
Puppy related raves and general interest that doesn't fit anywhere else
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#1 Post by aahhaaa »

I was just introduced to Firefly on DVD. Seems like the most original SF since the original Star Trek.

Why am I always the last to know? :roll: It's already cancelled, I missed the movie, and that DVD is due out next month...
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#2 Post by Artie »

Have heard a lot of good things about this show and will buy it myself on DVD. With the prices on DVDs dropping it doesn't matter much if all the file sharing services are closed. Never used them anyway, too much hassle and you never new what quality you got.

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#3 Post by Rich »

Genius thing, Firefly.

It's a real shame it was cancelled after the first season too........left a lot of questions unanswered. The Movie - Serenity - is superb, and you don't even have to have seen the series to get it/enjoy it. Joss Whedon writes great things.....I always look out for his work .
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#4 Post by sunburnt »

Yep, with SG-1, Atlantis, & BattleStar (not much better than the original) all in reruns, FireFly was the only thing interesting that I hadn't watched to death.

It'd be nice if they started it up again, everyone blog the H out of them!
The show has a lot of room to explore plots that they never touched on.
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