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#61 Post by tupis »

@ dinky & mu

I downloaded skype at
But I can't installed it. Puppy said that i ran out of space.. !!??!!

It said i only have 52something (i think it's 524mb or 54mb) left while it needed 584mb or 58mb. <-- Sorry I don't take note of these figures.. i was in hurry testing it.

I don't really understand which space this reffered to.. RAM or Disk Space.
Skype pet itself is 21MB.. so either my ram or disk should still can accomodate that easily.

Just for information:
I installed eeetiger on a 1GB SD card and booted from it while plugged in the built in SD slot.

Anyway, i will try again later and maybe from a static package.
But sorry that i'm occupied this week.. i dunno if i can report back soon.
I'll post back asap.
and also thanks for opera hints.. but maybe i will try later when i got more time.

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#62 Post by smokey01 »

tupis wrote:@ dinky & mu

I downloaded skype at
But I can't installed it. Puppy said that i ran out of space.. !!??!!

It said i only have 52something (i think it's 524mb or 54mb) left while it needed 584mb or 58mb. <-- Sorry I don't take note of these figures.. i was in hurry testing it.
tupis it sounds like you may need more personal storage file space.

On the start menu: Utility > Resize personal storage file

Follow the prompts. Remember you can't allocate more space than you have. This is referring to the pup_save file.
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#63 Post by tupis »


I tried your suggestion, but i received the same error message.
The package has been downloaded to /root/.packages,
however there is not enough room to uncompress and install it.
The free space is 57314 blocks but it is estimated you will
need 86128 blocks temporarily for the expansion and install.

Note: If you are using a pup_save.3fs personal storage file,
it can be made bigger -- see Utilities menu.

This script will now delete the package and exit...
Note: i get exactly the same message before & after i resize.

So.. i guess it must be RAM issue or maybe i should try to install from static package.. later.

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#64 Post by tupis »

Deleted... Double post

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#65 Post by dinky »

Hi Tupis, try installing pet package from /root, sometimes that is needed. Thanks for all the testing there, will reply to it a bit later.

Capatt, see the main post, eeetiger is mainly working. You will need to edit one of your files, details are in the main post. The exception is sound, not working yet that I know of. Let me know how you go!
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#66 Post by tupis »

@dinky , mu & smokey01

i tried to copy skype pet to root and install from there.. but i got exactly the same message.

Then i tried to do it in vmware using 512 RAM --> same result

Then i increased RAM to 1024 --> skype installed & run smoothly

So I concluded that it's a RAM issue indeed.

The problem is...
My eepc only have 512 RAM.. and
using VMware on other machine, doesn't have webcam. :oops:

So.. I can't test wether video chat is working... sorry ppl.

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#67 Post by dinky »

Hi Tupis, sounds like something is buggy...

One more thing to try. This will bypass the package manager on eeetiger. Open a terminal where the package is (doesn't matter where), and type

Code: Select all

pet2tgz package-name
package-name is the name of the pet file. This will turn the pet file into a tar.gz file. Make sure it's a backup copy of the pet, as it will no longer be a pet file then. Extract the new tar.gz file with xarchive, then open a new thunar (file browser) window. Navigate to

Code: Select all

and copy the folders from the extracted pet file to there. (you'll have to descend one layer into the extracted tar file, most likely.

This will manually install skype, but be warned YOU CAN"T UNINSTALL IT EASILY AFTER DOING THIS!!!!!! I'd highly suggest making a copy of your save file before doing this, as to go back will be difficult. Cheers,
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#68 Post by tupis »


Thanks for the tips.

I can install and run skype now.
However, i can't use video chat. I went to video setting to find that "no camera detected" on the webcam device selection.
And yes, I already enabled webcam in the BIOS.

BTW, off topic:
I'm in Bali and I really flatered that the default background on eeetiger is Bali :D

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#69 Post by dinky »

Hi Tupis, glad you like the default picture. If you can send me some more photos of Bali, I'll put them in as screensavers for the next release!

Re webcam, thanks for your efforts. Now the fun begins. I'm not able to test it myself, so see what you can find hunting through other pupplets for the eeepc. It can work, it's just getting it there. Let us know what you find. Cheers!
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#70 Post by dinky »

Hi Tupis, glad you like the default picture. If you can send me some more photos of Bali, I'll put them in as screensavers for the next release!

Re webcam, thanks for your efforts. Now the fun begins. I'm not able to test it myself, so see what you can find hunting through other pupplets for the eeepc. It can work, it's just getting it there. Let us know what you find. Cheers!
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#71 Post by rhadon »

Hi everybody,

my problem: my sd-card 16G does not boot anymore.

I have an Eeepc 900 and an PNY Optima SDHC- card 16G, both about 2 month old. Installing eeetiger on it was no problem: FAT32, boot flag on and installing with the universal installer from an USB stick. Nearly everything worked fine (expect sound) for about 4 or 5 weeks, but then booting from this card failed.

Gparted found that the file system was corrupted (or samething like that, I can`t remember exactly). I can read and write on the stick without any problem, I tested it with h2testw (XP) without any fault, i formatted it with different programs (Gparted, XP, HP USB stick formatting tool) different file systems, no matter.

The message of the universal installer:

boot parameters pmedia=usbflash vga=773
will be written to /dev/sda and Syslinux will be used to make it bootable
Making sda bootable...
syslinux: this doesn't look like a valid FAT filesystem
mount: mounting /dev/sda on mnt/data failed
copying vmlinuz...
Creating syslinux.cfg...
Creating marker file for wakepup boot floppy...
Copying inird.gz...
Copying .sfs files...
umount: cannot umount /mnt/data: Invalid argument
Finished, press ENTER key to continue:

Last not least, installing eeetiger to an old 2G sd- card is still no problem.

I know, this is not a problem of eeetiger (i also tried Dingo 4.00, 406 and Dingoplus with same result) and please excuse me if you think this is the wrong section here for this problem. I started here, because I use most time eeetiger and maybe its a problem of the eeepc (card reader?). If that was a bad idea, please tell me..

So my questions:
Had anybody made the same experience ? ( I found nothing similar in the forum)
Does anybody know other programs or ways to find out wether the problem is the card reader or the card? Any workarounds ?
Or am I so stupid that I don't see the wood for the trees and there is another cause, I don't think about?

Please help

eeetiger is a very great, powerful and useful derivative and in this time my favorite, even without sound.
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#72 Post by dinky »

Hi rhadon, glad you like eeetiger. Firslty, I'm a bit confused. Your 16 G sd card won't boot... is that your internal card? I beleive the 900 has one 4Gb and one 16Gb, is that correct? So are you using eeetiger with the card reader on another card, or on the internal SD card? Also, you mention a usb stick... what are you using that for? Is eeetiger on that?

Please give as much detail as you can about how you originally had eeetiger working, and that install, then about what you've tried this time. usually if a file system goes corrupt in Puppy, and will no longer boot, then the issue is the save file, which once wiped will boot fine. What error messages do you get at startup? Try starting eeetiger with "pfix=nosplash" to disable the splash, and even "pfix=nosplash,ram" to bypass your save file and booting into ram.

You mention a fat32 partition... what device are you using? Is this an SD card, the internal SD card, or a usb flash stick? More info please.

Very unlikely that you're too stupid to see the wood for the trees, computers are fickle friends. Good luck.
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#73 Post by rhadon »

Hi dinky, that was the fastest answer I've ever got! Thank you. Sorry, for your confusion, that was my fault. English is not my first language, so it takes time for me to write, more time to write what I mean and sometimes there is a difference between what I mean and what I write.

My 900 has internal 4G and 8G where XP is installed. I used eeetiger with an external card (SDHC, 16G) in the card reader. I have no external cd-rom, so I think, I installed eeetiger on my eeepc in this way:
Burning the iso-file to a CD-RW in another notebook.
Booting it there and installing eeetiger with the universal installer to an USB-stick (TOSHIBA, 4G).
I booted my eeepc with this USB-stick and installed eeetiger on the 16G- SDHC-card in the card reader.
Unfortunately I can't remember exact what I did 2 month ago, I know only it was a lot. But that was past and I don't think its the reason for the troble I have now.

I've made a complete copy of all files on the SDHC- card when it worked fine and I copied the 2fs-file to the USB-stick. It works. Booting from the USB-stick is no problem, no matter I boot the 2fs-file or pfix=ram.

Trying to Install eeetiger now which I boot from that USB-stick to an old 2G-SD-card in the card reader is no problem. Only installing eetiger to the big 16G-SDHC-card fails with the message I posted before. No matter I boot with the 2fs-file or pfix=ram.

During installation I choose USB Flash drive, than sda USB2.0 CardReader SD0.
Puppy finds sda: vfat, size 15,31 GiB.
i choose 'Install Puppy to sda'.
Next it makes no difference choosing the standard Linux console with pfix=nosplash or choosing 1024x768x256 frame buffer console.
Every time I get the message I posted before and the SDHC-card is empty.

In the meantime I copied back all the files I backed up before to the empty SDHC-card, boot flag on. I tried fat32 and ext3. No matter, if I try to boot from the card reader, screen is going to black and I see a white twinkling underline in the upper left corner and that's all.
I hope this informations will be more clearly and helpful.
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#74 Post by luckylucky »

HELP PLEASE - My troublesome question starts in the second paragraph, after my initial declarations of happiness in the next paragraph.


First of all I just have to express my immense gratitude for the guy who made eeeTiger. It is gorgeous! I've been an exclusively Ubuntu user for years, having "played" a bit with Puppy simply for the experience. Now that I got a 2 gig surf eee pc I of course played around with various solutions & distributions, but so far eeeTiger is leading my preferences. I have Ubuntu 8.04 (eee version) on SD card, and eeeTiger on a 1 gig partition of the 8 gig SD Card. I would like to make the eeeTiger puppy my main distro on my 2gig eee pc, but I have a few issues that need to be resolved first.

Ok, here are my questions... I am really hoping to have these resolved.

1) The number one and biggest issue is that I can't get WPA wireless working. I have an 8 character password, so I already fixed as found on this page ( but I am really stumped. Of course Xandros, Xubuntu & Ubuntu worked to connect to this wireless but with Puppy (I've tried it with another puppy variant too - breezy?) but I keep beating my head against the wall. I am unwilling to change my router to another protocol simply for eeeTiger. Unfortunately if I can't get this to work then I will simply have to dump eeeTiger off my eee pc (for another lamer distro)... which would be a shame since it is such a nice distro. Please, anyone, can someone help me to get my wireless internet working? BTW, I have googled around a lot, but have not found a solution.

2) Currently I have it residing in a 1gig partition of my 8gig HC SD card. Ideally I would like it to live right on the 2 gig SSD of the eee pc. I had it there for a while, actually another puppy variant, but it seemed to take forever to shutdown. Rather than having a pup save file could I simply just allow it to save files directly to the drive itself instead? I found that this might be the reason for a faster save & shutdown time on my SD card, though I haven't really tested these variables. Furthermore, I feel better knowing that I can simply access the files from another linux distro (ie Ubuntu on SD card) rather than having everything locked away in a file that could potentially get corrupted. Is there any reason why I can't just reinstall eeeTiger directly to the SSD built into the eee pc and just run it from there like that?

I really really REALLY appreciate any answers about the above questions, particularly question #1. Thank you in advance for your help.
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#75 Post by dinky »

luckylucky and rhadon;

i don't have much time, so i'll answer Lucky's questions first. Hang in there rhadon, I think I can help fix it, but might have to wait until tonight to answer. Will write more soon.

Lucylucky. Firstly, I think the WPA problem is a known bug, with a few solutions. Will poke around a bit more and try some things at this end. I'd like it working too.

Secondly, putting eeetiger on the 2 gig SD card should be fine. You have two options which will speed up shutdown. The first is to still do a frugal install, but use the default iso, not changing initrd.gz (see original post for what I'm talking about). On your internal sd card, this will stop it from saving to your save file periodically, and will shutdown quicklly. You should also be able to install it directly as a full intall the the sd card, and bypass the frugal install, and save file. If you try this, please let me know how you go. THe worst case you will have to rformat th card if it doesn't work. A full install like this will wipe everything else on that drive, while a frugal won't.

I know what you mean about wanting to access your files from other linux distros. As long as you don't encrypt your save file, there are a couple options.
1. simply have a backup eeetiger on a cheap usb stick you can boot into ram from, and mount your pupsave file from this. You will have access to all your files, even if the file itself becomes corupted and unbootable
2. Make symbolic links for the information you want to have access to outside your save file. For instance, if you want all of /root availablem copy it to say /mnt/home/, then create a symbolic link to /. I can talk you through that if you have problems. For myself I have /root/my-documents outside the save file, which is more useful to me.

I'm not against using a full install, but for myself, having the sd drive written to only once every half hour or so is much more beneficial. i don't think the eeepc's are made to last more than a few years... other installs outside of puppy are often faster for bootup and shutdown, but seem to write to the card contuinually. I've not looked into how you could replace the card, or even if you can, but writing to it all the time will shorten the life. I'd rather have my eeepc still working in another 10 years. Thus eeetiger. Cheers!
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#76 Post by luckylucky »


This is a "simple" solution that I used to "fix" this problem, though it doesn't address the underlying problem overall.

After struggling with this for 2 days I thought "hmmm"... noticing that the button says "WPA / TKIP". I checked with my router and noticed that the option I had was for WPA with the "AES" algorithm selected. I changed it to TKIP. Then it didn't like that my password (shared key) is only 8 characters, so I simply added 2 more characters making it a total of 10 characters now.

By changing my router's WPA settings to have "TKIP" and more than 8 characters in the password made it work.

THIS CAN BE A SOLUTION FOR ANYONE ELSE BANGING THEIR HEADS WITH WPA WIRELESS PROBLEMS. Though like I said it doesn't address the problem that puppy doesn't have a solution for WPA / AES... which is something that perhaps should be looked into by developers for future releases.
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#77 Post by dinky »

Thanks luckylucky, let us know how you go with installing eeetiger onto your sd card, and which install you choose. Dougal is redesigning puppy's network wizard, you can check it out here: ... 132#216132

Might be something useful for you. I've asked about WPA, if this is fixed I'll add it to future releases. Cheers!
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#78 Post by luckylucky »

Hi Dinky,

I'll be installing eeetiger to internal ssd (AGAIN) today. I'm having grub problems. I've tried doing a universal install from a USB but I think it tries to do drive lettering wrong (right from the perspective of the USB drive). I.e. the main hdd (internal ssd) is of course hd0 or hda, but from the USB perspective it shows up as hdc.

So now, today my problem is trying to get grub working with ONLY the internal 2gig ssd of the eee pc. Yesterday I have attempted various methods to get grub working (even "stealing" the boot folder from other machines in desperation and editing the menu.lst) but nothing seemed to work. I'm going to try again to install grub from live CD of eeetiger, and if it fails then I'll just download something else. Does knoppix or gparted live CDs somehow allow for fast grub fixes?

I will do a frugal install, with a small personal save file (which can always grow), and will do a link to the drive out of /root/Desktop where I will save my documents, as you suggested.
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Love Letter For Dinky

#79 Post by luckylucky »


I am very grateful to you Dinky for mastering the eeeTiger, and also grateful to the person who mastered the original Tiger. Though I am a predominantly Ubuntu user for years, and will continue to be on most machines, I have to say, after much "playing around" with various distros, that for a 2 gig surf eee pc that the eeeTiger is, IMHO & IMHE, the BEST distro to have on it. Its tiny size allows for plenty of file storage space (unlike most other distros on such a tiny drive), it is loaded with enough useful programs to be versatile & functional, and it is actually pretty. Unlike most of the other Puppy Linux variants I have seen, I don't feel like I'm using some old lame computer, but rather feel like I have a trendy machine, one I'm proud to flaunt & show off to others (I've already gotten a few drools).

I am looking forward to future releases of eeeTiger, and though I have been aware of puppy linux for years I am finally motivated to take it more seriously, and will now take the time to explore & learn all that puppy has to offer. I hope to be able to contribute something useful to the community in the future.

Thank you again Dinky, and everyone involved with this marvelous distro!
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#80 Post by dinky »

Great praise luckylucky, thanks mate. I'm also responsible for TigerPup, though I can't call it original. It's heavily based on wNOP, so kudos goes to tombh for the compiz scripts, and booting automatically from many different computers. Likewise for eeetiger, kudos to dw86 for the scripts specific to the eeepc. Not sure if he created them, but he's where I found them. I'm wanting to rebuild both TigerPup and eeetiger from unleashed at some pont, then I will claim more

Re your grub problems, it shouldn't be that hard. Actually, hdc IS the correct drive, your usb device has read it fine. If you're still having problems, post your grub config file here for me to look at. This is /boot/grub/menu.lst
from wherever grub is installed. Grub is very easy to install on the eeepc701 with 4Gb, and can't imagine it will be any different on the 2G. If we can't figure it out from your menu.lst file, I'll talk you through reinstalling grub. Cheers.
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