sort of Ubuntu installation in a linux partition, not in the Windows partition.

I think you should go to the Lin'N'Win reference. Follow the installation and menu.lst instructions exactly. Do not work on the current boot.ini file, but rename it something like boot-wubi.ini. Then you can go back to it when you want to. Find the boot.ini backup file from when wubi was installed, copy it, and modify that as given in the Lin'N'Win files.

Once you have Puppy working under the Lin'N'Win method, you can try combining the wubi and Puppy menu.lst enties for a triple boot.

I will not be on the net until Monday because of the July 4 holiday here.

Good luck.
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#26 Post by nooby »

Thanks, I read this just two seconds before deciding to do a frugal using the built in installer.

Wonder why you didn't recommend that one.
When I read teh manual it looks it could work well.

I plan to uninstall wubi ubuntu and get back the original mbr and then
to a frugal puppy and then only use ubuntu in vbox virtually.

Less problem that way.

Change of plan So maybe I read here some others suggestions about
frugal install. Why wouldn't that one work?

over and out going to bed.
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#27 Post by ICPUG »


Let me try and answer some of your Lin'N'Win questions.

I think you were almost there when you got the missing hal.dll message! It is a bogus Windows message of course. In your case I think it was because your grldr had been downloaded as grldr.txt (Thanks to Windows again).

I give step by step instructions on how to solve this in my June 17th post on this page: ... 9&start=15

Regarding your confusion about what you mustn't do with Windows XP SP2. Basically it relates to the whole Lin'N'Win step where this is mentioned.

With Windows XP SP2 you CANNOT put the files vmlinuz or initrd.gz in a folder. They MUST be in c:\.
It is OK to put the other files, pup_400.sfs, zrdrv_400.sfs and pupsave.2fs in a folder. Indeed it is recommended.

It is NOT recommended to copy files to two places while we are trying to get it working. Puppy sometimes gets confused!

I don't know whether you have SATA or PATA but one of the menu.lst you posted mixed the two together!

It is for PATA:
title Puppy Linux 4.00
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz PMEDIA=idehd PDEV1=hda1 psubdir=puppy400
initrd (hd0,0)/initrd.gz

It is for SATA:
title Puppy Linux 4.00
kernel (hd0,0)/vmlinuz PMEDIA=satahd PDEV1=sda1 psubdir=puppy400
initrd (hd0,0)/initrd.gz

Windows on C: or H:
The key here is not whether it is C: or H: but what partition it is on. The H: may suggest it is not on the first partition and if so it really will need different instructions but I am not convinced it is not on the first partition yet.

You are trying so many different things | am not sure what state your machine is in now.

If you still have wubi installed I would be very interested in knowing what the boot.ini and menu.lst says for wubi.

If you don't have wubi installed can you tell us what your current boot.ini and menu.lst says.

I noticed you have started a new thread on this topic. Why?

I would strongly recommend you fix on a single approach to follow, tells us what it is and then the appropriate people can help. I tend to look at this forum once a day and help out on Lin'N'Win queries mainly.

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#28 Post by nooby »

Thanks indeed for wanting to help me.

Are you the one doing the Lin'n Win facility?

I'm trying to use that one now installing teen-pup 2008 but I
guess that is to ask too much. I'm very naive when it comes
to compturers as is obvious. Does it really do things so different
that linnwin fail on teen-pup?

Maybe me should start with puppy_400 first so I get that going and
then add teen-pup later.

that would be more fair to you.

No big deal I only need to find a way to download version 2.6.25 seems it is somewhere me fail to find it.

The ordinary versions fail on my pata variety. It looks like a sata indeed but somewhere it says it is mounted as pata.

so not sure what to write there.

The teen-pup installer tried to write grub but failed cause it
says this is not a linux sda1 so not sure what to do.

I stopped there to ask here how to proceed.

That failure could be due to the pata. Maybe teen-pup
fail to do pata too due to being a 2.6.21 instead of 2.6.25 ?

Do you know where to download the 2.6.25 so I can do a regular
puppy cd and from that one copy the right version of sfs. to
the H:/ hdd

I have deleted all wubi on my hd and only kept an ubuntu8.04.iso
for vbox install. I want to concentrate on puppy now until it works
so much appreciated you want to help.

Are you sure that puppy 4 dingowill manage to find my pata that is a sata drive? It is so surprising cause the CD version have no problem reading the pata so why would the menu.lst and those usign that one have??? Must be how they get instructed. That is why me want to test the 2.6.25 but failed to find that iso

I don't like the isoburst or what name it had. It forced a toolbar on me. I hate such.

I found it finally here on barry's place. ... 25-kernel/
Last edited by nooby on Fri 04 Jul 2008, 16:39, edited 2 times in total.
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#29 Post by nooby »

I noticed you have started a new thread on this topic. Why?

I thought it was a different topic. People have told me to start new topic if it differs from those that exists. Maybe me misjudged? Sorry.

Not sure what post you refers to. I apology. I am a bit worked up now cause I spent some 12 hours continuesly on finding a solution was up to 3 aclock in morning.
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#30 Post by nooby »

Wow just wow. I feel humbled. I sure am a looser. I had forgot to
change VERSAL to gem... small chars. I knew this should be done
but caught up in the frustration I got lost in that part of the sequence.

Now I am in a official version of frugal install of puppy 400
but maybe the 2.6.25 I am not sure anymore.

Cause I got so sad about my patently lacking ability to follow directions
in text. I get very easily distracted and get lost in all the details.

My bad indeed so believe me when I say:

A heartfelt sorry and apology to all of you who have generously
gone out of your way to suggest things based on my confused

Now I only have to test shut down of this version of frugal boot
and to learn how to add teen-pup to the menu-lst

And there is something else me did wrong. I could have hit the
wrong link or something cause this version wants all four files to
be in puppy400 except boot.ini and menu.lst and grldr

so the other four are all in puppy400

Why did that happen? And in menu.lst it says
satahd and sda1 so that works on this computer.
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#31 Post by nooby »

Surprise. The sound works in the DVD version of puppy400
but not in the frugal install of puppy400.

I remember that others has mention that too.

What can I do about that?
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#32 Post by ICPUG »


From reading this and two of your other posts I think you have now got frugal working. Not sure if Lin'N'Win did it for you or something else. Doesn't matter - you have got it working.

Yes - I did write the Lin'N'Win instructions.

I'm intrigued when you say that Lin'N'Win needed all 4 files in puppy400. The key ones are initrd.gz and vmlinuz which I have never seen working from puppy400 with Windows XP SP2. Perhaps you have SP1 or no service pack at all. They will then work from puppy400.

You could put them in root then but the menu.lst file has to match with where they are. If you have got things working then leave it alone!

Thanks for the comment on 'isoburst'. If you mean isobuster I better check what you say. I don't like forced toolbars and the version I downloaded certainly didn't do that. I wonder if it is something they have added recently. If so I will stop recommending it!

The problem with your sound is not really in my expertise - probably suitable for a new post. I would perhaps try one thing. Move the file zdrv_400.sfs from puppy400 to the root h:\ and try booting to puppy again. I am guessing a bit here. If that doesn't make sound better then move the file back again because it is better in puppy400.

I'm off to look for details of TeenPup now, especially to find which version of Puppy it is based on. Then I might have some ideas of how to add it to your frugal installs.

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#33 Post by nooby »

Thanks for the comment on 'isoburst'. If you mean isobuster I better check what you say. I don't like forced toolbars and the version I downloaded certainly didn't do that. I wonder if it is something they have added recently. If so I will stop recommending it!
Sorry I meant isobuster the one you suggested.

But as you can see from my many confused postings
I am not good at structuring things and get too easily
distracted so you being more observant catch that they
ask about toolbar and then you uncheck that box and
me being so eager to get things going isntantly are poor
at paying attention to details and missed to uncheck it.

But I deleted the whole thing.

I found out another way to do it instead? Without the
program? Not sure it works anyhow.

I got sound now

Most likely it was my naivety. I trusted that if windows
XP SP2 has sound then Linux should be able to too.

So I never looked carefully at the back of my small
shoebox computer. I had used the green socket on
the front and continued doing it in Linux.

I needed a torch and a mirror to find the socket on
the back cause it is a lot of cables there and tight and
a lot of other things on the desk so I rarely want to
take it apart and the torch and small mirror solved it.

The computer had two sockets for outgoing things.

Line out on back which works in Linux but another green
socket on front that is for both headphones using a
headset and a mic pair so you don't have to fiddle
behind connecting for talking IP phone or voice chat

The sockets on front need special software that address
the software switches to be set to which channel.

the can also be connected to Surround channels.

So when it dawned on me that it was not the only
socket for outgoing then I realized. Yeah that is why

And sure enough it work right out of the box when one
connect it the linux way. Sad me ahd no idea from scratch.

I have since then downloaded both FireFox and Flashplayer
so I can see most things on youtube and our local TV station news
and BBC one minutres and some of their files.

But multicasting from our ISP fail in linux so I will not skip it.

I am very sure of that I have SP2, I sent after the CD and installed
it myself.

Here is how my set up look software text.
[boot loader]
[operating systems]
multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition" /fastdetect
c:\grldr="Start Linux"
# GvR Sept 30th 2004
color black/cyan yellow/cyan

title Default Boot on HD 0
rootnoverify (hd0,0)
chainloader +1

title Puppy Linux 4.00
kernel (hd0,0)/puppy400/vmlinuz PMEDIA=satahd PDEV1=sda1 psubdir=puppy400
initrd (hd0,0)/puppy400/initrd.gz

Re Teen-pup me have abandon it for the moment.

It was an older puppy. 2.11 or similar. Doesn't mix so well with
my puppy400 when set up for many distros in frugal mode.
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#34 Post by ICPUG »

Thanks for the info nooby.

You were right about isobuster. I installed the latest version today. You just have to be careful and not take the default option of installing the toolbar. You can deselect this option if you want.

As you are not following up with Teenpup 2008 I will not go through the details. I think it is based on Puppy 2.14 which would mean the Puppy files would have to be stored in H:\ and not H:\puppy??? . menu.lst would be altered accordingly.

Glad you sorted the sound problem.

Looks like all is sorted now. Have fun with Puppy.

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#35 Post by nooby »

Looks like all is sorted now. Have fun with Puppy.

Yes almost.

I found a text that I should have saved in many places.
But fail to find it now. That text was kind of related to your

Linux'nWindows. He had maybe more than ten distros
installed in frugal mode by putting them as sub-directories
within puppy400 on the hdd and he did entries of them in
the Menu.lst so one can choose among them at start up.

That way me could have both Puppy400 and Teenpup or
another derivate in frugal mode at same time.

Why I abandoned Teenpup was that it required one changed
the initrd cause being a Puppy214 it needed another initrd then
puppy400 if one have both installed in frugal mode.

the descriptions was so technically involved that I ahd no courage
me would ever find out how to do it.

But there was a catch I guess that when it attempt to
read the save file they all need to have different names?

I need to find that text again. So much more elegant way
of testing different distros than to have them in Virual mode
on Vbox. I have sound now in both DVD multisession and in
frugal isntall but not in virtual mode so it would be more fair
to a distro to test it in frugal mode and safer too cause one
have not started windows at all?

I also have to learn how to make a change stick in frugal mode.

I installed both Firefox and Flashplayer but only Firefox survived
me shutting down. Next morning firefox worked but flashplayer
didn't. Yesterday me could look at youtube after isntalling it and
now it doesn't exist so I must have missed something one need
to do to make an install be recognized after shuttign down for
that workday.

I remember vaguely that the program told me such instructions
but they where so technical and surprising to me being new to it
all so I failed to grasp what one was expected to do.

Do you know if I need to install it again or just find the text telling
what one need to do?
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#36 Post by nooby »

I guess I found the description on how to have many distros in frugal isntall and to chose among them at boot time.

Here ... &start=165
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#37 Post by ICPUG »


Those instructions for multiple installs would put me off as well! They are good because it gets round the problem that series 2 Puppy and derivatives normally have to be stored in the top root folder and not a subdirectory. Editing initrd.gz is a bit complicated though!

All the people who base their derivatives on Series 2 Puppy are just ignoring people who install frugally into subdirectories. This was one big new feature of Series 3 and the reason I have left series 2 behind.

As to why your flash player was not persistent across sessions - I do not know. I thought the pupsave file is supposed to collect all new installs so if you have a pupsave file, which I presume you do because Firefox was persistant, why is Flashplayer not persistent?

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#38 Post by nooby »

Thanks for wanting to help me.
Should I understand you to say that at the moment you don't know an
easy way to have mixed versions of frugal mode installs and to be able
to test them on teh HDD? Would be very convenient. :)

Could one do some workarounds? Like hiding the ones that conflict.

Suppose me want to test teenpup then I could hide puppy400 while I test
teenpup and when I am through with testing I either delete tp or p4?

I maybe also need to rename a save file? I shall look at pizzapup to
see if that one also are based on puppy 2.14 or such?
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#39 Post by nooby »

As to why your flash player was not persistent across sessions - I do not know. I thought the pupsave file is supposed to collect all new installs so if you have a pupsave file, which I presume you do because Firefox was persistant, why is Flashplayer not persistent?

It is because I have no middle wheel on my mouse.

I should have known how to save a text that the install wizard gave me after installing flash. It told me something on how to make it bond to next session?

I vaguely remember there was an instruction there that I didn't understand
at the moment. Is there other ways to save text. I tried the ctrl+a ctrl+c
and paste into an editor but it failed. Very annoying. lack of basic knowledge.
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#40 Post by ICPUG »


I know how to do any number of frugals based on series 3 Puppy or later plus 1 frugal from an earlier series.

Basically, the series 3 plus stuff are stored in separate directories for each puplet. The series 2 or series 1 puplet must have the pupp_xxx.sfs file and zdrv_xxx.sfs file stored at the top directory (e.g. h:\) and not in a folder. The pupsave.2fs must also be there. menu.lst is adjusted accordingly.

For teen pup I would follow my instructions for Puppy 2.17 substituting the names of the teen pup files for the puppy 2.17 files. There is a slight problem as I cannot remember if there are any differences in the kernel parameters between puppy 2.17and the puppy version that teen pup is based on.

The problem comes when you have more than 1 series 2 puplets. Yoi will have a clash of filenames between the various initrd.gz and vmlinuz and pupsave files. One workaround is to rename these files specific to the version and make sure that menu.lst calls up the right files. If you have multiple named pupsaves then at some time (again forgotten) puppy would show a list and you could choose which one you wanted so you would choose the one appropriate to the puplet you wanted to run.

On my laptop I run Puppy 3.02alpha, Puppy Dingo and Puppy 2.17 frugally so I know it can be done!

Regarding your completely separate query about copying text. ctrl-c and ctrl-v works for cut and paste in Abiword. Not sure how you do it from a dialog box though. The one I tried (the install dialog box) I could not select the text.

A possible solution is to do a screen snapshot when the dialog box is shown. You will then get a graphic image of it. In Dingo you get a screen snapshot by selecting:
menu - graphic - mtPaint-snapshot screen capture.

Hope that helps.

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