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#61 Post by nutts4life »


I am aware of your preferencese and they were taken into account.

The reason i went for FF3 is over opera is what it promises over FF2. Opera was miles better than FF2, as it was miles faster and just seemed to be ahead of the game. But what always annoyed me was the fact that some sites weren't designed for opera.
A rediculous notion i know. but when you think of what this puplet is deisgned for; non-techies need consistency without frustration, something that will work everytime with almost as many sites as IE6, so i have to go for FF3. I am not saying opera is unreliable, it's the web designers that are unreliable.
It's not my personal preference, but it's for the users. Let's hope FF3 livs up to it's promises, it has so far for me.

thunderbird - Your right, and i didn't mean to put thunderbird. I'm atually going to use spicebird (based on thunderbird). I agree thunderbird 2 was an insult to the linux world. But i think that spicebird has done some great improvments.
Nothing will come close to claws with speed. But i feel again, that i need high quality junk mail filtering, which spicebird can only provide (inbuilt not plugin). Give spice bird a try you can download it from there website and just unpack it to /usr/bin.

setting manager? Do you mean xfce-settings-manager (mcs)? I'll assume so.... why would that be left out? It's how you setup XFCE....

anyway, there will be two settings, easy mode (limited settings) and tech mode (full access to settings).

Let's keep a discussion going.

I've taken a look at Tigerpup lately and i was very impressed, is there anything i can learn from this puplet? You tell me...

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#62 Post by Sage »

Opera 9.5 is the knees on the buzzers. I think, like many, you might not fully appreciate the amazing way it's settings can be used to mimic just about any other browser, including IE? Web site designers may be dumb, or at least constrained to use cr*p M$ web design SW, but Opera is smarter than them all.
xfce-settings-manager: yes!
Why? - because there are a lot of stupid distro re-designers out there.

Your project sounds terrific. Yes, feedback is going to help a great deal.

Incidentally, just a quiet word of friendly advice, if you plan to become a superstar developer, run your text through a spell&grammar checker - it has to be perfect to create the anticipated respect and praise. Not your fault that Maggie deprived generations of decent tuition - for the record, I didn't vote for her.
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#63 Post by nutts4life »


http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.p ... rediculous

Ha ha..... got you....

I'm going to take a good look at opera 9.5 now.


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#64 Post by Sage »

Not a joke, I was trying to be helpful, not catch you out!
i, i, i....
Spicebird? Thunderbird?
It's up to you how your hard work turns out.
But good luck, anyway.
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#65 Post by nutts4life »


I know, i know. People often complain about my mis-spelt words. I'm afriad i'm one of those people who likes to rush writing long explanations, but can't be bothered to read through it again for spelling mistakes.
I know it's annoying and i know it will be my downfall one day.... trust me i get pestered about it all the time!

I enjoy speaking to you on these forums, so don't feel that i'm ever offended.

Your experiences are essential to me and my future with Pupeez, i take your advice very seriously,


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#66 Post by Sage »

No offense intended. We all like to bash out text in a hurry. Anything vaguely comprehensible will often do for the proletariat, but I wanted to draw attention to the importance of correct and accurate language usage for those engaged at a higher level and maybe hoping to promote their work and themselves. For those, the issue cannot be over-emphasised.
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#67 Post by PenPen »

Great Distro :lol: Please keep Opera!!!
BTW this is one of the few distro's that opens NPR & BBC 5 Live out of the box. This is my test to see if it is a Gem or a "Do I want to take the time to Remaster." :?

My wife still uses NetscapeMail / Browser, but is working her way into OperaMail. Remember how daunting it was to set up NetscapeMail :roll: well My Lovely Wife set up OperaMail all on her own :P . She is a "Sweetheart" but is very computer challanged.

Please keep the distro Simple for Simple sake. Add extra codecs instead of new fluff.

This distro really does fill a void,
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#68 Post by nutts4life »

Oh, i just don't know what to do!

So many people are keen on Opera and it certainly releives me of the worry about an email client (although it still lacks a calandar...very annoying).

I'm just worried about it's market share. If pupeez is to be easy to use, then every site a user navigates to, MUST work. If the site doesn't work in opera (like a banking site etc....) then the browser will be rejected.

It has such a low market share that developers just don't design sites and check they work in opera.

what to do........

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#69 Post by Aitch »

Hi nutts4life

what about wine and portable apps


just until they make firefox/opera portable linux friendly :wink:

Aitch :)
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#70 Post by nutts4life »


I love the idea. I run all my windoze apps from a portable usb stick (in windows).

Does anybody know much about klik?

Potentially i could package all these apps up and run them from a usb stick?

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#71 Post by nutts4life »

Hi there,

Just read up about klik. It has alot of similarities to our own sfs system. But like sfs, it does not save the seesion back into the klik file.

To create a usb application, I could make a .sfs file for each application. when an icon is clicked so the sfs is mounted. the main problem being the 5-6 mounts limitation linux kernel has. AND the major limitation being you can't save your changes back tot he sfs file.

Other than that it could work.

I really don't want to use wine by the way. It defeats the object of using linux.

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#72 Post by Sage »

Apart from the incredible flexibility of Opera to render just about everything by appropriate application of settings, there exist a wide range of versions for various deployments, including embedded ones. Not sure whether the latter are wholly commercial, but their developers and management are very accommodating to enquiries, allegedly. I think BK contacted them some long time ago, but may not have followed that up?
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Boot Options in Pupeez?

#73 Post by davec51 »

I downloaded the Pupeez iso, burned it, and wanted to test it. Unlike any other derivative of Puppy I have used, it booted without giving me a chance to add boot options. I have, and am happy with, MacPup, so I wanted to try Pupeez with the "pfix=ram" option. Failing to be offered the chance, Pupeez accessed my .2sf file, tried to update, and generally screwed everything up. Did I miss something?
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#74 Post by nutts4life »


no you haven't missed something.

pupeez is built on version 2 of puppy. Macpup is built on 3+.
verson 3 of puppy offered this nice pretty interface at startup

That said, pfix-ram is a supported option on version 2 you put pfix=ram at the same point during startup, you just don't get the nice explanation:

We am i talking, when it's all here:
http://www.puppylinux.org/wiki/archives ... /bootparms

Good luck,

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#75 Post by Squeeto »

Thanks N4L,
How do I change the Vista_Black theme? Probably something very simple but I have been trying for awhile now.

New to Linux.
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#76 Post by nutts4life »


It's in a file in the /root/.icewm directory. I'm not in front of my PC at the moment.

It might be prefoverride.

do a

Code: Select all

grep -R  Vista_Black *
in /root/.icewm. that will show you all the files with the word Vista_Black. One of the files will set this theme.


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#77 Post by Squeeto »

Thanks, it was in

Is there a way to automate this from the start menu?
I could put it next to the Themechooser link.

Just one more ;)
Does icewm provide an option to click the desktop to open the start menu?

Ty, Squeeto
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#78 Post by vg1 »

Squeeto -
I must be missing something here. why do you need to go to the themes folder to change the theme? What do you want to automate? There should be a themes entry on the menu, you choose it from there and it stays until the next time you change it.
Or did you mean something else?

To open the menu from the desktop add this to the prefoveride in /root/.icewm:
then save & restart icewm. This is for the right button, or change to 1 for left button, or to 2 for the wheel.

You can also edit the preferences file but in prefoveride it's easier to control. Anything you change there is easy to spot. If something goes wrong just rename prefoveride to, say, prefoveride.bak, restart icewm or x and you have your defaults back.

nutts4life -
a great distro, one of my favourites. I like small & simple, and this is it. Although in principle I prefer jwm, this one is simple & fast, easy to customize. I use it a lot. Well done.

Re the browser discussion - for me opera is fine, it was my preferred browser until recently. Now it's ttuuxxx's Firepup. Small & fast, just what I need. Suggest you have a look at it, you might like it.
I don't really care which browser is default in a distro. I have a small add_app.sfs with a few of my favourite applications & utilities and use it with any distro that comes along.

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#79 Post by Squeeto »

I must be missing something here.
Nope. That would be me for sure.

I have been seriously thinking of migrating to linux. My search brought me to Puppy Linux; seems to be well managed, updated and explained (thanks all). And then to Pupeez. This seems to be a good place to start.

I provided a pic to show what I mean. But essentially a (for XP) right click - Properties - Appearance. JWM has a theme chooser under its configuration manager.
or change to 1 for left button
Perfect. I got use to this with blackbox for Windows.

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#80 Post by vg1 »

MU-Gtk-themechooser sets the gtk-theme for the inside area of the rox window. These themes are in /usr/share/themes.
The outside window area, decorations, main menu etc are controlled by icewm and set by the main menu themes item: menu>settings>themes. The themes are in /.icewm/themes.
The menu item themes is disabled by default. To enable it add this to prefoverride:
and restart icewm. The themes menu should now be active.

Another tip: the logout menu, which gives you more choices besides shutdown & reboot, is also disabled by default. If you'd like to have it add this to prefoverride to enable it:
again, restart icewm.

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