devx_400.sfs keeps crashing my computer

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devx_400.sfs keeps crashing my computer

#1 Post by Inuyasha »

Why is it crashing my computer?
How can I get it to work successfully?

I have 976 MB available RAM at the moment.
I think that is enough for the devx_400.sfs, right?


1. Running in RAM
2. Booted from USB Flash drive
3. Computer has 2 GB of RAM
4. Using Puppy Linux Dingo.
5. Installing devx_400.sfs while in xserver/GUI via RXVT.
6. uname -r displays ""

I'm using some code that muggins suggested but altered:

Code: Select all

if [ -e /mnt/data ]
mount -o loop ./devx_400.sfs /mnt/data
cp -r /mnt/data/* /
umount /mnt/data
mkdir /mnt/data
mount -o loop ./devx_400.sfs /mnt/data
cp -r /mnt/data/* /
umount /mnt/data
Well, it does it to a degree. It yaps something about a string file? I can't remember. I would copy-paste, but my box crashes about 10-15 seconds after using that above script. I don't know what's going on. It seems like it's partially successful, because I can type

# gcc
and it says

"no input files"

or something like that.

But the devx file isn't doing me any good if my box crashes directly afterwards.

Here is what I could obtain before it crashed:

Code: Select all

cp: cannot create regular file '/usr/bin/strings': Text file busy
cp: cannot create regular file '/usr/share/idl/seamonkey-1.1.8.wh.__dir_opaque
: Operation not permitted
# gcc
gcc: no input files
I changed the script after reading a couple of threads here, but the script does not do any better.

Code: Select all

if [ -e /mnt/data ]
losetup-FULL /dev/loop7 ./devx_400.sfs
mount -t squashfs /dev/loop7 /mnt/data
cp -af /mnt/data/* /
umount /mnt/data
mkdir /mnt/data
losetup-FULL /dev/loop7 ./devx_400.sfs
mount -t squashfs /dev/loop7 /mnt/data
cp -af /mnt/data/* /
umount /mnt/data
With the newer script, I get this:

Code: Select all

cp: cannot create regular file '/usr/share/idl/seamonkey-1.1.8.wh.__dir_opaque
: Operation not permitted
# gcc
gcc: no input files
An example of its crash:

1. I use rox to get into my USB Disk.
2. I click on the dotpup called:


3. Directly after I click that file, the computer crashes. No recovery, so I have to hold the power button down.

I'm trying to install Lyx, so this is getting really annoying.

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#2 Post by codePhantom »

I asume you are using a Frugal install(Since you booted from usb). In that case you shouldn't use that method as it is for persons who have a full HD installation.
You should check out the instructions for frugal here: ... /compiling.
For most every type of Puppy install (live-cd, frugal), save or copy the file to /mnt/home(if it doesn't exist then you probably have a full hard drive install, see below). This is where your personal storage file is, e.g. pup_save.2fs or pup001. Now if you're using Puppy 2.x and haven't saved your session somewhere then you need to do that first for Puppy to recognize the devx file. Now simply reboot back into Puppy to start compiling.

But for a full/option-2/normal hard drive install to Linux partition with Puppy 2.x, then follow the instructions at the bottom of Barry's page∞ for now but check back here later for a shortcut.
see also:∞
Hope this helps!

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#3 Post by Inuyasha »

It appears I had a corrupted .sfs file. I don't think is the first time I've received such a problem from ibiblio. I think I remember this happening in the past, too. Very odd.

I troubleshooted everything a second time.

Anyway, it appears to be working.
But if something crashes, then I'll be thinking otherwise.

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#4 Post by muggins »


Inuyasha is frugally booting, but wants to compile without using a pup_save.2fs file. See this thread.

I've no idea why Inuyasha's system is freezing. I've got 512M RAM & 90M swap, and I can boot puppy into RAM & compile, by copying across the devx file, without my computer freezing. There will of course be constraints depending on the size of the program you want to compile, compared with your available RAM, but I wouldn't imagine Lyx would be any problem.

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#5 Post by Inuyasha »

Interesting note, in case anyone else is getting this bug.

Ok, here's the deal.

I think it's crashing because I'm not installing it during the rc.local boot. I'm installing it while in the Xserver.

I decided to bite the bullet and allow rc.local to activate a script to install it during bootup incase I ever need devx.

I guess the problem roots from installing it while using the Xserver. Maybe Barry should look into this?

Another thing it could have been was that half the time I had seamonkey open. There was a seamonkey error, so maybe it led to an eventual crash.

It could have also been an issue on my part, since I have been using old .inf and .sys files from my wireless device (over a year old). Perhaps they created some buffer issue, thus leading to a crash. I would have to investigate if this contributed to the cause of the crash.

At first I thought the devx was simply corrupt. That isn't the case. It has to do with installing it after being in an xserver (I'm using xorg with jwm). Very odd.

So, advice is to install devx_400.sfs before getting into the xserver.

It has yet to crash for me when I install it during the rc.local stage.
It did not crash when I installed it during the rc.local stage and had the old wireless drivers. Thus, that makes me think maybe it isn't the wireless device.

But yeah, install during the rc.local stage.

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#6 Post by Pizzasgood »

My experience has also been that a manual install of dev_xxx.sfs works best when X isn't running. There's probably some X-related files that overlap with existing ones, and overwriting files which are in use is generally a bad idea.
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