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#161 Post by jeepinpete »

dinky wrote:Hi Pete... interesting... I wonder if Compiz-Fusion is enabled at all. Easiest way to check it to look at your windows. Do yu have mac-like traffic light window buttons in the top left of your window frame, or x and o's in the top right? If it's the second, Compiz-Fusion isn't enabled.
Well, its not enabled then, which would explain why it isn't working :lol: What is the trick to enabling it?

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#162 Post by dinky »

@ ragaman... that's the big question... currently, it's not seemingly possible with xfce. There were some creative solutions with JWM, but under xfce, and most other desktop environments, wbar is only on the desktop...sorry. Let me know if you find a solution to that. Otherwise, try Cairo-dock, if compiz-fusion is working. I didn't like it much, and haven't included it in TigerPup for several reasons, but this will do what you want. Cheers.

Check the wnop forums, I don't know. If compiz-fusion doesn't work initially from startup, it's likely something to do with your card. Let us know if you figure it out.
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Developers needed...

#163 Post by dinky »

Hi folks, firstly thanks to everyone who has been part of the TigerPup project. It's exciting to see the number of people using this pupplet, and all the encouragement I've received. For TigerPup to continue though, I'm going to need help.

Various people have asked when the next release is coming out, and when will TigerPup be rebuilt from Puppy 4. I'd like to reply 'soon', but time is at a premium for me right now and I've no idea when I'll be able to sit down and do it. I'm the father of a two year old boy, and my wife and I have another coming in about 5 weeks... I'm also running a busy theatre company, and haven't had much time to sit down to develop software.

That said, I'd like to keep TigerPup going. I'm happy to continue heading the project, tying things together and pushing out new releases, but I'll need other people to help with the work. Here's a list of things that need doing:

- New icon set developed
(d.preed was working on this, contact him to see how far he got)
- New image for Pebble splash screen. Needs to be in jpeg format.
- New image for xfce splash screen
- init edited so flash sd cards are recognized for pupmode 13
- sfs add-ons created for common programs... I've been working on an office pack, etc, and would welcome the help.
- Intermediary screen setup for when the user leaves X... ie., hitting ctrl+alt+bckspce. I want a screen saying what's happened, and if they really want to drop to the command line, or restart X instead.
- Intermediary screen set up when a user boots TigerPup after a crash... asking if they want to drop to the command line, or boot normally. Pizzasgood had some ideas about this, and has implemented something similar in Pizzapup. I can send the script edits he recommended to anyone wanting to test this... i don't have the time.
- splash screen based on a graphical grub for the live cd... catdude has made some excellent headway for this, mainly we need people to follow through and do it.

Most of this stuff I've started, and can send details to people wanting to follow through. I'll post more here as it's needed. Feel free to either respond to this forum or PM me. Cheers!
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#164 Post by ragaman »

Hi dinky.

Finally able to replace Wbar with Cairo-Dock using packages from this thread:

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 38&t=26488

and using pets from this site:

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#165 Post by dinky »

Great. Let us know how you like it. I found Cairo Dock a bit disappointing for functionality, but really cool eye candy. I decided against it for the main TigerPup release, simply because TigerPup is also intended for computer's that can't support Compiz-fusion. Have been using Avant Window Navigator in Ubuntu Studio though, and really enjoying it. Very cool program, I'd like to compile a version for TigerPup, and perhaps look at including it by default for eeetiger. Cheers!
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#166 Post by meridian_blue »


Will this make the Tiger roar?

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#167 Post by dinky »

Hi meridian_blue... I'm confused... what am I looking at in that last post? Is it a new window manager for e17 which uses compiz-fusion? Is it something totally seperate. Video links are very cool, but it doesn't seem any different from Compiz-Fusion, which TigerPup already uses. Have been thinking about looking into e17 though for a window manager. Cheers.
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#168 Post by meridian_blue »

EcoMorph is a hack of CF + Enlightenment...=!

Would it work with Tiger?

Last edited by meridian_blue on Sat 23 Aug 2008, 05:25, edited 1 time in total.
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#169 Post by dinky »

Hi matey, been playing around with enlightenment... very impressive. Installed e16 on Ubuntu, and had hours of fun playing around with that. Just typing this on e17 now...hmmm... missing some great features from e16, and less configurable...

I'd like to look into this for TigerPup... have been thinking about trying enlightenment for awhile now. Will let you know how I go.. there is an enlightenment sfs floating around somewhere... I'll have to look at rebuilding unleashed from scratch. Cheers!
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#170 Post by 37fleetwood »

now that I've been successful getting wMOP going I decided to try out your Tiger :shock: first thing that comes to mind is Awsome! I'm having a few issues however. I liked it so much I did a frugal install and started to adjust a few things and add a few programs and while playing around I found a few file associations that were missing first when I double click on a video file it didn't have a default program this was easy enough to fix by just setting it to defaultmediaplayer. it might just be me but you might check it out, it's an easy fix if need be. second and more difficult for a novice like me is mp3's, if you double click them again they do nothing. again the easy fix was to set them to defaultmediaplayer but that opens up xine and I was wanting to play with wxMusik and it isn't on the list of options and I don't know where to find it to set it as the player. also m3u's open up in mousepad instead of wxMusik. wxmusik also doesn't seem to have the ability easily to deal with the fact that I keep all my media files on a separate drive. next problem is that after watching one video or listening to one mp3 if I double click another one it opens up another xine window leaving the first one behind. this is the only time I have had this happen.
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#171 Post by dinky »

Hi 37fleetwood. not much time for TigerPup these days, but still wanting to support this project. Spending time with Project Ripple at the moment, with the idea of TigerPup possibly blending into it.

Project Ripple: http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 765#242765

I want TigerPup to stay essentially a distribution for USB's, though with groovy compiz support built in. You are right, there are lots of thingsw to look at when I make a new release again. For now, this project in it's current for is frozen.

To answer your questions: simply drag a media file onto Xine when it's open to stop it from opening another Xine instance. With wxMusik, you need to add the location of your sound files into the library... at Startup, if you ask it to, wxMusik can re-scan your folders (wherever you direct it to... it's very flexible) and add any new trakcs to your library. Another hard drive or partition shouldn't make any difference, you just need to mount it first. You can add a mount command into /etc/rc.d/rc.local if you want it to auto-mount on boot-up.

Cheers Scott, I'll look at creating proper file associations with the next build.
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#172 Post by androo »

I've just got done installing it! I LOVEE IT! GOOD JOB.

I have only one minor problem... my wireless isn't working with tigerpup. I have an Intel Wireless 2200bg card. I can scan for my network and it sees it but when i try to type in my WEP key it wont accept it. it said something about the driver does not support this or something similar to that.

Is there anyway to get my wireless card connected to my router?


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#173 Post by dinky »

Glad you like it, not sure. Try this:

Type in wep key, and click 'save profile". Then click "use this profile". You will get the same error message. Try again, this time loading the profile, instead of scanning for it, and clicking "use this profile". Basically, there's a bug in this version of the network wizard that's fixed in puppy 4. (there are other bugs in it's place...lol.) Good luck.
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#174 Post by androo »

lol alright i'll give it a shot.

another thing is that I have a USB RT2750 wireless dongle made by ralink. It works on ubuntu flawlessly. I try to add the module with the driver that is listed and it said failed to load driver. so it must be another bug.

alright let me give that a shot to see if it'll work.


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#175 Post by androo »

whoa it worked!!!

you know i was messing with this too and tried all sorts of combinations but I guess just typing in the SSID and the password and clicking use this makes it work.

good tip Dinky!

Thank you very much x100000

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#176 Post by androo »

i have another problem.

when booting off the livecd tigerpup ran perfectly. my nvidia geforce 5200 mobile drivers were found and compiz ran without any other configurations.

after installing tigerpup to my hard drive, i could not configure my nvidia card using xorg. instead a generic xorg driver was used.

i then try to install a nvidia.pet driver but it says i need something called gcc.

is there an nvidia driver that i can install to make it work?

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#177 Post by androo »

ok nevermind, i got it to work. i installed an older nvidia driver. the newer one works much easier.
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#178 Post by androo »

is there away to change the compiz background?

I can change my desktop background but I'm wondering how I can change the other background when i'm rotating the cube.
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#179 Post by 37fleetwood »

I believe in the ccsm under desktop if you click on desktop cube and go to the appearance tab and click on the skydome dropdown it will allow you to change the image. my question is what is the aspect ratio of the skydome image? it looks about same width and half height, is that right?
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#180 Post by dinky »

That's right about the background image, or skydome I believe. Not sure about the image ratio... never figured it out myself, just played around until something worked. Cheers.
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