VLC 8.6h mediaplayer Lite 7.8MB pet

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#21 Post by big_bass »

Thanks for testing it. Thats what I can use more of, is testers.
I wanted to tell you in chat but you did not visit today
I am running some test too but on version 3.01 first
then 4.00

what we need is some more team work thats all
I think its good to have more options on the table
I like mplayer personally but VLC is a needed option for puppy too
keep at it ttuxxxx

just a quick note to tell you I am testing it too :wink:

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#22 Post by ttuuxxx »

big_bass wrote:
Thanks for testing it. Thats what I can use more of, is testers.
I wanted to tell you in chat but you did not visit today
I am running some test too but on version 3.01 first
then 4.00

what we need is some more team work thats all
I think its good to have more options on the table
I like mplayer personally but VLC is a needed option for puppy too
keep at it ttuxxxx

just a quick note to tell you I am testing it too :wink:

Just remember buddy it was compiled on puppy 4.0 and I haven't a clue how it performs on puppy series 3. :shock:

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VLC h media player

#23 Post by Don64 »

I ran VLC-0.8.6h.pet, SDL-1.2.13.pet, wxGTK-2.8.8-i386.pet

Runing on a 1999 vintage Sony Vaio with 1.4 ghz CPU, 128 MB RAM, 256 MB swap drive. Gforce Nvidia 32mb VRAM

Played a video it used 138m vsz, 113%mem, 24%CPU No problems.

Played an MP3 file it used 128m vsz, 104%mem, 1% CPU No Problems.

This is my first time doing more than just seeing what puppy live CD was. It was a fresh run with no mods.

Keep up the good work!!!

Please let me know if I can test further.

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Re: VLC h media player

#24 Post by ttuuxxx »

Don64 wrote:I ran VLC-0.8.6h.pet, SDL-1.2.13.pet, wxGTK-2.8.8-i386.pet

Runing on a 1999 vintage Sony Vaio with 1.4 ghz CPU, 128 MB RAM, 256 MB swap drive. Gforce Nvidia 32mb VRAM

Played a video it used 138m vsz, 113%mem, 24%CPU No problems.

Played an MP3 file it used 128m vsz, 104%mem, 1% CPU No Problems.

This is my first time doing more than just seeing what puppy live CD was. It was a fresh run with no mods.

Keep up the good work!!!

Please let me know if I can test further.

Looking forward to the release of The Living Water version

Hi Don

Thanks for the report, It does help a lot, Plus I like hearing when things just work right :)
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basic testing on P4

#25 Post by recycler »

Thanks for sharing this package - initial test on P4 1gig ram 2.4gig processor plays DVD and MP3 with no tweaks.

VLC is using (on DVD playback) 10% of processor and 13% of mermory.
[i][quote] [/quote]
[/i]Puppy 412 and 430
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Re: basic testing on P4

#26 Post by ttuuxxx »

recycler wrote:Thanks for sharing this package - initial test on P4 1gig ram 2.4gig processor plays DVD and MP3 with no tweaks.

VLC is using (on DVD playback) 10% of processor and 13% of mermory.
wow thats excellent resource specs thanks for that.
I guess its a keeper then. :)
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#27 Post by nooby »

Could one have both MPlayer and VLC in same Puppy 4? Or would they
compete on which one is first to do a stream?

For a noob it is hard to sort out how this relates to
SeaMonkey, FireFox, Opera, etc Should all three "call"
either of these to play streaming video?

What about RealPlayer. Is that included then in both MPlayer and VLC?
I feel so confused Sorry!
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#28 Post by ttuuxxx »

nooby wrote:Could one have both MPlayer and VLC in same Puppy 4? Or would they
compete on which one is first to do a stream?

For a noob it is hard to sort out how this relates to
SeaMonkey, FireFox, Opera, etc Should all three "call"
either of these to play streaming video?

What about RealPlayer. Is that included then in both MPlayer and VLC?
I feel so confused Sorry!
Yes VLC can play Real Player files, Some version of mplayer can and some can't.
As for your question about them competing together, no it doesn't work that way, but you'll always have a backup player on your hands, just encase one doesn't load right, But I'm feeling very confident that this VLC will do just fine, for all your media needs.
Last edited by ttuuxxx on Fri 01 Aug 2008, 12:58, edited 2 times in total.
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And with a low spec machine - further testing

#29 Post by recycler »

Playing 'Lonesome Day Blues' from MP3 file on the hard disk. This notepad is a Toshiba Portege 3110CT with 128mb ram and a 300mhz processor (a PII).

Did comparison of gzine (with visualisation turned off) and VLC:

Gxine came out at 124% mem use and 38% CPU
VLC looked very good with 86% mem and 3% (sometimes 2%!) CPU usage. Unbelievable?

with some mpg video off a hard drive gxine 130%mem 98%cpu and VLC 112%mem and 89%cpu - but have to say the display at that point from VLC was roughly 3 times the size which makes a difference. plus not jerky like gxine.

VLC looks much better too :)
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Re: And with a low spec machine - further testing

#30 Post by ttuuxxx »

recycler wrote:Playing 'Lonesome Day Blues' from MP3 file on the hard disk. This notepad is a Toshiba Portege 3110CT with 128mb ram and a 300mhz processor (a PII).

Did comparison of gzine (with visualisation turned off) and VLC:

Gxine came out at 124% mem use and 38% CPU
VLC looked very good with 86% mem and 3% (sometimes 2%!) CPU usage. Unbelievable?

with some mpg video off a hard drive gxine 130%mem 98%cpu and VLC 112%mem and 89%cpu - but have to say the display at that point from VLC was roughly 3 times the size which makes a difference. plus not jerky like gxine.

VLC looks much better too :)
Wow some more amazing results, With such low cpu usage, that would be great for listening to music in the background while searching the web or playing online games like checkers or X-solider , etc since X-solider doesn't have sound to start with :wink:
Thanks for the results, They are very promising for my future releases.
I find it so strange that its 3x the size and way less resources, and really thats what puppy is about, low resources. But also its a ratio thing resources against size, the magic number under 100MB. Well with the last release of 4.0 there was lots of room. Well thanks for your very promising results.
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#31 Post by nooby »

so much to read. As a noob. I drown in all info.

I downloaded all three as others also indicated.

http://www.puppylinux.ca/tpp/ttuuxxx/pr ... -engv4.pet

http://www.puppylinux.ca/tpp/ttuuxxx/pr ... 1.2.13.pet

http://www.puppylinux.ca/tpp/ttuuxxx/pr ... 8-i386.pet

But how am I supposed to bind??? VLC to Seamoneky
so it get activated when BBC ask for realplayer?

and how am I supposed to activate it to play a .mpg
pr .vlc or .rm file in or on my hdd.

I looked in the menu it was not there. I tried to look
for it using the File but failed to find it and I wrote its
name in the console but most likely one should have
a start or call or some command me don't know.

Sorry to derail the thread. I want vlc going so I can test too. :)
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#32 Post by ttuuxxx »

Nooby ,Nooby, Nooby
on the first page there are 3 downloads on the top, and one on the bottom, I'll fix that soon.
Here is the download you missed, It for mp4/quicktime
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... h&id=11185
Also to make it your "Default Mediaplayer"
install the pet package at the bottom of this message
Good luck :wink:

Ps on the second page there is also a link to Multiget, try that also, it will increase your download speed 4X If you have highspeed.
(389 Bytes) Downloaded 1362 times
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#33 Post by nooby »

Did as you instructed to the best of my knowledge :)

Thanks for believing in my progress using pets and installs.

I should reboot now to see if something did happen.
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#34 Post by ttuuxxx »

nooby wrote:Did as you instructed to the best of my knowledge :)

Thanks for believing in my progress using pets and installs.

I should reboot now to see if something did happen.
Just click /menu/restart JWM
it will be in the menu/multimedia location

Sometimes in menus + entries you have to open Console and type
then restart JWM
you never have to totally reboot.
well unless you installing sfs files.
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#35 Post by nooby »

Hate to make you disappointed due to my extreme clumsiness
in following instructions. I thought me had done all the right stuff
clicked on right buttons. I even did the fixmenus and it did so
but no vlc at all.

In another thread one poster suggested one need to go into .packages to activate a progr.

But there I only found .txt files and no prog to activate.

Do you have frugal install too? could it vlc and the other 4 things end up in unexpected places where the programs don't look?

I even used pfind and that one did a too broad search so it found a lot of vlc stuff in the windows part of the computer instead of just searching in puppy folders.

When I did pet it told me where it thought it put things but it was
too much to write down I'm not that patient.

are there no log that could show what went on this day. then it would tell where the prog put things?

I will test Real Player 11 now and get back to VLC later.

I have saved a copy of the save file in a secure place.
so I can get back to here when I want to, I also saved the
original pristine state of original puppy so I can start anew.

Ttuxx thanks indeed for all work you put into this.
As you get ware of. It it totally unpredictable how
an individual noob understand a description and
how they manage to follow it. I'm very surprised too.

I really did believe it would work this time. I expected it to. :)
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#36 Post by ttuuxxx »

nooby wrote:Hate to make you disappointed due to my extreme clumsiness
in following instructions. I thought me had done all the right stuff
clicked on right buttons. I even did the fixmenus and it did so
but no vlc at all.

In another thread one poster suggested one need to go into .packages to activate a progr.

But there I only found .txt files and no prog to activate.

Do you have frugal install too? could it vlc and the other 4 things end up in unexpected places where the programs don't look?

I even used pfind and that one did a too broad search so it found a lot of vlc stuff in the windows part of the computer instead of just searching in puppy folders.

When I did pet it told me where it thought it put things but it was
too much to write down I'm not that patient.

are there no log that could show what went on this day. then it would tell where the prog put things?

I will test Real Player 11 now and get back to VLC later.

I have saved a copy of the save file in a secure place.
so I can get back to here when I want to, I also saved the
original pristine state of original puppy so I can start anew.

Ttuxx thanks indeed for all work you put into this.
As you get ware of. It it totally unpredictable how
an individual noob understand a description and
how they manage to follow it. I'm very surprised too.

I really did believe it would work this time. I expected it to. :)
I was going to start compiling Qt4 but first I'll fix simplify it for you.
brb in a bit
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#37 Post by nooby »

I'm eagerly waiting here. Is it late at night in Sydney? lör 03:33

the world clock says. 03 in the morning?

I log out and reboot into vlc version of puppy I saved.
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#38 Post by ttuuxxx »

ok its updated
Just go to page 1 and download the link, and also download the pet package under it, Install both and it will be your default media player. Have fun
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#39 Post by nooby »

Great thanks but shouldn't one suppose to delete all the others then.

And I even fail to find them.

Ok I start anew by deleting the whole pup_save that will ease things
and then I do your thing there.

Thanks really hope it works this time.
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#40 Post by nooby »

Well half success. It certainly are in one menu now but not in the one
for setting run action. And if I start with the vlc and goto a directory with files to play then it fail to play them. The program seems to be ok but nothing happens. So something goes wrong still.

I have to find the online site with all the examples again and see if that one ask for application from within seamonkey and if that allow to activate VLC in any way.

So near or close and not closure. Frustrating. :)

Progress finally. Not a cigar but almost.

I managed to set run actions for avi, wmv, mpg, flv and .rm files
to different players. gxine and VLC

I should try to get more codex for gxine cause it fails on some streaming videos from TV stations.

And unfortunate VLC failed on .rm but gxine did work on them so that was a good thing.

I had hoped VLC could take .rm but not those I had.

Ttuxx thanks for your help and Aitch thanks for your help.

Late at nigh now so I most likely come back tomorrow. :)
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