Puppy Community Register

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Puppy Community Register

#1 Post by mysticmarks »

In an effort to unite our little community, I will start this thread.
List Irc and forum names/address's to contribute to development.
Keep in mind listing yourself correctly is important, and a commitment to assist with requests, questions, etc. If you list level 3 and you're really a level 1, you will ultimately be wasting time. A correct listing allows higher level Pupheads access to a list of volunteers, fellow coders, and enthusiasts that have a desire to see our Pups grow, and advance in skill levels themselves as Linux users, but more importantly Puppy users. ;)

If you program in any language relevant to puppy and/or are excellent with linux file structures, software installation, scripting, etc.

Label yourself level 3.

If you're a versed user of computers and understand puppy's file structure, can create pet files, sfs files, etc. AND/OR you have a high level of knowledge in file distribution(ftp, torrents, etc.), can provide assistance with mirrors/servers, and/or possibly by donating hardware to development staff.(Please DO NOT post any hardware donations etc. here. Contact a few Level 3's ie-BarryK, Raffy, MU, etc. by PM and allow them to decide how to use your generous contribution to further Puppy development. We don't wan't any of our members getting scammed or spammed. :))

Label yourself as level 2.

If your a new Puppy user and/or are relatively new to Linux in general, and would like to help with the core development of puppy by providing an occasional hardware report and would like to research new linux software yet to be used by puppy.

Label yourself level 1.

as such: :arrow:
Last edited by mysticmarks on Wed 24 Sep 2008, 15:11, edited 2 times in total.
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Level 2 - mysticmarks (irc and forum)

#2 Post by mysticmarks »

Level 2 - mysticmarks (irc and forum)
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#3 Post by raffy »

raffy - Level 3 (PHP), Level 2 (Puppy system)
Puppy user since Oct 2004. Want FreeOffice? [url=http://puppylinux.info/topic/freeoffice-2012-sfs]Get the sfs (English only)[/url].
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#4 Post by WhoDo »

WhoDo - Level 2 + (I have some of the attributes of Level 3 - limited C programming, compiling, software installation - but not enough to warrant a full Level 3 ranking) :P
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#5 Post by cb88 »

about 2.5 right now but i have a couple programming classes still ahead of me... shudders at the thought of data structures in java X.x (mostly due to the java not the data structures :-) )

on irc im cb88 obviously LOL you can find me in #puppylinux and occasionally #haiku among other palaces #R #minix #jwm (haven't seen joe yet LOL)
Taking Puppy Linux to the limit of perfection. meanwhile try "puppy pfix=duct_tape" kernel parem eater.
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#6 Post by SirDuncan »

Well, I can create pet and squashfiles. I know enough C++ to pass my classes and took one Java class (that was enough); but I think Linux is mostly coded in C, and most of Puppy's scripts are bashscripts - which I don't know. I suppose that roughly puts me at level 2.

Level 2 - SirDuncan (forum, I don't use IRC)

And now, I'm off to slay goblins until I level up. (Sorry, gaming humor.)
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#7 Post by puppyluvr »

:D Hello,

Well, I know how to make a Pet, havent tried an SFS yet, (about to), am trying to learn bash, (slowly) and just started to read on C++. (Greek so far!!)
Am well versed on computers, still remember some DOS, and still :oops: play with QBasic occasionally. ( Can it be compiled for Puppy??) Know the Puppy file system well..We are buddies now!!! ( I hope to never see, another tree, like in XP, .LOL)

Level 2

Puppyluvr on the Forum and IRC
Jayguitarman everywhere else...
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#8 Post by ttuuxxx »

- Diploma in Web - Project Management
- Cert IV Web Developement Linux local & Server-side & Windows Local & Server-side
- Cert IV Networking Management - Linux & Windows Servers
- Php, Java Script, Html, MySQL, Putty- server side script, Dreamweaver
- Trained in Graphics, Photoshop, Flash, Fireworks

Self taught:
Old school Basic & Machine Language & Sprite Graphics
Gtk1&2, Bashscript programming ( somewhat, work in progress )
advanced Compiling complex sources
Remastering Puppy
Linux / Puppy File system & puppy configuration
Some C++
Dos in general
All version of Windows form dos&3.0 to Vista Servers included
Debugging errors
Building and configuring GTK1&2, JWM ,IceWm Themes via code and Graphics
Advanced software configuration
at present Building with T2 and also Linux from Scratch
Building complex pets & SFS packages ex KDE+GNOME+applications
software installation and hardware trouble shooting
25 yrs -/+ Pc experience Building, repairing, upgrading etc. The first pc I hacked was a Commodore-64 built a soft reset switch, so when I unplugged a cartridge when the system would be on, it would crash, then click the soft reset switch and it would actually take you out of the crash and then basically you would find the start and ending of the machine language code and make a first line like "sys 643730", save it to floppy or cassette tape,lol and boom you just copied a video game, actually that was the start "backing-up" protected media.lol
95% knowledge how Linux is build, ran and stays updated on new emerging technologies.

Its hard to put me in a Level, I'm almost level3 in some ways and other ways I am level 3. About the only thing I haven't done is build a kernel, But I'm on my way, plus as applications goes I've only made 3 really simple ones. But I'm learning at it. So you decide what level I'm at. LOL

P.s I probably forgot somethings, but that was off the top of my head
Last edited by ttuuxxx on Fri 08 Aug 2008, 01:58, edited 1 time in total.
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#9 Post by puppyluvr »

@ Ttuuxxx,I still have my C-64, and 128D, GEOS and all!! Bit-masking, Sprites, shadow memory, wow that brings back memories!! SYS65535 8)
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#10 Post by oli »

I think I'm level 2. I made some Pet-packages in the past, added several Debian-packeges to my Puppy and I'm familiar with shell scripts. Besides I wrote the Puppy manual at www.puppylinux.org
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#11 Post by mysticmarks »

Great folks!

If you stopped to read the thread, you should add yourself.

You will want to ask questions.

All of us will benefit greatly from sharing knowledge and points of view.

Be a star! Register.
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#12 Post by jrb »

I'm a comfortable 2 thanks. Since programming is my cure for insomnia I doubt I'll rise much higher. :wink:
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#13 Post by charnisingh »

i may be put in level 2 but i am still to learn making use of source to configure

making PET.
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#14 Post by Sit Heel Speak »

Level 2, inexhorably rising to level 3

Age: 53. I've had much training and practice but never made much money from computers, at least not directly.

--1975: linear regression in BASIC for second-year college chemistry class. The particular machine (HP3000) had, remarkable for its day, a keyboard and 25-line text CRT display.

--1978: bought a Commodore 64 (also a TI-99 and a Timex Sinclair), learned to program simple games on the 64 in 6502 assembly. Side note: fired my only (and crooked) employee by e-mail, in 1979.

--1979: FORTRAN course, U of Washington Seattle, for engineering coursework, on punchcards. Odd side note: did classwork on the identical PDP-8 as Gates and Allen had written their original BASIC compiler on, though did not know it at the time. Further odd side note: was asked for help writing, and offered by him a share of future value in exchange for this help, his "QDOS" --"Quick'n'Dirty Operating System for Microcomputers" --later bought by Gates and marketed to IBM, for perpetual per-machine royalties, as MS-DOS 1-- by its author, Tim Paterson. Paterson made this offer repeatedly, vocally and quite loudly, to self and several others at the UW Academic Computer Center Study Hall. Unfortunately, did not foresee microcomputers having much of a future, and brushed Paterson off, seeing him as a nut, an annoying nuisance, just a distraction from getting my engineering homework done.

-- 1985: straight-A (4.0 GPA) graduate, ITT Tech Institute, Seattle, 900-clock-hour course in database programming for business applications e.g. COBOL, BASIC.

--1988-97: self-taught in dBase/Clipper/xHarbour; wrote modules for inventory management, hotel reservations, and disco music programming for a forward Army base. Wrote my own module for doing stock analysis. This was while living in Germany, wife was in the Army. In 1994, wrote and sold an instructional guide in English for US Army personnel to get online to CompuServe through Deutsche Telekom. Bought first 486SX/25 in 1993, first MMX166 (still using it, in fact, as my proxy machine, now with a 233MMX CPU) in 1996. Was overclocking the 166 CPU to 233/75 in 1995; had a water-cooling arrangement with a bucket and aquarium pump on my desk, tubes in and out of the machine, woo-hoo!

--1998-2006: Windows 98/98SE user. 1999 tried Caldera Linux, rejected it. 2002-3, sold outdoor lighted cabinet signs, so learned Corel Draw. 2005, became proficient in Open Office Calc for composing balanced mineral fertilizer gardening formulas. Side note: was running 98SE entirely in RAM in 1999, following Dave Farquhar's instructions. Odd side note: co-edited a book, Linux 2.4 Kernel Internals by Moshe Bar, even though had not actually used it!

--2006 learned of Puppy Linux from favorable mention by Fred Langa in his Windows advice column.

--2007 installed Gentoo from stage 1 tarball to full kde; compiled first Puppy kernels.

--2008 made and posted first Puppy remaster .iso. Extensively modified Sabayon Linux for custom animation application. Presently developing two from-the-kernel-up custom Puplets, and writing two books: a heavily-illustrated book in Scribus/OO (but still doing vector graphics in Corel Draw) on backyard gardening, and a mystery novel.
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#15 Post by tcm »

level 1
Experimenting/installing Puppy on older IBM Thinkpads and computers with great success.
Have a computer business in New Zealand.
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#16 Post by Marblemike »

Marblemike - Level 2 I guess.

I'm relatively new to puppy (I've been convinced by my short stay), did the puppy unleashed thing to make a puplet for use in an embedded system, have never made a pet or sfs file, but figure that since I can program in C, pascal, delphi, basic, a little assembler, a little C++, Matlab / Octave and just lately VHDL - I deserve a 2. :) I mainly do hardware though, and when I develop its generally for external hardware like DSP's and micro's.
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#17 Post by YASKY »

im a 2.1 being dragged kicking and screaming towards 3
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#18 Post by Aitch »

Hi interesting concept in self awareness

In puppy terms I'd like to be a zero, since my knowledge of anything codified is aaaarrrrggghhhh

.....but I do pull PCs to pieces quite often, been a puppy forum user more than a puppy user, due to the remaining w2k os, and I do a fair amount of research, trying to help similar uninformed individuals, as I'm a bit of a ferret

You'll find me splattered all over the forums, I think, as a result :wink:

No point putting my irc up here, I don't use it often enough - pm me

Aitch :D
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#19 Post by maggotspawn »

Level 1, working up to level 2 as time permits. In the short term I've known about Puppy I've become a fanatic. It's a remarkable OS. Looks great, light on it's feet, easy to administer. Looking forward to the future...
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Puppy Community Register

#20 Post by noprob »

I'm an avid puppy user and spread as much puppy (puplets/derivative) around via torrents as possible. (linuxtracker.org/tuxdistro.com and mininova.org)
I also build computers from used and new parts for family use.
A level 1 seems to fit well. :D
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