wallpaper wont stick

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wallpaper wont stick

#1 Post by solarcontrol »

When I change wallpaper form the default, it changes fine, but when I reboot, it has returned to default.

How do I make it stick?

#2 Post by Guest »

errr. 'from' the default.
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#3 Post by rarsa »

Do you have a partition to save your session data?

Puppy runs 100% in memory (ram disks and all) if you have enough memory.
Puppy normally creates a pup001 file where it saves all your personal data and configuration. If it cannot find a place where to create this file it will show a message at boot time (you need to pay atention).

If you are booting from CD on a computer that has Windows XP using all the HDD formated as NTFS read the first entry in the puppy faq

#4 Post by Guest »

I should have mentioned I have it installed to hard drive.
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#5 Post by Lobster »

I have this bug too

It may have something to do with the resolution. Are you running at 1080x1024?

#6 Post by Guest »

I figured it out.

Left click desktop, select "modules", then select "save desktop".

Change stays.

#7 Post by Guest »

I spoke too soon.
On reboot it comes up with my new wallpaper for just a cpl seconds and then switches back to the default by itself... :?


#8 Post by Guest »

Also, it wont shut down the computer.
When I select power off it goes through the halt command and after shutting off hda, it gets a kernel panic error and stops there with the box still running.

Gotta do it manually.
(Maybe it has something to do with the motherboard. It is a rather old P2 Celeron on an MSI ISA/PCI board.)

Anyone else have this trouble?

#9 Post by Guest »

And why wont my windows partition auto-mount when I add it to fstab?
I have done it many times on many other distros so I know I'm doing it right.
It just wont do it.
I have to manually mount it.

Thanks for the little gui mounter app though.
My 8yr old uses that box and he aint ready for command line just yet so I suppose it's the next best thing to having it automount.

Also thanks for adding GRUB.
Having to boot from a floppy kinda defeated the purpose of installing it to the hard drive (and I hate floppies because they're so vulnerable).

Now I love it.
It is the only distro besides Libranet that will recognize my old ISA nic but Libranet is more like a St Bernard than a Puppy on that machine (433mhz P2 Celeron, 512mb PC133 ram, 128mb SiS315 video card, 4ch Yamaha sound card - its as beefed up as I can beef the old grinder lol).

Your desktop environment is also easier to use for my kids than any but KDE (and KDE is too much for that old box) and its just as fast as Flux.
Bruce B

#10 Post by Bruce B »

Anonymous wrote:And why wont my windows partition auto-mount when I add it to fstab?
I don't know for sure but I mount my partitions in /etc/.rc.d/rc.local

Using mount points like hda1 hda2, etc have more meaning for me so I make the mount points then mount the partitions as follows:

mkdir /mnt/hda1
mkdir /mnt/hda3
mkdir /mnt/hda5
#mkdir /mnt/hda6
mkdir /mnt/hda7
mkdir /mnt/hda9
mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1 -t vfat
mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/hda3 -t reiserfs
mount /dev/hda5 /mnt/hda5 -t vfat
#mount /dev/hda6 /mnt/hda6 -t vfat
mount /dev/hda7 /mnt/hda7 -t ext2
mount /dev/hda9 /mnt/hda9 -t ext2

BTW - Is the wallpaper still a problem?
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#11 Post by BarryK »

Anonymous wrote:AHA!!
I figured it out.

Left click desktop, select "modules", then select "save desktop".

Change stays.
Do this:

Start -> Control panel -> desktop background image
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#12 Post by Lobster »

If I do that and stretch the image to fit the desktop, the desktop goes white.
If I select the next option which keeps the proportions, I get a band of white (the background colour) across the top of the screen . . .

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#13 Post by dvw86 »

Lobster wrote:If I do that and stretch the image to fit the desktop, the desktop goes white.
Same here.

#14 Post by Guest »

I did use ctrl panel to change it.
Upon reboot, it goes back to default.

The "save desktop" function on the "modules" part of the left click menu doesnt help either.

#15 Post by Guest »

Is there some conf. file I could edit to make this work?
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#16 Post by Lobster »

Anonymous wrote:Also, it wont shut down the computer.
When I select power off it goes through the halt command and after shutting off hda, it gets a kernel panic error and stops there with the box still running.

Gotta do it manually

. . .Anyone else have this trouble?
When we moved to the 2.6 kernel this problem dissapeared (for me) However for most people (and sometimes we must compromise) the 2.4 kernel is offering better reliability. At some point we will have a choice of kernel - for now I get a "kernel panic" - I then turn off the machine. Panic over. I remain calm.
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#17 Post by Guest »

How bout your wallpaper?
Does it stick when you change it?
Is there some sort of "restore" command I could use in a .conf file (like the one that restores ALSA volume settings)?
If so, what .conf file (and syntax for a noob plz)?

wallpaper wont save

#18 Post by ElllisD2 »

it started for me after i got a read-only fs error on pup001, cuz it was full. now ive removed many MB (podcast app d/l'd hella mp3s & filled me up) & i no longer have read only probs, net cache saves, pls files save, yet wallpaper wont. my left click menu has no menu anymore, think its the wm
i dont understand this. what file(s) tells puppy what values to use on pinboard?
can i reinstall pinboard?
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#19 Post by MU »

I tried wmsetbg some days ago, this is the background-setter of WindowMaker.

It dithers High-color-images nicer than the inbuilt background-setter I think.

Download the .tgz-archive in this .pup, and extract.
copy the file (not the whole folder) wmsetbg to /usr/bin (or where you like).
Copy the other files to /usr/lib

Then run wmsetbg yourimage

Tell me if it reports a library missing, and I'll add it.

You can launch it at startup by adding it to your /root/.xinitrc

Add this line in the beginning:
wmsetbg yourimage&

If its image is overwritten by the windowmanager, try this:
sleep 5 &&wmsetbg yourimage&

It is important not to forget the "&" in the end, or your WindowManager will not start.

(121.03 KiB) Downloaded 339 times
Bruce B

Re: wallpaper wont stick

#20 Post by Bruce B »

solarcontrol wrote:When I change wallpaper form the default, it changes fine, but when I reboot, it has returned to default.

How do I make it stick?
With all due respect, I've not been able to ever duplicate this problem with Puppy. I don't think there is a problem with Puppy not saving the wallpaper settings, at least in my experience.

I have however, had this problem, but only after installing window managers that were not included with Puppy.

I would suggest that if you change the background AND the file /etc/background reflects the changes you made, that the problem is nothing to do with Puppy, and something to do with a different Window manager and its method of handling background settings.

With Icewm, I delete its background executable (I forgot the name) and the background settings I make with Puppy's tool are saved and are used on all subsequent reboots, until I change them again.
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