question: Italian in Puppy + Mini-HowTo for localization

For efforts in internationalising Puppy and solving problems in this area
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question: Italian in Puppy + Mini-HowTo for localization

#1 Post by firak »

I would like to cooperate to meke an italiano puppy.
qhat is neded for this.
there is a special softwere to halp in thath.
does it ned programming koledge? (i dont' have much of that)
dos it possibel to cooperate with someone?

Would be nice to speread thi amazing linux olso for not english spakers.
i' readyy to cooperate.

C'è nessuno che vol lavorese su un puppy in italiano?
sono disponibile a cooperare.

firak - eeepc4g- pupee- opera

[Title edited by MU as this thread includes a great HowTo that could be overseen]
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#2 Post by melvix »

There is EduPup from Italy.
Ours PuppyRus in Russian and we can't to help you.
But my daughter lives in Italy, and I am planning to visit your beautiful country in September and can to speak with my daughter about translation and etc.
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Re: Italian

#3 Post by Marco_Inge »


I would love to help in making and Italian puppy but my help can be limited to translations since I don't have much knowledge in coding and Linux in general.

Marco (Genova)
firak wrote:I would like to cooperate to meke an italiano puppy.
qhat is neded for this.
there is a special softwere to halp in thath.
does it ned programming koledge? (i dont' have much of that)
dos it possibel to cooperate with someone?

Would be nice to speread thi amazing linux olso for not english spakers.
i' readyy to cooperate.

C'è nessuno che vol lavorese su un puppy in italiano?
sono disponibile a cooperare.

firak - eeepc4g- pupee- opera
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#4 Post by ninux »

Me too...
I'm interested into localizing...
What I have to do?
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#5 Post by gw »

Hi all,

MiniHowto : "Create a localisation pet package for Puppy 4.x"

Create a new folder in /root with the name Puppy_it-4.0 (or whatever you will).
This folder will serve to create the pet package at the end of the procedure.

1. Install the it_IT locale
Run "Menu-Desktop-Chooselocale country localisation" and click on the button FETCH.
Dowload the locale it_IT
X restart automatically and your are now with the locale it_IT activ.
Copy the directory /usr/lib/locale/ it_IT/ in the directory /usr/lib/locale/ of your folder Puppy_it-4.0 .
2. Install the language files .mo or others
The .mo files are generally used as external files to tranlate the gui of most applications in different languages. The choosen language is determined by the selectionned language in the Chooselocale command (and it is written in the file /etc/profile at the line LANG=it_IT). It's important that the .mo files are correctly put in the hierarchy. Most of them are put in the following directories :
Examples : chemtool ; cups-shell ; epdfview ; geany ; gftp ; glib20 ; glipper ; gnumeric-functions ; gnumeric ; gparted ; gperiodic ; gtk20 ; gtk20-properties ; gxine ; homebank , inkscape ; isomaster ; leafpad ; libgnomeprint-2.2 ; libgnomeprintui_2.2 ; linux_logo ; notecase ; osmo ; stardict ; sylpheed ; xfe , xpad ; Xsane.
Examples : klavaro ; mtpaint.
Examples : dia ; gqview ; linNeighborhood ; xarchiver.

You can collect these .mo files in the sources of the different applications. If only .po files are available create the corresponding .mo file with a soft such as poedit under windows, for example.


The localisation of AbiWord is made with a text file named it-IT.strings put in /usr/share/AbiSuite-2.4/AbiWord/strings/
La localisation de ROX-Filer se fait à l'aide de fichiers .gmo (,,, etc...) put in the directory /usr/local/apps/ROX-Filer/Messages/
The localisation of the applications developped by Zigbert (pburn, pbackup, etc....) can be made with text files put in the installation directory of the programs. You have to translate the localisation file from English to Italienisch. See the link for the case of Pburn.
3. JWM desktop
When you modify something in /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin, you have to restart X after to see your modifications.
When you do something in your system in /usr/share/applications/ or in /usr/share/desktop-directories/ you must after run the command fixmenus and restart JWM to see the modifications.
3.1. Icons
Modify the text under the different desktop icons by editing the following file :
3.2. Principal menu categories (Desktop, System, Setup, etc...)
You have to edit the text files *.directory contained in /usr/share/desktop-directories. For instance to obtain the categorie Utilità insteed of Utility edit the file /usr/share/desktop-directories/ as following (add only the line with [it]) then save the file :
Name [it]=Utilità

3.3. The JWM menu entries

Each menu entry is defined by a *.desktop file in /usr/share/applications. Seach a file allowd to define completely a menu entry when giving :

its name and icon in the menu
the corresponding executable to run
the category in which it will appears in the menu. The complete list of categories which can be used is in the file /etc/xdg/menus/hierarchy.

To have an italienisch entry for AbiWord, for instance, open the /usr/share/applications/Abiword-worprocessor.desktop file and modify it by adding such a line : Name[it]=Elaboratore di testi (AbiWord)

Also, after modification, your file will be the following :


Name=Abiword wordprocessor

Name[it]=Elaboratore di testi (AbiWord)



You are now capable of to do the same with all the .desktop files contained in /usr/share/aoolications to translate all the menu entries in italienisch.

4. Scripts
If you are always alive, we could have a look on the scrips, especially those in /usr/sbin. It's a little annoying because no external language file exist and you have to translate directly in the script opened in Leafpad, for example. You have to be careful and not corrupt the code. Pehaps begin with an easy one such as Pmount. The most important to translate could be in the following list : alsaconf / / cdburner-wizard / chooselocale / connectwizard / countrywizard / dotpup / / / input-wizard / modemtest / modem - wizard / partview / pcreatetorrent / pctorrent / petget / pmount / Pudd / pupdial / puppypdf / / pupscan / / save2flash / set-time-for-puppy / set-xftdpi / timezone-set / video-wizard / wakepup2 / xorgwizard / xrandrshell / xserverwizard.

5. Create the final .pet package
Click right in /root and choose the command Window-Terminal here to open a terminal window.
Type the command line : dir2pet Puppy_it-4.0 (or the name you given to your fold) and validate by Return.
Follow the instructions of the assistant
In a few seconds, your .pet package is created.
You can install it and conserve it for further adaptation when a new version of puppy comes.
After run your .pet don't forget to restart X serveur and JWM.

Good luck

#6 Post by Irihapeti »

You can collect these .mo files in the sources of the different applications. If only .po files are available create the corresponding .mo file with a soft such as poedit under windows, for example.
Poedit is available for Puppy. It can be downloaded here: ...

The "_tm" stands for translation memory. The .pet includes the db files needed, but doesn't do spellcheck.

There are a couple of dependencies: wxGTK and libiconv, which are in the same directory on

It was compiled on Puppy 2.17 and runs on 3.01 and 4.00 at least.

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Joined: Mon 14 Apr 2008, 14:07


#7 Post by firak »

melvix wrote:There is EduPup from Italy.
Ours PuppyRus in Russian and we can't to help you.
But my daughter lives in Italy, and I am planning to visit your beautiful country in September and can to speak with my daughter about translation and etc.
thaks melvix for the repaly.
actualy I foun a lug itali that they work with puppy, I will connect with tem.
Ioy are welcome in italy, so if you lan to come nex to Lece - south itlay, I can guide you in bautifool palces.

About the transaltions, looks like the italian lug -givelug - altrady work for it in a nice pup 213 + office . unfortunatly it does dot support all the hadware that pup4 does. there is any way to hack this, maybe puttting the zdrv 301 or 4 in it?
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Re: Italian

#8 Post by firak »

Marco_Inge wrote:Ciao

I would love to help in making and Italian puppy but my help can be limited to translations since I don't have much knowledge in coding and Linux in general.

Marco (Genova)
firak wrote:I would like to cooperate to meke an italiano puppy.
qhat is neded for this.
there is a special softwere to halp in thath.
does it ned programming koledge? (i dont' have much of that)
dos it possibel to cooperate with someone?

Would be nice to speread thi amazing linux olso for not english spakers.

Ciao marco,
coviene cooprarare con il lug givelug, che ha già iniziato questo lavoro, per pup213 - è ina bella esione, ma non supparta tutto l'ardwre dei pup 4, io penzo di coctattare loro.
anche io ho piacere di difondere puppy in it, ma molte pesne in italia sono intimidite dalla lingua ingelse, c'è uindi bisogno delle vesioni tradotte.

Penso che la procedura per tradurre sia di questo tipo:
prendere tutti codici sorgenti,
attivare un progarmma che idividua i tesi da tradurre,
tradurre a mano,
compilare i codici,
e dovrebbe fuzionare,
ma è solo una mia fantasia?
mi iformero.

i' readyy to cooperate.

C'è nessuno che vol lavorese su un puppy in italiano?
sono disponibile a cooperare.

firak - eeepc4g- pupee- opera
Posts: 175
Joined: Mon 14 Apr 2008, 14:07

Re: localisme

#9 Post by firak »

ninux wrote:Me too...
I'm interested into localizing...
What I have to do?
hello ninux
i thik better to connect with the lug of italy terracinca -giavelug,
i alsodon't kow from where to start.
Posts: 175
Joined: Mon 14 Apr 2008, 14:07

Re: Puppy-it

#10 Post by firak »

gw wrote:Hi all,

MiniHowto : "Create a localisation pet package for Puppy 4.x"

Create a new folder in /root with the name Puppy_it-4.0 (or whatever you will).
This folder will serve to create the pet package at the end of the procedure.

1. Install the it_IT locale
Run "Menu-Desktop-Chooselocale country localisation" and click on the button FETCH.
Dowload the locale it_IT
X restart automatically and your are now with the locale it_IT activ.
Copy the directory /usr/lib/locale/ it_IT/ in the directory /usr/lib/locale/ of your folder Puppy_it-4.0 .
2. Install the language files .mo or others
The .mo files are generally used as external files to tranlate the gui of most applications in different languages. The choosen language is determined by the selectionned language in the Chooselocale command (and it is written in the file /etc/profile at the line LANG=it_IT). It's important that the .mo files are correctly put in the hierarchy. Most of them are put in the following directories :
Examples : chemtool ; cups-shell ; epdfview ; geany ; gftp ; glib20 ; glipper ; gnumeric-functions ; gnumeric ; gparted ; gperiodic ; gtk20 ; gtk20-properties ; gxine ; homebank , inkscape ; isomaster ; leafpad ; libgnomeprint-2.2 ; libgnomeprintui_2.2 ; linux_logo ; notecase ; osmo ; stardict ; sylpheed ; xfe , xpad ; Xsane.
Examples : klavaro ; mtpaint.
Examples : dia ; gqview ; linNeighborhood ; xarchiver.

You can collect these .mo files in the sources of the different applications. If only .po files are available create the corresponding .mo file with a soft such as poedit under windows, for example.


The localisation of AbiWord is made with a text file named it-IT.strings put in /usr/share/AbiSuite-2.4/AbiWord/strings/
La localisation de ROX-Filer se fait à l'aide de fichiers .gmo (,,, etc...) put in the directory /usr/local/apps/ROX-Filer/Messages/
The localisation of the applications developped by Zigbert (pburn, pbackup, etc....) can be made with text files put in the installation directory of the programs. You have to translate the localisation file from English to Italienisch. See the link for the case of Pburn.
3. JWM desktop
When you modify something in /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin, you have to restart X after to see your modifications.
When you do something in your system in /usr/share/applications/ or in /usr/share/desktop-directories/ you must after run the command fixmenus and restart JWM to see the modifications.
3.1. Icons
Modify the text under the different desktop icons by editing the following file :
3.2. Principal menu categories (Desktop, System, Setup, etc...)
You have to edit the text files *.directory contained in /usr/share/desktop-directories. For instance to obtain the categorie Utilità insteed of Utility edit the file /usr/share/desktop-directories/ as following (add only the line with [it]) then save the file :
Name [it]=Utilità

3.3. The JWM menu entries

Each menu entry is defined by a *.desktop file in /usr/share/applications. Seach a file allowd to define completely a menu entry when giving :

its name and icon in the menu
the corresponding executable to run
the category in which it will appears in the menu. The complete list of categories which can be used is in the file /etc/xdg/menus/hierarchy.

To have an italienisch entry for AbiWord, for instance, open the /usr/share/applications/Abiword-worprocessor.desktop file and modify it by adding such a line : Name[it]=Elaboratore di testi (AbiWord)

Also, after modification, your file will be the following :


Name=Abiword wordprocessor

Name[it]=Elaboratore di testi (AbiWord)



You are now capable of to do the same with all the .desktop files contained in /usr/share/aoolications to translate all the menu entries in italienisch.

4. Scripts
If you are always alive, we could have a look on the scrips, especially those in /usr/sbin. It's a little annoying because no external language file exist and you have to translate directly in the script opened in Leafpad, for example. You have to be careful and not corrupt the code. Pehaps begin with an easy one such as Pmount. The most important to translate could be in the following list : alsaconf / / cdburner-wizard / chooselocale / connectwizard / countrywizard / dotpup / / / input-wizard / modemtest / modem - wizard / partview / pcreatetorrent / pctorrent / petget / pmount / Pudd / pupdial / puppypdf / / pupscan / / save2flash / set-time-for-puppy / set-xftdpi / timezone-set / video-wizard / wakepup2 / xorgwizard / xrandrshell / xserverwizard.

5. Create the final .pet package
Click right in /root and choose the command Window-Terminal here to open a terminal window.
Type the command line : dir2pet Puppy_it-4.0 (or the name you given to your fold) and validate by Return.
Follow the instructions of the assistant
In a few seconds, your .pet package is created.
You can install it and conserve it for further adaptation when a new version of puppy comes.
After run your .pet don't forget to restart X serveur and JWM.

Good luck
hi gw !
thaks a lot for the instructins,
i will study tem!
seems difficult but possible!
Posts: 175
Joined: Mon 14 Apr 2008, 14:07

Re: Puppy-it

#11 Post by firak »

gw wrote:Hi all,

MiniHowto : "Create a localisation pet package for Puppy 4.x"

Create a new folder in /root with the name Puppy_it-4.0 (or whatever you will).
This folder will serve to create the pet package at the end of the procedure.

1. Install the it_IT locale
Run "Menu-Desktop-Chooselocale country localisation" and click on the button FETCH.
Dowload the locale it_IT
X restart automatically and your are now with the locale it_IT activ.
Copy the directory /usr/lib/locale/ it_IT/ in the directory /usr/lib/locale/ of your folder Puppy_it-4.0 .
2. Install the language files .mo or others
The .mo files are generally used as external files to tranlate the gui of most applications in different languages. The choosen language is determined by the selectionned language in the Chooselocale command (and it is written in the file /etc/profile at the line LANG=it_IT). It's important that the .mo files are correctly put in the hierarchy. Most of them are put in the following directories :
Examples : chemtool ; cups-shell ; epdfview ; geany ; gftp ; glib20 ; glipper ; gnumeric-functions ; gnumeric ; gparted ; gperiodic ; gtk20 ; gtk20-properties ; gxine ; homebank , inkscape ; isomaster ; leafpad ; libgnomeprint-2.2 ; libgnomeprintui_2.2 ; linux_logo ; notecase ; osmo ; stardict ; sylpheed ; xfe , xpad ; Xsane.
Examples : klavaro ; mtpaint.
Examples : dia ; gqview ; linNeighborhood ; xarchiver.

You can collect these .mo files in the sources of the different applications. If only .po files are available create the corresponding .mo file with a soft such as poedit under windows, for example.


The localisation of AbiWord is made with a text file named it-IT.strings put in /usr/share/AbiSuite-2.4/AbiWord/strings/
La localisation de ROX-Filer se fait à l'aide de fichiers .gmo (,,, etc...) put in the directory /usr/local/apps/ROX-Filer/Messages/
The localisation of the applications developped by Zigbert (pburn, pbackup, etc....) can be made with text files put in the installation directory of the programs. You have to translate the localisation file from English to Italienisch. See the link for the case of Pburn.
3. JWM desktop
When you modify something in /root/Choices/ROX-Filer/PuppyPin, you have to restart X after to see your modifications.
When you do something in your system in /usr/share/applications/ or in /usr/share/desktop-directories/ you must after run the command fixmenus and restart JWM to see the modifications.
3.1. Icons
Modify the text under the different desktop icons by editing the following file :
3.2. Principal menu categories (Desktop, System, Setup, etc...)
You have to edit the text files *.directory contained in /usr/share/desktop-directories. For instance to obtain the categorie Utilità insteed of Utility edit the file /usr/share/desktop-directories/ as following (add only the line with [it]) then save the file :
Name [it]=Utilità

3.3. The JWM menu entries

Each menu entry is defined by a *.desktop file in /usr/share/applications. Seach a file allowd to define completely a menu entry when giving :

its name and icon in the menu
the corresponding executable to run
the category in which it will appears in the menu. The complete list of categories which can be used is in the file /etc/xdg/menus/hierarchy.

To have an italienisch entry for AbiWord, for instance, open the /usr/share/applications/Abiword-worprocessor.desktop file and modify it by adding such a line : Name[it]=Elaboratore di testi (AbiWord)

Also, after modification, your file will be the following :


Name=Abiword wordprocessor

Name[it]=Elaboratore di testi (AbiWord)



You are now capable of to do the same with all the .desktop files contained in /usr/share/aoolications to translate all the menu entries in italienisch.

4. Scripts
If you are always alive, we could have a look on the scrips, especially those in /usr/sbin. It's a little annoying because no external language file exist and you have to translate directly in the script opened in Leafpad, for example. You have to be careful and not corrupt the code. Pehaps begin with an easy one such as Pmount. The most important to translate could be in the following list : alsaconf / / cdburner-wizard / chooselocale / connectwizard / countrywizard / dotpup / / / input-wizard / modemtest / modem - wizard / partview / pcreatetorrent / pctorrent / petget / pmount / Pudd / pupdial / puppypdf / / pupscan / / save2flash / set-time-for-puppy / set-xftdpi / timezone-set / video-wizard / wakepup2 / xorgwizard / xrandrshell / xserverwizard.

5. Create the final .pet package
Click right in /root and choose the command Window-Terminal here to open a terminal window.
Type the command line : dir2pet Puppy_it-4.0 (or the name you given to your fold) and validate by Return.
Follow the instructions of the assistant
In a few seconds, your .pet package is created.
You can install it and conserve it for further adaptation when a new version of puppy comes.
After run your .pet don't forget to restart X serveur and JWM.

Good luck
hi gw !
thaks a lot for the instructins,
i will study tem!
seems difficult but possible!
Posts: 15
Joined: Sun 03 Aug 2008, 08:53

how to start?

#12 Post by ninux »

Hi, GW!

gw wrote:
1. Install the it_IT locale
Run "Menu-Desktop-Chooselocale country localisation" and click on the button FETCH.
Dowload the locale it_IT
X restart automatically and your are now with the locale it_IT activ.
excuse me for boring... But how to INSTALL it_IT??? where I have to get in order to install it?

I stare at the first step... :roll:
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Location: Suisse

Puppy translation in Italian

#13 Post by gw »

Hello ninux,

You only have to run Menu-Desktop – Chooselocale from the JWM desktop of Puppy.
You will be automatically connected with a server where are the different locale an where you can choose in a list which to download (it_IT for you).
After downloading, your X server will automatically restart and your /etc/profile is automatically modified so that your active locale is now "it_IT".
You are now ready to use the different *.mo files and menu entries you will create in Italian.
Try to do the all method on your system, and if it runs, you may create after, if you will, a special directory in which you can copy the different languages files *mo, *.desktop files you translated, etc… with the correct hierarchy and create a pet by running the command dir2pet. The creation of the pet.file is not an obligation, but it is useful to have in a single pet file all the files requested for a specific translation. Other guys who have developped a puppy derivative can then easily adapt it to get an Italian version of their own derivatives.
I hope it helps, but not sure because I have always some problems to write clearly in English, sorry.
Posts: 15
Joined: Sun 03 Aug 2008, 08:53


#14 Post by ninux »

thanks GW!

Uhmmm... It seems I have to wait more, because I can't connect with my nb, for the moment, I don't have a pcmcia, neither ethernet (in other words... For a old-fashioned notebook you will reinstall w98, with the risk of a lot of programs won't run, or maybe can try a lighter linux???)
I hope it helps, but not sure because I have always some problems to write clearly in English, sorry.
Don't worry for that, it seems we are in the same position.. yeyeeye :lol: :lol:

Well, if you're Italian, too, Aren't you?

Grazie mille e arrivederci... Maybe we can talk in the same language...
Posts: 89
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Location: Suisse

#15 Post by gw »


@ "Irihapeti" many thanks for the link.

I am Belgian and don't speak Italian. However, I live in Switzerland where people use 4 languages: French, German, Italian and Romanche. As I'm working on the localization of the Muppy, I have intention to create an it translate pack. So, if you will translate Puppy in Italian, I'm interesting to help you.

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IT jargon terms translated into Italian

#16 Post by Gurglin »

Hi everybody,

I found this list on the web and hope it might help you out
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