Puppy 4.2

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#21 Post by HairyWill »

darrelljon wrote:I looked at the Mandriva Wiki and its looks a lot better. I would also like for Puppy documentation to be on general manual/how-to websites so people who haven't encountered Puppy or are casual users might contribute without having to register for a separate username and password.
Which particular aspects of the mandriva wiki do you particularly like. From a cursory glance I agree that it seems very welll organised.
I don't really understand why casual users would particularly want to contribute to the manual. Registering on puppylinux.org isn't hard and would seem sensible if you are serious about using puppy. There are many maal editors on the site and all regisered users can add comments to the manual pages for the editors to take action on.

I'm with pizzasgood and lobster on making small incremental changes and on rotating the "coordinator" or release engineer. I too am unwilling to commit to doing assigned tasks in a fixed timeframe. Many of us have formed small partnerships of people that we work well with on different projects. Bringing these different partneships to the front in different released may help to ensure that different releases bring improvements in different areas. ie
release 1 has a focus on multimedia
release 2 a new kernel
release 3 graphics and themeing
release 4 event handling
release 5 purely bug fixing
....by choosing a short fixed schedule
each leader has an oportunity to add a small number of features and benefits. A small number of features reduces the numer of intodued bugs. If they fail, stall or procrastinate they don't block puppy as a whole, they don't force some sort of leadership challege or forking the next cycle just moves on.
Another benefit to a short time scale is it is easier to commit for that period. For example I could probably get away with coordinating a release for 6 weeks without sacrificing my studies or risking divorce any long than that and puppy starts getting in the way of real life.

So ttuuxxx I would be happy to fully support you as coordinator for the 4.2 release on the understanding that the target time is 6-8 weeks, the number of changes will be focussed, limited, identified in advance (do one thing well) and that you step down afterwards and allow someone else to run the next release.

I would love to see both pizzasgood and dougal run releases as they too have released quality puplets in the past and have a very lng history of contributing to puppy. I wonder if Nathan F would like to have a crack too I don't know how much time grafpup takes these days.
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#22 Post by alienjeff »

ttuuxxx wrote:I would like to keep coordinating future versions. I do find it a bit odd to get everything working/up and running and then just say see ya, better luck to next guy trying to work it out, and then they have to start all over again. Like make contact with the developers etc, find how things are done, who does what, who wants to do what, whats left to fix from the last release etc. I bet the developers will say after the 4th or 5th person, ohhh nooo, not another "Hi my name is so and so,I'm the new coordinator what do you do for puppy?"
I personally think changing hands all the time would just waste a lot of time and repeat a lot of task and stop the streamline of future releases.
HairyWill wrote:So ttuuxxx I would be happy to fully support you as coordinator for the 4.2 release on the understanding that the target time is 6-8 weeks, the number of changes will be focussed, limited, identified in advance (do one thing well) and that you step down afterwards and allow someone else to run the next release.
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#23 Post by ttuuxxx »

HairyWill wrote:
darrelljon wrote:.

So ttuuxxx I would be happy to fully support you as coordinator for the 4.2 release on the understanding that the target time is 6-8 weeks, the number of changes will be focussed, limited, identified in advance (do one thing well) and that you step down afterwards and allow someone else to run the next release.
Well thanks for the support, I think, Its like your letting me in the door but can't wait to see me leave,LOL Just consider me as your in-laws visiting you, LOL
Seriously now I'll step down but really I would like to stay, If nobody at the time wants to take a shot at it or I might just let the developers take a vote on it, Heck who knows I might do a excellent job and they might just want to keep me around. I'm only around as long as I'm needed or wanted. As for your other points they are well taken, but I think Its time to Start on it and I'll toss some Ideas to the developers and let them vote on it as a community. First Line of business is starting a new thread.
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#24 Post by HairyWill »

ttuuxxx wrote:I might just let the developers take a vote on it
emphasis is mine, they might just vote without you letting them.

I'm just yanking your chain and reading my earlier post it comes across as a little harsh, its not like you need my support but I look forward to collaborating further with you.

I'm not sure how many people actually do development work towards a specific release Barry's management style generally precluded that approach. The other hurdle is that it is hard to commit to an application being included until after the application is written.
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pupweb.org and 2.xx development

#25 Post by raffy »

About the old site being useful:

1. No, they would not allow ssh access and that rules out the use of GIT in that site;

2. The old wiki is still there and people can put it to however it suits their needs: pupweb.org/wikka

I've been into minimalist systems and would likely continue work in pre-3.xx development, the way big_bass and amigo are working. If I remember right, this was one development direction led by economoney, but he's been silent for sometime.

Net-booting is a feature of the 2.16 release (that is valid with versions 2.13-2.16), so I hope that this part of development continues. Dougal and pakt have also worked in this area (in the development of 2.14R).
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#26 Post by Lobster »

Its like your letting me in the door

3.03 is your chance to show that 4.2 is possible.
The 3 series is a Slackware compatible Puppy community edition.

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 927#224927

Here is how the project started over a year ago:
http://puppylinux.org/community/puppy-c ... ntributors

Are you able to finish the project? Tronkel I know is busy with work.

That door is still open :)
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#27 Post by HairyWill »

I still don't really understand the model under which puppy linux will work after barry stops releasing.
The name Puppy Linux is Barry's. Either he gives it explicity to someone else (person or legal entity) or it makes no sense to use it. You can't have an official puppy linux without Barry's consent otherwise we could all fork and release our own official versions.

I was on holiday 2 months ago when this all kicked off. Weren't there a couple of people that put their names forward then? How did that end up? What was Barry's reaction?

As for an improvement, I would like to see the xorgwizard automated. At the very least there should be a timeout option that will boot straight to a default resolution.

Code: Select all

Display Setup
1. 1024x768 XVesa (default)
2. run xorgwizard to choose a resolution
You have 60 seconds to choose an option:
by doing that and remastering with an appropriate pkeys parameter the boot can become automatic.
Whilst we are at it there might as well be an option at boot to turn on automatic wired dhcp networking.
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#28 Post by big_bass »

hey all
and I do mean all
those that posted and those that will post

after quite a pause
I chose to post here again but choose to measure my words with care

1.) being herded is for cows * I hope someone else can spell that out clearer
I wont bog down any of my CPU cycles if you dont get it

2.) people that share interests form friends ,and many friends form groups
at no time are they ever forced to be led and they enjoy because they share something key word --share

3.) I always reserve a place in my mind to interested by a good Idea from someone else

4.) you can never have too many friends the good the bad and the ugly :lol:

everyone gets a piece of the puzzle
what makes life interesting is who has the next piece you need

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What I can do

#29 Post by jebaJQ8 »

jebaJQ8 is the name of the graphic artist - I could not remember

I have asked him and rastapix for logos

I made two kinds of logos.
"lite" and "h2g2".
Both are made easily.
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#30 Post by Lobster »

Thanks jebaJQ8

You are a star . . .

Placed them here :)
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#31 Post by Lobster »

Have now moved the site to the community website:
http://www.puppylinux.org/wiki/archives ... ep-thought
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#32 Post by Brandon »

I suppose my opinion isn't the most important. I haven't been around for a couple months, because I has trying other Linux Distros, to expand my knowledge, but I'm back again, and the minute 4.1 comes out, I'll be installing it, and you can expect a DCL 2009 in early 2009.
I think that any project that ever gets done needs a leader of some kind, maybe we elect them to run the project for a release and we have an election every couple months?
Also having 2 branches of Puppy, 3 and 4, maybe we should have a leader running each, and have them talk to make sure everything stays somewhat similar.
I don't want to see Puppy fall apart, but If it does, it means more cool lightweight, easy to use distros!
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#33 Post by Lobster »

Another logo, this from Rastapix
- who is also working on icons for 4.2 (given enough time - he is busy with work)

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#34 Post by ttuuxxx »

Hey lobster I went to http://www.puppylinux.org/wiki/archives ... ep-thought
and you actually said Use EZpup 4.1/4.2 Eyecandy as default WM
OH my God who voted a 17MB pet package to be the new eye candy standard, LOL man thats needs to be rethinked,
I think the better one is my last 4.0 lite icewm 2mb including 86 new icons that was compiled on 4.0 not 3.0 like ezpup 4.0 was. what about the size issues and complications that would bring?
P.s lobster when you mass email people about 4.2 could you included me in it also :) I like the wiki page you made up :)

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#35 Post by Lobster »

I would say that JWM is working OK (apparently not currently being developed) and Ezpup or IceWm 2Mb - which does sound more puppian - or even xfce is a matter of choice - so the WM is not a priority

As the info is on a wiki - please add your choice :)

Whoever is putting together 4.2 (4.1 is not out yet) will be able to make a more informed choice.
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Quote BarryK

#36 Post by Max Headroom »

Regarding upgrades of packages, including Xorg 7.4, ALSA, SANE, XINE, etc. ... well, perhaps that will be done for 4.2!

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#37 Post by eightbitz »

Maybe not the right place to say it...But I wanted to say I really appreciate the work you guys have put into this little OS. I've been a lurker of this forum for years and have been watching the progress from the sideline. I think puppy fits a niche for people whom like to tinker/experiment, and doesn't need all of the glam (or high system requirements) of Ubuntu/Vista and such.

On a side note I wonder if it's time to move to ICEWM as default.

Keep up the good work (maybe one day I'll start contributing myself) :D
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#38 Post by WhoDo »

ttuuxxx wrote:I think the better one is my last 4.0 lite icewm 2mb including 86 new icons that was compiled on 4.0
@ttuuxxx - I have another small project for you. I am of a mind to include IceWM as an alternative window manager in Puppy 4.2, perhaps preempting a change in 4.3 or or beyond for the default. For the moment, though, JWM will remain the default in 4.2 ... SO, what I would like to see is a seamless, easy, reliable system for switching between the two wm's that newbies can use from the menu at a single click. Are you up for that?

I know that we have had issues before in getting from IceWM back to JWM. RichardA (I think?) tried to integrate the change and had problems he couldn't resolve around restarting X etc. Such a system would be considered a usability add-on in Puppy 4.2 and I'm sure would be welcomed by proponents of both wm's. Waddayasay?
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#39 Post by MU »

The concept is easy.
Do not run from .xinitrc:

Instead, run:
exec puppywm $CURRENTWM

puppywm is such a script:

Code: Select all


$1 &

while [ 1 ]

sleep 10000

So instead of a windowmanager, the last instance is a endless script.
Now you can type in a rxvt:
killall jwm
icewm &

killall icewm
jwm &

This will not exit X, as X still executes the endless script.

These commands could be run from a script, that is accessable from the menu.
In Muppy, I used a more complicated approach, but if you want just 2 windowmanagers, such a simple solution will be better.
The only problem you might encounter, are timing problems, or problems to kill a WM.
Here is code to help you from Muppy (muppywmchooser):

To kill Icewm:

Code: Select all

	#killall icewm
	pid=`ps | grep " icewm " |grep -v grep | sed -e "s/^ *//" -e "s/ .*//"`
	kill $pid
	killall icewmtray
	sleep 2
To kill JWM:

Code: Select all

	# -- kill windowmanagers

	pid=`ps | grep " jwm " |grep -v muppywm|grep -v grep | sed -e "s/^ *//" -e "s/ .*//"`
	if [ "$pid" != "" ];then
		xmessage -bg orange -center -borderless -buttons "" "jwm shuts down, wait......" &
		#jwm needs a focus-change to continue, so build and destroy a second dummy-message
		xmessage -bg orange -center -borderless -buttons "" "jwm shuts down, wait......" &

		while [ "$pid" != "" ];do 
			pid=`ps | grep " jwm " |grep -v muppywm|grep -v grep | sed -e "s/^ *//" -e "s/ .*//"`
			kill $pid
			kill $dpid
		sleep 2
		kill $mpid


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#40 Post by WhoDo »

MU wrote:The concept is easy.
Do not run from .xinitrc:

Instead, run:
exec puppywm $CURRENTWM
Thanks, Mark. I'll give it a try. 8)
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