Trouble installing SCIM m17n in Puppy 3.01

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RR Koothady
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One more day for WIKI?

#401 Post by RR Koothady »


July 6 is just a day ahead. Shall we start preparing for our WIKI page?

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#402 Post by muggins »


where are you going to site it? Who knows about wiki setup etc?
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#403 Post by Aitch »


Aitch wrote:
Irihapeti wrote:to everyone:
I am wondering if we are at a stage where a wiki entry would be useful. We have a lot of information that would be useful to have in one place. Yes, there are some areas that are still being worked on, and that will always be true. I suppose a wiki presence might even help to bring attention to our efforts to a wider audience who may be able to help out.

Just my thoughts

Here's mine - a big thumbs up!!

Here's where:-
Jump In

This area is editable by anyone registered on the site

I would suggest a new localization category, under the heading development, as the existing ones are imported from the old wiki & are not current

unless of course they fancy a completely new one? - not my call

RR Koothady
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#404 Post by RR Koothady »

David, Aitch and Friends:

I have created a category called "Multi-Lingual Puppy" at:

Clicking on it takes us to a page with the word "scim" placed in it. Just a test. How to move further? How to create sub categories? Can any one help?

Once we know these, we can start discussing about designing our wiki content.

What do you think?



#405 Post by Irihapeti »

Some ideas to get started:
  • What is scim?
    a very brief description of why scim is needed i.e. what it does

    Setting up scim
    compiling from source (some people may want to do this)
    installing precompiled .pets
    what you have to do to your configuration files to get it to work
    where to get fonts & how to install them

    Programs that work with scim
    word processors
    text editors

    Programs that currently don't work
    possible workarounds

    Puppy versions that work well with scim
    this would be the place to mention the Puppy 3 qt3 problems
    (assuming they still exist - let's be positive!!)
Only preliminary ideas. Feel free to rubbish them all! :)

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#406 Post by Aitch »


I don't know quite how or why, but for every other page in the wiki,
I can edit the pages and add child or sub-categories
For the Multi-Lingual Puppy however, I cannot, as I appear to get logged out, yet I have checked with duplicate pages and I do not in reality get logged out
Note: I also have been given editorial powers, for spell checking & grammar, but this does not allow me access to your page???

If you look for example at Hairy Will's recent Howto, under the General sub heading of the Howto category, you will see he has many paragraph headings, very similar to a book, including active download links

I have also looked at the wiki tags to see if I can make sense of that, but alas, I cannot get to grips with this, either, especially the many localization/localisation tags

Perhaps tombh or Will may be able to offer starter advice?

1st, however, what category structure do you want?
Maybe an Intro & Index?
Maybe sub category by Puppy 1,2,3,4 & derivatives?
Is Scim the only main heading?
Are you going to have an ongoing development section/category?
Wish list?
To do list?

just a few thoughts

Wiki Help

RR Koothady
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#407 Post by RR Koothady »


I also faced the same difficulties. May I request you to approach the maintainers of the WIKI asking for their help?

Here is a Pictorial representation of what you and Irihapeti had suggested for the WIKI. I have added a few inputs too.

Swarupji, David, Nathan - Any Suggestions?


Here is the Link to my Plan Diagram: ... bdd5_o.png

Last edited by RR Koothady on Sat 05 Jul 2008, 18:20, edited 3 times in total.
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#408 Post by Aitch »


OK, I've pm'd tombh explaining the predicament, [I'll pm you a copy if you want, pm me] or would you prefer I post it?

Also I've just come across this thread for a latex sfs for puppy4,

& which I can't remember if it's been mentioned here ... 7&start=30

Please keep working on the structure for the wiki, I can't make out all the text as it blurs when magnified, maybe you could do it as a pdf or zip the full size original?

Aitch :)
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#409 Post by Swarup »

Just an update from my side--

I felt to let you know this since we are all working on this together. And a certain closeness also develops in that. :) I may not be able to be so active for some time as in the last 2-3 days I've developed a very odd problem of double vision which makes it difficult to see the computer screen. But I shall continue to try and follow along with what is going on here as best I can. The work that is starting with the Wiki sounds wonderful! I am still working closely with Enrico on the spellchecker, and will let you all know when it is ready.

Best Regards,
RR Koothady
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#410 Post by RR Koothady »


Please rest your eyes for now.

Even if you will not be with us for the initial part of this work, we will be having a deja vu feeling that you are actually with us - since we will be summarizing the discussions we had over the past 2 months.

Best Wishes from all of us for your speedy recovery.


#411 Post by Irihapeti »

Take care of yourself, and get well soon.



#412 Post by Irihapeti »


During the last couple of days, I've been experimenting in order to determine which files are actually necessary for a working scim-bridge-qt installation. In doing so I have been able to make significant progress on the scim-bridge-qt3 front. I am now able to use scim-bridge in QCad in Puppy 3.01. :D :D :D

Now before you get all excited and ask me to start uploading .pets, there are one or two issues to be sorted out.

Principally, this:
Puppy 3.01 already has a working version of qt3. It just doesn't happen to have immodule support. So, if I compile a replacement qt3 (on another system), where is it going to be installed? I think this needs to be as neat as possible, because not everyone is going to want to start hacking at their /etc/profile file. I also want minimal disturbance to the existing system, so that if the .pet is uninstalled, everything else will still work.

I have one or two ideas on this myself, but I'd like to hear from the more experienced people on this topic. What you do think about it?

Feel free to pm me if you think it's too technical and boring for the open forum.

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#413 Post by muggins »


well done. Swarup will be very eager to try with Portabase.

Regarding how/where to have your qt .pet install, why can't you replicate Barry's existing qt-3.3.8 setup. Just have something in the name indicating that it has scim support.
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#414 Post by RR Koothady »


That's great. Keep working on it.

Meanwhile, Aitch and I shall be exploring the design and the Prototype of our WIKI.



#415 Post by Irihapeti »

Yes, that's a good idea. That will involve writing a script; I've done that sort of thing before. I think that with the help of sed and symlinks, I should be able to manage something. :)

I still can't get qt3 to compile on Puppy 3.01. BUT I've worked out how to use versions compiled on other systems. It's the best I can do for the moment.

In due course, I'll upload the results to
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#416 Post by muggins »


I don't understand your need for the script or sed. I thought all you needed to do was download the existing qt-3.3.8, rename it as a .tgz & extract it to /qt-3-3-8.

Then you could replace any compiled library files in /qt-3.3.8 directory with the versions you've compiled with scim immodule support.

Then create a bodgy makefile, in the qt-3.3.8 directory, with 2 lines:

Code: Select all

<TAB>cp -rf ./usr/* /usr
then run:

Code: Select all

new2dir make install
and you'll have your new directory qt-3.3.8-i486, & qt-3.3.8-i486.files, ready to create a .pet.

You might want to reduce the size of the eventual .pet by first running:

Code: Select all

strip --strip-unneeded /qt-3.3.8-i486/usr/lib/qt-3.3.8/lib/
and similarly for the other .so files.

Edit: I just thought there's no need to strip library files, as I think this is done automatically by the qt compile/install.

#417 Post by Irihapeti »

That's a different way of doing it, what you've suggested.

I was thinking that qt-3.3.8 appears to be part of the devx file, and I didn't want to mess that up. Yes, I know you can't really mess it up - only cause the pup_save file to as it were white out the affected bits - but it would still mean replacing the pup_save file to put it right. Something most users understandably don't relish.

Actually, I don't need sed at all. I can do it with symlinks only. That would leave the "original" qt3 still there, but not as part of the PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH. If then for some reason the user wants the "original" qt3 reinstated, it's merely a matter of changing a symlink.

Anyway, I've got to get around to doing the compiling first. :)

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#418 Post by muggins »

You shouldn't need to worry about what's in devx, as you're only providing the minimal library files to people that need a scim-enabled qt3.

To test your .pet before uploading, just boot pup3 into RAM, install your scim-enabled qt3, install scim & scim-bridge, then install some qt3 application.

#419 Post by Irihapeti »


I know - I sometimes get all particular when a simple make-do approach will do. It can always be changed later if it's necessary. It's only software - not like cutting into a piece of wood and then finding it's the wrong size! (I've done that a time or two.)


Scim-enabled qt3 .pet & other files

#420 Post by Irihapeti »

I've uploaded a scim-enabled version of qt-3.3.8 to ...

This package installs as /usr/lib/qt-3.3.8 with a symlink /usr/lib/qt pointing to it. I've tested it on Puppies 2.17, 3.01 and 4.00, booted "pfix=ram", using QCad as the testing software. It works on all three versions, but on 4.00 it needs the extra package libGLU, which I've also uploaded.

I've also uploaded scim-bridge. This is the same version as previously, except that I've modified the install script slightly so that it also writes the line

Code: Select all

export QT_IM_MODULE="scim-bridge"
to ~/.xinitrc. If qt isn't installed, that line does no harm, so I figured it may as well be there.

The actual qt3 scim-bridge library,, is contained in the qt3 package, not the scim-bridge package, as it (probably) won't work with any other version of qt3.

In the main qt3 pet is a plugin for sqlite, a database which is already installed in Puppy.

In a separate package, qt-im-sql-3.3.8.tar.gz, are a couple of plugins for mysql and unixODBC. I packaged them separately because otherwise they throw up a dependency error.

Another extra is the executable qtconfig, within the main qt-im-3.3.8 package. You can use this to set the gui font if, like me, you don't particularly like the default Nimbus mono. Just type "qtconfig" (without the quotes) in a terminal.

By the way, if you have the Puppy devx file installed, I suggest you check out the names of any existing qt directories before you install. You may need to do some renaming first, or stuff may get overwritten.

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