wNOP v0.2

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#321 Post by T_Hobbit »

dinky wrote:Hi T_Hobbit, how have you booted up? Are you on the live cd, or the frugal install? Do you get as far as the xorgwizard asking you questions about your screen resolution? If you get that far, try first selecting 'manual setup' when asked about compiz fusion. Then select 'plain xfce' (something like that anyway). Will it work without compiz-fusion? If xorg won't work, try xvesa. Will xvesa work? If you can't get anything other than a black screen, have you double checked that your iso burned correctly?
Booting from an already working wNOP@USB pen drive. Using xVESA at my notebook (with ATI card) or XOrg+Compiz at my work's notebook (with a NVidia card).
I downloaded and installed the package from the russian link and after booted I tried the xorgwizard link at the puppy menu.
Manual setup I'll try this afternoon when I get home.
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#322 Post by dinky »

I'm a bit confused... what machine is your usb pendrive already working on? Which machine is it not working on... is it the same install on the pendrive that was previously working. sorry for being a bit slow here, but I'm not getting it...
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#323 Post by T_Hobbit »

dinky wrote:I'm a bit confused... what machine is your usb pendrive already working on? Which machine is it not working on... is it the same install on the pendrive that was previously working. sorry for being a bit slow here, but I'm not getting it...
I "have" a laptop from the company I work for, with a NVIDIA graphic card. I have a USB pendrive. With this 2 I installed wNOP on the pen drive. Everything work fine: wNOP, XOrgWizard and Compiz. 3D working fine. Got inloved!!!

After a few months (last week) I bought a laptop for myself. This brand new laptop has a ATI graphic card. I try my USB pendrive (the some told you before). XVesa works fine, but no Compiz (as we all know!). XOrg recognice my card but only shows a black screen. After that I installed ATI drivers as described in russian forum. The same happens: recognice my card and only a black screen.

Any idea how to solve this?

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#324 Post by dinky »

Ah, now I'm with you, thanks for your persistence. Unfortunately, this is one for tombh, I've no idea. Card workings are his department. Good luck.
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#325 Post by dinky »

eeetiger now out, TigerPup 1.6 customised for the asus eeepc. Updates soon, check it out at http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 672#214672

Will try and make one soon for wNOP, this project has taken a bit more time than I thought....lol. I think I told my wife an hour or two...cheers.
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#326 Post by tombh »

@T_Hobbit: What happens if you manually try to choose the ATi radeon driver? You do this by going to "manual" at the beginning of the Compiz-Fusion wizard. Apart from that I'm afraid it is a hard problem to solve as the information I need can only come from a wNOPdump that must be run from within X, which you cannot reach. This is something that I will try and address in the next version.
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#327 Post by T_Hobbit »

I try that already. I even try both option (ATI Radeon and ATI something open source or whatever...). Happens the same!
I can use xvesa... but that don't do it... or...?
But I'm sure that the computer doens't hang, cause Caps Lock turn on and off and CTRL+Alt+del reboots the computer.
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#328 Post by kinjeng »

helo again Tombh
maybe i make a wrong post here
but maybe you'll can explain my problem

I use Nop 4.0 Dingo. but i got several problem with this
before this i use wnop and all it's oke,
the problem on Nop 4 is:

1. after i install openoffice 2.2 cutdown, it show " no suiitable windows system found, exiting" at console
2. i can't share folder onto network using Muppy-SMB again

what did i miss it?

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#329 Post by tombh »

@T_hobbit: I'm afraid I don't have any more ideas at the moment. but I'm working on the next version, Compiz-Fusion is finally compiled for it, so maybe that new version will work out better for you.

@kinjeng: Yes, I'm afraid I can't help you there, you could try the NOP thread, but you may get better advice from the individual threads that support Open Office and Muppy-SMB. Good Luck :)
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#330 Post by T_Hobbit »

I read the post@russian forum again. wNOP comes with Xorg-OpenGL-7.2 (i.e. Mesa OpenGL) by default?
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wNOP v0.2

#331 Post by techgnoll »

I am building a new box and am looking at this option.
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#332 Post by tombh »

@T_Hobbit: Yes wNOP comes with Xorg-OpenGL-7.2 by default :)
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#333 Post by T_Hobbit »

That's the problem: according to the russian post, the .pet doesn't work with xorg-opengl-7.2. I'll need to work on that...
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#334 Post by tombh »

Well the new version of wNOP will have Xorg 7.3 which will be out in the next few weeks...
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#335 Post by shr1k »

I am having a problem getting wNop to run without compiz at 1200x800 screen size. Why would I want to not use compiz, you ask. I am trying to set up a save file that boots really fast and runs really fast from the same CD as wNop. I dont know if compiz slows down boot time but I like how instantly windows open with no effects. I would be OK with a script that runs at boot after x starts and kills compiz automatically but I cant seem to get that to work.
If I boot to xfce or kill compiz x crashes or the screen res changes. I can boot with compiz running and kill it with the task manager then the screen res will stay. I just cant find out how to do that with out a bunch of mouse clicks at boot. Does anyone have any ideas.

EDIT : I over looked a simple solution. With the compiz settings manager I can turn off the animations. I over looked this solution because in my everyday setup the settings manager is broke :( I think it happened when I installed python 2.5 for Blender. So does anyone know how to fix that?(I want to keep the newer python)
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#336 Post by tombh »

I suspect that you may need to install python_for_CCSM because in wNOP I don't include any python stuff, I just compiled CCSM to not be python dependant. therefore when you install a new version of Compiz-Fusion (wow's latest for example) it replaces the pythin-independant CCSM with a python-dependant one. So even though you have installed python 2.5 now, you still need the extra python modules provided by python_CCSM.

If that still doesn't work run CCSM from the command line and see what the errors are....
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#337 Post by shr1k »

I get this error with that package

Code: Select all

There was an error expanding package python_for_CCSM.pet.tar.gz.
Either the file is corrupted, or has not expanded into its own directory with
name of python_for_CCSM.pet/ (which is how most packages expand).
You will have to go into /root/.packages/ directory and manually clean it up.

This script will now exit...
do you know how to fix this? Thanks
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New Wnop

#338 Post by jtouso »

You write: "Well the new version of wNOP will have Xorg 7.3 which will be out in the next few weeks..."

My question: How many "few weeks"? I was waiting for the new ones on your Puppu derivate to try with my Ati X2300.
I know I need to be patient but...
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#339 Post by tombh »

@shr1k: I've repackaged it, try it now -- python_for_CCSM.pet

@jtouso: It's coming, don't worry! I've finally got fusion itself compiled but it needs more testing, you could help by following wow's Compiz Fusion thread.
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#340 Post by shr1k »

Hey Thanks ( I don't think the creator of that other OS I use ever repackaged a ZIP file for me)
I was able to repackage it myself and get it to install, but I still get the same error message

Code: Select all

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 24, in <module>
  File "/root/Desktop/pyinstaller-1.3/iu.py", line 312, in importHook
  File "/root/Desktop/pyinstaller-1.3/iu.py", line 398, in doimport
  File "ccsm/buildccsm/out1.pyz/gtk", line 48, in <module>
ImportError: cannot import name _gtk
I was looking around the web and I found some instructions on what lines to comment out to fix similar errors but I cant figure out where the file is to alter. Do I need to get the source for ccsm and build it myself or am I not finding some config file file someware? Can you tell me where you got the source and which version you used so I might give it a try myself.
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