installed pupget, wine09.22, Irfanview3.98 no cigar!<SOLVED>

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installed pupget, wine09.22, Irfanview3.98 no cigar!<SOLVED>

#1 Post by otropogo »

Yesterday I discovered "pup" packages for Irfanview 3.98, which I need to handle the RAW files of my Panasonic FZ-30 camera, and at least one account of a happy user.

I dowloaded Wine 09.22 and Irfanview, and then pet told me I'd have to install pupget to install the old "pup" packages, so I downloaded and installed that first, then Wine and finally Irfanview 3.98 and its plug-ins.

Each operation was deemed "successful" by Puppy 4.0., and so I looked for an Irfanview icon on the desktop, but all I found was one attached to a new Pet tab on the Start menu, and clicking on it did nothing.

I then tried the "open with" menu on a jpeg file, but Irfanview wasn't listed among the available programs.

I don't know whether this is a Puppy 4.0 bug or not , but it sure bugs me!

PS the only Linux program I know of that handles my RAW files is KDE's Showfoto, but Knoppix (which offered it in ver. 5.1.1) has dropped it from ver. 5.3.1, and I don't know where to find it, or how I would install it in Puppy, if that were even possible.
Last edited by otropogo on Fri 11 Jul 2008, 23:35, edited 1 time in total.
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#2 Post by cb88 »

with puppy 4 you should be using the wine 1.0 .pet go here: ... 96&t=26717

and you should be able to run the regular irfanview installer after that...

wine 9.22 is quite out of date
Taking Puppy Linux to the limit of perfection. meanwhile try "puppy pfix=duct_tape" kernel parem eater.
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#3 Post by otropogo »

cb88 wrote:with puppy 4 you should be using the wine 1.0 .pet go here: ... 96&t=26717

and you should be able to run the regular irfanview installer after that...

wine 9.22 is quite out of date
I tried, but the links for wine 1.0 have been disabled due to problems.

There was a mention of Wine 9.62, but I couldn't find it at the links offered.

#4 Post by otropogo »

otropogo wrote:
cb88 wrote:with puppy 4 you should be using the wine 1.0 .pet ...
I tried, but the links for wine 1.0 have been disabled due to problems.
Ok I searched for another download link for Wine 1.0 pet, and found it at Wolf Pup's site.

I downloaded and installed it, and got the following report of missing dependencies:

but no suggestion as to what to do about it.

I checked with petget, and it advised me that Irfanview 3.98 was installed ok, so I looked around for it. The icon previously stuck to the Start menu is gone, and I couldn't find it in any other menu, nor is it listed when I select the "open with" menu for jpegs.

I then tried restarting JWM and X, and finally, rebooting the system, but there's no sign of Irfanview. Wine has a configuration icon on the "utilities" menu, though. I tried entering "Irfanview 3.98" in the applications window, but that didn't change the situation either.

I also tried clicking on the irfanview exe file in the Windows Program
Files folder from within the Wine "add applications" window, and that got me nowhere as well.

There's a HELP tab on the wine 1.0 configuration form, but clicking on it doesn't produce anything.

So, Wine 9.22 is too old, and 1.0 is too new....If I tried 9.22 with an older Puppy would that work better?
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#5 Post by MU »

I just installed irfanview, using wine 0.9.61 in Muppy 008.3.
It was made for an older version, so 0.9.22 should be ok.
So I think, there is an issue with your wine maybe.

Please type this in a consolewindow:


Do you see error-messages then?

Irfanview was a rather old dotpup, it has no permanent menu entry in new versions of Puppy.
But you could drag on your desktop from your filemanager the link:


#6 Post by otropogo »

MU wrote:... there is an issue with your wine maybe.

Please type this in a console window:


Do you see error-messages then?
No. In fact, Irfanview opened on the desktop.
MU wrote:Irfanview was a rather old dotpup,
Yes, I hadn't realized how old this version of Irfanview is, since I'm still using v. 3.99 in Windows. I just had a look, and find that Irfan's been on v. 4.10 since October 15, 2007. Should be an even newer version coming out soon, I expect.

In the history of changes page, Irfan mentions "New loading options for normal RAW files (Thanks to Sergey Fokin)", and the plug-ins list for Irfanview 4.1 lists:

"CRW allows Irfanview to read Canon CRW/CR2 files (high resolution image version)"

MU wrote: it has no permanent menu entry in new versions of Puppy.
But you could drag on your desktop from your filemanager the link:

Yes, that works. Thanks Mark.

It would seem that Wine 1.0 works in Puppy 4.0 despite the two missing dependencies reported.

To view my Panasonic RAW files, I had to install the Irfanview plug-ins as well.

I still don't have Irfanview in any of my desktop menus, nor have I figured out how to make it the default app for RAW files, but I've added it to the "open with" list for jpegs and RAW, and if I drag and drop the file onto the desktop icon, Irfanview opens it.

Unfortunately Irfanview doesn't appear to offer any of the fabulous functionality RAW provides (changes in iso and white balance, etc.).

I noticed a "save to RAW" option and tried it (ie. saving my Panasonic RAW files to Irfanview RAW), but when I tried to load the resulting file (which has grown to 24MB from the original 16MB, same as a save to tiff ), I get a "set RAW open parameters" popup, for which there is no help documentation.

The default settings, and every modification I've tried produces a pixelated screen in which only the original colours of the image are recognizable.

Help isn't searchable, the FAQ and list of contents don't mention RAW, and the list of plugins shows only Canon plug-ins, so maybe the problem lies there.

Looks like I'll have to ask Irfan for an explanation..

Meanwhile, I guess I'll try to find out what's happened to KDE's Showfoto, the only other free program that managed to open my RAW files. I haven't come across it since Knoppix LiveDVD 5.1.1.
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#7 Post by hogar »


#8 Post by otropogo »

I installed 1.70, no error messages, but no menu entry or icon either.

I tried all the same tricks as with Irfanview, but nothing worked.

When I enter "xnview" or "run-xnview" in rxvt (doing this loads Irfanview on the desktop), I get back:

"xnview: error while loading shared open shared object file:No such file or directory".

Of course I tried restarting JWM and X, and rebooting...
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