Hate to make you disappointed due to my extreme clumsiness
in following instructions. I thought me had done all the right stuff
clicked on right buttons. I even did the fixmenus and it did so
but no vlc at all.
In another thread one poster suggested one need to go into .packages to activate a progr.
But there I only found .txt files and no prog to activate.
Do you have frugal install too? could it vlc and the other 4 things end up in unexpected places where the programs don't look?
I even used pfind and that one did a too broad search so it found a lot of vlc stuff in the windows part of the computer instead of just searching in puppy folders.
When I did pet it told me where it thought it put things but it was
too much to write down I'm not that patient.
are there no log that could show what went on this day. then it would tell where the prog put things?
I will test Real Player 11 now and get back to VLC later.
I have saved a copy of the save file in a secure place.
so I can get back to here when I want to, I also saved the
original pristine state of original puppy so I can start anew.
Ttuxx thanks indeed for all work you put into this.
As you get ware of. It it totally unpredictable how
an individual noob understand a description and
how they manage to follow it. I'm very surprised too.
I really did believe it would work this time. I expected it to.