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Desktop Icons

#41 Post by tlchost »

I may not be using the correct terminology, but I would like to know how to:

1. Remove icons from the desktop without loosing the applications
2. Preferably move them from the desktop to another "folder" that
I can access from the desktop.



Hannover weather report

#42 Post by otropogo »

Googling on the location code in the configuration window of the Weather desklet on Muppy Live shows that it represents Hannover, Germany. But my attemps to discover other codes to change this location failed.

Where can one find the available locations and their codes? I did find a map of Europe on but couldn't use it to discover this. The "other maps" option didn't work, possibly because I didn't have all options for Opera enabled.

Has anyone succeeded with this, and if so, what settings are needed in the browser?
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#43 Post by MU »

Sage wrote:-sh: error while loading shared libraries: ope shared object file: No such file or directory
It should be in /usr/lib/.
Please boot from CD and verifiy, that it was copied to yur harddrive, or copy it over again.

Open a rox-filer window by clicking on one of the drive icons at bottom. (do not use the "files" icon, that would open PCManfm).
Drag an icon from the desktop to a folder.
Right-click he desktop icon, "file xxx" -> change icon" (or similar, I have the german one).
Now you see, what picture is assigned.
Do this too with the new icon, and drag that picture from another filerwindow or filemanager on it.
There is no esier way, because the Rox-Pinboard (Desktop) itself is not a folder, but a special thing defined by some XML files.

Go to
Enter your city there, and confirm.
This will show the weather for the city.
In your adressbar in the webbrowser, you can see the location code.
For New York, it is: ... search_reg
So the location code is:

I currently upload the english DVD version, that I have built, while I was sleeping.
It takes 4-5 hours to upload, I will inform you, when I come back from buying a CF-card in town. I also must get a new monitor, mine imploded.
I did not test it myself, so see it as experiment...
It also includes XaraLx, kraptor and songbird (there also will follow a goodies.sfs with these 3 programs).


#44 Post by otropogo »

MU wrote:...
Go to
Enter your city there, and confirm.
This will show the weather for the city.
In your adressbar in the webbrowser, you can see the location code.
For New York, it is: ... search_reg
So the location code is:
But...I'm in Canada. Have tried entering both " City, Country" and postal code (we don't use the same system as the US).

Could it be my brower settings are preventing the Country, City input from working?

Look forward to trying the DVD version, although I'm a bit bewildered by all of the features on the Muppy-Live desktop and having difficulty figuring out how to use them, especially all the desklet tabs in the taskbar.

I imagine jumping to Muppy-Live from Puppy Dingo as comparable to switching from operating a hangglider to piloting a 747. Having a cursor-on popup description, especially if linked to a help file, for each tab would be most helpful.

Don't know whether this is practical/possible for you to modify - but after choosing a location and size for the save file, it would be nice to be able to go back and change both if one has second thoughts, or at least to have a clear warning in the menu that once you make this choice, the only option left is no save at all...

I chose save to hdd, 512MB, then reconsidered and cancelled, intending to back up and select a smaller file, but Muppy just shut down with no save. I've done this before, but fairly rarely. To someone who has never done it, and has just configured Muppy extensively, it must be especially annoying.
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#45 Post by MU »

if I enter "toronto", it displays a list of 4 cities called like that.
I choose the one in Canada, and get:

So the code is CAXX0504.

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Muppy Mini

#46 Post by Dpup »

Tried Muppy Mini download this morning on my Eee 4G that works well with Pupeee b4. But Muppy appears to be missing the wifi drivers, video stuck at 640x480, and no audio.

Is there any easy way to take the required drivers from Pupeee b4 and put them into Muppy Mini?

Muppy Mini does work well with my Acer Laptop, and several desktop PC's and connects to WPA2 TKIP using ZyXEL USB wifi adapter.

Also downloaded Muppy Live, burned to DVD-R fine, quick test worked with desktop PC and WPA2 wifi.
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#47 Post by MU »

you would have to look in the eeepc thread, what they added to the eeepc puppy version.
If it has an intel graficscard, you could use a tool provided by Muppy, please read: /usr/sbin/915resolution.txt
If someone tells me, what specific drivers are required, I could create an, and also add those files to the next release.

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#48 Post by Sage »

It wasn't in /usr/lib.
It refused to copy. I even copied it to /tmp and tried to transfer it, but always got I/O error. I checked permissions, etc - even switched everything on r/w!
Nothing worked.
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#49 Post by MU »

sage, I'm puzzled.
Does it happen only with, so is that file might be broken on the CD?
Or does it happen with any file, so there is something wrong with the installed system?
I would run a filesystem check while you run the system booted from CD, like
fsck.ext3 -p /dev/hda1
You also can use MuppyQuickmount in the "file managers" menu, to run this check via mouseclick.

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#50 Post by Sage »

Oh dear - I don't like it when you're puzzled!!
Don't know, will look in detail tomorrow. More testing I need to do.
Many thanks for sticking with it.
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#51 Post by MU »

ok, bought a 8 GB CF card, huge enough for several tests.
I will test it tomorrow.

The english 2 GigaByte DVD is available for download, but as mentioned above, untested!

Let me know how it works, I cannot test it myself before weekend.

I suggest you download it like this (to hda5 for example):

cd /mnt/hda5
wget -c ... .4c-EN.iso

Then you can interrupt with CTRL-C, and continue with the same command again.


#52 Post by otropogo »

MU wrote:if I enter "toronto", it displays a list of 4 cities called like that.
I choose the one in Canada, and get:

So the code is CAXX0504.

OK. When I enter "Toronto" in the search field, after clicking on the "Lokale Vorhersagen" tab at , it goes straight to Toronto, Ontario. I guess it knows I'm calling from within Canada, and assumes that's what I'm looking for. There are actually at least 7 other Torontos in the US.

I notice the US codes indicate the state, so Spokane, Washington is USWA0422.

BTW- I tried "restarting" one of desklets and it disappeared. Is that normal, and how do you get it back?

Another strange thing. I'm typing this in Opera, default settings, with the display zoomed to 150%. I've tried three times to use the URL flags on, but the text doesn't display as a URL in the preview window.

I tried zooming back out to 100% and previewing again, but still the flags appear as text. I invoked them the standard way, highlighting the text and then clicking on the "URL" button.

I've left the flags in place to demonstrate.

PS> one thing I miss is the drop down menu that allows me to jump back several pages in the forum, rather than repeatedly using the back arrow. Does it exist in Opera?
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#53 Post by Lobster »

MU wrote:Dpup
If someone tells me, what specific drivers are required, I could create an, and also add those files to the next release.

This might help - maybe someone else can advise you better ... 928#161928

Dinki for example has got the bespoke atheros wifi driver working in Eeetiger

Another thing . . .
Rox? Does not seem to be in Muppy?
Puppy Raspup 8.2Final 8)
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#54 Post by otropogo »

MU wrote:...
The english 2 GigaByte DVD is available for download, but as mentioned above, untested!

Let me know how it works, I cannot test it myself before weekend.

Have downloaded and burned the English Muppy Live DVD. It passed md5sum, and I verified the burn.

Then I booted it and it loaded the save file I'd made for the Muppy LiveCD. This is what happened next:
Loading msy_84.sfs main file
Kernel panic - not syncing
Attempted to kill init.
The system was locked up, and I had to do a cold boot.

I tried again, using the puppy pfix=1 parameter to prevent the LiveCD save file from being used, but that didn't work.The save.2fs file was loaded again, with the same result...

Finally, I renamed the Muppy LiveCD save file and tried booting LiveDVD for the third time. This time it loaded.

It took quite a bit longer to load, and all of the icons automatically loaded by the LiveCD version were missing until I chose a desktop .

I chose JWM for simplicity/familiarity. And Opera loaded when I clicked on "internet". And here I am with it, updating my post to report eventual success in loading and running.

I'm running on a Dell Dimension 4300, 1.5GHz Pentium, 512 MB of PC133 RAM.

Chinese support in KDE Konquerer

#55 Post by otropogo »

While trying out Konquerer browser in KDE, I found an option for translating Chinese to English. But when I went to to try it out, I found that the Chinese text on the page didn't display.

So I installed Chinese fonts in (almost) the same way I had in Puppy 4.0, to the /usr/lib/X11/fonts/misc folder, logged out and opened the JWM desktop, and tried the page again.. I first tried with Opera (forgetting it's the default browser) and half of the characters displayed, my guess is, only the simplified ones.

When I switched back to KDE and revisited the site with Konquerer, the page was still completely unreadable. All of the coded characters in the text (as opposed to the imaged ones on the page) were represented by quartered squares, just as in Puppy/Seamonkey before installation of the Chinese fonts.

I then tried the combination of JWM Desktop and Seamonkey, as in Puppy, but again, only half of the characters displayed.

Now I've rebooted with Puppy 4.0 and accessed the site again with JWM/Seamonkey, and all of the characters on the page display properly.

It would seem the problem originates in Muppy, since the same desktop/browser combination that displays Chinese adequately in Puppy does not in Muppy.

So is it possible to view Chinese in the original in Konquerer, and if so, does one have to install separate fonts in different folders? And does this have to be repeated for each desktop/browser combination used in Muppy?

There's also the annoying situation of having to create new bookmarks and re-enter my forum username and password for every browser I try in Muppy LiveDVD. With KDE/Konquerer, there's the additional chore of having to enter the master password every time I log on.

Now there's a worthwhile challenge for a coder - create a password manager, browser history, and bookmarks file that can be accessed communally by all of the browsers in all of the desktop managers Muppy-LiveDVD offers.

NB: as demostrated above, the forum's URL tags don't work any better in Konquerer than they do in Opera. However, the CODE tags do work. And, as in Opera, the [INSERT] key doesn't close the browser as it does in Seamonkey when text is being entered in the forum.

More Kernel Panic! when Muppy LiveDVD loads its own 2fs file

#56 Post by otropogo »

I had thought my earlier experience of Muppy LiveDVD English refusing to load on my first two tries was due to some incompatibility with the existing msy_save.2fs file created by the Muppy LiveCD.

After renaming the file, and booting the LiveDVD cleanly, I thought no more about it, and when exiting, saved my configuration to a new msy_save-dvd.2fs.

But when I rebooted the LiveDVD, exactly the same thing happened after this file loaded as with the earlier one:

Code: Select all

Kernel panic - not syncing:
Attempted to kill init.
And the system halted, requiring a cold boot.


I think I'll wait until Mark irons out this bug before I go there again.

It's too much work to enter passwords, usernames, bookmarks, and desktop configuration tweaks for several desktop/browser combinations only to have to do it all over again every time you boot up.

Now if only a way could be devised to transfer the information in a Puppy 2fs file to a Muppy msy file.... After all, I believe Puppy 4 and Muppy are using the same Kernel.
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running mini muppy

#57 Post by recycler »

What a lot of work has gone into this!

It looks great and runs well. Like the clock and appreciate having hotpup. I'm pleased to say that VLC installed (pet from ttuuxxx) ok - Mplayer wan't very helpful when I tried to get it to look at an audio cd and I like VLC. It installed quickly and played a cd straight away. VLC doesn't work in a standard 3 series puppy so this is good...

Nice to have Opera. I noticed a greatly reduced (halved) memory load over the latest Firefox releases on my PII notebook. Mini Muppy ran pretty well on there but the fan came on a lot more than with ttuuxx's FH lite (75mb) release so I'll be sticking with that.

However, will carry on playing with Muppy on this Pentium IV desktop with 1gig of ram. It runs really well on here and I've just loaded up the games sfs :)

Thanks Mark. Great Puppy :)

edit - successfully installed pets for Firefox3, Picasa (ttuuxxx) and the gimp.
Last edited by recycler on Fri 19 Sep 2008, 22:58, edited 1 time in total.
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#58 Post by MUguest »

I made some tests.
I booted the english LiveDVD from a frugal installation.

I could not reproduce the error reported by otropogo.
But there were some issues, you must take care of.

First, it offered me to choose a savefile.
As I have 42 of them, i was offered the menu, to select one, and I chose "0 boot to ram".
Then I burned the Iso to a DVD with pburn, and rebooted.

To avoid, that it picks up a savefile, I started with the bootoption "puppy pfix=ram".
But: it searched for an existing msy_084.sfs on my harddrive, to speed up the bootprocess.
So it loaded an old alphaversion.
Luckily, my internal harddrive is a CF-card, so I powered down, and replaced it with my new, empty card.
I booted again from DVD. Now it started as expected. A bit slow, but usable for tests.
I now formatted my CF-card like this:
hda1 - ext2, 100 MB (I use it as bot partition)
hda2 - unformattted, 256 MB (for testing swap later)
hda3 - ext3, 7350 MB, for a full installation.

Now at shutdown, I was offered to create the savefile, and chose to create a 256 MB file on hda3.

At reboot, it was picked up as intended, everything worked fine.
I just had to restart X to see the desktop icons, maybe a small timing error.

Now I ran the universal installer.
Tip: click first on "diskfree" on the desktop, as copying 6 gigabyte can be slow, so you see the progress.
I chose to install to the internal IDE harddisk hda3.
When I chose to install to a CF card in an adapter, I was not offered the full installation, so I had to choose "IDE".

After half an hour, all files were copied, and grubinstall was executed.
I installed grub to hda1, my small boot partition.
On reboot, the kernel was not found.
I booted from DVD again, to check that.
It seems, the universal installer got confused by my multiple partition setup, or it is a different error.
It did not copy vmlinuz from DVD to the harddrive.
So I created /boot/ on hda3, and copied vmlinuz there.

Now I rebooted again from harddisk, and everything worked as expected.
In a consolewindow, I typed: "konqueror".
It took a moment, I could see how kbuildsycoca was generating the KDE-menu, then konqueror started.
I now write this message in it.

Now I take a bath, then I will do the same thing with the LiveCD.
I will try to burn it on a 800 Mb DVD.
This time, I will install to one single ext3 partition.

I keep you informed...

Last edited by MUguest on Fri 19 Sep 2008, 16:44, edited 3 times in total.
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#59 Post by MUguest »

I uploaded the buildsystem.

Note the readme.txt:
the locale- folders are created, while you build a muppy.
They contain (almost) all localization files, tat are deleted for the iso itself.
If you build a german iso, all locale files except german (and english as fallback) are deleted.
But with the new folder, you easily could create a "spanish" PET, if you create a pet from the spanish files only.

This would not localize all, but most applications.
NOT included yet are the localization files from glibc in /usr/lib/locale/ and some others, e.g. keyboard files..
I will upload them as seperate package later, so that you can add required files to a
I had removed them from the buildsystem, to keep the size of the Mini small.

I will start an extra thread about localizing Muppy in the localization forum then.

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#60 Post by MUguest »

To reduce the fan usage, you might stop some programs.
killall icedock
killall conky
Right-click the desklets in the taskbar - stop daemon.
Use as desktop a different one, like Icewm with lxpanel.

Maybe this solves it.

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