problem with monitor resolution

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problem with monitor resolution

#1 Post by Ketracel »

Hi, I've installed macpup foxy. Only thing is that after wards, I noticed that the screen is set at 800x600x16 or is supposed to be but it has a black margin all around it. That is to say, the whole screen on the laptop is not used. This is what I've noticed from the very first attempt to install macpup, even when I clicked on xorg before. how can I fix this?

-2- I would like to install celtx:
how do I do this?

-3- I would like to be able to add a usb wireless adapter so that it can connect to the internet at a starbucks or other wifi networks. how can I do this?

Thank you!
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#2 Post by Volsung »

1- What is the native resolution of your monitor? On LCD monitors this can happen if the current resolution is less than the native (15" monitors are usu. 1024x768, 17 and 19 " are usu. 1280x1024). If you are trying to view 800x600 sometimes rather than stretching the image it will show it and leave the rest of the screen alone. To do this you press Ctrl-alt-bkspace and type xorgwizard. Try using the native resolution. I could use some more information on that though to help diagnose.

2- Can't DL right now, but basically you put binaries in /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin and libraries in /usr/lib. When I see the contents of the tarball I can advise further.

3- In general you can just autoprobe the drivers using the option in the network wizard, else find out what chipset it uses and load the driver for it, or use the windows .inf driver via the NDISwrapper (located in network wizard).
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#3 Post by Ketracel »

thanks for your help - I fiddled around following your instructions and figured it out! i simply set it to higher than 800x600 :-)
thanks again!

2- why can't I download? or am I missing your meaning here?

3- woah! that flew over my head... could you please rephrase that for a *nix newbie?

thank you very much!!

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#4 Post by Volsung »

2- I was referring to me. I was going to give you more specific instructions. But the basic idea here is that when you open the archive, place the files inside into their corresponding folders (folders from the archive that are in a lib folder go in /lib. those in a bin folder go in /bin, etc)

3- When you open up the netwrok wizard, at the bottom there will be an option that says "autoload USB drivers" or similar. Push this and see if it works. Else, if you know the location of the windows driver you can push "Load Driver" and go to the more tab. Click on NDIS wrapper and browse to the location of the .INF file.
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