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#21 Post by bombayrockers »

BarryK when i mount usr_devx.sfs & usr_more.sfs and do cd /usr/lib/qt
ls, i get stuck, i have to do a cold reboot to get out of the loop.

a suggested solution to the usr_devx & usr_more clash ->

edit rc.local to do the following

if there exists /usr/lib/qt
ln -s /usr/lib/qt-3.3.4/* /usr/lib/qt/
ln -s /usr/lib/qt-3.3.4 /usr/lib /qt
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#22 Post by MU »

Bombay, I'm just uploading a minimal modified version of your usr_more.sfs

I removed the symlink /usr/lib/qt
I renamed /usr/lib/qt-3.3.4 to /usr/lib/qt

Now you can use usr_devx.sfs with KDE.

Last edited by MU on Thu 10 Nov 2005, 04:15, edited 1 time in total.
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#23 Post by MU »

KDE 3.4.1

This package is based on Bombayrockers files.
I added some slight modifications.

To install, READ CAREFULLY the following instructions!

1. Rename an existing folder /usr/lib/qt to /usr/lib/qt-backup.
Now reboot Puppy !

2. Download and install this Dotpup: http://noforum.de/dotpups/KDE-3.4.1a/KDE-3.4.1a.pup (14 MB). It requires ~56 MB free Diskspace.
important: The installation takes 5-10 minutes. Do not interrupt or do something else.
Wait, until you see this message:


Also install this dotpup: http://www.murga.org/%7Epuppy/download.php?id=1352

3. Download http://noforum.de/dotpups/KDE-3.4.1a/usr_more.sfs (54 MB).
Copy it to the drive, where your pup001 is located.
If that does not work, copy it to "/", the basefolder of Puppy, where you also can see "/bin" "/root" and "/usr".

4. Reboot Puppy.
Now in the "Dotpups"-Menue, you can start the KDE-Panel.
This has a menue, to start KDE-Applications on your old Desktop.

If you want to use KDE instead of your old Desktop, exit to the commandline (hit CTRL-ALT-Backspace), then enter "xwin startkde".

Start jwm ("xwin jwm").
remove usr_more.sfs.
Remove KDE-3.4.1 from PupGet.
Reboot Puppy
Delete /root/.kde
Rename /usr/lib/qt-backup to /usr/lib/qt

This seems to work very fine for me, with a normal Puppy and also with X.org installed in addition.
I tested it with Puppy 1.0.6 (upgraded from 1.0.5).

However, it is "testing", so I can not guarantee, that there are no errors.
Use it at your own risk!

Last edited by MU on Mon 14 Nov 2005, 04:16, edited 6 times in total.
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#24 Post by rarsa »

When I try to download the usr_more.sfs, i get
You do not have permission to access this document.
I was able to download the dotpup.
I am able to browse to http://noforum.de/dotpups/KDE-3.4.1a/

The problem seems to be only with access rights on that file.
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#25 Post by MU »

Thanks rarsa, I fixed it.
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#26 Post by rarsa »

That was fast!

I'm downloading now.
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#27 Post by rarsa »

Up and running.

Although I had to rename /usr/lib/qt-backup back to /usr/lib/qt for kdeinit to work.

The installation did not create another /usr/lib/qt folder.

I followed your instructions step by step.

By the way, as I had already installed my puppy-xdgmenus dotpup, all the puppy program entries had already a corresponding .desktop file so they apear in the KDE menu.

Of course, remember that I just assigned 'test' categories when converting from jwm so they sometimes apear in unexpected submenus. Anyway. I will create a puppy friendly kde xdg menu.
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#28 Post by MU »

Ups, that's strange.
Can someone else confirm that?
There should be:

# ls -l /usr/lib/qt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 914 Nov 9 10:12 README-QT.TXT
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 Nov 9 10:12 bin
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 Nov 9 10:12 doc
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 Nov 9 10:12 examples
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 Nov 9 10:12 extensions
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 Nov 9 10:12 include
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 320 Nov 9 10:12 lib
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 Nov 9 10:12 mkspecs
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 18 Nov 9 10:12 pics
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 43 Nov 9 10:12 plugins
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 Nov 9 10:12 tutorial

I wonder, that KDE runs without these files.
I will test it under several conditions again, tomorrow.

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#29 Post by rarsa »

It seems that the folder was there but hidden.

I just checked and all the files you list are under qt. Maybe when I renamed qt to qtbackup the unionfs got confused somehow.

As I said in my previous post, otherwise, it's running perfectly.

All applications I've tried are OK (Konsole, Konqueror, K3b, Control Center, Network folders, etc).
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#30 Post by MU »

Ah, yes unionfs...

I changed the instructions:

1. Rename an existing folder /usr/lib/qt to /usr/lib/qt-backup.
Now reboot Puppy !

Maybe that will fix it.
I think I rebooted after renaming to "qt-backup".

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Kde works - but

#31 Post by PeterSieg »

Hi Mark. Great stuff!

Followed your instructions with a fresh pup001.
didn't work?!
renamed /usr/lib/qt-backup back to /usr/lib/qt - than it worked!!

I have usr_devx.sfs, usr_moo2.sfs and the kde:usr_more.sfs mounted
at boot time!

Great! But than after another reboot, rxvt console doesn't work anymore?!
That is really bad, because without it, you can not really work...
It open up, but then closes right away?

I tried to ctrl+alt+bs exit x windows... systems crashes with infinite loop..

So I had to boot up from live-cd with open 3 (don't touch hdd).
open rxvt; mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/cdrive; cd /mnt/cdrive
mount -o loop pup001 /mnt/data; cd /mnt/data/.usr/lib
mv qt qt-backup; sync; cd $HOME; umount /mnt/data;
umount /mnt/cdrive; reboot...

So there is definitedly a conflict here with these qt libs!!

Now puppy boots up again without crashes... before starting kde,
you must exit x; cd /usr/lib; mv qt-backup qt;
that xwin startkde works as well as xwin jwm - menu kde panel...

Code: Select all

qt is renamed again to qt-backup!!!
What is interesting is, that rxvt runs after qt-backup has been renamed to
qt and kde panel is active..?!?

I am really messed up here.... now I rebooted and made sure qt is renamed to qt-backup in rc.local.. ok rxvt run inside jwm...
closed x; did NOT rename qt-backup to qt!!! xwin startkde worked?!?!
And now in /usr/lib is a dir qt AND a dir qt-backup ???

Something is going on here...
See this: Image

It seems, that during booting/mounting usr_*.sfs the original /usr/lib/qt
is required...


Some kde within puppy pictures:
kdepanel inside puppy desktop:
startkde environment:

But I see KDE with a smiling eye and a crying eye. Basically KDE duplicates
was is already in Puppy.. word/editor/spreadsheet/burner/multimedia/etc...

So it is nice to see it works, but it doesn't make that much sense to have it
as a module within standard puppy...

I could see sence in a puppy derivate based on:
* Really barebones puppy
* xorg as standard xserver with nice config tool
* kde
(*) usr_devx.sfs als compile module optional
(*) open office as usr_moo2.sfs module optional

only - if this is somehow different to already available small kde distros...
It would expect such a kdepuppy in the size range of app. 35+15+60=110MB...

Have fun :)
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kde is bloated

#32 Post by bombayrockers »

Peter there is no doubt that kde is bloated

this usr_more.sfs is basically for testing to see that all apps are working. so i tried to include as much as i could.

however i want to extrapolate your idea of usr_moo2.sfs to using mutliple .sfs at bootup. this way usr_kde.sfs would be the base and then say usr_kplayer.sfs usr_koffice.sfs usr_kmail.sfs usr_xorg.sfs .... would be the individual apps . the configuration files being installed using dotpups ~ kde3.4.1a.pup

this can be done. *.sfs are squashfs files similary .mo from slax are also squashfs files. if multiple .mo can be loaded at boot time why not multiple .sfs ?

this way it would be possible to build according to requirement.
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some more testing with kde...

#33 Post by PeterSieg »

Hi bombayrockers and Mark.

After reboot, both /usr/lib/qt + qt-backup were gone?! jwm still works but
kde doesn't :(

1. So started again witha fresh pup001.

2. xorg682c.pup + xorgrebootpatch.pup + de.tgz

3. reboot.

4. kde*.pup + cp usr_more.sfs (kde) to /mnt/home.

5. reboot. kde inside puppy=ok; xwin startkde=ok.

6. cp usr_moo2.sfs (open office 2.0) to /mnt/home. reboot.

Now I have Puppy+KDE+OpenOffice 2.0:

I am pretty sure, when I try to mount usr_devx.sfs the problems with
/usr/lib/qt will start again!!

So until this is solved, kde is for the one that don't need development :(

When inside KDE, all Puppy apps are not available somewhere in the menu..?! Is there an easy way to make them all available..?
Otherwise you must create a desktop link for all needed apps...

In the KDE from Bombayrockers and Mark are no KOffice apps...
I am also sure that if you want to have KDE+OO2 you should have at
least 256MB memory!

Have fun :)
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#34 Post by Nathan F »

I've been trying all of the applications one at a time and was doing fine until I got to kmail. It crashes every time I try to send a message, plus I get an error when trying to fetch messages 'unable to start process pop3'. Since kmail is such an integral part of the K desktop I see this as a major problem. Anyone have any success with it?

All other programs seem to work for me right now. Akregator fetched feeds easily, knetattach connected to my other computer easily, kopete fine. Games work. Multimedia apps and games all good.

I got it working with Grafpup also by removing qt and gl, both already included in the iso.

I think if kmail was working it would be easy to create a K-Puppy that is pretty slim. Take out Mozilla, Sylpheed, Gaim, Beaver, Leafpad, and others in favor of the KDE apps and the iso could be under 100MB easily. As for usr_devx.sfs, I'm taking out qt from it for use with Grafpup anyway, so I could supply a version for use with KDE Puppy easily. That's a whole lot easier than trying to code your way out of the conflict.


#35 Post by bombay_rockers »

NathanF start kmail using xterm and then try sending the mail. you should be able to see the error that is causing it to crash, in the console window.

#36 Post by bombay_rockers »

nathans idea of doing away with the /usr/lib/qt in usr_devx.sfs is not bad either. after all how many apps are we compiling that require qt ?
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request to all kde testers

#37 Post by bombayrockers »

This is a request to all KDE testers that you test kde apps in the following manner

start console
start kde-app

keep looking at the console time and again at the console as you work with the app.

this way you would be able to look 'Listen the background messages'
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#38 Post by MU »

your old pup001 did not work, but your new one did.
So I suspect, there was another symbolic link somewhere in your old pup001.

So when you use usr_more.sfs, a directory was there as a folder.
But on the further bootprocess, the software installed in your pup001 replaced the folder from usr_more.sfs with a symbolic link.

Unionfs seems to be extremely critical in this regard.

You had mplayer from G2 installed.
It creates a folder /opt.
But "startkde" creates a symbolic link "/opt", pointing to /home/.opt.

This is another conflict, that might corrupt unionfs (not shure, just a guess).

I think we espectially will have to test the "/opt"-thingie.

If you got a working version now, but fear testing usr_devx.sfs, then simply backup your working pup001.
Then run with usr_devx.sfs.
If it messes your pup001, use the old backup again.

This way I tested the KDE-packages, slowly approaching a working version after some strange nonworking ones.

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#39 Post by bombayrockers »

MU i had reproduced the usr_devx & usr_more clash in a fresh pup file this morning with no other piece of software installed . so mplayer may be a cause but /usr/lib/qt is THE primary cause.

i will try the following now

remove /usr/lib/qt from usr_more.sfs and usr_devx.sfs and store it in /root/.usr
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Hi guys - writing from kpuppy

#40 Post by PeterSieg »

Hi. I installed in my 2nd machine (Ipaq 500Mhz 128M 4G):

1. puppy1.06rc - livecd with pup001 in /dev/hda1
2. xorg682c.pup+xorgrebootpatch.pup+de.tgz+xorg.conf for ipaq; rebooted.
3. kde*.pup + cp usr_more.sfs (kde) to /mnt/home. rebooted.

I now work in kde puppy (k-puppy) with 1280x1024...
surfing with mozilla; using sylpheed for email...

GREAT! Quite FAST too!

All I did during the day was just inside qemu - so VERY slow :(

I will wait until results of usr_devx.sfs without qt...
On the weekend I will probably try a hdd install with kde :)

Have fun :)
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