Barry's retirement from 'Puppy

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Barry's retirement from 'Puppy

#1 Post by tronkel »

We all knew it would happen sometime. It is starting now to look like reality.

See Barry's latest blog posting.

It will affect a lot of us who are Puppy enthusiasts.

Best wishes Barry, and hope that retirement from Puppy will bring positive benefits for you. Thanks for all the work you've ever done on the project. Hope Puppy will remain as a hobby for you.

Best regards

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#2 Post by Caneri »

Hi Barry,

ditto Jack's post.

Best wishes from the crew at's sure been a great learning experience for me and I think many others as well.

From my house to your house Barry...all the best.

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#3 Post by alcy »

I don't know what to say, I am still in a subtle shock.

Well, a big, big thank you to Barry for all his work and the time he has devoted for Puppy. Its been great working with Puppy and also I give credit to all the guys here at the forums for their ultra helpful and understanding attitude to make things smooth for Puppy users.

Here's wishing him all the very best for his future and again, thanks

Take care.
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#4 Post by ttuuxxx »


We haven't chatted really, I've never met you, But truely I don't think you should go. Over the past 3 years I've grown to respect all that you you've done, Your initial "vision" has turn into reality, Not ever have I put so much into anything, Not even my own marriage. Now if you think about it that way, You might have an idea of what you accomplished here. Puppy is no longer a little distro that you dreamed up. Its a way of life for many.
You'll always have friends here and I wish you would reconsider. There is no shame in changing ones mind for the better of community, As a leader you've done a spot on job, Sure you might of had a bad day or two along the way but you've always redeem yourself, That alone is what true leading is about.
Thanks for everything, Your the best.
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#5 Post by Dingo »

meanwhile, We can donate to Barry (I think in new Puppy he can make on pinboard a link to donate, many people don't donate only because don't know that they can donate)

for donations I have made a link on dokupuppy:
replace with .info to get access to stuff I posted in forum
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Not very Wise from Barry

#6 Post by ARAN »

From my side of view the decission of Barry is wrong.
I understand very well that his work till yet is not very profitable for him in compare to the effort and the time he has spend for this project.
I understand also very well that he want just a change in his Life becouse of bad maked experinces and emotions.

On the Other side he has allways said that he dont want to earn money from the Puppy Linux work, becouse he is fearing to loose the Money that he is getting from the Australian State.
Earning professional Money for the work he has done was a no option for Barry so i am wondering a little now about his decission that he want a part time job becouse of low income.

From my side of view and my life experinece Barry should do the following.

First releasing Puppy Linux 4.1 like he has said.

Second forget the Part Time job and forget also the Low Income !
Just write a eBook with the Title "Puppy Linux from Scratch" where you describe everything what it need to make a Puppy Linux distro.
Sell it on the Webpage for 50.- Australian Dollars !

On the Forum normall there are about 20'000 People how are allways looking for news and upgrade possibilitys.

Just calculate now if only 10'000 people from all around of the World buy your eBook from the Webpage for 50.- AUD you are earning more than 500'000 Australian Dollar.

Belive me it exist more than 10'000 People how would like to have a uptodate book how they can tweak and compile Puppy Linux from scratch !

You have a lot of Linux experince sell it now for good money !

A good example: ... 0132338696 ... 981&sr=8-1

Maybe it is also to late and i have to buy the Damn Small Linux Book and change my Favorite Distro "Puppy Linux" against "Damn Small Linux".
It would be a painfull decission for me however.
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#7 Post by Ray MK »


I'm only a puppy n00bie but even I know that what you have achieved
with PUPPY is extra special.

Not only have you created the best little OS in the world but you have
also created an international community of PUPPY enthusiasts - you
could say - a PUPPY family.

Thats really SPECIAL. That makes YOU really special too.

Most people don't make that sort of impact in a lifetime - you've
done it in a matter of a few years.

Words cannot adequately express how well you've done it either.

We all know its been a labour of love and probably some frustation on
occasions - A MASSIVE MONSTER - THANK YOU is hardly enough.

Very sincere regards - Ray MK
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#8 Post by MU »

we from plan to donate to Barry to support his development when we make money with Muppy.
The problem just is, that at moment, we pay more than we earn :roll:

We had contact with 3 manufacturers of webtops.
One decided for OpenSuse, one for XP, one gave up, because there are too many concurrents.
We now want to go for Desktop-computers, this is, why I put so much effort in Gnome compatibility and fixing related issues in Muppy.

I can't tell details, I can't promise anything.
If we have success, Barry will benefit.

Apart from the financial issues:

Puppy is fantastic.
I can understand, that you like to program EVE.
Today I spent time in enhancing PBDict and PuppyBasic, and this is different from testing other software, or building packages.

Sometimes I think: "oh no, this still must be done. And that added. And this must be user-friendlier. Why must I think all about this? For me, everything is "perfect" already".

But when I'm away then for some days, e.g. to install servers, I really miss the time of enhancing Muppy :P

I hope, you will not retire completely, just turn down the speed.

Even if you leave Puppy completely, I wish you all the best, and hope you continue your blog, so that we stay informed about you.

Best wishes from the opposite side of this planet, Mark
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#9 Post by linuxcbon »

please dont retire.
You can speed down and come back only for important updates.
Thanks for the hard work !
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#10 Post by Lobster »

There was a time when Puppy
was released every 6 weeks
That is a major release. A new release.


Development time for 4 was more considered
as is 4.1
Whenever a new release was created
we gained more users.

You will find we have a loyal user base.
You will find our users love using Puppy.
The basis and inspiration is Barry Kauler. :D

For a long time we have known that
as always Puppy is organic, in transition
ready to re-invent and improve itself.

Look how many provide add on projects
who remaster. Who provide a website,
servers, advice and support.
Look at how regularly new users are amazed
and become avid advocates of the OS with Heart.

Puppy grows.

My feeling and advice is very simple.
Barry wants to create EVE for Linux . . .
Eve for Puppy?
That would be great.
A remaster - or specialized hardware dependent puplet
- look forward to it.

I also get the impression that Barry is happiest
as a developer for Puppy. One of the guys.
Is Puppy big enough to accommodate those needs?
For such a small distro, Puppy is big enough.

As Barry does whatever he is comfortable and happy with . . .
so too will, quite spontaneously, the nature of Puppy
allow it to continue and thrive.

Thanks Barry.
Build windmills. Work on other stuff.
Puppy will be better for it.
Because you will not feel obligated.
but free to contribute as and when . . .
You will do what makes you happy.
Part of that will be Puppy :)

Thanks Everyone.
As ever, fun times ahead . . .

Stay frisky.
Woof woof. 8)
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#11 Post by dinky »

Like other, thanks for all you've done Barry. I don't think I ned to add my sentiments when others have done it more poeticaly...

i just want to say that even whiile Barry has created it, Puppy Linux is about the community... I have often wondered what would happen without Barry, when he eventually pulled out, and nw it looks like that is happening with at least part of his input still available. Cheers to Barry, and to everyone else who ha made Puppy what iit is. Full steam ahead.
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Mr Barry Kaulers retirement ?

#12 Post by bill »

Well I can certainly understand anyone wishing to take a break from the tedium of software development even though the work he has done with Puppy is certainly at the point Mr.Kauler has nothing more He needs to prove to this newbie.! So if you would like to ask Mr. Kauler to stay engaged,here is his address.
Barry Kauler
PO Box 359
Perenjori ,WA 6620

It wouldn't be a bad thing to consider John Murga as well ,but I don't have his address.ANYONE ?
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#13 Post by prit1 »

Barry .. as everyone else has mentioned .. thanks a lot for this wonderful distro that has kept me hooked on for a long time now.

I am not really happy that Barry is retiring. As he is the the main person behind Puppy. Ofcourse everyone writing softwares is key too. But I cannot image Puppy without Barry. But its just me.

Yeah, even if you have to slow down a bit, we could afford that. But retiring .. cant imagine .. :(
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Barry Kauler CTO

#14 Post by dogone »

(a copy of my post on Barry's developers forum)

OK guys. Let's not bury the body until it's cold ;-). Barry is planing his future. He's not kicking Puppy off the bed.

Software technology is dynamic and unpredictable. Sticking with a project for more than a few years is rare. Barry has contributed more time and energy to Puppy than any of us could possibly expect. But it may well be time for the community to take over core Puppy development. It's got the people and it's got the talent. I expect it's also got the will.

Barry, we* would be honored if you would accept the position of "Chief Technology Officer" for the new Puppy project. We will need your experience, your guidance and your expertise in order to take Puppy to the next level. Puppy 5.0 will be a Community Edition and we'll need your help in creating it.

Puppy 5.0 CE will be based on Puppy 4.1 - a superb foundation upon which to build.

(*the above offer is of course subject to approval by The Community)
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#15 Post by Nathan F »

Hats off to you, Barry.

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#16 Post by cthisbear »

Ah! Good riddance I say.

No!.......... check your blog instead.

All the very best...................Chris.
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#17 Post by koolie »

I'm flibber flubber flabber gasted.
I would never have thought this could happen.

OK, Puppy will survive, but it won't be the same.

Thankyou, Barry, for everything.
Keep in touch.

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#18 Post by big_bass »

I wish you would reconsider.... but after a quiet time of rest and enjoyment
we all get tired and thats when I go fishing for a few hours and enjoy something I also love to do

then come back and take another swing at it with a refreshed mind

but every man must decide for himself what is truly best
and whatever you decide I wish you the best

I can only speak on behalf of myself

I personally am very grateful you shared your puppy project with the world

I have to say that while I was a puppy user I suffered a terrible accident while doing something I love to do ( fishing ) a fishing lure whipped back on me and caught my left eye and I lost complete sight in my eye for 8 months basically my life turned upside down
but I used my time wisely and got involved in puppy projects to pass my time productively and maintain my (sanity)

I thank God that after three surgeries I recovered my vision again in my eye and am forever thankful

and I still go fishing because I love to do it
but now I always wear safety glasses :D

I think you will continue with puppy because deep down you love to do it

with all my respect
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#19 Post by ttuuxxx »

big_bass wrote:I wish you would reconsider.... but after a quiet time of rest and enjoyment
we all get tired and thats when I go fishing for a few hours and enjoy something I also love to do
Aaaah buddy Something else we both like doing, Finishing, Nothing better on hot summer day, Sitting back tossing the line in and having a few cold ones. Then going back to campsite grabbing some clay and wrapping the fish in it, and tossing the fish/clay in the hot coals. Or just frying the fish up in butter on a cast iron skillet. You would love loved the trip I was on last year I was near Melbourne on the cost and you could see 1M+ manta-rays swimming by, They would circle the area every 45mins or so and the fish would take off really quick.
Oh well until next summer :)
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Say it ain't so...

#20 Post by slvrldy17 »

This is news that I could well do without! But equally, I understand that we all need to take a break from time to time - and being refreshed by the break come back ready to face the problems that vex us all. So I'll recommend my own "cure" when things get overwhelming - go "fishing" or as I do "camping" - pick a place that is tranquil and quiet, take a cooler with your favorite beverage, don't bother to bait the hook, if a fish truly decides to commit suicide - so be it. Sit back, relax, and contemplate life and its mysteries. Maybe take a nap. Relax some more. And contemplate the good that you do for so many of us. And if your decision to leave is still what you wish to do, know that you have our blessings and thanks for all that you have done.
Always give without remembering - always receive without forgetting.
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