106 bugs

Please post any bugs you have found
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106 bugs

#1 Post by GuestToo »

the dotpups_webpage pupget button is goosee (the old wiki)

the timezone wizard is still missing some timezones like -7 (Alberta, Montana, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Wyoming etc etc)

maybe the set-time-wizard should have a cancel button that shuts down the program

the f-prot readme file in my-applications is a bit old
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#2 Post by MU »

you mean the "set-date-and-time"-tool?
The cancel-button did not work, I fixed it:
http://www.murga.org/%7Epuppy/viewtopic ... 1144#21144

Thanks for the hint,
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#3 Post by BarryK »

Thanks, I'll get onto those tonight.

MU, thanks, I'll apply the new time-set code.
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#4 Post by GuestToo »

ticker doesn't work properly on adsl

man doesn't work if devx is installed ... and the reXgrep Help button doesn't work either (it uses man)
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#5 Post by GuestToo »

not a bug, but i hacked turma and changed the Exit buttons to
Please and Cancel ... i didn't change anything else but those few bytes, so it should be relatively safe to put it in 1.0.6 (i could put it in SP106 anyway)
see this post

jwm still does not play well with rox (fluxbox doesn't play well with rox either) ... it can be very awkward creating and renaming files and dirs (the save-boxes, where you type in the name, can appear on any virtual desktop and may require extreme measures to get the window to have focus)
Last edited by GuestToo on Wed 02 Nov 2005, 13:25, edited 1 time in total.
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#6 Post by MU »

GuestToo wrote: jwm still does not play well with rox (fluxbox doesn't play well with rox either) ... it can be very awkward creating and renaming files and dirs (the save-boxes, where you type in the name, can appear on any virtual desktop and may require extreme measures to get the window to have focus)
Yes, I had that with XFE (XfileManager).
XFE saves its position when you exit it. But if you start it first time,it is so far on top, that the titlebar is not visible.
As I included the .rc in the dotpup, you will not encounter that, but it shows JWM has problems with positioning.
Same with gmplayer.


#7 Post by Guest »

I still get the "::img::img(fd0)" error message from MUT 0.0.7b

Expected this go away as version numbers went up, but it's still there.

(I do have a floppy drive.)
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#8 Post by cplater »

Anonymous wrote:I still get the "::img::img(fd0)" error message from MUT 0.0.7b

Expected this go away as version numbers went up, but it's still there.

(I do have a floppy drive.)
I have a fix for this here: http://www.murga.org/~puppy/viewtopic.php?p=21161#21161
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#9 Post by BarryK »

GuestToo wrote:ticker doesn't work properly on adsl

man doesn't work if devx is installed ... and the reXgrep Help button doesn't work either (it uses man)
I have sent a p.m. to puppian about Ticker.

Have fix the man problem.
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#10 Post by GuestToo »

mtpaint always seems to ask twice "Do you really want to close mtpaint?"

the binary does the same thing in other distros, and mtpaint 2.0.2 does it too

rox doesn't seem to have a video file association for .wmv files ... .mp4 does work properly now
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#11 Post by rarsa »

I finally got to play with 1.0.6:
I am using a pup001 file upgraded from 1.0.5

I will add anything I find even if I don't think it's a big deal, just to keep track. I haven't found any show stopers, just little anoyances.

xpd Printer manager:
Shows your printer (Barry's). I think it should be empty

Gxset X settings
When trying to apply DPMS options : "xset: unknown option dpms"
When trying to enable autorepeat with any delay <> 0 "xset: unknown option rate"

JWM themes:
The upgrade does not delete the existing themes, but overwrites the existing themeslist. I think that the upgrader should merge them (concatenate sort and remove duplicates).

Code: Select all

echo " " >> themeslist.orig
 cat themeslist.orig themeslist.new | sort -ub tmp -o themeslist
Man pages:
I failed to report in 1.0.5 and I don't remember anyone complaining but I think it's important. Previously man pages showed a dillo browser, not ideal, but not bad, now it just fails.

Code: Select all

# man adduser
Warning: cannot open configuration file /usr/lib/man.conf
No manual entry for adduser
Partview view partition sizes:
It shows the wrong sizes. I didn't have time to follow the script but it starts gathering the sizes correctly so somewhere else in the script is the problem.

Set Date and Time:
The cancel button does not work. I excuted it from the console and this is the result.

Code: Select all

# set-time-for-puppy 
1: No such file or directory
1: No such file or directory
date: invalid date `// '
The date command issued by hwclock returned unexpected results.
The command was:
  date --date="// " +seconds-into-epoch=%s
The response was:
No usable set-to time.  Cannot set clock.
I looked in the code and the problem is in the 'if' statements, you are also using 'abort' which does not exist in the shell. Here is the correct code (If you prefer I can send you the fixed script):

Code: Select all

#For the date
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
	Xdialog --title "$TITLE" --msgbox "Aborted." 0 0
	exit 0
#For the time
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
	Xdialog --title "$TITLE" --msgbox "Aborted." 0 0
	exit 0
Get Package extensions:
F-prot fails to download.

It's getting late, I will continue reporting tomorrow.
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#12 Post by BarryK »

GuestToo wrote: rox doesn't seem to have a video file association for .wmv files ... .mp4 does work properly now
What are .wmv files? ...Gxine?
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#13 Post by BarryK »

rarsa wrote: JWM themes:
The upgrade does not delete the existing themes, but overwrites the existing themeslist. I think that the upgrader should merge them (concatenate sort and remove duplicates).

Code: Select all

echo " " >> themeslist.orig
 cat themeslist.orig themeslist.new | sort -ub tmp -o themeslist
Maybe it's because I'm cutting down on my coffee drinking, but I don't
understand this code.
themeslist.new is the new list, okay, but why are you creating a themeslist.orig?

G2 has already reported some of the others, and they are now fixed.
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#14 Post by GuestToo »

What are .wmv files? ...Gxine?
yes, like .avi and. asf

i see the problem, in /usr/local/share/Choices/MIME-info/Standard,

ext: asf wvm

should be

ext: asf wmv

this might be my fault ... i seem to remember posting something about this when i was setting up file Run Actions for Rox 2.3 ... i probably had a dyslexic moment when i posted
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#15 Post by GuestToo »

Get Package extensions:
F-prot fails to download.
the Unleashed packages are not supposed to work properly with 1.0.6, because the packages on the server are still 1.0.5 packages

i have an F-prot dotpup on my dotpup page that should be better anyway ... it downloads and installs the latest version, and the definitions updater button should work properly and should not download definitions if you already have the latest files
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#16 Post by MU »

rarsa wrote: Set Date and Time:
The cancel button does not work.

Code: Select all

if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
	Xdialog --title "$TITLE" --msgbox "Aborted." 0 0
	exit 0
#For the time
if [ $? != 0 ] ; then
	Xdialog --title "$TITLE" --msgbox "Aborted." 0 0
	exit 0
Thanks Rarsa, we already fixed that :)
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#17 Post by BarryK »

GuestToo wrote:
ext: asf wmv
Okay, fixed.
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#18 Post by BarryK »

BarryK wrote:
rarsa wrote: JWM themes:
The upgrade does not delete the existing themes, but overwrites the existing themeslist. I think that the upgrader should merge them (concatenate sort and remove duplicates).

Code: Select all

echo " " >> themeslist.orig
 cat themeslist.orig themeslist.new | sort -ub tmp -o themeslist
Maybe it's because I'm cutting down on my coffee drinking, but I don't
understand this code.
themeslist.new is the new list, okay, but why are you creating a themeslist.orig?
Okay, the fog has lifted, somewhat.
I see what you are doing, but why create the empty line?
Also, the syntax for the sort program, what does that "tmp" do?
-- it doesn't seem right from what I know of the sort commandline.
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#19 Post by rarsa »

themeslist.new is the new list, okay, but why are you creating a themeslist.orig?
Actually, the one that may need more cofee when working late is me.

My intention was only to provide an example of what could be done as I did not have time to look at the upgrade script. I thought that the naming was clear but I now realize that the naming was not clear and you are not a mind reader ;)

themeslist.orig : The themes list in the users computer
themeslist.new : The themes list included in 1.0.6
themeslist : The resulting list.

The tmp was a typo. I was playing with a temporary file as imput to the sort before pipping the cat output to the sort.

So, maybe the code should be like this:

Code: Select all

cd /root/.jwm/themes

mv themeslist  themeslist.bk

# the next line will add a new line at the end of themeslist.bk
# this is needed in case the themeslist.bk does not have a 
# CR/LF at the end of the last line.
echo " " >> themeslist.bk

cat themeslist.bk themeslist.new | sort -ub -o themeslist
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#20 Post by BarryK »

Okay, themeslist code implemented in rc.update.
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