To slow - 200 Mhz 64 Mb ram (laptop)

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#41 Post by tempestuous »

Bottom line: Puppy with only 64MB RAM and no swap file is not good enough. This has been reported widely on the forum. There's no point (and no need) apologizing for that.

If you want to use a CF card and avoid a swap file, you must upgrade to 128MB RAM ... and probably also use an older version of Puppy such as Pup214R.
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#42 Post by cb88 »

a command line email program like pine or alpine might be a good idea and

there is the links browser that has a graphical mode if compiled in i can run it with links -g (-g set graphical mode on so it can display images)

siag is a good bet... i like mp to edit .txt or .cpp etc...

i have ran puppy 2.15ce WITH SWAP and it was usable .... but not without swap...

you might want to try getting deli linux on there it might be fast enough if you have the patience to get it running...

BTW there is no such thing as a *master* of the commandline we just figure out what we need as we go.... you will find that there are loads of programs you can use from the command line and allmost 100% of the time they are faster....

for file management use: cp mv rm rmdir cd and ls you will use cd and ls the most...

also you might find madplay and waveplay interesting....

top is a process viewer...

also try installing htop (better process manager) pine (for email command line only no images but quite usable has a sort of text gui) mocp (a nice music player with a gui)

also you can multitask by changing virtual termials ie alt + f1 alt+f2 etc... you may have to do ctrl + alt + f1 etc...
Taking Puppy Linux to the limit of perfection. meanwhile try "puppy pfix=duct_tape" kernel parem eater.
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#43 Post by alienjeff »

ledo wrote:I really don't understand how some linux distributions are stating they work on 8 mb ram. That is now i see cleary bulshit.
Which ones state this? What are their features, or lack thereof?

Remember that "Linux" is the kernel. Period. What chews up valuable RAM is generally not the kernel, but instead all the "bolt on" goodies we silly humans feel we can't live without. An xwindow system, GUIs, ad nausea are not free: they all require resources. And with only 64 mb of RAM, you're going to run out of resources very quickly.

Your interest in keeping an old computer out of the landfill is admirable, though you're asking an awful lot from it.

Consider looking into DeLi Linux.
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#44 Post by ledo »

alienjeff wrote: Consider looking into DeLi Linux.
Tried it. Long story short:

I made livecd (install cd) of delilinux and put it in the cd rom of laptop.

Then i started the laptop and it took about 5 minutes and i got an error.

Linux said to me i can't find CD-rom!!! Linux that is unable to find itself? Unbelievable!

Too bad. The description on home page was promising...
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#45 Post by ttuuxxx »

Well I've been at it all day, around another 14hrs lol, Anyways I just did a backup and the iso is 77MB which is excellent for puppy 3.0.1
Plus the main programs are far less memory hungry, Right now I have about 1 hr left before I make my final prerelease. I didn't add Amsn because Gaim is suppose to use msn anyways. Amsn is 4 mb compressed.
But I did add a few tiny games, like 54kb-120kb in size. Well back to it
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#46 Post by ledo »

You relally digg in to it. :) Can't wait to try.
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#47 Post by ttuuxxx »

Have you looked around my website and seen the others I've done?

The only difference is really a handful full of applications.
I took this on because I've always wanted to make a really lite version. So why not now, LOL
anyways have work to do.
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#48 Post by ledo »

Yes i tried fat free. It was fast but bigger apps too slow. RTF editor, chat...
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#49 Post by gerry »

Try TED for a quick light RTF word processor.

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#50 Post by ledo »

Yes i tried Ted with DSL linux. Hum. Its preatty hard to use. :)

I am trying to install Deli Linux a few hours now and it seems i will make it work afterall.

A am qurious how it will perform.

Well see.
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#51 Post by ledo »

Ok finnaly instaled Deli Linux.

First impressions?

Hum. Abiword 2.4 is fast it has mail client. Works fast. I don't know. I must do much testing now and setting network and if USB things are detected... But looks fast.

I am glad i giave it another try. Yestrday i tried and have troubles installing. But for now i am happy i stick with it and try again and again...
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#52 Post by ttuuxxx »

ledo wrote:Ok finnaly instaled Deli Linux.

First impressions?

Hum. Abiword 2.4 is fast it has mail client. Works fast. I don't know. I must do much testing now and setting network and if USB things are detected... But looks fast.

I am glad i giave it another try. Yestrday i tried and have troubles installing. But for now i am happy i stick with it and try again and again...
hey don't give up on me yet :) ... LiteV2.iso

Ok It would run best installed, Also If you wanted to try other things like Opera Web Browser here's a link,

Please tell me how it went asap so that I can either fix things or reset my pc.
Last edited by ttuuxxx on Sun 06 Jul 2008, 02:36, edited 3 times in total. <-- excellent site <-- Codec Test Files <-- excellent HTML5 games :)
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#53 Post by ledo »

ttuuxxx wrote:
hey don't give up on me yet :)
By no means! :) I yust reported is somebody have ancient hardware that Deli Linux works preaty good. But that is yust the first impression i didn't use it and configure it much yet.

ttuuxxx wrote: Ok It would run best installed,
I tought about that too yestrday beacose Deli Linux doesn't do frugall install i think. It does a normal install on hardisk. I didn't check it yet if it uses swap by defoult too.
ttuuxxx wrote: Please tell me how it went asap so that I can either fix things or reset my pc.
Ok i will try now and report.
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#54 Post by ttuuxxx »

ledo wrote:
ttuuxxx wrote:
hey don't give up on me yet :)
By no means! :) I yust reported is somebody have ancient hardware that Deli Linux works preaty good. But that is yust the first impression i didn't use it and configure it much yet.

ttuuxxx wrote: Ok It would run best installed,
I tought about that too yestrday beacose Deli Linux doesn't do frugall install i think. It does a normal install on hardisk. I didn't check it yet if it uses swap by defoult too.
ttuuxxx wrote: Please tell me how it went asap so that I can either fix things or reset my pc.
Ok i will try now and report.
Usually on hard drives you do this, I'm not sure about cf cards, never tried them for this.
run Gparted and format 2 partition your cf card,
first ext3 for your OS/Programs to be installed. Manage your flags as boot for ext3.
Second SWAP which is used as memory if you run out of actual memory.
as swap goes a min of 64mb would be a start, an average swap is around 512mb, crazy people like myself have 7gigs of swap, well I compile live and use a lot of memory.
So what ever you can spare.
The run grub and enjoy

Ps I added 3 applications on the left side of the taskbar, Volume mixer, Galculator the Calculator, and Pfind 3 handy things to have. :) <-- excellent site <-- Codec Test Files <-- excellent HTML5 games :)
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#55 Post by ledo »

CF card on ide adapter acts yust like hard disk. There isn't any difference.

Swap is only problematic if system would do much writing over and over again beacose cheap flash memory (cf cards, usb keys...) has the tandency to wear out.


I will probably use swap in the end evan if its on CF card. If it will die then i will at least know the life expectancy. :) It's Ultra II from Sandisk so it should work for a while.

Why do i evan bother with CF card? Beacose laptop doesn't made a sound when is turn on. Yust if HD is spining there is preatty loud noise. If i replace hard drive with CF card it can't be heard when is turn on and mayority of the time that is a good thing to me. :)

When i write text and talk to friends over the net... I can evan study in the room with PC turn on. ;)

In the fututre maybe evan near we will have cheap Solid State Drive.

But what the heack. I always like to experiment for hobby.

A am doing testing righ now as i write these but it doesnt work. I will try again. (downloading and burning to cd).

It say ...kernel image corrupt... yust after i press enter after first boot option menu.

It does so on 2 PC's. Old laptop and new modern PC.
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#56 Post by ttuuxxx »

Ok its fixed sorry it was a fault with the transfer to the USB from 1 pc to the other for the upload.
The download link is posted up above where the original one was and a updated hash #.
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#57 Post by ttuuxxx »

updated :) <-- excellent site <-- Codec Test Files <-- excellent HTML5 games :)
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#58 Post by ttuuxxx »

Just one thing, I left thumbnails on, You might want to turn that off, you can easly get 60-80 MB of thumbnails.
Right-click any folder window and select-
Options/thumbnails untick show thumbnails

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#59 Post by ttuuxxx »

I found this old version of Abiword 1.0.2 lol yes its old, but it doesn't use Goffice or anything else, It only needed 1 lib and it's fast. Install it, then in console type
reset JWM
and you'll find a link in documents

or if you can't wait just type in console abiword ...

Just try it out its 1/3 the latest version size,
If you like it I can remove siag PW and install Abiword, that way it would only increase the size by about 3.5MB.
I'll have to do it tomorrow, its 3am here.
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#60 Post by ledo »

Ok these one works. I didn't find somethinhg that would not work for now.

So impressions:
-i like the style, icons...
-almost nothing (if anything at all) is missing in functionality. You put in nice replacements for programs.
-it works faster (boot + opening of programs) So the right programs was choosed to replace original one to speed up the opening and usage of programs
-everything is still user friendly and auto configured
-speed is let say it could be used in every day work with such old laptop. It's still slow at times but basicaly everything gets opened and is ready to use in few seconds
-boot time is still a bit long
-i made 150 MB swap (in GUI avaliable ram (bottom-right) went from 28 to 107 mb free) BUT no noticable speed boost
-office package doesn't have language support to use the signs for my language? (ill must cheeck these more so don't take my word for it)

Bottom line:

I will use your puplet or Deli Linux. Don't know yet. It will take couple of days to get configured everything and then tested in real everyday "work" enviroment.

I like puppy werry much but i think if everything i will get to work in Deli Linux that i will use Deli. It's yust ment for wery old hardware (much older than mine too) and in the core i guess is preatty fast beacose of that.

Abiword 2.4 in example works there really fast. Everything must be manually configured (here puppy wins with auto configuration and user friendlynes) but if i'll get Deli to work on my hardware with all the hardware i think it will be the fastes OS.

Well see. :) You put a lot of work in to these and i appreciate it. Thanx. I will see what will be the best solution in few days and i will post any updates here to.
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